
《中國給水排水》2024年水環(huán)境保護與可持續(xù)發(fā)展大會暨 上海水業(yè)嘉年華
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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2018-02-09  瀏覽次數(shù):631
核心提示: 何春,中山大學環(huán)境科學與工程學院,教授,博士生導師
中國給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術(shù)與應用高級研討會(第十五屆)邀請函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會、工業(yè)污泥大會、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會)

中國給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術(shù)與應用高級研討會(第十五屆)邀請函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會、工業(yè)污泥大會、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會)

何春 [教授]


    何春,中山大學環(huán)境科學與工程學院,教授,博士生導師。2003年畢業(yè)于中山大學獲得環(huán)境科學博士學位,2003-2004年在香港理工大學土木與結(jié)構(gòu)工程系任研究助理,2004-2006年在日本國立產(chǎn)業(yè)技術(shù)綜合研究所任日本學術(shù)振興會JSPS研究員,2007年在香港理工大學土木與結(jié)構(gòu)工程系任研究助理,2008年在中山大學環(huán)境科學與工程學院任職。近年來主要從事環(huán)境污染控制和資源化等研究領(lǐng)域,先后主持國家自然科學基金、教育部留學回國人員科研基金、教育部高等學校博士學科點基金、中央高校基本科研基金、廣東省自然科學基金重大基礎(chǔ)研究培育項目、廣東省科技計劃等多項項目。在Environ. Sci. Technol. (SCI影響因子6.198), Advanced Functional Materials (SCI影響因子12.124), Adv. Mater. (SCI影響因子19.791), Applied Catalysis B (SCI影響因子9.446),  J. Hazard. Mater. (SCI影響因子6.065), J. Power Sources (SCI影響因子6.395),Carbon  (SCI影響因子6.337)等國際學術(shù)刊物發(fā)表SCI論文80余篇。申請中國專利10項,其中5項已授權(quán)。一些研究工作引起國際同行的重點關(guān)注,并作為Advanced Functional Materials封面論文。應Nova Science出版社邀請參編了“New Topics in Catalysis Research”等6部國外著作。多次應邀在國際學術(shù)大會上作學術(shù)報告,并且被Environ. Sci. Technol., Appl. Catal. B, Appl. Catal. A, Chemosphere, J. Hazard. Mater., Aquat. Geochem., Desalination, Sep. Purif. Technol.等國際學術(shù)期刊邀請為論文審稿人。




·  廣州大學城外環(huán)東路132號中山大學環(huán)境科學與工程學院

·  電話:+86-20-39332690

·  E-mail:hechun@mail.sysu.edu.cn



·  2003年畢業(yè)于中山大學獲環(huán)境科學博士學位

·  2003-2004年在香港理工大學土木與結(jié)構(gòu)工程系任研究助理

·  2004-2006年在日本國立產(chǎn)業(yè)技術(shù)研究所任日本學術(shù)振興會JSPS研究員

·  2007年1月至7月在香港理工大學土木與結(jié)構(gòu)工程系任研究助



·  2007年10月-2008年11月在華南理工大學化學與化工學院任教

·  2008年12月-至今在中山大學環(huán)境科學與工程學院任教


· 《環(huán)境工程》 
· 《環(huán)境工程概算》 
· 《環(huán)境化學》
· 《環(huán)境監(jiān)測與評價》 
· 《儀器分析》
· 《專業(yè)英語》


·  大氣污染控制與資源化技術(shù)

·  水污染深度處理與回用技術(shù)

·  環(huán)境催化理論和技術(shù)



·  清潔生產(chǎn)理論與技術(shù)


1.  國家自然科學基金面上項目(No.51578556, 2016-2019 ), 項目負責人。

2.  廣東省自然科學基金重大基礎(chǔ)研究培育項目(No. 2015A030308005, 2016-2019), 項目負責人。

3.  廣東省科技計劃項目 (No.2014A020216009, 2014-2016), 項目負責人。

4.  中央高;究蒲袠I(yè)務(wù)費環(huán)境領(lǐng)域項目群基金 (2013-2015), 項目負責人。

5.  國家自然科學基金面上項目 (No. 20877025, 2009-2011), 項目負責人。

6.  教育部留學回國人員科研基金項目 (2009-2011), 項目負責人。

7.  教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金 (No. 200805611015, 2009-2011), 項目負責人。

8.  廣東省自然科學基金項目(No. S2011010001836, 2011-2013), 項目負責人。

9.   國家自然科學基金 (No. 21273085, 2012-2015), 合作方項目負責人。

10. 中央高;究蒲袠I(yè)務(wù)費重點培育項目(2010-2012), 項目負責人。

11. 科技部中小企業(yè)創(chuàng)新基金(No. 10C26214414753, 2010-2012), 合作方項目負責人。

12. 廣州科技局科學技術(shù)項目(No. 2010Z2-C1009, 2010-2012), 合作方項目負責人。

13. 廣東省環(huán)境污染控制與修復技術(shù)重點實驗室開放基金 (2011.01-2012.12), 項目負責人。

14. 中山大學實驗室開放基金項目 (No. KF201129, 2011-2012), 項目負責人。

15. 中山大學實驗教學研究基金項目(No. YJ201029,2010-2011), 項目負責人。

16. 日本學術(shù)振興會博士后資助項目(No. P04568, 2004-2006), 項目負責人。

17. 廣東省自然科學基金面上項目 (No. 04011602, 2004-2007), 項目負責人。 






代表性著作(* 通訊聯(lián)系人)


[1]      He, C.*, Gong, Y.B., Li, S.Z., Hu, L.L., Yang, Y.C., Sun, L.P., Shu, D* (2014). Efficient electricity generation and degradation of organic pollutants in wastewater using Ag-BiOI photoactivated fuel cell, Chapter 9 in “Green Catalysts for Energy Transformation and Emission Control”, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, USA, 149-164,(Book Chapter).

[2]      He, C.*, Zhang, Q., Yang, J. L., Xu, Z.C., Shu, D., Shan, C., Zhu, L.F., Liao, W.C., Xiong, Y. (2012) Visible-light-induced activity of AgI-BiOI composites for removal of organic contaminants from water and wastewater, Chapter in “Green Nanotechnology and the Environment”, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (Book Chapter).

[3]      Sharma, V.K., Ma, J., He, C.Kim, H., Zboril. R. (2014). Ferrate(VI): A green molecule in odorous gas treatment, Chapter  in “Green Catalysts for Energy Transformation and Emission Control”, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, USA, 277-290 (Book Chapter).

[4]      Abou Asi, M., He C.*, Zhang, Q., Xu, Z.C., Yang, J.L., Zhu, L.F., Huang, Y.L., Xiong, Y., Shu, D. (2013) Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to hydrocarbons using carbon-based AgBr nanocomposites under visible light, Chapter 10 in “Green CO2: Advances in CO2 Utilization”, Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, pp. 243-258 (Book Chapter).

[5]      Sharma, V.K., He C. (2013) Recent advances in ferrites as visible light photocatalysts for remediation of contaminants in water, Chapter 4 in “Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World (ECSW)”, volume 3. Springer (Book Chapter).

[6]      He, C., Xiong, Y. and Zhu, X. H. (2007). Dependent-preparation characteristics and catalytic activity of two platinised TiO2 films towards the oxidation of organic pollutants, Chapter 2 in “New Topics in Catalysis Research”, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 33-49, 2007 (Book Chapter).


代表性論文(* 通訊聯(lián)系人)

[1]      He, C., Li, X.Z., Sharma, V.K., Li, S.Y. Elimination of sludge odor by oxidizing sulfur-containing compounds with ferrate(VI). Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43, 5890–5895.

[2]      He, C., Sasaki, T., Zhou, Y., Shimizu, Y., and Koshizaki, N. Surfactant-assisted preparation of a novel layered silver bromide-based inorganic/organic nanosheet by pulsed laser ablation in aqueous media. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2007, 17 (17), 3554-3561.

[3]      Zhou, Y., Kogiso, M., He, C., Shimizu, Y., Koshizaki, N. and Shimizu, T. Fluorescent Nanotubes Consisting of CdS-Embedded Bilayer Membranes of a Peptide Lipid, Adv. Mater. 2007, 19 (8): 1055-1058.

[4]      Xia, D.H., Hu, L.L., Tan, X.Q., He, C.*, Pan, W.Q., Yang, T.S., Huang, Y.L., Shu, D.*, Immobilization of self-stabilized plasmonic Ag-AgI on mesoporous Al2O3 for efficient purification of industrial waste gas with indoor LED illumination, Appl. Catal. B, 2016, 185: 295-306.

[5]      Tan, X.Q., Wan, Y.F., Huang, Y.J., He, C.*, Zhang, Z.L., He, Z.Y., Hu, L.L., Zeng, J.W., Shu, D.*. Three-dimensional MnO2 porous hollow microspheres for enhanced activity as ozonation catalysts in degradation of bisphenol AJ. Hazard. Mater. 2017, 321: 162-172.

[6]      Huang, Y.J., Xu, W.J., Hu, L.L., Zeng, J.W., He, C.*, Tan, X.Q., He, Z.Y.,Qiong Zhang, Shu, D.*. Combined adsorption and catalytic ozonation for removal of endocrine disrupting compounds over MWCNTs/Fe3Ocomposites, Catalysis Today 2017.

[7]      Zhong, J., Yi, F.Y. Gao, A.M., Shu, D.*, Huang, Y.L., Zhibo Li1, Weilie Zhu1He, C.*, Meng, T., Zhao, S.X.. Preparation of 3D Reduced Graphene Oxide/MnO2Nanocomposites through a Vacuum-Impregnation Method and Their Electrochemical Capacitive Behavior, ChemElectroChem, 2017, 4(5): 1088-1094.

[8]     Huang, Y.L., Cheng, H.H., Shu, D.*, Zhong, J., Song, X.N., Guo, Z.P., Gao, A.M., Hao, J.N., He, C.*, Yi, F.Y. MnO2- introduced - tunnels strategy for the preparation of nanotunnel   inserted hierarchical - porous carbon as electrode material for highperformance supercapacitors. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 320: 634–64.

[9]      Zeng, J.W., Hu, L.L., Tan, X.Q., He, C.*, He, Z.Y., Pan, W.Q., Hou, Y.H., Shu, D.*. Elimination of methyl mercaptan in ZVI-S2O82- system activated with in-situ generated ferrous ions from zero valent iron. Catalysis Today 2017, 281: 520–526.

[10]  Liao, Y.Q., Huang, Y.L., Shu, D.*, Zhong, Y.Y., Hao, J.N., He, C.*, Zhong, J., Song, X.N. Three-dimensional nitrogen-doped graphene hydrogels prepared via hydrothermal synthesis as high-performance supercapacitor materials. Electrochimica Acta 2016, 194: 136–142.

[11]  Hao, J.N., Shu, D.*, Guo, S.T., Gao, A.M., He, C.*, Zhong, Y.Y., Liao, Y.Q., Huang, Y.L., Zhong, J. Preparation of three-dimensional nitrogen-doped graphene layers by gas foaming method and its electrochemical capactive behavior. Electrochimica Acta 2016, 193: 293–301.

[12]  Zhong, Y.Y., Liao, Y.Q., Gao, A.M., Hao, J.N., Shu, D.*, Huang, Y.L., Zhong, J., He, C.*, Ronghua Zeng, R.H. Supercapacitive behavior of electrostatic self-assembly reduced graphene oxide/CoAl-layered double hydroxides nanocomposites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016, 669: 146-155.

[13]  Su, M.H., He, C., Shih, K.M. Facile synthesis of morphology and size-controlled α-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 nano-and microstructures by hydrothermal/solvothermal process: The roles of reaction medium and urea dose, Ceramics International, 2016, 42(13): pp 14793-14804.

[14]  Hao, J.N., Liao, Y.Q., Zhong, Y.Y., Shu, D.*, He, C.*, Guo, S.T. Huang, Y.L., Zhong, J., Hu, L.L. Three-dimensional graphene layers prepared by a gas-foaming method for supercapacitor applications, Carbon, 2015, 94: 879–887.

[15]  Xia, D.H., He, C.*, Hu, L.L., Yang, Y.C., Abou Asi, M. Simultaneous photocatalytic elimination of gaseous NO and SO2  in a BiOI/Al2O3-padded trickling scrubber under visible light. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2015, 279: 929-938.

[16]  Hu, L.L., Liao, Y., He, C.*, Pan, W.Q., Liu, S.K., Yang, Y.C., Li, S.Z., Sun, L.P. Enhanced dewaterability of sewage sludge with zero valent iron-activated persulfate oxidation system. Water Sci. Technol2015, 72: 245-251.

[17]  Hao, J.N., Zhong, Y.Y., Liao, Y.Q., Shu, D.*, Kang, Z.X. Zou, X.P., He, C.*, Guo, S.T. Face-to-face self-assembly graphene/MnO2 nanocomposites for supercapacitor applicationsusing electrochemically exfoliated graphene, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 167: 412-420.

[18]  Zou, X.P., Kang, Z.X. Shu, D.*, Liao, Y.Q., Gong, Y.B., He, C.*, Hao, J.N., Zhong, Y.Y Effects of carbon additives on the performance of negative electrode of lead-carbon battery, Electrochimica Acta. 2015, 151: 89-98.

[19]  Li, S.Z., He, C.*, Gong, Y.B., Yang, Y.C., Hu, L.L., Zhu, L.F.,  Shu, D. Recyclable CNTs/Fe3O4 magnetic nanocomposites as adsorbent to remove bisphenol A from water and regeneration, Chemical Engineering Journal. 2015, 260, 231–239.

[20]  Xiao, L., Xiong*, Y., Tian, S.H., He, C., Su, Q.X., Wen, Z.H. One-dimensional coordination supramolecular polymer [Cu(bipy)(SO4)]n as an adsorbent for adsorption and kinetic separation of anionic dyes Chemical Engineering Journal., 2015, 265: 157-163.

[21]  Cheng, H.H., Long, L., Shu, D.*,  Wu, J.Q., Gong, Y.B., He, C., Kang, Z.X., Zou, X.P. The supercapacitive behavior and excellent cycle stability of graphene/MnO2composite prepared by an electrostatic self-assembly process, Int. J. Hydrogen. Energy 2014, 39, 16151-16161.

[22]  Shu, D., Cheng, H.H., Lv, C.J., Abou Asi, M., Long, L., He, C.*, Zou, X.P., Kang, Z.X. Soft-template synthesis of vanadium oxynitride-carbon nanomaterials for supercapacitors, Int. J. Hydrogen. Energy. 2014, 39, 16139–16150.

[23]  Shu, D., Wu, J.Q., Gong, Y.B., Li, S.Z., Hu, L.L., Yang, Y.C., He, C.*, BiOI-based photoactivated fuel cell using refractory organic compounds as substrates to generate electricity, Catalysis Today, 2014, 13-20.

[24]  Yang, J.N., Li, S.Z., Gong, Y.B., He, C.*, Zhang, Q., Wu, J.Q., Liao, W.C., Shu, D., Tian, S.H. Preferential catalytic ozonation of p-nitrophenol by molecularly imprinted Fe3O4/SiO2 core-shell magnetic composites, Water Sci. Technol2014, 170-176.

[25]  Fang, Z.K., Li, S.Z., Gong, Y.B., Liao, W.C., Tian, S.H., Shan, C., He, C.*, Comparison of catalytic activity of carbon-based AgBr nanocomposites for conversion of CO2under visible light, J. Saudi Chem. Soc., 2014, 18, 299-307.

[26]  He, C., ZhouX.P., Gong, Y.B., Sun, Z.J.Y. Cao, Shu, D.*, Tian, S.H. Study on the Electrochemical Behavior of Nanostructure S-Doping Manganese Oxide as a Novel Supercapacitor Material. J. Nanosci. Nanotechno. 2014, 14, 7255-7260.

[27]  He, C.*, Yang, J.N., Zhu, L.F., Zhang, Q., Liao, W.C., Liu, S.K., Liao, Y., Abou Asi, M., Shu, D. pH-Dependent Degradation of Acid Orange II by Zero-Valent Iron in Presence of Oxygen, Separation and Purification Technology, 2013, 117: 59-68.

[28]  Abou Asi, M., Zhu, L.F., He, C.*, Sharma, V.K., Shu, D., Li, S.Z., Yang, J.N.,  Xiong, Y. Visible-light-harvesting reduction of CO2 to hydrocarbons with Ag@AgBr/CNT nanocomposites, Catalysis Today 2013, 216: 268– 275.

[29]  Yang, K., Peng, L.B., Shu, D.*, Lv, C.J., He, C.*, Long, L. Capacitive performance of a heteroatom-enriched activated carbon in concentrated sulfuric acid, J. Power Sources2013, 239: 553-560.

[30]  Kong, L.J., Xiong, Y., Tian, S.H., Luo, R.S., He, C., Huang, H.B. Preparation and characterization of a hierarchical porous char from sewage sludge with superior adsorption capacity for toluene by a new two-step pore-fabricating process. Bioresource Technology 2013, 146: 457–462.

[31]  Wang, X., Xiong, Y. *, Xie, T.Y., Sharma, V.K., Tu, Y.T., Yang, J.N., Tian, S.H.He, C.*, Separation and determination of degradation products from Acid Orange 7 in Fenton reaction by capillary electrophoresis/Capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection, Talanta. 2013, 111: 54-61.

[32]  Shu, D., Lv, C.J., Cheng, F.K., He, C.*, Yang, K., Nan, J.M. Long, L. Enhanced capacitance and rate capability of nanocrystalline VN as electrode materials for supercapacitors, Int. J. Electrochem. Sc. 2013, 8: 1209-1225.

[33]  Sun, Z.J.Shu, D.*, Lv, C.J., Zhang, Q., He, C.*, Tian, S.H. The fabrication and supercapacitive behavior of tetramethylammonium ion-intercalated MnOprepared by an exfoliation and self-assembly process. J. Alloys. Comp., 2013, 569: 136-143.

[34]  Su, M.H., He, C.*, Zhu, L.F., Sun, Z.J., Shan, C., Zhang, Q., Shu, D., Qiu, R.L., Xiong, Y. Enhanced adsorption and photocatalytic activity of BiOI-MWCNT composites towards organic pollutants in aqueous solution, J. Hazard. Mater. 2012, 229-230: 72-82.

[35]  Su, M.H., He C.*, Sharma, V.K., Abou Asi, M., Xia, D.H., Li, X.Z., Deng, H.Q. Meso-porous zinc ferrite nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, and, photocatalytic activity with H2O2/visible light, J. Hazard. Mater. 2012, 211-212, 95-103.

[36]  Zhu, L.F., He, C.*, Huang, Y.L., Xia, D.H., Su, M.H., Enhanced Photocatalytic disinfection of E. coli 8099 using Ag/BiOI composite under visible light irradiation. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2012, 91, 59-66.

[37]  Sun, Z.J. Shu, D. *, Chen, H.Y. He, C.*, Tang, S.Q., Zhang, J. Microstructure and supercapacitive properties of buserite-type manganese oxide, J. Power Sources 2012, 216, 425-433.

[38]  Sun, Z.J., Chen, H.Y., Shu, D.*, He, C.*, Tang, S.Q., Zhang, J., Supercapacitive behavior and high cycle stability of todorokite-type manganese oxide with large tunnel, J. Power Sources  2012, 203: 233-242.

[39]  Kong, L.J., Tina, S.H., He, C., Du, C.M., Xiong, Y. et al. Effect of waste wrapping paper fiber as “solid bridge” on physical characteristics of biomass pellets made from wood sawdust, Appl. Energ. 2012, 98, 33-39.

[40]  Qiu, R.L., Zhang, D.D., Diao, Z.H., Huang, X.F., He, C., Morel, J.L., Xiong, Y. Visible light induced photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) over polymer-sensitized TiO2 and its synergism with phenol oxidation. Water Res. 2012, 46: 2299-2306.

[41]  Abou Asi, M., He C.*, Su, M.H., Xia, D.H., Lin, L., Deng, H.Q., Xiong, Y., Qiu, R.L., Li, X.Z. Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to hydrocarbons using AgBr/TiO2nanocomposites under visible light. Catal. Today, 2011, 175(1): 256-263.

[42]  Xia, D.H., He, C.*, Zhu, L.F., Huang, Y.L., Dong, H.Y., Su, M.H., Abou Asi, M., Bian, D. A novel wet-scrubbing process using Fe(VI) for simultaneous removal of SO2 and NO. J. Environ. Monitor. 201113 (4), 864 - 870.

[43]  He, C.*Xia, D.H., Su, M.H., Huang, Y.L., Abou Asi, M., Shu, D., Takeshi Sasaki, Preparation of Layered Inorganic/Organic Nanocomposites by Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation of Ag in Liquids, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno., 2011, 11, 11162-11166.

[44]  Cheng, F.K., He, C., Shu, D., Chen, H.Y., Zhang, J., Tang, S.Q., Finlow, D. E. Preparation of Nanocrystalline VN by the melamine reduction of V2O5 xerogel and its supercapacitive behavior, Mater. Chem. Phys. 2011, 2011, 131: 268-273.

[45]  Zhang,Y.Y., He, C., Xiong, Y., Sharma, V.K., Coupling characteristics of membrane separation and heterogeneous Fenton-like catalysis towards degradation of organic pollutant. J. Chem. Tech. Biotech. 2011, 86: 1488–1494.

[46]  Zhang,Y.Y., He, C., Sharma, V.K., Xiong, Y. A coupling process of membrane separation and heterogeneous Fenton-like catalytic oxidation for treatment of acid orange II-containing wastewater. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2011, 80: 45-51.

[47]  Abou Asi, M., Zhu, L.F., He, C.*, Su, M.H., Xia, D.H., Deng, H.Q., Bian, D., Xiong, Y. Preparation and characterization of visible-light-driven AgBr/TiO2 towards CO2reduction into fuels. Progress in Environmental Science and Technology (Vol.3), Science Press Science Press USA Inc., pp. 192-197, 2011, ISBN 978-7-03-030935-8.

[48]  Xia, D.H., He, C.*, Dong, H.Y., Huang, Y.L., Zhu, L.F., Su, M.H., Abou Asi, M., Bian, D. Removal of gaseous SO2 and NO with ferrate wet-scrubber. Progress in Environmental Science and Technology (Vol.3), Science Press Science Press USA Inc., pp. 421-426, 2011, ISBN 978-7-03-030935-8.

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