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湯鴻霄 ----院士,研究員

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2013-02-11  瀏覽次數(shù):175
核心提示:姓名: 湯鴻霄 性別:


姓名 湯鴻霄 性別:
職稱 院士,研究員 學歷
電話 0086-10-62849138 傳真: 0086-10-62923541
Email: tanghx@rcees.ac.cn 郵編: 100085
地址 北京海淀區(qū)雙清路18號



Monograph & Monograph Chapters
1. Chemical Fundamentals and Basic Principles for Water & Wastewater, Tang Hongxiao, Beijing:China Architecture & Building Press, 1st Edition, 1979. 2nd Edition, 1982.
2.Aquatic Chemistry: An Introduction Emphasizing Chemical Equilibria in Natural Waters(2nd Ed., W. Stumm, J. J. Morgan, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1981), Chinease Version, Tang Hongxiao,Beijing: Science Press, 1987.
3.Characteristics and the Pollution Control Technology of Aquatic Particulates and Persistent Organic Contaminants(in 2 Volumes),Tang Hongxiao, Qian Yi, Wen Xianghua et al, Beijing:China Environmental Science Press,1999.
4.Inorganic Polymer Flocculants (IPF): Principle, Technology and Apllication, Tang Hongxiao, Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2006.
Publications (Journal papers, selected)
1.Colloid-chemical aspects of coagulation and flocculation mechanism for turbid water treatment with alum, Tang Hongxiao, China Civil Engineering Journal, 1965, (1), 45-54,44, in Chinese.
2.Comments on the Water and Wastewater Chemistry,Tang Hongxiao, Chemistry online,1975,(1),26-30, in Chinese.
3.Application of polyalumiun flocculants in water treatment and their future outlook, Tang Hongxiao, Environmental Science, 1977, (1), 55-59, in Chinese.
4.Equilibrium of carbonic acid and the pH adjustment I, Tang Hongxiao, Environmental Science, 1979, (5),38-45.
5.Equilibrium of carbonic acid and the pH adjustment II, Tang Hongxiao, Environmental Science, 1979, (6),17-24.
6.Advances in Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, Tang Hongxiao, Informative materials on Environmental Sciences, 1980, (5), 1-5, in Chinese.
7.Adsorption Characteristics of cadmiun pollutants on the chinese clay minerals, Tang Hongxiao, Xue Hanbin, Lin Guozhen et al., Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 1981, 1(2), 140-155, in Chinese.
8.Formation and development of water pollution chemistry, Tang Hongxiao, Environmental Chemistry, 1982, 1(2), 93-101, in Chinese.
9.Study on multi-component adsorption model of aquatic sediments with a sequential chemical separation precedure, Tang Hongxiao, Xue Hanbin, Tian Baozhen, Dong Huiru, Lei Pengju, Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 1982, 2(4), 279-292, in Chinese.
10.The environmental loading capacity of heavy metal in aquatic systems, Tang Hongxiao, Environmental Sciences in China, 1985, 5(5), 38-43, in Chinese.
11.Colloidal and Interfacial Chemistry on Natural Aquatic Environments, Tang Hongxiao, Journal of Anhui University (Natural Sciences), Special issue of Colloidal and Interfacial Chemistry (No.27), 1987, 13-24, in Chinese.
12.The coagulating behaviors of Fe(III) polymeric species,I. Preformed polymers by base addition; II. Preformed polymers in various concentration, Tang Hong-xiao, W. Stumm, Water Research, 1987, 21 (1), 115-128.
13.Basic Studies of Inorganic Polymer Flocculants, Tang Hongxiao, Environmental Chemistry, 1990, 9(3), 1-12, in Chinese.
14.Modern Science and Technology for Water Quality Transformation, Tang Hongxiao, Environmental Chemistry, 1993, 12(5), 325-333, in Chinese.
15.Advances in Environmental Aquatic Quality Science—Particulates And Surface Complexation I, Tang Hongxiao, Advances in Environmental Science, 1993, 1(1), 25-41, in Chinese.
16. Advances in Environmental Aquatic Quality Science—Particulates And Surface Complexation II, Tang Hongxiao, Advances in Environmental Science, 1993, 1(2), 1-13, in Chinese.
17.Features and mechanism for coagulation-flocculation processes of polyaluminum chloride, Tang Hongxiao, Luan Zhaokun, J. of Environmental Science, 1995, 7(2), 204-211.
18.Water Resource and Water Quality Science and Technology,Tang Hongxiao, Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 1996. 16(1), 1-1, in Chinese.
19.The differences of behavior and mechanism between pre-polymeric inorganic flocculants and traditional coagulants, Tang Hongxiao, Luan Zhaokun, Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment, IV , ed. H. H. Hahn, Springer-Verlag , (1996, 9)
20.Some new knowledge about the Inorganic Polymer Flocculants, Tang Hongxiao, Industrial Water Treatment, 1997, 17(4), 1-5, in Chinese.
21.Advances in Inorganic Polymer Flocculant Science and Technology, Tang Hongxiao, Report on Water Treatment, 1997, (4), 36-43, in Chinese.
22.The Differences of Coagulating Behavior and Mechanism Between Preproduced Inorganic Polymeric And Traditional Coagulants, Tang Hongxiao, Luan Zhaokun, Environmental Chemistry, 1997, 16(6), 497-505, in Chinese.
23.Flocculation morphology for hydroxyl polymer of polyaluminum chloride, TangHongxiao, Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 1998,18 (1),1-10, in Chinese.
24. Composite inorganic polymer flocculants, H.X.Tang, Z.K.Luan, D.S.Wang, B.Y.Gao, Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment, V, eds. H.H.Hahn, E.Hoffman, H.Odegaard , Springer-Verlag , (1998, 9)
25.Surface complexation model for the heavy metal adsorption on natural sediment, Wen Xianghua, Du Qing, Tang Hongxiao, Environmental Science and Technology, 1998, 32(7), 870-875.
26.The electrochemical production of highly effective polyaluminum chloride, Guangjie Lu, Jiuhui Qu, Hongxiao Tang, Water Research, 1999, 33(3), 807-813.
27.The application of preliminary sediment quality criteria to metal contaimination in the Le An river, Liu Wenxin, Wang Zijian, Wen Xianghua, Tang Hongxiao, Environmental Pollution, 1999, 105, 355-366.
28.Use of the sediment quality triad to assess metal contamination in fresh water superficial sediments from the Le An river China, Liu Wenxin, Luan Zhaokun, Tang Hongxiao, Water Air and Soil Pollution, 1999, 113(1-4), 227-239.
29.Aquatic acidification sensitivity for regional environment: a multi-indicator evaluation approach, Li Jinhui, Tang Hongxiao, Bai Qingzhong, Nie Yongfeng, Luan Zhaokun, Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2000, 117(1-4), 251-261.
30.Application of surface coordination principle and modeling on aquatic micro-interfacial processes impacting the water quality, Tang Hongxiao, Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2000, 20(1), 2-9, in Chinese.
31.Aspects of Chemistry in Environmental Sciences:Some Chemical Hotspots in Environmental Water Qaality Sciences, Tang Hongxiao, Progress in Chemistry, 2000, 12(4), 415-422, in Chinese.
32.Particle speciation analysis of inorganic polymer flocculants: an examination by photon correlation spectroscopy, Dongsheng Wang, Hongxiao Tang, Fucang Cao, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2000, 166(1-3), 27-32.
33.Modified inorganic polymer flocculant-PFSi: Its preparation, characterization and coagulation behavior, Dongsheng Wang, Hongxiao Tang, Water Research, 2001, 35(14), 3418-3428
34.Recent developments of surface complexation models applied to environmental aquatic chemistry. Wenxin Liu, Hongxiao Tang, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2001, 434.13(4), 422
35.Relative importance of charge neutralization and precipitation on coagulation of kaolin with PACl: Effect of sulfate ion, Dongsheng Wang, Hongxiao Tang, John Gregory, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2002, 36(8), 1815-1820.
36.Adsorption of Fluoride Phosphate and Arsenate ions on a new type of ion exchange fiber, Liu Ruixia, Guo Jinlong, Tang Hongxiao, J. of Colloid and Interface Science, 2002, 248(2), 268-274.
37.Surface acid–base characteristics of natural manganese mineral particles, Liu Ruixia, Tang Hongxiao, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2002, 197(1-3), 47-54.
38.Calculation model of uniform media filtration capacity, Guo Jinlong, Wang Yili, Liu Ruixia, Tang Hongxiao, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2002, 201(1-3), 237-245.
39.Surface acid–base behaviors of Chinese loess, Chu Zhaosheng, Liu Wenxin, Tang Hongxiao et. al., Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2002, 252(2), 426–432.
40.Environmental Nano-Pollutants(ENP) and their micro-interfacial processes on the aquatic particles, Tang Hongxiao, Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2003, 23(2), 146-155, in Chinese.
41.Spectroscopic study on variations in illite surface properties after acid-base titration, Liu Wenxin, Coveney R. M., Tang Hongxiao, Journal of Environmetal Sciences, 2003, 15(4), 456-463.
42.Optimization of the separation and purification of Al13, Yi Xu, Dongsheng Wang, Hong Liu, Yiqiang Lu, Hongxiao Tang, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2003, 231(1-3), 1-9.
43.Characterization and photocatalytic activity of transition-metal-supported surface bond-conjugated TiO2/SiO2, Hu Chun, Tang Yuchao, Tang Hongxiao, Catalysis Today, 2004, 90(3/4), 325–330.
44.Speciation stability of inorganic polymer flocculant–PACl, Dongsheng Wang, Wei Sun, Yi Xu, Hongxiao Tang, John Gregory, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2004, 243(1-3), 1-10.
45.Kinetics study of aqueous sorption of phenanthrene to humic acids and sediments,Zhou Yanmei, Liu Ruixia, Tang Hongxiao, J. of Environmental Sciences, 2004, 16(3), 408-413.
46.Interaction of PACls with sulfate, Xu Yi, Wang Dong-sheng, Tang Hong-xiao, J. of Environmental Sciences, 2004, 16(3), 420-422.
47.Sorption interaction of phenanthrene with soil and sediment of different particle sizes and in various CaCl2 solutions. Yanmei Zhou, Ruixia Liu, Hongxiao Tang, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2004, 270(1), 37–46.
48.Coagulation of micro-polluted Pearl River water with IPF-PACls, Xu Yi, Sun Wei, Wang Dong-sheng, Tang Hong-xiao, J. of Environmental Sciences, 2004, 16(4), 585-588.
49.Effect of dye compounds on the adsorption of atrazine by natural sediment, Qing-Hui Tao, Hong-Xiao Tang, Chemosphere, 2004, 56, 31–38.
50.Sorption behavior of Atrazine onto natural sediments under various solution conditions, Qing-Hui Tao, Hong-Xiao Tang, Adsorption Science & Technology, 2004, 22(8), 639-652.
51.Environmental nanopollutants (ENP) and aquatic micro-interfacial processes,Hongxiao Tang, Dongsheng Wang, Xiaopeng Ge, Water Science & Technology, 2004, 50(12), 103-109.
52.Optimization of the concepts for polyaluminum species, Hongxiao Tang, Dongsheng Wang, Yi Xu, Chemical Water and Waste Water Treatment, VIII, Eds. H.H.Hahn, E.Hoffmann, H.Odegaard, IWA ( London 2004), pp. 139-149.
53.Environmental molecular sciences and environmental nano-technology, Tang Hongxiao, Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2005, 25(1), 1-4, in Chinese.
54.Phosphorus fractionation and bioavalability in Taihu lake (China) sediments, Zhou Aimin, Wang Dongsheng, Tang Hongxiao, J. of Environmental Sciences, 2005, 17(3), 384-388.
55.Phosphorus adsorption on natural sediments: Modeling and effects of pH and sediment composition, Aimin Zhou, Hongxiao Tang, Dongsheng Wang, Water Research, 2005, 39(7), 1245-1254.
56.AFM Study on the Adsorption and Aggregation Behavior of Dissolved Humic Substances on Mica. Xiao-peng GE, Yan-mei ZHOU, Chun-hua LÜ, Hong-xiao TANG. Science in China B, 2006, 49(3),256-266.
57.Quantitative Model of Coagulation with Inorganic Polymer Flocculant PACl: Application of the PCNM, Wang Dongsheng, Tang Hongxiao, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2006, 132(5), 434-441.
58.Effect of Surfactants at Low Concentrations on the Sorption of Atrazine by Natural Sediment, Tao, Qing Hui, Wang, Dong Sheng, Tang, Hong Xiao, Water Environment Research, 2006, 78(7), 653-660.
59.Separation and Purification of nano-Al13 by UF method, Huang Li, Wang Dongsheng, Tang Hongxiao, Wang Shuifeng, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2006, 275(1-3), 200-208.
60.Preparation and Characterization of organic polymer modified composite polyaluminum chloride, Shi baoyou, Tang Hongxiao, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2006, 18(2), 214-220.
61.Solubilization and desorption of methyl-parathion from porous media: a comparison of Hydroxypropyl-ß-cyclodextrin and two nonionic surfactants, Qingru Zeng, Hongxiao Tang, Bohan Liao, Toufen Zhong, Can Tang, Water Research, 2006, 40(7), 1351-1358.
62.Characteristics of simplified ferron colorimetric solution and its application in hydroxy-aluminum speciation, Chenghong Feng, Baoyou Shi, Dongsheng Wang, Guohong Li and Hongxiao Tang, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2006, 287(1-3), 203-211.
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