斯坦福大學(xué)2020年全球2%高被引學(xué)者排名(全球環(huán)境工程領(lǐng)域排名第13位,c-score 4.3)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bUJrvurVVBbxSl9eFZRSHFif7tt30-5U/view
2019年Web of Science Group高被引學(xué)者(授予全球 0.1% 學(xué)者)。
PUBLICATION LIST (SCI IF = ScienceCitation Index Impact Factor)
h-index in SCI: 80
(1) S. Q. Zhang,Y. P. Li*, G. H. Huang, Y. K. Ding, and X. Yang, Developing a copula-basedinput-output method for analyzing energy-water nexus of Tajikistan, Energy (Elsevier),266, 126511(2023). (SCI IF = 8.857)
(2) Y. F. Luo, G.H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, Y. Yao, J. Huang, P. Zhang, S. J. Ren, and Z. X. Zhang,Removal of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) by MOF-derivedcarbons: A review, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 857, 159279 (2023). (SCI IF = 10.753)
(3) Z. Zhang, G.H. Huang*, J. Shen, S. G. Wang, and Y. P. Li, Development of iron-based biocharfor enhancing nitrate adsorption: effects of specific surface areas,electrostatic forces, and functional groups, Science of the TotalEnvironment (Elsevier), 856, 159037(2023). (SCI IF = 10.753)
(4) G. H. Cheng,G. H. Huang*, and C. Dong, Development of a macroscale distributedhydro-modeling method: Bayesian principal-monotonicity inference, Journal ofHydrology (Elsevier), 616, 128803(2023). (SCI IF = 6.708)
(5) G. H. Cheng*,G. H. Huang*, and C. Dong, Multifactorial principal-monotonicity inference formacro-scale distributed hydrologic modeling, Water Resources Research (AGU),58(6),e2021WR031370 (2022). (SCI IF = 6.160)
(6) Y. Y. Liu, G.H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, M. Y. Zhai, J. Y. Li, and X. J. Pan, Development of amulti-region blue/grey water management system - Application to the YangtzeRiver Economic Belt, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 380, 134924 (2022). (SCI IF = 11.073)
(7) W. H. Xu, Y.L. Xie*, D. H. Xia, L. Ji, and G. H. Huang, Visualizing invisible NOx emissionsand remodeling policy requirements within bidirectional supply-demand control, Journalof Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 380, 134915 (2022). (SCI IF = 11.072)
(8) S. C. Gao, G.H. Huang*, X. Y. Zhang, and D. C. Han, Small modular reactors enable thetransition to a low-carbon power system across Canada, Renewable andSustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), 169, 112905 (2022). (SCI IF = 16.799)
(9) K. L. Li, G.H. Huang*, S. Wang, S. Razavi, X. Y. Zhang, Development of a jointprobabilistic rainfall-runoff model for high-to-extreme flow projections underchanging climatic conditions, Water Resources Research (AGU), 58(6), e2021WR031557 (2022). (SCI IF =6.160)
(10) C. Lu, G. H.Huang*, X. Q. Wang, and F. Wang, Spatiotemporal heterogeneity in precipitationover China and their connections with large-scale climate oscillations - Amoisture budget perspective, Journal of Climate (American MeteorologicalSociety),35(16),5257-5281 (2022). (SCI IF = 5.380)
(11) X. L. Liang,L. Ji*, Y. L. Xie, and G. H. Huang, Economic-Environment-Energy (3E)objective-driven integrated municipal waste management under deep complexities– A novel multi-objective approach, Sustainable Cities and Society (Elsevier),87, 104190(2022). (SCI IF = 10.696)
(12) K. Zhao, G.H. Huang*, B. Luo, and Y. W. Wu, A factorial interval chance-constrained dietmodel for dairy farms under climate change: A case study for the Province ofSaskatchewan, Canada, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 360, 132059 (2022). (SCI IF = 11.072)
(13) Y. X. Xie, F.L. Kong, J. L. Zhang*, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and W. Q. Zhang, Medium- andLong-Term Planning of an Integrated Eco-Compensation System ConsideringEcological Water Demand under Uncertainty: A Case Study of Daguhe Watershed inChina, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (American Societyof Civil Engineers), 148(10),04022049 (2022). (SCI IF = 3.045)
(14) K. L. Li, G.H. Huang*, S. Wang, and S. Razavi, Development of a physics-informeddata-driven model for gaining insights into hydrological processes in irrigatedwatersheds, Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier), 613, 128323 (2022). (SCI IF = 6.708)
(15) T. N. Song,G. H. Huang*, and X. Q. Wang, Neglected spatiotemporal variations of modelbiases in ensemble-based climate projections, Geophysical Research Letters(AGU), 49(16),e2022GL098063 (2022). (SCI IF = 5.580)
(16) W. H. Xu, Y.L. Xie*, D. H. Xia, L. Ji, and G. H. Huang, Towards low-carbon domesticcirculation: Insights from the spatiotemporal variations and socioeconomicdeterminants of emissions embedded within cross-province trade in China, Journalof Environmental Management (Elsevier), 320, 115916 (2022). (SCI IF = 8.910)
(17) L., Ji*, Y.X. Wu, L. J. Sun, X. H. Zhao, X. Q. Wang, Y. L. Xie, J. H. Guo, and G. H.Huang*, Solar photovoltaics can help China fulfill a net-zero electricitysystem by 2050Â even facing climate change risks,Resources, Conservation &Recycling (Elsevier),186, 106596(2022). (SCI IF = 13.716)
(18) L. Ji, Y. X.Wu, Y. L. Xie, L. J. Sun, and G. H. Huang, An integrated framework forfeasibility analysis and optimal management of a neighborhood-scale energysystem with rooftop PV and waste-to-energy technologies, Energy forSustainable Development (Elsevier), 70, 78-92 (2022). (SCI IF = 5.655)
(19) L. Ji, Y. X.Wu, Y. Liu, L. J. Sun, Y. L. Xie, and G. H. Huang, Optimizing design andperformance assessment of a community-scale hybrid power system withdistributed renewable energy and flexible demand response, SustainableCities and Society (Elsevier), 84, 104042 (2022). (SCI IF = 10.696)
(20) X. J. Chen,Y. Q. Liu, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, R. F. Feng, Y. Yao, W. Huang, S. Q. Weng,Functional flax fiber with UV-induced switchable wettability for multipurposeoil-water separation, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering(Springer), 16(12), 153 (2022).(SCI IF = 4.357)
(21) X. L. Tian,G. H. Huang, Z. Y. Song, C. J. An*, and Z. K. Chen, Impact from the evolutionof private vehicle fleet composition on traffic related emissions in thesmall-medium automotive city, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier),840, 156657 (2022).(SCI IF = 7.963)
(22) M. N. Li, G.H. Huang*, X. J. Chen, J. N. Yin, P. Zhang, Y. Yao, J. Shen, Y. W. Wu, and J.Huang, Perspectives on environmental applications of hexagonal boron nitridenanomaterials, Nano Today (Elsevier), 44, 101486 (2022). (SCI IF = 20.722)
(23) B. Luo, G. H.Huang*, J. Y. Li, L. R. Liu, M. Y. Zhai, X. J. Pan, and K. Zhao, Sector-levelsocio-economic and environmental effects of large-scale hydropower initiatives- a multi-region multi-phase model for the Wudongde Hydropower Station, AppliedEnergy (Elsevier), 317, 119157(2022). (SCI IF = 9.746)
(24) Y. Cheng, L.Jin, Y. L. Pan, R. L. Bai, Y. Wei, and G. H. Huang, An improved fuzzy sortingalgorithm coupling bi-level programming for synergetic optimization ofagricultural water resources: A case study of Fujian Province, China,Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 312, 114946 (2022). (SCI IF = 6.789)
(25) X. G. Zheng,G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, X. Y. Zhang, and C. Lu, A stepwise clusteredindustrial waste gas management model, Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier), 347, 131253(2022). (SCI IF = 9.297)
(26) Y. P. Fu, G.H. Huang*, M. Y. Zhai, J. Y. Li, and X. J. Pan*, Water footprint analysis underdual pressures of carbon mitigation and trade barrier: a CGE-based study forYangtze River Economic Belt, Water Resources Research (AGU), 58(3), e2021WR029599 (2022). (SCI IF =5.240)
(27) Y. Ma, Y. P.Li*, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Zhang, Y. R. Liu, H. Wang, and Y. K. Ding, Planningwater-food-ecology nexus system under uncertainty: Tradeoffs and synergies inCentral Asia, Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier), 266, 107549 (2022). (SCI IF = 4.516)
(28) G. Y. Wang,Y. P. Li*, J. Liu, G. H. Huang, L. R. Chen, Y. J. Yang, and P. P. Gao, Atwo-phase factorial input-output model for analyzing CO2-emission reductionpathway and strategy from multiple perspectives – A case study of Fujianprovince, Energy (Elsevier), 248, 123615 (2022). (SCI IF = 7.147)
(29) L. Ji, Z. P.Liu, Y. X. Wu, and G. H. Huang, Techno-economic feasibility analysis ofoptimally sized a biomass/PV/DG hybrid system under different operation modesin the remote area, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments(Elsevier), 52,102117(2022). (SCI IF =5.353)
(30) T. N. Song,G. H. Huang*, G. Q. Wang, Y. P. Li, X. Q. Wang, C. Lu, and Z. Y. Shen, Bayesianmodel averaging of the RegCM temperature projections – a Canadian case study, Journalof Water and Climate Change (IWA), 13(2), 771-785 (2022). (SCI IF = 1.900)
(31) K. L. Li, G.H. Huang*, S. Wang, B. Baeze, and W. H. Xu, A stepwise clustered hydrologicalmodel for addressing the temporal autocorrelation of daily streamflows inirrigated watersheds, Water Resources Research (AGU), 58(2), e2021WR031065 (2022). (SCI IF = 5.240)
(32) T. S. Wang,J. L. Zhang*, Y. Li*, X. M. Xu, Y. P. Li, X. T. Zeng, G. H. Huang, and P. Y.Lin, Optimal design of two-dimensional water trading based on risk aversion forsustainable development of Daguhe watershed, China, Journal of EnvironmentalManagement (Elsevier), 309, 114679(2022). (SCI IF = 6.789)
(33) X. Y. Zhang,G. H. Huang*, Y. L. Xie, L. R. Liu and T. N. Song, A coupled non-deterministicoptimization and mixed-level factorial analysis model for power generationexpansion planning – A case study of Jing-Jin-Ji metropolitan region, China, AppliedEnergy (Elsevier), 311, 118621(2022). (SCI IF = 9.746)
(34) D. C. Han, G.H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, M. Y. Zhai, Y. P. Fu, S. C . Gao, J. Y. Li, and X. J.Pan, Unveiling direct and indirect impacts of the Three Gorges Project forsupporting synergistic water-power management, Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier), 338, 130547(2022). (SCI IF = 9.297)
(35) X. Y. Zhang,G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, and K. L. Li, Development of a stochastic multistagelifecycle programming model for electric power system planning – a case studyfor the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada, Renewable and Sustainable EnergyReviews (Elsevier), 158, 112044(2022). (SCI IF = 14.982)
(36) D. C. Han, G.H. Huang*, X. Y. Zhang, J. P. Chen, and S. C. Gao, A multi-stochastic SMRsiting model applied to the province of Saskatchewan, Canada: Emphasis ontechnological competition and policy impacts, Resources, Conservation &Recycling (Elsevier), 178, 106059(2022). (SCI IF = 10.204)
(37) J. N. Yin, G.H. Huang*, C. J. An, and R. F. Feng, Nanocellulose enhances the dispersion andtoxicity of ZnO NPs to green algae Eremosphaera viridis, EnvironmentalScience: Nano (The Royal Society of Chemistry), 9(1), 393-405 (2022). (SCI IF = 8.131)
(38) C. Y. Tian,G. H. Huang*, J. Piwowar, S. C. Yeh, Chen Lu, R. X. Duan, and J. Y. Ren,Stochastic RCM-driven cooling and heating energy demand analysis forresidential building, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier),153, 111764(2022). (SCI IF = 14.982)
(39) C. Zhang, G.H. Huang*, D. H. Yan, H. Wang, G. M. Zeng, S. Y. Wang, and Y. P. Li, Analysisof South American climate and teleconnection indices, Journal of ContaminantHydrology (Elsevier), 244, 103915 (2022).(SCI IF = 3.188)
(40) Y. Y. Liu, G.H. Huang*, J. P. Chen, X. Y. Zhang, X. G. Zheng, and M. Y. Zhai, Development ofan optimization-aided small modular reactor siting model - a case study ofSaskatchewan, Canada, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 305, 117867 (2022). (SCI IF = 9.746)
(41) X. Y. Zhang,G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, T. N. Song, and M. Y. Zhai, Development of anSMR-induced environmental input-output analysis model - Application toSaskatchewan, Canada, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 806(Part 1), 150297 (2022). (SCI IF =7.963)
(42) X. J. Chen,G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, R. F. Feng, Y. H. Wu, and C. Huang, Superwettingpolyethersulfone membrane functionalized with ZrO2 nanoparticles for polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbon removal, Journal of Materials Science & Technology(Elsevier), 98, 14-25 (2022).(SCI IF = 8.067)
(43) Z. X. Zheng,L. Ji, Y. L. Xie, G. H. Huang, and J. H. Pan, Synergic management of cropplanting structure and biomass utilization pathways under a food-energy-waternexus perspective, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 335, 130314 (2022). (SCI IF = 9.297)
(44) Q. Zhang, Y. P. Li*, G. H. Huang, H.Wang, Y. F. Li, Y. R. Liu, Z. Y. Shen, A novel statistical downscaling approachfor analyzing daily precipitation and extremes under the impact of climatechange: Application to an arid region, Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier), 615, 128730 (2022). (SCI IF = 6.708)
(45) Y. F. Luan,G. H. Huang*, G. H. Zheng, and Y. E. Wang, Correlation between spatio-temporalevolution of habitat quality and human activity intensity in typical mountaincities: A case study of Guiyang City, China, International Journal ofEnvironmental Research and Public Health (MDPI), 19(21), 14294 (2022). (SCI IF = 4.614)
(46) J. W. Gong,Y. P. Li*, G. H. Huang, and Y. F. Li, Interval-parameter bi-level programmingfor energy system management under uncertainty: Towards a deep-decarbonized andsustainable future in China, Sustainable Cities and Society (Elsevier), 87, 104258 (2022). (SCI IF = 10.696)
(47) B. Y. Zhou,Y. P. Li*, G. H. Huang, J. Lv, Y. F. Li, Z. Y. Shen, and Y. Liu, Assessing distributedsolar power generation potential under multi-GCMs: A factorial-analysis-basedrandom forest method, Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (ACS), 10(38), 12588–12601 (2022). (SCI IF =9.224)
(48) J. Z. Li,G.H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, J. P. Chen, and C. Y. He, Development of a multi-regionpower system risk management model for supporting China's carbon neutrality, Earth'sFuture (AGU), 10(9),e2021EF002230 (2022). (SCI IF = 8.850)
(49) Y. Ji, W.Sun, Y. Liu, Q. L. Liu, J. Sun, G. H. Huang, and J. Zhao*, Inexactfuzzy-flexible left-hand-side chance-constrained programming for agriculturalnonpoint-source water quality management, Science of the Total Environment(Elsevier), 854, 158565(2022). (SCI IF = 10.753)
(50) J. Y. Ren, G.H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, X. Zhou, C. Lu, and R. X. Duan, Stepwise-clusteredheatwave downscaling and projection for Guangdong Province, InternationalJournal of Climatology (Wiley), 42(5), 2835-2860 (2022). (SCI IF = 3.928)
(51) X. Yang, Y.P. Li*, G. H. Huang, and S. Q. Zhang, Analyzing spatial–temporal change ofmultivariate drought risk based on Bayesian copula: Application to the BalkhashLake basin, Theoretical and Applied Climatology (Springer), 149, 787-804 (2022). (SCI IF = 3.409)
(52) J. Z. Li, G.H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, L. R. Liu, and B. Y. Zheng, Decoupling degrees of China'seconomic growth from three-perspective carbon emissions, Journal of CleanerProduction (Elsevier), 368, 133209(2022). (SCI IF =11.072)
(53) Y. Liang, G.H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, Y. Yao, X. Y. Xin, X. Li, J. N. Yin, S. C. Gao, Y. W. Wu,X. J. Chen, and R. F. Feng, Photocatalytic disinfection for point-of-use watertreatment using Ti3+ self-doping TiO2 nanoparticle decorated ceramic diskfilter, Environmental Research (Elsevier), 212 Part E, 113602 (2022). (SCI IF =6.498)
(54) X. Y. Li, G.H. Huang*, S. G. Wang, Y. P. Li, X. Y. Zhang, and X. Zhou, An intervaltwo-stage fuzzy fractional programming model for planning water resourcesmanagement in the coastal region – a case study of Shenzhen, China, EnvironmentalPollution (Elsevier), 306, 119343(2022). (SCI IF = 8.071)
(55) F. Wang, G.H. Huang*, Y. R. Fan, and Y. P. Li, Development of a disaggregated multi-levelfactorial hydrologic data assimilation model, Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier),610, 127802(2022). (SCI IF = 5.722)
(56) X. Li, G. H.Huang*, Y. P. Li, X. J. Chen, Y. Yao, Y. Liang, J. Huang, K. Zhao, and J. N.Yin, Low-cost ceramic disk filters coated with graphitic carbon nitride(g-C3N4) for drinking water disinfection and purification, Separation andPurification Technology (Elsevier), 292, 120999 (2022). (SCI IF = 7.312)
(57) Y. X. Zhou,Y. P. Li*, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Zhang, and Y. Ma, A fixed-mix stochasticfractional programming method for optimizing agricultural irrigation andhydropower generation in Central Asia, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology(Elsevier), 248, 104004(2022). (SCI IF = 3.188)
(58) Y. K. Ding,Y. P. Li*, H. Zheng, Y. Ma, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Li, and Z. Y. Shen, Mappingwater, energy and carbon footprints along urban agglomeration supply chains, Earth’sFuture (AGU), 10(4),e2021EF002225 (2022). (SCI IF = 7.500)
(59) F. Wang, G.H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Cheng, Development of a stepwise-clusteredmulti-catchment hydrological model for quantifying interactions in regionalclimate-runoff relationships, Water Resources Research (AGU), 58(3), e2021WR030035 (2022). (SCI IF =5.240)
(60) J. Lv, Y. P.Li*, G. H. Huang, Y. K. Ding, X. Li, and Y. Li, Planning energy economy andeco-environment nexus system under uncertainty: A copula-based stochasticmulti-level programming method, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 312, 118736 (2022). (SCI IF = 9.746)
(61) X. Yang, Y.P. Li*, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Li, Y. R. Liu, and X. Zhou, Development of amulti-GCMs Bayesian copula method for assessing multivariate drought risk underclimate change: A case study of the Aral Sea basin, Catena (Elsevier), 212, 106048 (2022). (SCI IF = 5.198)
(62) M. S. Liang,G. H. Huang*, J. P. Chen, and Y. P. Li, Development of non-deterministicenergy-water-carbon nexus planning model: A case study of Shanghai, China, Energy(Elsevier), 246, 123300(2022). (SCI IF = 7.147)
(63) X. Yang, Y.P. Li*, and G. H. Huang, A maximum entropy copula-based frequency analysismethod for assessing bivariate drought risk: a case study of the Kaidu RiverBasin, Journal of Water and Climate Change (IWA), 13(1), 175-189 (2022). (SCI IF = 1.900)
(64) X. Yang, Y.P. Li*, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Li, Y. R. Liu, and X. Zhou, Development of amulti-GCMs Bayesian copula method for assessing multivariate drought risk underclimate change: A case study of the Aral Sea basin, Catena (Elsevier), 212, 106048 (2022). (SCI IF = 5.198)
(65) P. P. Wang,Y. P. Li*, G. H. Huang*, and S. G. Wang, A multivariate statisticalinput-output model for analyzing water-carbon nexus system from multipleperspectives - Jing-Jin-Ji region, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 310, 118560 (2022). (SCI IF = 9.746)
(66) B. Y. Zheng,G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, J. Z. Li, and Y. Li, A stepwise emission clusteringanalysis method for analyzing the effects of heavy metal emissions frommultiple income groups, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 812, 152472 (2022). (SCI IF = 7.963)
(67) M. S. Liang,G. H. Huang*, J. P. Chen, and Y. P. Li, Energy-water-carbon nexus systemplanning: A case study of Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, China, AppliedEnergy (Elsevier), 308, 118144(2022). (SCI IF = 9.746)
(68) C. Liu, G. H. Huang*, P. Song, C. J.An, P. Zhang, J. Shen, K. Zhao, W. Huang, Y. Xu, and R. B. Zheng, Treatment ofdecentralized low-strength livestock wastewater using microcurrent-assistedmulti-soil-layering systems: performance assessment and microbial analysis, Chemosphere(Elsevier), 294, 133536(2022). (SCI IF = 7.086)
(69) Y. R. Liu, Y.P. Li*, Y. Ma, G. H. Huang, and X. Zhou, Analyzing extreme precipitation andtemperature in Central Asia as well as quantifying their main and interactiveeffects under multiple uncertainties, Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier), 607, 127469 (2022). (SCI IF = 5.722)
(70) J. W. Gong,Y. P. Li*, J. Lv, G. H. Huang, C. Suo, and P. P. Gao, Development of anintegrated bi-level model for China’s multi-regional energy system planningunder uncertainty, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 308, 118299 (2022). (SCI IF = 9.746)
(71) Y. Liang, G.H. Huang*, X. Y. Xin, Y. P. Li, Y. Yao, J. N. Yin, X. Li, Y. W. Wu, and S. C.Gao, Black titanium dioxide nanomaterials forphotocatalytic removal of pollutants: A review, Journal of MaterialsScience & Technology (Elsevier), 243, 239-262 (2022). (SCI IF = 8.067)
(72) Z. X. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li,X. J. Chen, Y. Yao, S. J. Ren, M. N. Li, Y. W. Wu, and C. J. An, Electrically conductive inorganicmembranes: A review on principles, characteristics, and applications, ChemicalEngineering Journal (Elsevier), 427, Article 131987 (2022). (SCI IF =13.273)
(73) R. J. Hao, G.H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, Y. P. Li, J. Z. Li, and M. Y. Zhai, Sustainableconjunctive water management model for alleviating water shortage, Journalof Environmental Management (Elsevier), 304, 114243 (2022). (SCI IF = 6.789)
(74) X. J. Lin, G. H. Huang*, G. Q. Wang,D. H. Yan, and X. Zhou, Risk assessment of dam-breach flood under extreme stormevents, Frontiers in Environmental Science (Frontiers Media S.A.), 9, 742901 (2021). (SCI IF = 4.581)
(75) K. L. Li, G.H. Huang*, X. Y. Zhang, Chen Lu, and S. Wang, Temporal and spatial changes ofmonthly vegetation growth in the ancient Yellow River irrigation system, China,Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (Elsevier), 243, 103911 (2021). (SCI IF = 3.188)
(76) C. Y. Tian,G. H. Huang*, Y. L. Liu, D. H. Yan, F. Wang, and R. X. Duan, Long-term maximumand minimum temperature projections over Metro Vancouver, Canada, Frontiersin Earth Science (Frontiers Media S.A.), 9, 742840 (2021). (SCI IF = 3.498)
(77) G. H. Cheng,G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Guo, B. W. Baetz, C. Dong, Stochastic rainwater harvestingsystem modeling under random rainfall features and variable water demands, WaterResources Research (AGU), 57(10),e2021WR029731 (2021). (SCI IF = 5.240)
(78) J. Huang, G.H. Huang*, X. Y. Xin, D. Halstead, K. Gaetz, L. Benmerrouche, Y. W. Wu, N.Wang, Y. P. Fu, and J. B. Zhang, Characterization of canola growth and in-vivoelement fate in Canadian prairie under the interferences of tillage and residuetreatment, and adsorption characteristics in the removal of sulfonamideantibiotics by carbonaceous materials, Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier), 320, 128707(2021). (SCI IF = 9.297)
(79) Y. F. Shen,L. Ji, Y. L. Xie, G. H. Huang, X. Li, and L. C. Huang, Research landscape andhot topics of rooftop PV: a bibliometric and network analysis, Energy andBuildings (Elsevier), 251,111333 (2021). (SCI IF = 5.879)
(80) J. Shen, G.H. Huang*, C. J. An, Y. Yao, P. Zhang, X. Y. Xin and S. Rosendahl, Long-term effects of TBBPA-contaminated pyrogenic organicmatters under the abiotic aging: insights on immobilization capacity, surfacefunctionality correlation, and phytotoxicity to thinopyrum ponticum, EnvironmentalScience Nano (The Royal Society of Chemistry),8(7), 1896–1909 (2021). (SCI IF =7.683)
(81) C. Lu, G. H.Huang*, G. Q. Wang, J. Y. Zhang, X. Q. Wang, and T. N. Song, Long-termprojection of water cycle changes over China using the RegCM, Remote Sensing(MDPI), 13(19), 3832(2021). (SCI IF = 4.848)
(82) Y. Y. Liu, G.H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, M. Y. Zhai, X. Y. Zhang, and X. G. Zheng, A distributivemulti-phase waste management model for analyzing synergistic emissionmitigation policies - A Chinese case study, Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier), 323, 129153(2021). (SCI IF = 9.297)
(83) X. Y. Xin, G.H. Huang*, D. Halstead, K. Gaetz, L. Benmerrouche, J. Huang, Y. W. Wu, Y. P.Fu, and N. Wang, The optimization of canola crop production through wheatresidue management within a western Canadian context-A case study ofSaint-Front, Saskatchewan, Sustainability (MDPI), 13(18), 10459 (2021). (SCI IF = 3.251)
(84) K. L. Li, G.H. Huang*, and B. Baetz, Development of a Wilks feature importance method withimproved variable rankings for supporting hydrological inference and modelling,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (EGU),25(9), 4847-4966 (2021). (SCIIF = 5.748)
(85) C. Dong, G.H. Huang*, and G. H. Cheng*, Offshore wind can power Canada, Energy(Elsevier), 236, Article121422 (2021). (SCIIF = 7.147)
(86) B. Luo, G. H.Huang*, Y. Yao, C. J. An, P. Zhang, and K. Zhao, Investigation into theinfluencing factors and adsorption characteristics in the removal ofsulfonamide antibiotics by carbonaceous materials, Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier), 319, Article128692 (2021). (SCI IF = 9.297)
(87) W. H. Xu, Y.L. Xie, D. H. Xia, L. Ji, and G. H. Huang, A multi-sectoral decomposition anddecoupling analysis of carbon emissions in Guangdong province, China, Journalof Environmental Management (Elsevier), 298, Article 113485 (2021). (SCI IF =6.789)
(88) Z. W. Luo, Y.L. Xie, Y. P. Cai, Z. F. Yang, and G. H. Huang, Regional agricultural waterresources management with respect to fuzzy return and energy constraint underuncertainty: An integrated optimization approach, Journal of ContaminantHydrology (Elsevier), 242, Article103863 (2021). (SCI IF = 3.188)
(89) X. J. Chen,G. H. Huang*, S. C. Gao, and Y. H. Wu, Effects ofpermafrost degradation on global microplastic cycling under climate change,Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (Elsevier), 9(5), Article106000 (2021). (SCI IF =5.909)
(90) X. J. Chen,G. H. Huang*, and D. D. Dionysiou, Editorial overview: Emissions ofmicroplastics and their control in the environment, ASCE's Journal ofEnvironmental Engineering (ASCE), 147(9), Article01821002 (2021). (SCI IF = 1.750)
(91) X. G. Zheng,G. H. Huang*, J. Y. Li, L. R. Liu, X. Y. Zhang, and X. J. Pan, A factorialemission-focused general equilibrium model for investigating composite effectsof multiple environmental policies, Water Research (Elsevier), 201, Article 117336 (2021). (SCI IF =9.130)
(92) B. Luo, G. H.Huang*, Jiapei Chen, X. Y. Zhang, and K. Zhao, A chance-constrained smallmodular reactor siting model -- a case study for the Province of Saskatchewan,Canada, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), 148, Article 111320 (2021). (SCI IF =12.110)
(93) C. Lu, G. H.Huang*, X. Q. Wang, and L. R. Liu, Ensemble projection ofcity-level temperature extremes with stepwise cluster analysis, ClimateDynamics (Springer), 56, 3313-3335 (2021).(SCI IF = 4.486)
(94) L. Cui, Y.Xu, L. Xu, and G. H. Huang, Wind farm location special optimization based onGrid GIS and Choquet fuzzy integral method in Dalian City, China, Energies(MDPI), 14(9), 2454(2021). (SCI IF= 2.707)
(95) M. M. Hu, Y.F. Wang, S. Wang, M. Y. Jiao, G. H. Huang, and B. C. Xia, Spatial-temporalheterogeneity of air pollution and its relationship with meteorological factorsin the Pearl River Delta, China, Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier), 254, Article 118415 (2021). (SCI IF =4.039)
(96) X. Y. Xin, G.H. Huang*, B. Y. Zhang*, and Y. Zhou, Trophic transferpotential of nTiO2, nZnO, and triclosan in an algae-algae eatingfish food chain, Aquatic Toxicology (Elsevier), 235, Article 105824 (2021). (SCI IF =4.344)
(97) D. C. Han, G.H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, M. Y. Zhai, and S. C. Gao, Multi-regional industrialwastewater metabolism analysis for the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China, EnvironmentalPollution (Elsevier), 284, Article117118 (2021). (SCI IF = 6.792)
(98) H. W. Li, G.H. Huang, Y. P. Li, J. Sun, and P. P. Gao, A C-vine copula-based quantileregression method for streamflow forecasting in Xiangxi River basin, China,Sustainability (MDPI), 13(9), 4627(2021). (SCI IF = 2.576)
(99) Y. R. Shi, G.H. Huang, C. J. An, Y. Zhou, and J. N. Yin, Assessment of regional greenhousegas emissions from spring wheat cropping system: A case study of Saskatchewanin Canada, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 301, Article 126917 (2021). (SCI IF =7.246)
(100)J. N. Yin, G.H. Huang*, Y. L. Xie, C. J. An, and X. J. Chen, An inexact two-stagemulti-objective waste management planning model under considerations ofsubsidies and uncertainties: A case study of Baotou, China, Journal ofCleaner Production (Elsevier), 298, Article126873 (2021). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(101)X. B. Zhai,Y. P. Li, Y. R. Liu, and G. H. Huang, Assessment of the effects of humanactivity and natural condition on the outflow of Syr Darya River: Astepwise-cluster factorial analysis method, Environmental Research(Elsevier), 194, Article110694 (March 2021). (SCI IF = 5.715)
(102)L. J. Sun, J.Y. Cheng, Q. S. Guo, L. Ji, Y. L. Xie, Q. H. Qiao, G. H. Huang, and K. Xiao, AGIS-based multi-criteria decision making method for the potential assessmentand suitable sites selection of PV and CSP plants, Resources,Conservation & Recycling (Elsevier), 168, Article 105306 (2021). (SCI IF =8.086)
(103)X. Y. Xin, G.H. Huang*, and B. Y. Zhang*, Review of aquatic toxicity of pharmaceuticals andpersonal care products to algae, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier),410, Article124619 (2021). (SCI IF = 9.038)
(104)S. C. Gao, G.H. Huang*, X. Y. Zhang, J. P. Chen, and D. C. Han, SMR siting for theelectricity system management, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier),297, Article126621 (2021). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(105)J. N. Yin, G.H. Huang*, M. N. Li, and M. Y. Zhai, Will the chemical contaminants in agriculturalsoil affect the ecotoxicity of microplastics? ACS Agricultural Science &Technology (American Chemistry Society), 1(1), 3-4, (2021)
(106)C. Y. Tian,G. H. Huang*, C. Lu, X. Zhou, and R. X. Duan, Development of enthalpy-basedclimate indicators for characterizing building cooling and heating energydemand under climate change, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews(Elsevier), 143, Article110799 (2021). (SCI IF = 12.110)
(107)X. G. Zheng,G. H. Huang*, J. Y. Li, L. R. Liu, X. Y. Zhang, and X. J. Pan, Developmentof a factorial water policy simulation approach from production and consumptionperspectives, Water Research (Elsevier), 193, Article 116892 (2021). (SCI IF =9.130)
(108)Y. P. Fu, G.H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, J. Y. Liu, X. Y. Zhang, M. Y. Zhai, and X. J. Pan*, Multi-hierarchyvirtual-water management – A case study of Hubei province, China, Journalof Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 293, Article 126244 (2021). (SCI IF =7.246)
(109)M. M. Hu, S.Q. Chen, Y. F. Wang, B. C. Xia*, S. Wang, and G. H. Huang*, Identifying the keysectors for regional energy, water and carbon footprints from production-,consumption- and network-based perspectives, Science of the TotalEnvironment (Elsevier), 764, Article142821 (2021). (SCI IF = 6.551)
(110)X. Y. Zhang,G. H. Huang*, X. Zhou, L. R. Liu, and Y. R. Fan, Amulticriteria small modular reactor site selection model under long-termvariations of climatic conditions -- A case study for the Province ofSaskatchewan, Canada, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 290, Article 125651 (2021). (SCI IF =7.246)
(111)Y. P. Fu, G.H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, and M. Y. Zhai, A factorial CGE modelfor analyzing the impacts of stepped carbon tax on Chinese economy and carbonemission, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 759, Article 143512 (2021). (SCI IF =6.551)
(112)C. Y. Tian,G. H. Huang*, and Y. L. Xie, Systematical evaluation for hydropowerexploitation rationality in hydro-dominant area: A case study of SichuanProvince, China, Renewable Energy (Elsevier), 168, 1096-1111, (2021) (SCI IF = 6.274)
(113)X. J. Lin, G.H. Huang*, J. M. Piwowar, X. Zhou, and Y. Y. Zhai, Riskof hydrological failure under the compound effects of instant flow andprecipitation peaks under climate change: a case study of Mountain Island Dam,North Carolina, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 284, Article 125305, (2021) (SCI IF =7.246)
(114)J. N. Yin, G.H. Huang*, Y. L. Xie, and Y. K. An, Carbon-subsidized inter-regional electricpower system planning under cost-risk tradeoff and uncertainty: A case study ofInner Mongolia, China, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier),135, Article110439 (2021). (SCI IF = 12.110)
(115)J. N. Yin, G.H. Huang*, C. J. An, P. Zhang, X. Y. Xin, and R. F. Feng, Exploration ofnanocellulose washing agent for the green remediation ofphenanthrene-contaminated soil, Journal of Hazardous Materials(Elsevier), 403, Article123861 (2021). (SCI IF = 9.038)
(116)J. Y. Ren, G.H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, X. Zhou, J. L. Xu, Z. F. Yang, C. Y. Tian, and F. Wang, AStepwise-clustered simulation approach for projecting future heat wave overGuangdong Province, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (FrontiersMedia S.A.), 9, 761251(2021). (SCI IF = 4.171)
(117)X. Zhou, G.H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, Q. G. Lin, D. H. Yan, and X. J. He, Dynamical downscalingof temperature variations over the Canadian Prairie Provinces under climatechange, Remote Sensing (MDPI),13(21), 4350 (2021). (SCI IF = 4.848)
(118)F. Wang, G.H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, J. L. Xu, G. Q. Wang, J. Y. Zhang, R. X. Duan, and J. Y.Ren, A statistical hydrological model for Yangtze River watershed based onstepwise cluster analysis, Frontiers in Earth Science (Frontiers Media S.A.),9, 742331 (2021).(SCI IF = 3.498)
(119)X. H. Zhao,G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, Q. G. Lin, J. L. Jin, C. Lu, J. H. Guo, Projections ofmeteorological drought based on CMIP6 multi-model ensemble: A case study ofHenan Province, China, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (Elsevier), 243, 103887 (2021). (SCI IF = 3.188)
(120)R. X. Duan,G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, R. B. Zheng, G. Q. Wang, B. Z. Xin, C. Y. Tian, and J.Y. Ren, Ensemble temperature and precipitation projection for multi-factorialinteractive effects of GCMs and SSPs: application to China, Frontiers inEnvironmental Science (Frontiers Media S.A.), 9, 742326 (2021). (SCI IF = 4.581)
(121)B. Y. Zheng,G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, J. Z. Li, and Y. Li, Development of a multi-factorialenviro-economic analysis model for assessing the interactive effects ofcombined air pollution control policies, Resources Conservation andRecycling (Elsevier), 175, 105882(2021). (SCI IF = 10.204)
(122)X. Li, Y. P.Li, G. H. Huang, J. Lv, Y. Ma, and Y. F. Li, Amulti-scenario input-output economy-energy-environment nexus management modelfor Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration, Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier), 317, 128402(2021). (SCI IF = 9.297)
(123)J. Z. Li, G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, Y.P. Li, M. Y. Zhai, and X. L. Xu, Projections of carbon metabolism in 2035 andimplications for demand-side controls under various scenarios, Renewable andSustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), 151, Article 111561 (2021). (SCI IF =14.982)
(124)M. Y. Zhai,G. H. Huang*, J. Y. Li, X. J. Pan, and S. Su, Development of a distributiveThree Gorges Project input-output model to investigate the disaggregatedsectoral effects of Three Gorges Project, Science of the Total Environment(Elsevier), 797, Article148817 (2021). (SCI IF = 6.551)
(125)R. X. Duan,G. H. Huang*, X. Zhou, Y. P. Li, and C. Y. Tian, Ensemble drought exposureprojection for multifactorial interactive effects of climate change andpopulation dynamics: application to the Pearl River Basin, Earth’s Future (AGU), 9(8), e2021EF002215. (SCI IF = 7.500)
(126)F. Wang, G.H. Huang*, G. H. Cheng, and Y. P. Li, Impacts of climate variations onnon-stationarity of streamflow over Canada, Environmental Research(Elsevier), 197, Article111118 (2021). (SCI IF = 5.715)
(127)X. J. Wu, Y.P. Li, J. Liu, G. H. Huang, Y. K. Ding, J. Sun, and H. Zhang, Identifyingoptimal virtual water management strategy for Kazakhstan: A factorialecologically-extended input-output model, Journal of EnvironmentalManagement (Elsevier), 297, Article113303 (2021). (SCI IF = 6.789)
(128)X. Li, G. H.Huang*, X. J. Chen, J. Huang, M. N. Li, J. N. Yin, Y. Liang, Y. Yao, and Y. P.Li, A review on graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) based hybrid membranes forwater and wastewater treatment, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier),792, Article 148462 (2021). (SCI IF = 6.551)
(129)M. Y. Zhai,G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, Z. Q. Guo, and S. Su, Segmented carbon tax maysignificantly affect the reginonal and national economy and environment- aCGE-based analysis for Guangdong Province, Energy (Elsevier), 231, Article 120958 (2021). (SCI IF =6.082)
(130)H. W. Li, Y.P. Li, G. H. Huang, and J. Sun, Probabilistic assessmentof crop yield loss to drought time‐scales inXinjiang, China, InternationalJournal of Climatology (Wiley), 41(8),4077-4094 (2021). (SCI IF = 3.928)
(131)F. Wang, G.H. Huang*, G. H. Cheng, and Y. P. Li, Multi-levelfactorial analysis for ensemble data-driven hydrological prediction, Advancesin Water Resources (Elsevier), 153, Article 103948(2021). (SCI IF = 4.016)
(132)Z. P. Xu, Y.P. Li*, G. H. Huang*, S. G. Wang, and Y. R. Liu, Amulti-scenario ensemble streamflow forecast method for Amu Darya River Basinunder considering climate and land-use changes, Journal of Hydrology(Elsevier), 598, Article126276 (2021). (SCI IF = 4.500)
(133)P. P. Wang,Y. P. Li*, G. H. Huang*, S. G. Wang, C. Suo, and Y. Ma, A multi-scenariofactorial analysis and multi-regional input-output model for analyzing CO2emission reduction path in Jing-Jin-Ji region, Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier), 300, Article126782 (2021). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(134)Y. Ma, Y. P.Li, Y. F. Zhang, and G. H. Huang, Mathematical modeling for planningwater-food-ecology-energy nexus system under uncertainty: A case study of theAral Sea Basin, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 308, Article 127368 (2021). (SCI IF =7.246)
(135)X. H. Yang,G. H. Huang*, P. Zhang, C. J. An, Y. Yao, Y. P. Li, and S. Y. Zhou, Lifecycle-based water footprint analysis of ceramic filter for point-of-use waterpurification in remote areas, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier),768, Article147424 (2021). (SCI IF = 6.551)
(136)B. Luo, G. H. Huang*, Y. Yao, C. J.An, W. Li, R. B. Zheng, and K. Zhao, Comprehensive evaluation of adsorptionperformances of carbonaceous materials for sulfonamide antibiotics removal, EnvironmentalScience and Pollution Research (Springer), 28(2), 2400-2414 (2021). (SCI IF = 3.056)
(137)X. H. Zhu, G. H. Huang*, X. Zhou, and S. G.Zheng, Projection of apparent temperature usingstatistical downscaling approach in the Pearl River Delta, Theoreticaland Applied Climatology (Springer), 144,1253-1266 (2021). (SCI IF = 2.882)
(138)J. B. Zhang,G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, M. Y. Zhai, Y. L. Xie, and X. Y. Xin, Economicsensitivity analysis of dual perspectives induced by energy scarcity forenergy-dependent region, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 768, Article 144879 (2021). (SCI IF =6.551)
(139)R. X. Duan,G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, X. Zhou, J. Y. Ren, and C. Y. Tian, Stepwise clusteringfuture meteorological drought projection and multi-level factorial analysisunder climate change: A case study of the Pearl River Basin, China, EnvironmentalResearch (Elsevier), 196, Article110368 (2021). (SCI IF = 5.715)
(140)H. Zhang, Y.P. Li, J. Sun, J. Liu, G. H. Huang. Y. K. Ding, and X. J. Wu, A two-stagefactorial-analysis-based input-output model for virtual-water quantificationand metabolic-network identification in Kyrgyzstan, Journal of CleanerProduction (Elsevier), 301, Article126960 (2021). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(141)Y. Y. Su, Y.P. Li, Y. R. Liu, G. H. Huang, Q. M. Jia, and Y. F. Li, An integrated multi‐GCMs Bayesian‐neural‐network hydrological analysis method forquantifying climate change impact on runoff of the Amu Darya River basin, InternationalJournal of Climatology (Wiley), 41(5),3411-3424 (2021). (SCI IF = 3.928)
(142)R. Cao, G. H.Huang*, J. P. Chen, Y. P. Li, and C. Y. He, A chance-constrained urbanagglomeration energy model for cooperative carbon emission management, Energy(Elsevier), 223, Article119885 (2021). (SCI IF = 6.082)
(143)J. Z. Li, G.H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, L. R. Liu, and C. X. Sun, Unveiling carbonemission attributions along sale chains, Environmental Science& Technology (American Chemical Society), 55(1), 220-229 (2021). (SCI IF = 7.864)
(144)L. Ji, X. L.Liang, Y. L. Xie, G. H. Huang, and B. Wang, Optimaldesign and sensitivity analysis of the stand-alone hybrid energy system with PVand biomass-CHP for remote villages, Energy (Elsevier), 225, Article 120323 (2021). (SCI IF =6.082)
(145)A. F. Zhai,B. D. Hou, X. W. Ding, and G. H. Huang, Hazardouschemical accident prediction for drinking water sources in Three GorgesReservoir, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 296, Article 126529 (2021). (SCI IF =7.246)
(146)B. Y. Zheng,G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, M. Y. Zhai, and Y. Li, Inter-regionalcluster analysis of heavy-metal emissions, Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier), 282, Article124439 (2021). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(147)R. Cao, G. H.Huang*, J. P. Chen and Y. P. Li, A fractional multi-stagesimulation-optimization energy model for carbon emission management of urbanagglomeration, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 774, Article 144963 (2021). (SCI IF = 6.551)
(148)F. Wang, G.H. Huang*, Y. R. Fan, and Y. P. Li, Development of clustered polynomial chaosexpansion model for stochastic hydrological projection, Journal of Hydrology(Elsevier), 595, Article126022 (2021). (SCI IF = 4.500)
(149)Y. R. Liu, Y.P. Li, X. Yang, G. H. Huang, and Y. F. Li, Development of an integratedmultivariate trend-frequency analysis method: Spatial-temporal characteristicsof climate extremes under global warming for Central Asia, EnvironmentalResearch (Elsevier), 195, Article110859 (2021). (SCI IF = 5.715)
(150)M. Y. Zhai,G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, B. Y. Zheng, and Y. P. Li, Economic modeling ofnational energy, water and air pollution nexus in China under changing climateconditions, Renewable Energy (Elsevier), 170, 375-386 (2021). (SCI IF = 6.274)
(151)Y. F. Zhang,Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Y. Ma, A copula-based stochastic fractionalprogramming method for optimizing water-food-energy nexus system underuncertainty in the Aral Sea basin, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier),292, Article126037 (2021). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(152)J. Lv, Y. P.Li, G. H. Huang, S. Nie, J. W. Gong, Y. Ma, and Y. Li, Synergetic management ofenergy-water nexus system under uncertainty: An interval bi-leveljoint-probabilistic programming method, Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier), 292, Article125942 (2021). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(153)S. Wang, Y.L. Xie, G. H. Huang, and Y. Yao, A structural adjustment optimization model forelectric-power system management under multiple uncertainties-A case study ofUrumqi city, China, Energy Policy (Elsevier), 149, Article 112056 (2021). (SCI IF =5.042)
(154)C. X. Sun, G.H. Huang*, Y. R. Fan, X. Zhou, C. Lu, and X. Q. Wang, Vine copula ensembledownscaling for precipitation projection over the Loess Plateau based onhigh-resolution multi-RCM outputs, Water Resources Research (AGU),57(1),2020WR027698 (2021). (SCI IF = 4.310)
(155)P. P. Gao, Y.P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Y. Y. Sun, An integrated Bayesianleast-squares-support-vector-machine factorial-analysis (B-LSVM-FA) method forinferring inflow from the Amu Darya to the Aral Sea under ensemble prediction, Journalof Hydrology (Elsevier), 594, Article125909 (2021). (SCI IF = 4.500)
(156)P. P. Gao, Y.P. Li, J. W. Gong, and G. H. Huang, Urban land-use planning undermulti-uncertainty and multiobjective considering ecosystem service value andeconomic benefit - A case study of Guangzhou, China, Ecological Complexity(Elsevier), 45, Article100886 (2021). (SCI IF = 1.571)
(157)C. Y. He, G.H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, Y. P. Li, M. Y. Zhai, and R. Cao, Assessment and offsetof the adverse effects induced by PM2.5 from coal-fired power plants in China,Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 286, Article 125397 (2021). (SCI IF =7.246)
(158)P. Song, G.H. Huang*, C. J. An, X. Y. Xin, P. Zhang, X. J. Chen, S. Ren, Z. Q. Xu, and X.H. Yang, Exploring the decentralized treatment of sulfamethoxazole-contained poultrywastewater through vertical-flow multi-soil-layering systems in rural communities,Water Research (Elsevier), 188, Article116480 (2021). (SCI IF = 9.130)
(159)X. H. Yang,G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, X. J. Chen, J. Shen, J. N. Yin, P. Song, Z. Q. Xu, andY. P. Li, Removal of arsenic from water through ceramicfilter modified by Nano-CeO2: A cost-effective approach for remoteareas, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 750, Article 141510 (2021). (SCI IF =6.551)
(160)Y. R. Fan*,K. Huang, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, and F. Wang, An uncertainty partitionapproach for inferring interactive hydrologic risks, Hydrology and EarthSystem Sciences (EGU), 24, 4601-4624(2020) (SCI IF = 5.748)
(161)T. N. Song,G. H. Huang*, X. Q. Wang, and X. Zhou, Factorial sensitivity analysis ofphysical schemes and their interactions in regional climate model (RegCM), Journalof Geophysical Research - Atmospheres (AGU), 125(17), Article e2020JD032501 (2020). (SCIIF = 3.630)
(162)K. Q. Zhang,L. R. Liu, and G. H. Huang, Nanoconfined water effect onCO2 utilization and geological storage, Geophysical ResearchLetters (AGU), 47(15),e2020GL087999 (2020). (SCI IF = 4.580)
(163)L. Ji, T. H.Wu, Y. L. Xie, G. H. Huang, and L. J. Sun, A novel two-stage fuzzy stochasticmodel for water supply management from a water-energy nexus perspective, Journalof Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 277, Article 123386 (2020). (SCI IF =7.246)
(164)X. G. Zheng,G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, B. Y. Zheng, and X. Y. Zhang, A multi-source virtualwater metabolism model for urban systems, Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier), 275, Article124107 (2020). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(165)J. H. Guo, G.H. Huang*, X. Q. Wang*, and C. Lu, Projections of daily mean surfacetemperature over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region through a stepwise clusterdownscaling method, Theoretical and Applied Climatology (Springer),141, 71-86 (2020).(SCI IF = 2.992)
(166)C. B. Wu, P.B. Guan, L. N. Zhong, J. Lv, X. F. Hu, G. H. Huang, and C. C. Li, An optimizedlow-carbon production planning model for power industry in coal-dependentregions - A case study of Shandong, China, Energy(Elsevier), 192, Article116636 (2020). (SCI IF = 6.082)
(167)W. Fang, S.Z. Huang, Q. Huang, G. H. Huang, H. Wang, G. Y. Leng, and L. Wang, Identifyingdrought propagation by simultaneously considering linear and nonlineardependence in the Wei River basin of the Loess Plateau, China, Journalof Hydrology (Elsevier), 591, Article125287 (2020). (SCI IF = 4.500)
(168)Y. Zhu, Q. L.Tong, X. X. Yan, Y. Z. Liu, J. L. Zhang, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Optimaldesign of multi-energy complementary power generation system considering fossilenergy scarcity coefficient under uncertainty, Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier), 274, Article122732 (2020). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(169)S. Wang, J.X. Zhu, G. H. Huang, B. Baetz, G. H. Cheng, X. T. Zeng, and X. Q. Wang,Assessment of climate change impacts on energy capacity planning in Ontario,Canada using high-resolution regional climate model, Journal of CleanerProduction (Elsevier), 274, Article123026 (2020). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(170)M. M. Hu, Y.F. Wang, B. C. Xia*, M. Y. Jiao, and G. H. Huang*, How to balance ecosystemservices and economic benefits? - A case study in the Pearl River Delta, China,Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 271, Article 110721 (2020). (SCI IF = 5.647)
(171)Y. P. Fu, G.H. Huang*, Y. L. Xie, R. F. Liao, and J. N. Yin, Planning electricpower system under carbon-price mechanism considering multiple uncertainties - Acase study of Tianjin, Journal of Environmental Management(Elsevier), 269, Article110721 (2020). (SCI IF = 5.647)
(172)X. J. Chen,G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, C. J. An, R. F. Feng, Y. H. Wu, and J. Shen, FunctionalPVDF ultrafiltration membrane for tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBPA) removal withhigh water recovery, Water Research (Elsevier), 181, Article 115952 (2020). (SCI IF = 9.130)
(173)X. Y. Xin, G.H. Huang*, C. J. An, C. Lu, and W. H. Xiong, Exploring the biophysicochemicalalteration of green alga asterococcus superbus interactively affected bynanoparticles, triclosan and illumination, Journal of Hazardous Materials(Elsevier), 398, Article122855 (2020). (SCI IF = 9.038)
(174)J. L. Zhen,C. B. Wu, X. R. Liu, G. H. Huang, and Z. P. Liu, Energy-water nexusplanning of regional electric power system within an inexact optimization modelin Tangshan City, China, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier),266, Article121997 (2020). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(175)Q. M. Jia, Y.P. Li, Z. R. Liu, Y. F. Li, and G. H. Huang, Analyzing variation of inflow fromthe Syr Darya to the Aral Sea: A Bayesian-neural-network-based factorialanalysis method, Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier), 587, Article 124976 (2020). (SCI IF = 4.500)
(176)J. L .Zhang,X. Wang, W. N. Sun, Y. P. Li, Z. R. Liu, Y. R. Liu, and G. H. Huang, Application of fiducial method for streamflow predictionunder small sample cases in Xiangxihe watershed, China, Journal ofHydrology (Elsevier), 586, Article124866 (2020). (SCI IF = 4.500)
(177)J. Shen, G.H. Huang*, C. J. An, Y. Yao, X. Y. Xin, and S. Rosendahl,Immobilization of TBBPA on pyrogenic carbon subjected to natural organicmatters under freeze-thawing conditions: Insight into surfacefunctionalization, coverage process and binding affinity, EnvironmentalScience: Nano (The Royal Society of Chemistry), 2020(2), 472-485 (2020). (SCI IF = 7.704)
(178)L. R. Liu, G.H. Huang*, B. W. Baetz, G. H. Cheng, S. Pittendrigh, and S. Y. Pan, Input-output modeling analysis with a detaileddisaggregation of energy sectors for climate change policy-making: A case studyof Saskatchewan, Canada, RenewableEnergy (Elsevier), 151, 1307-1317 (2020).(SCI IF = 6.274)
(179)J. H. Guo, G.H. Huang*, X. Q. Wang*, Y. H. Wu, Y. P. Li, R. B. Zheng, and L. M. Song, Evaluating the added values of regional climate modelingover China at different resolutions, Science of the Total Environment(Elsevier), 718, Article137350 (2020). (SCI IF = 6.551)
(180)L. Ji, Z. X.Zheng, T. H. Wu, Y. L. Xie, Z. P. Liu, G. H. Huang, and D. X. Niu, Synergeticoptimization management of crop-biomass coproduction with food-energy-waternexus under uncertainties, Journal ofCleaner Production (Elsevier), 258, Article 120645 (2020). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(181)L. Yu, Y.Xiao, S. Jiang, Y. P. Li, Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang, J. Lv, Q. T. Zuo, and F. Q.Wang, A copula-based fuzzy interval-random programming approach for planningwater-energy nexus system under uncertainty, Energy (Elsevier), 196, Article 117063 (2020). (SCI IF = 6.082)
(182)Y. R. Fan, K.Huang, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Li, A factorial Bayesian copula framework forpartitioning uncertainties in multivariate risk inference, EnvironmentalResearch (Elsevier), 183, Article109215 (2020). (SCI IF = 5.715)
(183)Y. Ma, Y. P.Li, and G. H. Huang, A bi-level chance-constrained programming method forquantifying the effectiveness of water-trading to water-food-ecology nexus inAmu Darya River basin of Central Asia, Environmental Research (Elsevier),183, Article109229 (2020). (SCI IF = 5.715)
(184)C. Chen, X.T. Zeng, L. Yu, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, Planning energy-water nexus systemsbased on a dual risk aversion optimization method under multiple uncertainties,Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 255, Article 120100 (2020). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(185)Y. Yao, G. H.Huang*, C. J. An, X. J. Chen, P. Zhang, X. Y. Xin, J. Shen, and J. Agnew,Anaerobic digestion of livestock manure in cold regions: Technologicaladvancements and global impacts, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews(Elsevier), 119, Article109494 (2020). (SCI IF = 12.110)
(186)Y. Q. Liu, G.H. Huang*, C. J. An, X. J. Chen, P. Zhang, R. F. Feng, and W. H. Xiong, Use of Nano-TiO2self-assembled flax fiber as a new initiative for immiscible oil/waterseparation, Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier), 249, Article119352 (2020). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(187)L. Ji, B. B. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and Y. Lu,Multi-stage stochastic fuzzy random programming for food-water-energy nexusmanagement under uncertainties, Resources, Conservation and Recycling(Elsevier), 155, Article 104665 (2020). (SCI IF = 8.806)
(188)L. R. Liu, G. H. Huang*,B. W. Baetz, Y. R. Guan, and K. Q. Zhang, Multi-dimensional hypothetical fuzzyrisk simulation model for greenhouse gas mitigation policy development, AppliedEnergy (Elsevier), 261, Article 114348 (2020).(SCI IF = 8.848)
(189)L. Ji, B. B. Zhang, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Cai, andJ. G. Yin, Robust regional low-carbon electricity system planning withenergy-water nexus under uncertainties and complex policy guidelines, Journalof Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 252,Article 119800 (2020). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(190)C. Chen, L. Yu, X. T. Zeng, G. H. Huang, and Y.P. Li, Planning an energy-water-environment nexus system in coal-dependentregions under uncertainties, Energies (MDPI), 13(1),208 (2020). (SCI IF = 2.707)
(191)Y. F. Zhang, Y. P. Li, J. Sun, and G. H. Huang,Optimizing water resources allocation and soil salinity control for supportingagricultural and environmental sustainable development in Central Asia, Scienceof the Total Environment (Elsevier), 704,Article 135281 (2020). (SCI IF = 6.551)
(192)L. Ji, B. B. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and P. Wang, Anovel multi-stage fuzzy stochastic programming for electricity system structureoptimization and planning with energy-water nexus - A case study of Tianjin,China, Energy (Elsevier), 190, Article 116418 (2020).(SCI IF = 6.082)
(193)A. F. Zhai,X. W. Ding*, L. Liu, Q. Zhu, and G. H. Huang, Total phosphorus accidentpollution and emergency response study based on geographic information systemin Three Gorges Reservoir area, Frontiers of Environmental Science andEngineering (Springer), 14(3),1-13(2020). (SCI IF = 4.357)
(194)L. Ji, G. H.Huang, D. X. Niu, Y. P. Cai, and J. G. Yin, A stochastic optimization model forcarbon-emission reduction investment and sustainable energy planning undercost-risk control, Journal of Environmental Informatics (InternationalSociety of Environmental Information Sciences), 36(2), 107-118 (2020). (SCI IF = 5.271)
(195)X. H. Zhao,G. H. Huang*, X. Zhou, C. Lu, and Y. P. Li, Impacts of climate change onphotovoltaic energy potential: A case study of China, Applied Energy(Elsevier), 280, Article115888 (2020). (SCI IF = 8.848)
(196)C. Y. He, G.H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, Y. P. Li, B. Y. Zheng, and Y. R. Guan, Amulti-perspective factorial hypothetical simulation model for cutting thecarbon emission intensity of China, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 275, Article 123943 (2020). (SCI IF =7.246)
(197)J. Lv, Y. P.Li, G. H. Huang, C. Suo, H. Mei, and Y. Li, Quantifying the impact of wateravailability on China's energy system under uncertainties: A perceptive ofenergy-water nexus, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier),134, Article110321 (2020). (SCI IF = 12.110)
(198)X. L. Xu, G.H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, J. Z. Li, and M. Y. Zhai, A mitigationsimulation method for urban NOx emissions based on input-output analysis,Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier),249, Article119338 (2020). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(199)Y. Ma, Y. P.Li, G. H. Huang, and Y. R. Liu, Water-energy nexus underuncertainty: Development of a hierarchical decision-making model, Journalof Hydrology (Elsevier), 591, Article125297 (2020). (SCI IF = 4.500)
(200)F. Wang, G.H. Huang*, Y. R. Fan, and Y. P. Li, Robust subsamplingANOVA methods for sensitivity analysis of water resource and environmental models,Water Resources Management (Springer), 34(10), 3199-3217 (2020). (SCI IF = 2.924)
(201)X. C. Liu, G.H. Huang*, and J. P. Chen, The development of inexact dual-objectiveprogramming for regional energy systems planning in Guang-Fo-Zhao region,China, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 265, Article 121351 (2020). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(202)C. Y. He, G.H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, Y. P. Li, X.Y. Zhang, and X. L. Xu, Multi-dimensionaldiagnosis model for the sustainable development of regions facing waterscarcity problem: a case study for Guangdong, China, Science ofthe Total Environment (Elsevier), 734, Article 139394 (2020). (SCI IF = 6.551)
(203)B. Y. Zheng,G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, M. Y. Zhai, and Y. Li, Two-pathwayperspective for heavy metal emission mitigation: a case study of GuangdongProvince, China, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 735, Article 139583 (2020). (SCI IF = 6.551)
(204)Z. Q. Xu, G.H. Huang*, C. J. An, J. Huang, X. J. Chen, X. Y. Xin, P. Song, R. F. Feng, andY. P. Li, Low-cost microbiological purification using anew ceramic disk filter functionalized by chitosan/TiO2nanocomposites, Separation and Purification Technology (Elsevier), 248, Article 116984 (2020). (SCI IF = 5.774)
(205)M. Y. Zhai,G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, X. L. Xu, Y. R. Guan, and Y. P. Fu, Revealingenvironmental inequalities embedded within regional trades, Journal ofCleaner Production (Elsevier), 264, Article121719 (2020). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(206)C. X. Sun, G.H. Huang*, and Y. R. Fan, Temporal andspatial characteristics of multidimensional extreme precipitation indicators: A case study in the Loess Plateau, China, Water(MDPI), 12(4), 1217(2020). (SCI IF = 2.544)
(207)B. Y. Zheng,G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, Y. R. Guan, and M. Y. Zhai, Dynamicwastewater-induced research based on input-output analysis for GuangdongProvince, China, Environmental Pollution (Elsevier), 256, Article 113502 (2020). (SCI IF = 6.792)
(208)C. X. Sun, G.H. Huang*, and Y. R. Fan, Multi-indicator evaluation for extreme precipitationevents in the past 60 years over the Loess Plateau, Water (MDPI), 12(1), 193 (2020). (SCI IF = 2.544)
(209)M. Y. Zhai,G. H. Huang*, H. Z. Liu*, L. R. Liu, C. Y. He, and Z. P. Liu, Three-perspectiveenergy-carbon nexus analysis for developing China's policies of CO2-emissionmitigation, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 705, Article 135857 (2020). (SCI IF = 6.551)
(210)S. G. Zheng,G. H. Huang*, X. Zhou, and X. H. Zhu,Climate-change impacts on electricitydemands at a metropolitan scale: A case study of Guangzhou, China, AppliedEnergy (Elsevier), 261, Article114295 (2020). (SCI IF = 8.848)
(211)Y. Y. Zhao, G. H. Huang*,C. J. An, J. Huang, X. Y. Xin, X. J. Chen, Y. Y. Hong, and P. Song, Removal of EscherichiaColi from water using functionalized porous ceramic disk filter coated withFe/TiO2 nano-composites, Journal of Water Process Engineering(Elsevier), 33, Article 101013 (2020). (SCI IF = 3.465)
(212)M. Y. Zhai, G. H. Huang*,L. R. Liu, B. Y. Zheng, and Y. R. Guan, Inter-regional carbon flows embodied inelectricity transmission: network simulation for energy-carbon nexus, Renewableand Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier),118,Article 109511 (2020). (SCI IF = 12.110)
(213)H. W. Li, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and P. P. Gao,Identifying optimal land-use patterns using a copula-based interval stochasticprogramming model for urban agglomeration under uncertainty, EcologicalEngineering (Elsevier), 142, Article 105616 (2020).(SCI IF = 3.512)
(214)X. L. Xu, G. H. Huang*,L. R. Liu, Y. R. Guan, M. Y. Zhai, and Y. P. Li, Revealing dynamicimpacts of socioeconomic factors on air pollution changes in GuangdongProvince, China, Science ofthe Total Environment (Elsevier), 699,Article 134178 (2020). (SCI IF = 6.551)
(215)C. Y. He, G.H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, X. L. Xu, and Y. P. Li, Evolution of virtual watermetabolic network in developing regions: A case study of Guangdong province, Ecological Indicators (Elsevier), 108,Article 105750 (2020). (SCI IF = 4.490)
(216)P. Song, G.H. Huang*, Y. Y. Hong, C. J. An, X. Y. Xin, and P. Zhang, Abiophysiological perspective on enhanced nitrate removal from decentralizeddomestic sewage using gravitational-flow multi-soil-layering systems, Chemosphere (Elsevier), 240,Article 124868 (2020). (SCI IF = 5.778)
(217)J. Liu, S.Nie, B. G. Shan, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Z. P. Liu, Development of an interval-credibility-chanceconstrained energy-water nexus system planning model-a case study of Xiamen,China, Energy (Elsevier), 181, 677-693 (2019). (SCI IF = 6.082)
(218)P. B. Guan,G. H. Huang*, C. B. Wu*, L. R. Wang C. C. Li, and Y. Y. Wang, Analysisof emission taxes levying on regional electric power structure adjustment withan inexact optimization model - A case study of Zibo, China, Energy Economics (Elsevier), 84, Article 104485 (2019). (SCI IF =5.203)
(219)J. Huang, G. H. Huang*,C. J. An, X. Y. Xin, X. J. Chen, Y. Y. Zhao, R. F. Feng, and W. H. Xiong,Exploring the use of ceramic disk filter coated with Ag/Zno nanocomposites asan innovative approach for removing Escherichia coli from household drinkingwater, Chemosphere (Elsevier), 245,Article 125545 (2019). (SCI IF = 5.778)
(220)Z. F. Liu, Y. Zhou, and G. H. Huang, RiskAversion based inexact stochastic dynamic programming approach for waterresources management planning under uncertainty, Sustainability(MDPI), 11(24), 1-22 (2019). (SCI IF = 2.592)
(221)C. Lu, G. H. Huang*, and X. Q. Wang, Projected changes intemperature, precipitation, and their extremes over China through the RegCM, Climate Dynamics (Springer), 53(9-10), 5859-5880 (2019). (SCI IF = 4.486)
(222)X. Y. Xin, G.H. Huang*, C. J. An, and R. F. Feng, Interactive toxicity of triclosan and nano-TiO2to green alga eremosphaera viridis in Lake Erie: A new perspective based onFourier transform infrared spectromicroscopy and synchrotron-based X-Rayfluorescence imaging,Environmental Science & Technology (American Chemical Society), 53(16),9884-9894 (2019). (SCI IF = 7.864)
(223)J. Sun, Y. P.Li, C. Suo, and G. H. Huang, Identifying changes and critical drivers offuture temperature and precipitation with a hybrid stepwise-cluster varianceanalysis method, Theoreticaland Applied Climatology (Springer), 137(3-4), 2437-2450 (2019). (SCIIF = 2.882)
(224)W. Fang, S.Z. Huang, Q. Huang, G. H. Huang, H. Wang, G. Y. Leng, L. Wang, P. Li, and L.Ma, Bivariate probabilistic quantification of drought impacts on terrestrialvegetation dynamics in mainland China, Journalof Hydrology (Elsevier), 577, Article 123980 (2019). (SCI IF = 4.500)
(225)W. Fang, S.Z. Huang, Q. Huang, G. H. Huang, H. Wang, G. Y. Leng, L. Wang, and Y. Guo,Probabilistic assessment of remote sensing-based terrestrial vegetationvulnerability to drought stress of the Loess Plateau in China, Remote Sensing of Environment (Elsevier),232, article 111290 (2019). (SCI IF = 9.085)
(226)X. Y. Xin, G.H. Huang*, C. J. An, H. Weger, G. H. Cheng, J. Shen, and S. Rosendahl, Analyzingbiochemical alteration of green algae during chronic exposure to triclosanbased on synchrotron-based Fourier transform infrared spectromicroscopy,Analytical Chemistry (ACS), 91(12),7798-7806 (2019). (SCI IF = 6.785)
(227)K. L. Li, G.H. Huang*, and S. Wang, Market-based stochastic optimization of water resourcessystems for improving drought resilience and economic efficiency in aridregions, Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier), 233, 522-537 (2019). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(228)J. H. Guo, G.H. Huang*, X. Q. Wang*, and Y. P. Li, Improved performance of a PRECIS ensemblein simulating near-surface air temperature over China, Climate Dynamics (Springer), 52(11), 6691-6704 (2019). (SCIIF = 4.486)
(229)X. J. Chen,G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, R. F. Feng, Y. Yao, S. Zhao, C. Z. Huang, and Y. H. Wu,Plasma-inducedpoly(acrylic acid)-TiO2 coated polyvinylidene fluoride membrane forproduced water treatment: Synchrotron X-Ray, optimization, and insight studies,Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier),227, 772-783 (2019). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(230)X. T. Zeng,J. Y. Zhao, D. Q. Wang, X. M. Kong, Y. Zhu, Z. P. Liu, W. Dai, and G. H. Huang,Scenarioanalysis of a sustainable water-food nexus optimization with consideration of population-economyregulation in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 228, 927-940(2019). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(231)X. W. Ding,L. Liu, G. H. Huang, Y. Xu, and J. H. Guo, A multi-objective optimization modelfor a non-traditional energy system in Beijing under climate change conditions, Energies (MDPI), 12(9), 1692 (2019).(SCI IF = 2.707)
(232)Y. Xu, F.Liu, G. H. Huang, and G. H. Cheng, An optimization modelunder interval and fuzzy uncertainties for a by-product gas system of an ironand steel plant, EngineeringOptimization (Taylor & Francis), 51(3), 447-464 (2019). (SCI IF= 2.165)
(233)C. Dai, Y. P. Li, Y. P. Cai, W. Sun, andG. H. Huang, A support vector regression and Monte Carlosimulation - based interval two-stage programming for environmental systemsplanning in Beijing, EnvironmentalEngineering and Management Journal (GHAsachi Technical Univ IASI), 18(2), 329-348 (2019). (SCI IF= 1.334)
(234)J. X. Zhu, G.H. Huang*, B. Baetz, X. Q. Wang, and G. H. Cheng, Climate warming willnot decrease perceived low-temperature extremes in China, Climate Dynamics (Springer), 52(9-10),5641-5656 (2019). (SCI IF = 4.486)
(235)Z. P. Liu, W.Zhang, H. X. Liu, G. H. Huang, J. L. Zhen, and X. Qi, Characterization ofrenew able energy utilization mode for air-environmental quality improvementthrough an inexact factorial optimization approach, Sustainability (MDPI), 11(8),2429 (2019). (SCI IF = 2.592)
(236)J. X. Zhu, S.Wang, and G. H. Huang, Assessing climate change impacts onhuman-perceived temperature extremes and underlying uncertainties, Journal of Geophysical Research -Atmospheres (AGU), 124(7), 3800-3821 (2019). (SCI IF = 3.821)
(237)X. J. Chen,G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, R. F. Feng, Y. H. Wu, and C. Z. Huang, Plasma-inducedPAA-ZnO coated PVDF membrane for oily wastewater treatment: Preparation,optimization, and characterization through Taguchi OA design andsynchrotron-based X-ray analysis, Journalof Membrane Science (Elsevier), 582, 70-82 (2019). (SCI IF = 7.183)
(238)Y. Zhu, Q. L.Tong, X. T. Zeng, X. X. Yan, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Optimal design of adistributed energy system using the functional interval model that allowsreduced carbon emissions in Guanzhong, a rural area of China, Sustainability (MDPI), 11(7),1930 (2019). (SCI IF = 2.592)
(239)E. McBean, G.H. Huang, A. L. Yang, H. Y. Cheng, Y. C. Wu, Z. Liu, Z. N. Dai, H. Y. Fu, andM. Bhatti, The Effectiveness of Exfiltration Technology to Support Sponge CityObjectives, Water (MDPI), 11(4),723 (2019). (SCI IF = 2.544)
(240)W. Fang, S.Z. Huang, G. H. Huang, Q. Huang, H. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Zhang, P. Li, and L. Ma,Copulas‐based risk analysis for inter‐seasonal combinations of wet and dryconditions under a changing climate, InternationalJournal of Climatology (Wiley), 39(4), 2005-2021 (2019). (SCI IF = 3.928)
(241)Y. Y. Zhai,G. H. Huang*, X. Q. Wang. X. Zhou. C. Lu, and Z. Li, Futureprojections of temperature changes in Ottawa, Canada through stepwise clustereddownscaling of multiple GCMs under RCPs, Climate Dynamics (Springer), 52 (5-6), 3455-3470 (2019).(SCI IF = 4.486)
(242)L. R. Liu, G.H. Huang*, B. W. Baetz, C. Z. Huang, and K. Q. Zhang, Integrated GHGemissions and emission relationships analysis through a disaggregatedecologically-extended input-output model: A case study for Saskatchewan, Canada,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews(Elsevier), 106, 97-109(2019). (SCI IF = 12.110)
(243)L. Jin, H. Y.Fu, Y. Kim, L. Wang, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, A robust inexact trapezoidal T2fuzzy approach coupling possibility degrees for solid waste disposal allocationwith integrated optimal greenhouse gas control under uncertainty, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier),221, 753-767 (2019). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(244)L. Yu, Y. P.Li, and G. H. Huang, Planning municipal-scale mixed energy system for stimulatingrenewable energy under multiple uncertainties - The City of Qingdao in ShandongProvince, China, Energy (Elsevier), 166,1120-1133 (2019). (SCI IF = 6.082)
(245)C. Chen*, X.T. Zeng, G. H. Huang*, L. Yu, and Y. P. Li, Robust planning of energy andenvironment systems through introducing traffic sector with cost minimizationand emissions abatement under multiple uncertainties, Applied Sciences (MDPI), 9(5), 928 (2019). (SCI IF = 2.474)
(246)X. Y. Xin, G.H. Huang*, C. J. An, R. Raina-Fulton, and H. Weger, Insights into long-termtoxicity of triclosan to freshwater green algae in Lake Erie, Environmental Science & Technology (ACSPublications), 53(4), 2189-2198 (2019). (SCI IF = 7.864)
(247)C. Dong, G. H.Huang*, G. H. Cheng*, C. J. An, Y. Yao, X. J. Chen, and J. P. Chen, Wastewatertreatment in amine-based carbon capture, Chemosphere(Elsevier), 222, 742-756 (2019). (SCI IF = 5.778)
(248)X. J. Lin, A.L.Yang, G. H. Huang, X. Zhou, Y. Y. Zhai, X. J. Chen, and E. McBean, Treatmentof aquaculture wastewater through Chitin/ZnO composite photocatalyst, Water (MDPI), 11(2), 310 (2019). (SCIIF = 2.544)
(249)T. Chai, H.Z. Yan, Z. B. Zhang, M. Xu, Y. C. Wu, L. Jin, G. H. Huang, and H. Y. Fu,Optimization of enhanced ultrafiltration conditions for Cd with mixedbiosurfactants using the Box-Bohnken response surface methodology, Water (MDPI), 11(3), 442 (2019).(SCI IF = 2.544)
(250)Y. L. Xie, Z.H. Fu, D. H. Xia, W. T. Lu, G. H. Huang, and H. Wang, Integrated planningfor regional electric power system management with risk measure and carbonemission constraints: A case study of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China,Energies (MDPI), 12(4), 601 (2019).(SCI IF = 2.707)
(251)P. Zhang, G.H. Huang*, C. J. An, H. Y. Fu, P. F. Gao, Y. Yao, and X. J. Chen, An integratedgravity-driven ecological bed for wastewater treatment in subtropical regions:Process design, performance analysis, and greenhouse gas emissions assessment, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 212, 1143-1153(2019). (SCI IF = 7.246)
(252)N. Meng, Y.Xu, and G. H. Huang, A stochastic multi-objective optimization model forrenewable energy structure adjustment management - A case study for the city ofDalian, China, Ecological Indicators (Elsevier), 97, 476-485 (2019).(SCI IF = 4.490)
(253)W. Fang, S. Z. Huang, K. Ren, Q.Huang, G. H. Huang, G. H. Cheng, and K. L. Li, Examining the applicability ofdifferent sampling techniques in the development of decomposition-basedstreamflow forecasting models, Journal ofHydrology (Elsevier), 568,534-550 (2019). (SCI IF = 4.500)
(254)J. L. Zhang,Y. P. Li, X. T. Zeng, G. H. Huang, Y. Li, Y. Zhu, F. L. Kong, M. Xia, and J.Liu, Effluent trading planning and its application in water qualitymanagement: A factor-interaction perspective, Environmental Research (Elsevier),168, 286-305 (2019). (SCI IF = 5.715)
(255)G. C. Li, W. Sun*, Y. Lv*, G. H.Cheng, Y. M. Chen, and G. H. Huang*,Interval joint-probabilistic chance-constrained programming with two-sidemulti-randomness: an application to energy-environment systems management, Stochastic Environmental Research and RiskAssessment (Springer), 32(7), 2093-2110 (2018). (SCI IF = 2.807)
(256)X.Zhou, G. H. Huang*, J. Piwowar, Y. R. Fan, X. Q.Wang, Z. Li, and G. H. Cheng, Hydrologic impacts of ensemble RCMs-projected climatechanges in the Athabasca River Basin, Canada, Journal of Hydrometeorology (AmericanMeteorological Society), 19(12),1953-1971 (2018). (SCI IF = 3.790)
(257)X. Y. Xin,G. H. Huang*, C. J.An, C. Huang, H. Weger, S. Zhao, Y. Zhou, and S. Rosendahl, Insights into thetoxicity of triclosan to green microalga Chlorococcum sp. Using synchrotron-basedFourier transform infrared spectromicroscopy: Biophysiological analyses androles of environmental factors, EnvironmentalScience & Technology (ACS), 52(4),2295-2306 (2018). (SCI IF = 7.149)
(258)B. F. Cai, X. Q. Wang*, G. H. Huang*, J. N. Wang*, D. Cao, B. Baetz, L. Liu,H. Zhang, A. Fenech, and Z. Liu, Spatiotemporal changes of China's carbonemissions, GeophysicalResearch Letters (AGU), 45(16), 8536-8546 (2018). (SCI IF =4.340)
(259)S. Wang,B. C. Ancell, G. H. Huang, and B. W. Baetz, Improving robustness of hydrologicensemble predictions through probabilistic pre‐ and post-processing in sequential data assimilation, Water Resources Research (AGU), 54(3), 2129-2151 (2018). (SCI IF = 4.379)
(260)X. Zhou, G. H. Huang*, X. Q. Wang, and G. H. Cheng, Future changes inprecipitation extremes over Canada: driving factors and inherent mechanism, Journal of Geophysical Research -Atmospheres (AGU), 123(11),5783-5803 (2018). (SCI IF = 3.454)
(261)L. Wang,G. H. Huang*, X. Q.Wang, and H. Zhu, Risk-based electric power system planning for climate changemitigation through multi-stage joint-probabilistic left-hand-sidechance-constrained fractional programming: A Canadian case study, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews(Elsevier), 82(1), 1056-1067(2018). (SCI IF = 10.556)
(262)J. X. Zhu, G. H. Huang*, X. Q. Wang, G. H. Cheng,and Y. H. Wu, High-resolution projections of mean and extreme precipitationsover China through PRECIS under RCPs, ClimateDynamics (Springer), 50(11-12),4037-4060 (2018). (SCI IF = 4.146)
(263)X. Zhou,G. H. Huang*, X. Q.Wang, and G. H. Cheng, Dynamically-downscaled temperature and precipitationchanges over Saskatchewan using the PRECIS model, Climate Dynamics (Springer), 50(3-4),1321-1334 (2018). (SCI IF = 4.146)
(264)J. H. Guo, G. H. Huang*, X. Q. Wang*, Y. P. Li, and Q. G. Lin, Dynamically-downscaled projectionsof changes in temperature extremes over China, Climate Dynamics (Springer), 50(3-4),1045-1066 (2018). (SCI IF = 4.146)
(265)L. R. Liu, G. H. Huang*, B. W. Baetz, and K. Q.Zhang, Environmentally-extended input-output simulation for analyzingproduction-based and consumption-based industrial greenhouse gas mitigationpolicies, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 232, 69-78 (2018). (SCI IF = 8.426)
(266)J. P.Chen, G. H. Huang*, B.W. Baetz, Q. G. Lin, C. Dong, and Y. P. Cai, Integrated inexact energy systems planning under climatechange: A case study of Yukon Territory, Canada, Applied Energy (Elsevier),229, 493-504 (2018). (SCI IF = 8.426)
(267)L. Yu, Y.P. Li, G. H. Huang, Y. R. Fan, and S. Nie, A copula-based flexible-stochasticprogramming method for planning regional energy system under multipleuncertainties: A case study of the urban agglomeration of Beijing and Tianjin, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 210, 60-74 (2018). (SCI IF = 8.426)
(268)L. Yu, Y.P. Li, G. H. Huang, Y. R. Fan, and S. Yin, Planning regional-scale electricpower systems under uncertainty: A case study of Jing-Jin-Ji region, China, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 212, 834-849 (2018). (SCI IF=8.426)
(269)S. Nie*, Z. C. Huang, G. H. Huang*, L. Yu, and J. Liu,Optimization of electric power systems with cost minimization andenvironmental-impact mitigation under multiple uncertainties, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 221, 249-267 (2018). (SCI IF = 8.426)
(270)T. N. Song, G. H.Huang*, X. Zhou,and X. Q. Wang, An inexact two-stage fractional energy systems planning model, Energy (Elsevier), 160, 275-289(2018). (SCI IF = 5.537)
(271)J. H. Guo, G. H. Huang*, X. Q. Wang*, Y. P. Li, and L. Yang,Future changes in precipitation extremes over China projected by a regionalclimate model ensemble, AtmosphericEnvironment (Elsevier), 188, 142-156 (2018). (SCI IF = 4.012)
(272)L. R. Liu,C. Z. Huang, G. H. Huang*, B. Baetz, and S. Pittendrigh, How a carbon tax willaffect an emission-intensive economy: A case study of the Province ofSaskatchewan, Canada, Energy(Elsevie), 159, 817-826 (2018). (SCI IF = 5.537)
(273)J. Shen,G. H. Huang*, C. J.An, X. Y. Xin, C. Huang, and S. Rosendahl, Removal of Tetrabromobisphenol A byadsorption on pinecone-derived activated charcoals: Synchrotron FTIR, kineticsand surface functionality analyses, BioresourceTechnology (Elsevier), 247,812-820 (2018). (SCI IF = 6.669)
(274)X. J. Chen, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, Y. Yao, and S.Zhao, Emerging N-nitrosamines and N-nitramines from amine-based post-combustionCO2 capture - A review, ChemicalEngineering Journal (Elsevier), 335,921-935 (2018). (SCI IF = 8.355)
(275)L. Ji, G.H. Huang, Y. L. Xie, Y. Zhou, and J. F. Zhou, Robust cost-risk tradeoff forday-ahead schedule optimization in residential microgrid system underworst-case conditional value-at-risk consideration, Energy (Elsevier), 153,324-337 (2018). (SCI IF = 5.537)
(276)J. Huang,G. H. Huang*, C. J.An, Y. He, Y. Yao, P. Zhang, and J. Shen, Performance of ceramic disk filtercoated with nano ZnO for removing Escherichia coli from water in small ruraland remote communities of developing regions, Environmental Pollution (Elsevier), 238, 52-62 (2018). (SCI IF = 5.714)
(277)L. Jin, H. Y. Fu, Y. Kim, J. X. Long, and G. H. Huang, Abi-objective pseudo-interval T2 linear programming approach and its applicationto water resources management under uncertainty, Water (MDPI), 10(11),1545 (2018). (SCI IF = 2.524)
(278)X. T. Zeng, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, X. W. Zhuang, and S. Nie,Sustainable water‐resourcesallocation through a trading‐orientedmechanism under uncertainty in an arid region, Clean - Soil,Air, Water (Wiley), 46(10), 1800317 (2018). (SCI IF = 1.512)
(279)Y. L. Xie,L. Ji, B. B. Wang, and G. H. Huang, Evolution of the scientific literature oninput-output analysis: A bibliometric analysis of 1990-2017, Sustainability (MDPI), 10(9), 3135(2018). (SCI IF = 2.592)
(280)Y. L. Xie, D. H. Xia, G. H. Huang, and L. Ji, Inexactstochastic optimization model for industrial water resources allocation underconsidering pollution charges and revenue-risk control, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier),203, 109-124 (2018). (SCI IF = 6.395)
(281)Y. L. Xie, G. H. Huang, and L. Ji, A stochastic inexactrobust model for regional energy system management and emission reductionpotential analysis - A case study of Zibo City, China, Energies (MDPI). 11(8), 2108, (2018). (SCI IF = 2.707)
(282)C. Dong, G. H. Huang*, G. H. Cheng*, and S.Zhao, Water resources and farmland management in the Songhua River Watershedunder interval and fuzzy uncertainties, WaterResources Management (Elsevier), 32(13), 4177-4200 (2018). (SCI IF = 2.987)
(283)L. R. Liu, G. H. Huang*, B.W. Baetz, C. Z. Huang, and K. Q. Zhang, Afactorial ecologically-extended input-output model for analyzing urban GHGemissions metabolism system, Journal ofCleaner Production (Elsevier), 200, 922-933 (2018). (SCI IF = 6.395)
(284)L. Yu, Y. P. Li, B. G. Shan, G.H. Huang, and L. P. Xu, A scenario-based interval-stochasticbasic-possibilistic programming method for planning sustainable energy systemunder uncertainty: A case study of Beijing, China, Journal of CleanerProduction (Elsevier), 197(1), 1454-1471 (2018).(SCI IF= 6.395)
(285)P. Song, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, J. Shen, P. Zhang, X. J. Chen, J.Shen, Y. Yao, R. B. Zheng, and C. X. Sun, Treatment of rural domesticwastewater using multi-soil-layering systems: Performance evaluation, factorialanalysis and numerical modeling, Scienceof the Total Environment (Elsevier),644, 536-546 (2018). (SCI IF = 5.589)
(286)Y. Xu, Y. Wang, S. Li, G. H.Huang, and C. Dai, Stochastic optimization model for water allocation on awatershed scale considering wetland’s ecological water requirement, Ecological Indicators (Elsevier), 92, 330-341 (2018). (SCI IF = 4.490)
(287)Y. L. Xie, D. X. Xia, L. Ji,and G. H. Huang, An inexact stochastic-fuzzy optimization model foragricultural water allocation and land resources utilization management underconsidering effective rainfall,Ecological Indicators (Elsevier), 92,301-311 (2018). (SCI IF = 4.490)
(288)G. C. Li, W. Sun*, G. H. Huang*, Y. Lv*, Z. F. Liu, and C. J.An, Planning of integrated energy-environment systems under dualinterval uncertainties, InternationalJournal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Elsevier), 100,287-298 (2018). (SCI IF = 4.418)
(289)C. Chen, M. Z. Qi, X. M. Kong,G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, Air pollutant and CO2 emissionsmitigation in urban energy systems through a fuzzy possibilistic programmingmethod under uncertainty, Journal ofCleaner Production (Elsevier), 192,115-137 (2018).(SCI IF = 6.395)
(290)C. B. Wu, G. H. Huang, B. G.Xin, and J. K. Chen, Scenario analysis of carbon emissions’ anti-driving effecton Qingdao’s energy structure adjustment with an optimization model, Part I: Carbonemissions peak value prediction, Journalof Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 172,466-474 (2018). (SCI IF = 6.395)
(291)X. W. Zhuang, Y. P. Li, S. Nie,Y. R. Fan, and G. H. Huang, Analyzing climate change impacts on waterresources under uncertainty using an integrated simulation-optimizationapproach, Journal of Hydrology(Elsevier), 556, 523-538 (2018).(SCI IF = 4.405)
(292)W. X. Wang, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, S. Zhao, X. J. Chen, and P. Zhang,Adsorption of anionic azo dyes from aqueous solution on cationic geminisurfactant-modified flax shives: Synchrotron infrared, optimization andmodeling studies, Journal of CleanerProduction (Elsevier), 172,1986-1997 (2018). (SCI IF = 6.395)
(293)G. H. Cheng, G. H. Huang*, C. Dong, Y. Lv, J. L. Zhang, Y. Yao, and X. J.Chen, Resources and environmental systems management under synchronicinterval uncertainties, StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 32(2), 435-456 (2018). (SCI IF = 2.807)
(294)L. Ji, B. B. Zhang, G. H.Huang, Y. L. Xie, and D. X. Niu, Explicit cost-risk tradeoff for optimal energymanagement in CCHP microgrid system under fuzzy-risk preferences, Energy Economics (Elsevier), 70, 525-535 (2018). (SCI IF = 4.151)
(295)Q. Q. Li, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, and C. X. Wang, Risk aversion based interval stochastic programmingapproach for agricultural water management under uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research and RiskAssessment (Springer), 32(3),715-732 (2018).(SCI IF = 2.807)
(296)S. W. Jin, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, and S. Nie, Analyzing the performance of clean developmentmechanism for electric power systems under uncertain environment, Renewable Energy (Elsevier), 123, 382-397 (2018). (SCI IF = 5.439)
(297)C. Chen, Y. Zhu, X. T. Zeng, G.H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, Analyzing the carbon mitigation potential oftradable green certificates based on a TGC-FFSRO model: A case study in theBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China, Science of The Total Environment (Elsevier), 630, 469-486 (2018). (SCI IF = 5.589)
(298)L. Ji, C. W. Liu, L. C. Huang,and G. H. Huang, The evolution of resources conservation andrecycling over the past 30 years: A bibliometric overview, Resources, Conservation and Recycling(Elsevier), 134, 34-43 (2018).(SCI IF = 7.044)
(299)J. Sun, Y. P. Li, X. W. Zhuang,S. W. Jin, G. H. Huang, and R. F. Feng, Identifying water resources managementstrategies in adaptation to climate change under uncertainty, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies forGlobal Change (Springer),23(4), 553-578 (2018). (SCI IF = 2.651)
(300)X. Zhou, G. H. Huang*, B. W. Baetz, X. Q. Wang, and G. H. Cheng,PRECIS-projected increases in temperature and precipitation over Canada, Quarterly Journal of the RoyalMeteorological Society (Wiley), 144(711),588-603 (2018). (SCI IF = 3.444)
(301)L. Ji, B. B. Zhang, G. H. Huang,Y. L. Xie, and D. X. Niu, GHG-mitigation oriented and coal-consumptionconstrained inexact robust model for regional energy structure adjustment - Acase study for Jiangsu Province, China, Renewable Energy (Elsevier), 123,549-562 (2018). (SCI IF = 5.439)
(302)X. T. Zeng, C. Chen , Y. N.Sheng, C. J. An, X. M. Kong, and G. H. Huang, Planning waterresources in an agroforest ecosystem for improvement of regional ecologicalfunction under uncertainties, Water(MDPI), 10(4), 415 (2018). (SCIIF = 2.524)
(303)P. P. Gao, Y. P. Li, J. Sun,and G. H. Huang, A Monte-Carlo-based interval De Novo programming method foroptimal system design under uncertainty, EngineeringApplications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier),72, 30-42 (2018).(SCI IF = 3.526)
(304)X. T. Zeng, L. Cui, Q. Tan, Z.Li, and G. H. Huang, A sustainable land utilization pattern for confirmingintegrity of economic and ecological objectives under uncertainties, Sustainability (MDPI), 10(5), 1307 (2018). (SCI IF = 2.592)
(305)X. T. Zeng, T. N. Li, C. Chen,Z. J. Si, G. H. Huang, P. Guo, and X. W. Zhuang, A hybridland-water-environment model for identification of ecological effect and riskunder uncertain meteorological precipitation in an agroforestry ecosystem, Science of The Total Environment (Elsevier),633, 1613-1628 (2018). (SCI IF = 5.589)
(306)X. T. Zeng, C. Chen, A. H. Liu,H. Y. Wei, H. K. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and Y. H. Wu, Planning a sustainableregional irrigated production and forest protection under land and waterstresses with multiple uncertainties, Journalof Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 188,751-762 (2018). (SCI IF = 6.395)
(307)W. Fang, S. Z. Huang, Q. Huang,G. H. Huang, E. H. Meng, and J. K. Luan, Reference evapotranspirationforecasting based on local meteorological and global climate informationscreened by partial mutual information, Journalof Hydrology (Elsevier), 561,764-779 (2018). (SCI IF = 4.405)
(308)Z. Li, G. H. Huang*, W. Huang, Q. G. Lin, R. F. Liao, and Y. R. Fan,Future changes of temperature and heat waves in Ontario, Canada, Theoretical and Applied Climatology (Springer),132(3-4), 1029-1038 (2018). (SCI IF= 2.720)
(309)M. T. Cai, G. H. Huang*, J. P. Chen, Y. H. Li, and Y. R. Fan, Ageneralized fuzzy chance-constrained energy systems planning model forGuangzhou, China, Energy (Elsevier), 165, 191-204 (2018). (SCI IF = 5.537)
(310)M. Y. Wang, G. H. Huang, Z. R.Zhao, C. Y. Dang, W. Liu, and M. S. Zheng, Newly designed primer pair revealeddominant and diverse comammox amoA gene in full-scale wastewater treatmentplants, Bioresource Technology (Elsevier), 270, 580-587 (2018). (SCI IF = 6.669)
(311)C. Y. Zhou, G. H. Huang*, and J. P. Chen, A multi-objective energy andenvironmental systems planning model: Management of uncertainties and risks forShanxi Province, China, Energies (MDPI), 11(10), 2723 (2018). (SCI IF = 2.707)
(312)Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang*, Y. Zhang, and Y. P. Li, Uncertainty quantificationfor multivariate eco-hydrological risk in the Xiangxi River within the ThreeGorges Reservoir area in China, Engineering(Elsevier), 4(5), 617-626, (2018). (SCI IF = 4.568)
(313)S. Wang, G. H. Huang*, and Y. R. Fan, A multistagedistribution-generation planning model for clean power generation under multipleuncertainties - A case study of Urumqi, China, Sustainability (MDPI), 10(9), 3263 (2018). (SCI IF = 2.592)
(314)C. Y. Zhou, G. H. Huang*, and J. P. Chen, Planning of electric powersystems considering virtual power plants with dispatchable loads included: Aninexact two-stage stochastic linear programming model, Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi), 2018,7049329, (2018). (SCI IF = 1.179)
(315)J. Shen, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, P. Song, X. Y. Xin, Y. Yao, and R. B.Zheng, Biophysiological and factorial analyses in the treatment of ruraldomestic wastewater using multi-soil-layering systems, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 226, 83-94 (2018). (SCI IF = 4.865)
(316)X. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, M. Y. Zhai, and J. Z. Li, Ecologicaland economic analyses of the forest metabolism system: A case study ofGuangdong Province, China, Ecological Indicators (Elsevier), 95(1),131-140 (2018). (SCI IF = 4.490)
(317)M. Y. Zhai, G. H. Huang*, L. R. Liu, and S. Su, Dynamic input-output analysisfor energy metabolism system in the Province of Guangdong, China, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier),196, 747-762 (2018). (SCI IF = 6.395)
(318)J. Z. Li, G. H. Huang*, and L. R. Liu, Ecologicalnetwork analysis for urban metabolism and carbon emissions based oninput-output tables: A case study of Guangdong province, Ecological Modelling (Elsevier), 383, 118-126 (2018). (SCI IF = 2.634)
(319)W. Li, Z. Bao, G. H. Huang, andY. L. Xie, An inexact credibility chance-constrained integer programming forgreenhouse gas mitigation management in regional electric power system under uncertainty,Journal of Environmental Informatics(International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 31(2), 111-122 (2018). (SCI IF = 4.521)
(320)Y. He, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, J. Huang, P. Zhang, X. J. Chen, andX. Y. Xin, Reduction of Escherichia Coli using ceramicdisk filter decorated by nano-TiO2: A low-cost solution forhousehold water purification, Scienceof the Total Environment (Elsevier), 616-617,1628-1637 (2018).(SCI IF = 5.589)
(321)X. Zhou, G. H. Huang*, X. Q. Wang, Y. R. Fan, and G. H. Cheng, A coupled dynamical-copula downscaling approach fortemperature projections over the Canadian Prairies, Climate Dynamics (Springer), 51(7-8), 2413-2431 (2018). (SCI IF =4.146)
(322)X. M. Kong, G. H. Huang, Y. P.Li, Y. R. Fan, X. T. Zeng, Y. Zhu, Inexact copula-based stochastic programmingmethod for water resources management under multiple uncertainties, Journalof Water Resources Planning and Management (American Society of Civil Engineers), 144(11), 04018069(2018). (SCI IF = 3.196)
(323)C. J. An, Y. R. Shi, Y. L. He,G. H. Huang*, Y. H.Liu, and S. C. Yang, Biotransformation of RDX and HMX by anaerobic granular sludgewith enriched sulfate and nitrate, WaterEnvironment Research (Water Environment Federation), 89(5), 472-479 (2017). (SCI IF = 0.91)
(324)Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang*, B. W. Baetz, Y. P. Li, and K. Huang, Developmentof a Copula-based particle filter (CopPF) approach for hydrologic dataassimilation under consideration of parameter interdependence, Water Resources Research (AGU), 53(6), 4850-4875 (2017). (SCI IF =4.397)
(325)X. B. Ji, J. L. Xu, H. C. Li,and G. H. Huang, Switchable heat transfer mechanisms of nucleation andconvection by wettability match of evaporator and condenser for heat pipes:Nano-structured surface effect, NanoEnergy (Elsevier), 37, 313-325(2017). (SCI IF = 12.343)
(326)G. H. Cheng, G. H. Huang*, C. Dong, J. X. Zhu, X. Zhou, and Y. Yao,High-resolution projections of 21st century climate over the Athabasca RiverBasin through an integrated evaluation-classification-downscaling-based climateprojection framework, Journal ofGeophysical Research - Atmospheres (Wiley), 122(5), 2595-2615 (2017). (SCI IF = 3.454)
(327)J. L. Zhang, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, B. W. Baetz, and J. Liu, Uncertainty analysis for effluent tradingplanning using a Bayesian estimation-based simulation-optimization modelingapproach, Water Research (Elsevier), 116, 159-181 (2017). (SCI IF = 6.942)
(328)J. H. Guo, G. H. Huang*, X. Q. Wang*, and Q. G. Lin, Investigating futureprecipitation changes over China through a high-resolution regional climatemodel ensemble, Earth's future(AGU), 5(3), 285-303 (2017).(SCI IF = 4.938)
(329)J. Shen, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, S. Zhao, and S. Rosendahl,Immobilization of tetrabromobisphenol a by pinecone-derived biochars atsolid-liquid interface: Synchrotron-assisted analysis and role of inorganicfertilizer ions, Chemical EngineeringJournal (Elsevier), 321, 346-357(2017). (SCI IF = 6.216)
(330)X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang*, B. W. Baetz, and S. Zhao, Probabilisticprojections of regional climatic changes over the Great Lakes Basin, Climate Dynamics (Springer), 49(7-8), 2237-2247 (2017). (SCI IF =4.146)
(331)F. Chen, G. H. Huang*, Y.R. Fan, and J. P. Chen, A copula-based fuzzy chance-constrainedprogramming model and its application to electric power generation systemsplanning, Applied Energy(Elsevier), 187, 291-309 (2017).(SCI IF = 7.182)
(332)J. X. Zhu and G. H. Huang*, Contract-out planning of solid waste managementsystem under uncertainty: Case study on Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier),168, 1370-1380 (2017). (SCI IF =5.715)
(333)X. W. Ding, S. Y. Wang, G. H.Jiang, and G. H. Huang, A simulation program on change trend of pollutantconcentration under water pollution accidents and its application inHeshangshan drinking water source area, Journalof Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 167,326-336 (2017). (SCI IF = 5.715)
(334)Y. R. Liu, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, J. L. Zhang, and Y. R. Fan, A Bayesian-based multilevel factorial analysismethod for analyzing parameter uncertainty of hydrological model, Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier), 553, 750-762 (2017). (SCI IF = 3.483)
(335)C. X. Wang, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, Taguchi-factorial type-2 fuzzy random optimization model for planningconjunctive water management with compound uncertainties, Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier), 97, 184-200 (2017). (SCI IF = 4.404)
(336)X. T. Zeng, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, and J. Liu, Modeling of water resources allocation and water qualitymanagement for supporting regional sustainability under uncertainty in an aridregion, Water Resources Management(Springer), 31(12), 3699-3721(2017). (SCI IF = 2.848)
(337)S. Zhao, G. H. Huang*, G. H. Cheng, W. Sun, Q. Su, Z. Y. Tao, and S.G. Wang*, A stepwise-clusterinference model for phenanthrene immobilization at the aqueous/modifiedpalygorskite interface, Water(MDPI), 9(8), 590 (2017). (SCIIF = 1.832)
(338)Z. Wang, G. H. Huang*, C. J.An, W. P. Li*, L. R.Chen, and S. S. Zhang, Transport of reactive X-3B dye at the interface betweencationic surfactant-modified water-quenched blast furnace slag and aqueoussolution, Canadian Journal of ChemicalEngineering (Wiley), 96(6),1240-1249 (2018). (SCI IF = 1.356)
(339)J. Sun, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,and C. X. Wang, Analysis of interactive effects of DEM resolution and basinsubdivision level on runoff simulation in Kaidu River Basin, China, Hydrology Research (IWA Publishing), 48(4), 1100-1117 (2017). (SCI IF =1.754)
(340)Y. Y. Wang, G. H. Huang*, and S. Wang, CVaR-based factorial stochasticoptimization of water resources systems with correlated uncertainties, Stochastic Environmental Research and RiskAssessment (Springer), 31(6),1543-1553 (2017). (SCI IF = 2.629)
(341)J. L. Zhen, G. H. Huang*, W. Li, Z. P. Liu, and C. B. Wu, Aninexact optimization model for regional electric system steady operationmanagement considering integrated renewable resources, Energy (Elsevier), 135, 195-209 (2017). (SCI IF = 4.520)
(342)X. J. Chen, G. H. Huang*, H. Y. Fu, C. J. An, Y. Yao, G. H. Cheng, and M.Q. Suo, Allelopathy inhibitory effects of hydrodictyon reticulatum onChlorella pyrenoidosa under co-culture and liquor-cultured conditions,Water (MDPI), 9(6), 416 (2017). (SCI IF = 1.832)
(343)L. Ji, P. Sun, Q. Ma, N. Jiang,G. H. Huang, and Y. L. Xie, Inexact two-stage stochastic programming for waterresources allocation under considering demand uncertainties and response-a casestudy of Tianjin, China, Water (MDPI),9(6), 414 (2017). (SCI IF = 1.832)
(344)S. Wang, G. H. Huang*, Y. Yao, Y. L. Xie, and J. L. Zhen, An inexactfuzzy bi-level programming model for energy-traffic system planning underuncertainty: A case study of Urumqi city, China, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis), 49(8), 1441-1461 (2017). (SCI IF =1.728)
(345)L. Yu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,and B. G. Shan, A hybrid fuzzy-stochastic technique forplanning peak electricity management under multiple uncertainties, Engineering Applications of ArtificialIntelligence (Elsevier), 62,252-264 (2017). (SCI IF = 2.894)
(346)Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang*, B. W. Baetz, Y. P. Li, K. Huang, X. Chen, and M.Gao, Development of integrated approaches for hydrological data assimilationthrough combination of ensemble Kalman filter and particle filter methods, Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier), 550, 412-426 (2017). (SCI IF = 3.483)
(347)J. Liu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,and Y. R. Fan, A semi-infinite interval-stochastic riskmanagement model for river water pollution control under uncertainty,Water (MDPI), 9(5), 351 (2017). (SCI IF = 1.832)
(348)J. Liu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,H. Y. Fu, J. L. Zhang, and G. H. Cheng, Identification of water qualitymanagement policy of watershed system with multiple uncertain interactionsusing a multi-level-factorial risk-inference-based possibilistic-probabilisticprogramming approach, EnvironmentalScience and Pollution Research (Springer), 24(17), 14980-15000 (2017). (SCI IF = 2.741)
(349)Y. Yao, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, G. H. Cheng, and J. Wei, Effects offreeze-thawing cycles on desorption behaviors of PAH-contaminated soil in thepresence of a biosurfactant: A case study in western Canada, Environmental Science: Processes &Impacts (Royal Society of Chemistry), 19,874-882 (2017). (SCI IF = 2.592)
(350)J. X. Xu, G. H. Huang*, Z. Li, and J. P. Chen, A two-stage fuzzychance-constrained water management model, EnvironmentalScience and Pollution Research (Springer), 24(13), 12437-12454 (2017). (SCI IF = 2.741)
(351)S. Zhao, G. H. Huang*, S. Mu, C. J. An, and X. J. Chen, Immobilizationof phenanthrene onto gemini surfactant modified sepiolite at solid/aqueousinterface: Equilibrium, thermodynamic and kinetic studies, Science of The Total Environment (Elsevier), 598, 619-627 (2017). (SCI IF = 4.900)
(352)Z. S. Guo, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, S. W. Jin, and B. W. Baetz, An interval robuststochastic programming method for planning carbon sink trading to supportregional ecosystem sustainability-a casestudy of Zhangjiakou, China, EcologicalEngineering (Elsevier), 104,99-115 (2017). (SCI IF = 2.914)
(353)X. T. Zeng, S. J. Zhang, J.Feng, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, P. Zhang, J. P.Chen, and K. L. Li, A multi-reservoir based water-hydroenergy management modelfor identifying the risk horizon of regional resources-energy policy underuncertainties, Energy Conversion andManagement (Elsevier), 143, 66-84 (2017). (SCI IF = 5.589)
(354)D. Z. Fu, Z. Y. Zheng, H. B.Shi, R. Xiao, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, A multi-fuel management model for acommunity-level district heating system under multiple uncertainties, Energy (Elsevier), 128, 337-356 (2017). (SCI IF = 4.520)
(355)Y. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, X. Y. Xin, X. Liu, M. Raman, Y. Yao,W. X. Wang, and M. Doble, Transport of anionic azo dyes from aqueoussolution to gemini surfactant-modified wheat bran: Synchrotron infrared,molecular interaction and adsorption studies, Science of The Total Environment (Elsevier), 595, 723-732 (2017). (SCI IF = 4.900)
(356)G. H. Cheng, G. H. Huang*, C. Dong, X. Zhou, J. X. Zhu, and Y. Xu, Climateclassification through recursive multivariate statistical inferences: A casestudy of the Athabasca River Basin, Canada, InternationalJournal of Climatology (Wiley), 37,1001-1012 (2017). (SCI IF = 3.760)
(357)X. Y. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, H. Zhu, and Y. P. Li, A fuzzy-stochastic powersystem planning model: Reflection of dual objectives and dual uncertainties,Energy (Elsevier), 123, 664-676 (2017). (SCI IF = 4.520)
(358)Z. P. Liu, G. H. Huang*, C. B. Wu, L. Ji, and D. X. Niu, Factorialbased stochastic optimization approach for energy and environmental systemsmanagement under uncertainty, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert), 34(7), 469-480 (2017). (SCI IF = 1.426)
(359)Y. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, X. Q. Wang*, and Z. P. Liu, Observedchanges in temperature extremes for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of China,Meteorological Applications (Wiley), 24(1), 74-83 (2017). (SCI IF = 1.411)
(360)X. Y. Xin, G. H. Huang, X. J.Zhou, W. Sun, C. L. Jin, W. Jiang, and S. Zhao, Potential antifouling compoundswith antidiatom adhesion activities from the sponge-associated bacteria,Bacillus pumilus, Journal of AdhesionScience and Technology (Taylor&Francis), 31(9), 1028-1043 (2017). (SCI IF = 1.073)
(361)G. H. Cheng, G. H. Huang*, C. Dong, J. X. Zhu, X. Zhou, and Y. Yao, Anevaluation of CMIP5 GCM simulations over the Athabasca River Basin, Canada,River Research and Applications (Wiley),33(5), 823-843 (2017). (SCI IF =2.274)
(362)X. Y. Xin, G. H. Huang*, X. Liu, C. J. An, Y. Yao, H. Weger, P. Zhang,and X. J. Chen, Molecular toxicity of triclosan and carbamazepine to greenalgae Chlorococcum sp.: A single cellview using synchrotron Fourier transform infrared spectromicroscopy, Environmental Pollution (Elsevier), 226, 12-20 (2017). (SCI IF = 5.099)
(363)X. T. Zeng, Y. Zhu, C. Chen, Y.F. Tong, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, S. Nie, and X. Q. Wang, A production-emissionnexus based stochastic-fuzzy model for identification of urbanindustry-environment policy under uncertainty, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 154, 61-82 (2017). (SCI IF = 5.715)
(364)L. Yu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,and B. G. Shan, An interval-possibilistic basic-flexible programming method forair quality management of municipal energy system through introducing electricvehicles, Science of The TotalEnvironment (Elsevier), 593-594,418-429 (2017). (SCI IF = 4.900)
(365)S. Wang, G. H. Huang, B. W.Baetz, and B. C. Ancell, Towards robust quantification and reduction ofuncertainty in hydrologic predictions: Integration of particle Markov chainMonte Carlo and factorial polynomial chaos expansion, Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier), 548, 484-497 (2017). (SCI IF = 3.483)
(366)Y. L. Xie, D. H. Xia, L. Ji, W.N. Zhou, and G. H. Huang, An inexact cost-risk balanced model for regionalenergy structure adjustment management and resources environmental effectanalysis-a case study of Shandong province, China, Energy (Elsevier), 126,374-391 (2017). (SCI IF = 4.520)
(367)R. Y. Huang, G. H. Huang*, G. H. Cheng*, and C. Dong, Regional heuristicinterval recourse power system analysis for electricity and environmentalsystems planning in Eastern China, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier), 122, 185-201 (2017). (SCI IF = 3.313)
(368)J. Liu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,X. W. Zhuang, and H. Y. Fu, Assessment of uncertainty effects on crop planningand irrigation water supply using a Monte Carlo simulation based dual-intervalstochastic programming method, Journal ofCleaner Production (Elsevier), 149,945-967 (2017). (SCI IF = 5.715)
(369)G. H. Cheng, G. H. Huang*, C. Dong, Y. Xu, X. J. Chen, and J. P. Chen,Distributed mixed-integer fuzzy hierarchical programming for municipal solidwaste management, Part I: System identification and methodology development, Environmental Science and Pollution Research(Springer), 24(8), 7236-7252(2017). (SCI IF = 2.741)
(370)G. H. Cheng, G. H. Huang*, C. Dong, Y. Xu, J. P. Chen, X. J. Chen, and K.L. Li, Distributed mixed-integer fuzzy hierarchical programming for municipalsolid waste management, Part II: Scheme analysis and mechanism revelation, Environmental Science and Pollution Research(Springer), 24(9), 8711-8721(2017). (SCI IF = 2.741)
(371)W. X. Wang, G. H. Huang*, C. J.An, X. Y. Xin, Y. Zhang, and X. Liu, Transport behaviors of anionic azo dyes atinterface between surfactant-modified flax shives and aqueous solution:Synchrotron infrared and adsorption studies, Applied Surface Science (Elsevier), 405, 119-128 (2017). (SCI IF = 3.387)
(372)Y. L. Xie, D. H. Xia, G. H.Huang, W. Li, and Y. Xu, A multistage stochastic robust optimizationmodel with fuzzy probability distribution for water supply management underuncertainty, Stochastic EnvironmentalResearch and Risk Assessment (Springer), 31(1), 125-143 (2017). (SCI IF = 2.629)
(373)L. Yu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,and C. J. An, A robust flexible-probabilistic programming method for planningmunicipal energy system with considering peak-electricity price and electricvehicle, Energy Conversion and Management(Elsevier), 137, 97-112 (2017).(SCI IF = 5.589)
(374)Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, and Y. R.Fan, Multivariate flood risk analysis for Wei River, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 31(1), 225-242 (2017). (SCI IF= 2.629)
(375)C. B. Wu, G. H. Huang*, Z. P. Liu, J. L. Zhen, and J. G. Yin, Scenarioanalysis of carbon emissions' anti-driving effect on Qingdao's energy structureadjustment with an optimization model, Part II: Energy systemplanning and management, Journal ofEnvironmental Management (Elsevier), 188,120-136 (2017). (SCI IF = 4.010)
(376)C. J. An, G. H. Huang*, Y. Yao, and S. Zhao, Emerging usage ofelectrocoagulation technology for oil removal from wastewater: A review, Science of The Total Environment (Elsevier),579, 537-556 (2017). (SCI IF =4.900)
(377)Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, X. Q. Wang, Z. Li, and L. Jin, Developmentof PCA-based cluster quantile regression (PCA-CQR) framework for streamflowprediction: Application to the Xiangxi River Watershed, China, Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier), 51, 280-293 (2017). (SCI IF = 3.541)
(378)Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, and L. G.Shao, A stochastic fuzzy chance-constrained programming model forenergy-environment system planning and management in the City of Beijing, International Journal of Green Energy (Taylor& Francis), 14(2), 171-183(2017). (SCI IF = 1.454)
(379)Q. G. Lin, M. Y. Zhai, G. H.Huang, X. Z. Wang, L. F. Zhong, and J. W. Pi, Adaptation planning of communityenergy systems to climatic change over Canada, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 143, 686-698 (2017). (SCI IF = 5.715)
(380)Y. P. Li, S. Nie, Charley Z.Huang, E. A. McBean, Y. R. Fan, and G. H. Huang, An integrated risk analysismethod for planning water resource systems to support sustainable developmentof an arid region, Journal ofEnvironmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental InformationSciences), 29(1), 1-15 (2017).(SCI IF = 5.562)
(381)D. Z. Fu, Z. Y. Zheng, J. Gui,R. Xiao, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, Development of a fuel management model fora multi-source district heating system under multi-uncertainty andmulti-dimensional constraints, EnergyConversion and Management (Elsevier), 153,243-256 (2017). (SCI IF = 5.589)
(382)S. Wang, G. H. Huang, B. W.Baetz, X. M. Cai, B. C. Ancell, and Y. R. Fan, Examining dynamic interactionsamong experimental factors influencing hydrologic data assimilation with theensemble Kalman filter, Journal ofHydrology (Elsevier), 554,743-757 (2017). (SCI IF = 3.483)
(383)J. Zhang, L. R. Liu, X. C. Shi,H. Wang, and G.H. Huang, Environmental information in modern fiction and ecocriticism,Journal of Environmental Informatics (InternationalSociety of Environmental Information Sciences), 30(1), 41-52 (2017). (SCI IF = 5.562)
(384)X. J. Chen, G. H. Huang*, S.Zhao, G. H. Cheng, Y. H. Wu, and H. Zhu, Municipal solid waste managementplanning for Xiamen City, China: A stochastic fractional inventory-theory-basedapproach, Environmental Science andPollution Research (Springer), 24(31),24243-24260 (2017). (SCI IF = 2.741)
(385)J. Liu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,and L. R. Chen, A recourse-based type-2 fuzzy programming method for waterpollution control under uncertainty, Symmetry(MDPI), 9(11), 265 (2017). (SCIIF = 1.457)
(386)X. M. Kong, G. H. Huang*, Y. R.Fan, Y. P. Li, X. T. Zeng, and Y. Zhu, Risk analysis for water resourcesmanagement under dual uncertainties through factorial analysis and fuzzy randomvalue-at-risk, Stochastic EnvironmentalResearch and Risk Assessment (Springer), 31(9), 2265-2280 (2017). (SCI IF = 2.629)
(387)J. Liu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,S. Cai, and S. Yin, An interval fuzzy-stochastic chance-constrained programmingbased energy-water nexus model for planning electric power systems, Energies (MDPI), 10(11), 1914 (2017). (SCI IF = 2.262)
(388)X. T. Zeng, G. H. Huang*, J. L.Zhang, Y. P. Li, L. You, Y. Chen, and P. P. Hao, A stochasticrough-approximation water management model for supporting sustainablewater-environment strategies in an irrigation district of arid region, Stochastic Environmental Research and RiskAssessment (Springer), 31(9),2183-2200 (2017). (SCI IF = 2.629)
(389)G. H. Cheng, G. H. Huang*, C.Dong, J. X. Zhu, X. Zhou, and Y. Yao, Recursivemultivariate principal-monotonicity inferential climate downscaling,Quarterly Journal of the Royal MeteorologicalSociety (RMetS), 143(708),2780-2796 (2017). (SCI IF = 3.444)
(390)G. H. Cheng, G. H. Huang*, C.Dong, Y. Xu, and Y. Yao, Factorial inferential grid grouping andrepresentativeness analysis for a systematic selection of representative grids,Earth and Space Science (AGU), 4(8), 554-573 (2017). (SCI IF = 3.220)
(391)B. Wang, L. Liu, and G. H.Huang, Retrospective and prospective analysis of water use and point sourcepollution from an economic perspective-a case study of Urumqi, China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research(Springer), 24(33), 26016-26028(2017). (SCI IF = 2.741)
(392)J. X. Zhu, G. H. Huang*, X. Q.Wang, and G. H. Cheng, Investigation of changes in extreme temperature andhumidity over China through a dynamical downscaling approach, Earth's Future (AGU), 5(11), 1136-1155 (2017). (SCI IF =4.938)
(393)X. W. Ding, W. Wang, G. H.Huang, Q. W. Chen, and G. L. Wei, Management of water resources assessment fornuclear power plants in China, Water Quality Research Journal of Canada (IWA), 51(3)282-295 (2016). (SCI IF = 1.447)
(394)M. Hu, G. H. Huang*, W.Sun*, X. W.Ding, Y. P. Li, and B. Fan, Optimization and Evaluation of EnvironmentalOperations for Three Gorges Reservoir, WaterResources Management (Springer), 30(10), 3553-3576. (2016). (SCI IF = 2.437)
(395)Y. Ji, G. H. Huang*, W.Sun*, and Y.F. Li, Water quality management in a wetland system using an inexactleft-hand-side chance-constrained fuzzy multi-objective approach, Stochastic Environmental Research and RiskAssessment (Springer), 30(2), 621-33, (2016). (SCI IF = 2.086)
(396)S. Nie, C. Z. Huang, G. H.Huang, Y. P. Li, J. P. Chen, Y. R. Fan, and G. H. Cheng, Planning renewableenergy in electric power system for sustainable development under uncertainty:A case study of Beijing, Applied Energy(Elsevier), 162, 772-786 (2016).(SCI IF = 5.613)
(397)X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang*, and J. L. Liu, Twenty-first centuryprobabilistic projections of precipitation over Ontario, Canada through aregional climate model ensemble, ClimateDynamics (Springer), 46(11),3979-4001 (2016). (SCI IF = 4.673)
(398)X. W. Zhuang, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, and J. Liu, Assessment of climate change impacts on watershed incold-arid region: An integrated multi-GCM-based stochastic weather generatorand stepwise cluster analysis method, ClimateDynamics (Springer), 47(1-2),191-209 (2016). (SCI IF = 4.708)
(399)Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang*, B. W. Baetz, Y. P. Li, K. Huang, Z. Li, X.Chen, and L. H. Xiong, Parameter uncertainty and temporal dynamics ofsensitivity for hydrologic models: A hybrid sequential data assimilation andprobabilistic collocation method, EnvironmentalModelling & Software (Elsevier), 86,30-49 (2016). (SCI IF = 4.207)
(400)J. L. Zhen, G. H. Huang*, W. Li, C. B. Wu, and Z. P. Liu, An optimizationmodel design for energy systems planning and management under considering airpollution control in Tangshan City, China, Journalof Process Control (Elsevier), 47,58-77 (2016). (SCI IF = 2.216)
(401)J. L. Zhen, G. H. Huang*, W. Li, C. B. Wu, and S. Wang, Electric powersystem planning with renewable energy accommodation for supporting thesustainable development of Tangshan City, China, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 139, 1308-1325 (2016). (SCI IF = 4.959)
(402)X. W. Sun, W. Li, Y. L. Xie, G.H. Huang*, C. J.Dong, and J. G. Yin, An optimization model for regional air pollutantsmitigation based on the economic structure adjustment and multiple measures: Acase study in Urumqi city, China, Journalof Environmental Management (Elsevier), 182, 59-69 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.131)
(403)L. Yu, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, A fuzzy-stochastic simulation-optimization model for planning electricpower systems with considering peak-electricity demand: A case study ofQingdao, China, Energy (Elsevier), 98, 190-203 (2016). (SCI IF = 4.292)
(404)S. Zhao, G. H. Huang*, S. Wang, X. Q. Wang, and W. Huang, Insight intosorption mechanism of phenanthrene onto gemini modified palygorskite through amulti-level fuzzy-factorial inference approach, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A. Toxic/HazardousSubstances and Environmental Engineering (Taylor & Francis), 51(9), 759-768 (2016). (SCI IF = 1.276)
(405)Z. Wang, G. H. Huang*, C.J. An, L. R. Chen, and J. L. Liu,Removal of copper, zinc and cadmium ions through adsorption on water-quenchedblast furnace slag, Desalination and Water Treatment (Taylor & Francis), 57(47), 22493-22506. (SCI IF =1.272)
(406)F. Chen, G. H. Huang*, Y. R. Fan, and S. Wang, A copula-basedchance-constrained waste management planning method: An application to the City ofRegina,Saskatchewan, Canada, Journal of the Air & Waste Management (Taylor & Francis), 66(3), 307-328 (2016). (SCI IF = 1.342)
(407)K. Huang, G. H. Huang, L. M.Dai, and Y.R. Fan, Inexact fuzzy integer chance constraint programming approach for noisecontrol within an urban environment, EngineeringOptimization (Taylor & Francis), 48(8), 1350-1364(2016). (SCI IF = 1.076)
(408)J. J. Gu, P. Guo, and G. H.Huang, Achieving the objective of ecological planning for arid inland riverbasin under uncertainty based on ecological risk assessment, Stochastic Environmental Research and RiskAssessment (Springer), 30(5),1485-1501 (2016). (SCI IF = 2.086)
(409)J. J. Gu, M. Li, P. Guo, and G. H. Huang, RiskAssessment for ecological planning of arid inland river basins underhydrological and management uncertainties, WaterResources Management (Springer), 30(4),1415-1431 (2016). (SCI IF = 2.437)
(410)J. X. Zhu, W. Huang, W. Sun, G.H. Huang*, A waste managementmodel associated with public-private partnership in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,Journal of Environmental Engineering(American Society of Civil Engineers), 142(3),04015086 (2016). (SCI IF = 1.267)
(411)X. Y. Xin, G. H. Huang*, W. Sun, Y. Zhou, and Y. R. Fan, Factorialtwo-stage irrigation system optimization model, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (American Society ofCivil Engineers), 142(2), 04015056(2016). (SCI IF = 1.086)
(412)X. M. Kong, G. H. Huang*, Y. R. Fan, and Y. P. Li, A dualitytheorem-based algorithm for inexact quadratic programming problems -Application to waste management under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis), 48(4), 562-581 (2016). (SCI IF = 1.230)
(413)Y. R. Fan, W. W. Huang, G. H.Huang*, K. Huang, Y. P. Li, and X. M.Kong, Bivariate hydrologic risk analysis based on a coupled entropy-copulamethod for the Xiangxi River in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China, Theoretical and Applied Climatology(Springer), 125(1), 381-397(2016). (SCI IF = 2.433)
(414)K. Zhang, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, and S. W. Jin, Planning regional ecosystem sustainabilityunder multiple uncertainties - An interval stochastic credibility-constrainedprogramming approach, EcologicalIndicators (Elsevier), 70,134-150 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.190)
(415)Y. Y. Wang, G. H. Huang*, S. Wang, W. Li, and P. B. Guan, A risk-basedinteractive multi-stage stochastic programming approach for water resourcesplanning under dual uncertainties, Advancesin Water Resources (Elsevier), 94,217-230 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.417)
(416)X. T. Zeng, G. H. Huang*, H. L. Chen, Y. P. Li, X. M. Kong, and Y. R.Fan, A simulation-based water-environment management model for regionalsustainability in compound wetland ecosystem under multiple uncertainties, Ecological Modelling (Elsevier), 334, 60-77 (2016). (SCI IF = 2.321)
(417)J. L. Zhang, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, X. Chen, and A. M. Bao, Assessment of parameter uncertainty inhydrological model using a Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo-basedmultilevel-factorial-analysis method, Journalof Hydrology (Elsevier), 538,471-486 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.053)
(418)C. J. An, E. McBean, G. H.Huang*, Y.Yao, P. Zhang, X. J. Chen, and Y. P. Li, Multi-soil-layering systems forwastewater treatment in small and remote communities, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society ofEnvironmental Information Sciences), 27(2),131-144 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.857)
(419)X. H. Hu, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, X. W. Zhuang, and X. W. Ding, A Bayesian-based two-stage inexactoptimization method for supporting stream water quality management in the ThreeGorges Reservoir region, EnvironmentalScience and Pollution Research (Springer), 23(9), 9164-9182 (2016). (SCI IF = 2.828)
(420)Y. Zhou*, G. H. Huang*, H. Zhu, Z. Li, and J. P. Chen, A factorialdual-objective rural environmental management model, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 124, 204-216 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.844)
(421)S. Wang, G. H. Huang*, B. W. Baetz, and W. Huang, Probabilisticinference coupled with possibilistic reasoning for robust estimation ofhydrologic parameters and piecewise characterization of interactive uncertainties,Journal of Hydrometeorology (AmericanMeteorological Society), 17(4),1243-1260 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.645)
(422)S. W. Jin, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, and K. Zhang, Inexact mixed-integer programming withinterval-valued membership function for sustainable power-generation capacityplanning, Journal of CleanerProduction (Elsevier), 122, 52-66 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.844)
(423)X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang*, and B. Baetz, Dynamically-downscaledprobabilistic projections of precipitation changes: A Canadian case study, Environmental Research (Elsevier), 148, 86-101 (2016).(SCI IF = 4.373)
(424)F. F. Liu, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, L. Cui, and J. Liu, Assessing uncertainty in hydrologicalprocesses using a fuzzy vertex simulation method, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers), 21(4),05016002 (2016). (SCI IF = 1.583)
(425)L. Cui, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, Double-sided fuzzy chance-constrained linear fractional programmingapproach for water resources management, EngineeringOptimization (Taylor & Francis), 48(6),949-965 (2016). (SCI IF = 1.076)
(426)X. T. Zeng, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, and J. Liu, Modeling water trading under uncertainty for supportingwater resources management in an arid region, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (American Society ofCivil Engineers), 142(2),04015058 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.537)
(427)Y. L. Xie, G. H. Huang*, W. Li, Y. F. Li, J. X. Cui, and X. W. Sun, Arisk-based balance inexact optimization model for water quality management withsustainable wetland system development - A case study of North China, Wetlands (Springer), 36, 205-222 (2016). (SCI IF = 1.572)
(428)S. Wang, G. H. Huang*, and Y. Zhou, A fractional-factorialprobabilistic-possibilistic optimization framework for planning water resourcesmanagement systems with multi-level parametric interactions, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier),172, 97-106 (2016). (SCI IF = 2.723)
(429)X. M. Liu*, G. H. Huang*, S. Wang, and Y. R. Fan, Water resourcesmanagement under uncertainty: Factorial multi-stage stochastic program withchance constraints, StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 30(3), 945-957 (2016). (SCI IF = 2.086)
(430)Y. Zhou, G. H. Huang*, S. Wang, Y. Y. Zhai, and X. Y. Xin, Waterresources management under dual uncertainties: A factorial fuzzy two-stagestochastic programming approach, StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 30(3), 795-811 (March 2016). (SCI IF = 2.086)
(431)C. X. Wang, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, and J. L. Zhang, A type-2 fuzzy interval programming approachfor conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater under uncertainty,Information Sciences (Elsevier), 340-341, 209-227 (2016). (SCI IF =4.038)
(432)Y. R. Fan, W. W. Huang, G. H.Huang*, Y. P. Li, K.Huang, and Z. Li, Hydrologic risk analysis in the Yangtze River basin throughcoupling gaussian mixtures into copulas, Advances in Water Resources (Elsevier), 88, 170-185 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.417)
(433)Z. Li, G. H. Huang*, X. Q. Wang, J. C. Han, and Y. R. Fan, Impactsof future climate change on river discharge based on hydrological inference: Acase study of the Grand River Watershed in Ontario, Canada, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier),548-549, 198-210 (2016). (SCI IF =4.099)
(434)J. Liu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,X. T. Zeng, and S. Nie, An integrated optimization method for riverwater quality management and risk analysis in a rural system, Environmental Science and Pollution Research(Springer), 23(1), 477-497 (2016).(SCI IF = 2.828)
(435)C. Chen, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, Interval-fuzzy municipal-scale energy model for identification ofoptimal strategies for energy management: A case study of Tianjin, China,Renewable Energy (Elsevier), 86, 1161-1177 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.476)
(436)C. J. An, S. Q. Yang, G. H.Huang*, S. Zhao, P. Zhang, and Y.Yao, Removal of sulfonated humic acid from aqueous phase by modified coal flyash waste: Equilibrium and kinetic adsorption studies, Fuel (Elsevier), 165,264-271 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.520)
(437)S. Wang and G. H. Huang*, Risk-based factorial probabilistic inferencefor optimization of flood control systems with correlated uncertainties, European Journal of Operational Research(Elsevier), 249(1), 258-269(2016). (SCI IF = 2.358)
(438)S. Zhao, G. H. Huang*, J. Wei, C. J. An, and P. Zhang, Phenanthrene sorptionon palygorskite modified with gemini surfactants: Insights from modelingstudies and effects of aqueous solution chemistry, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution (Springer), 227(1), 17 (2016) (SCI IF = 1.554)
(439)C. B. Wu, G. H. Huang*, W. Li, J. L. Zhen, and L. Ji, Aninexact fixed-mix fuzzy-stochastic programming model for heat supply managementin wind power heating system under uncertainty, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 112, 1717-1728 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.844)
(440)W. X. Zhang, L. H. Ding, Z.Zhang, J. Wei, M. Y. Jaffrine, and G. H. Huang, Threshold flux and limiting flux for micellarenhanced ultrafiltration as affected by feed water: Experimentaland modeling studies, Journal of CleanerProduction (Elsevier), 112, 1241-1251(2016). (SCI IF = 3.844)
(441)Q. Tan, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Cai,and Z. F. Yang, A non-probabilistic programming approach enabling risk-aversionanalysis for supporting sustainable watershed development, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 112, 4771-4788 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.844)
(442)F. Chen, G. H. Huang*, Y. R. Fan, and R. F. Liao, A nonlinearfractional programming approach for environmental-economic power dispatch, International Journal of Electrical Powerand Energy Systems (Elsevier), 78,463-469 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.289)
(443)G. Niu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,J. Liu, and Y. R. Fan, Crop planning and water resource allocation forsustainable development of an irrigation region in China under multipleuncertainties, Agricultural Water Management(Elsevier), 166, 53-69 (2016). (SCI IF = 2.286)
(444)C. Dong, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Cai*, G. H. Cheng, and Q. Tan, Bayesian intervalrobust optimization for sustainable energy system planning in Qiqihar City,China, Energy Economics (Elsevier), 60, 357-376 (2016). (SCI IF = 2.862)
(445)Y. Zhou, G. H. Huang*, and Z. Li, Factorial fuzzy programming forplanning water resources management systems, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (Taylor & Francis),59(10), 1855-1872 (2016). (SCI IF =1.710)
(446)Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, X. Q. Wang, and Z. Li, Probabilisticprediction for monthly streamflow through coupling stepwise cluster analysisand quantile regression methods, WaterResources Management (Springer), 30(14),5313-5331 (2016). (SCI IF = 2.437)
(447)Y. Y. Wang, G. H. Huang*, S. Wang, and W. Li, A stochasticprogramming with imprecise probabilities model for planning water resourcessystems under multiple uncertainties, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 30(8), 2169-2178 (2016). (SCI IF =2.237)
(448)X. T. Zeng, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li*, J. L. Zhang, Y. P. Cai, Z. P. Liu, and L. R.Liu, Development of a fuzzy-stochastic programming with Green Z-score criterionmethod for planning water resources systems with a trading mechanism, Environmental Science and Pollution Research(Springer), 23(24), 25245-25266(2016), (SCI IF = 2.760)
(449)G. H. Cheng, C. Dong, G. H.Huang*, B. W. Baetz, and J. C. Han, Discreteprincipal-monotonicity inference for hydro-system analysis under irregularnonlinearities, data uncertainties, and multivariate dependencies. Part I:Methodology development, HydrologicalProcesses (Wiley), 30(23),4255-4272 (2016). (SCI IF = 2.768)
(450)G. H. Cheng, C. Dong, G. H.Huang*, B. W. Baetz, and J. C. Han,Discrete principal-monotonicity inference for hydro-system analysis underirregular nonlinearities, data uncertainties, and multivariate dependencies.Part II: Application to streamflow simulation in the Xingshan Watershed, China,Hydrological Processes (Wiley), 30(23), 4273-4291 (2016). (SCI IF =2.768)
(451)X. W. Zhuang, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, and X. Q. Wang, A hybrid factorial stepwise-cluster analysis method forstreamflow simulation - a case study in northwestern China, Hydrological Sciences Journal (Taylor &Francis), 61(15), 2775-2788(2016). (SCI IF = 1.549)
(452)X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang*, and J. L. Liu, Observed regional climaticchanges over Ontario, Canada in response to global warming, Meteorological Applications (RoyalMeteorological Society), 23(1),140-149 (2016). (SCI IF = 1.337)
(453)Y. P. Li, Y. Sun, G. H. Huang,and F. Zhao, An interval-parameter queuing model for planning municipal solidwaste management system with cost-effective objective, Environmental Engineering and ManagementJournal (GH Asachi Technical UnivIASI), 15(8), 1673-1687 (2016).(SCI IF = 1.008)
(454)Y. Zhang, W. Li, Y. L. Xie, G.H. Huang, and B. Wang, An optimisation model forelectric-environmental system planning - a case study of Heilongjiang Province,China, International Journalof Global Warming (InderScience Publishers), 9(4), 407-433 (2016). (SCI IF = 1.286)
(455)J. Wei, J. Li, G. H. Huang, X.J. Wang, G. H. Chen, and B. H. Zhao, Adsorptive removal of naphthalene inducedby structurally different Gemini surfactants in a soil-water system, Environmental Science and PollutionResearch (Springer), 23(18),18034-18042 (2016). (SCI IF = 2.760)
(456)J. Wei, G. H. Huang, J. Li, andX. J. Wang, A promising surfactant for enhanced sorption and desorption ofpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research (ACS), 55(17), 4811-4819 (2016). (SCI IF = 2.567)
(457)X. J. Chen, G. H. Huang*, H. Zhu, M. Q. Suo, and C. Dong, Inexactinventory theory-based waste management planning model for the City of Xiamen,China, Journal of EnvironmentalEngineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), 142(5), 04016013 (2016). (SCI IF = 1.125)
(458)L. Ji, G. H. Huang, L. C.Huang, Y. L. Xie, and D. X. Niu, Inexact stochastic risk-aversion optimalday-ahead dispatch model for electricity system management with wind powerunder uncertainty, Energy (Elsevier),109, 920-932 (2016). (SCI IF =4.292)
(459)Y. Zhou, G. H. Huang*, and B. Baetz, Multilevel factorialfractional programming for sustainable water resources management, Journal of Water Resources Planning andManagement (American Society of Civil Engineers), 142(12), 04016063 (2016). (SCI IF = 2.676)
(460)X. Zhou, G.H. Huang*,H. Zhu, Y. Y. Zhai, B. Yan, andH. Y. Fu, Two-stage fractional programming method for managing multiobjectivewaste management systems, Journal ofEnvironmental Engineering (AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers), 142(5),04016009 (2016). (SCI IF = 1.221)
(461)Y. Y. Zhai, G. H. Huang*, Y.Zhou, and X. Zhou, A factorial dual-interval programming approach for planningmunicipal waste management systems, Journalof Environmental Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), 142(8), 04016033 (2016). (SCI IF =1.221)
(462)X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang, J. L.Liu, Z. Li, and S. Zhao, GIS-based data portal for climate change impactassessment, Bulletin of the AmericanMeteorological Society (AmericanMeteorological Society), 97(1),17-18 (2016). (SCI IF = 11.808)
(463)J. L.Zhang, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, C. X. Wang, and G. H. Cheng,Evaluationof uncertainties in input data and parameters of a hydrological model using aBayesian framework: A case study of a snowmelt-precipitation-driven watershed, Journalof Hydrometeorology (American Meteorological Society), 17(8),2333-2350 (2016). (SCI IF = 3.511)
(464)G. H. Huang and Y. Yao, Evaporation: Evaluate risks of coatingreservoirs, Nature (NPG), 520(7545), 33 (2015). (SCI IF = 42.351)
(465)S. Wang, G H. Huang, and B. W.Baetz, An inexact probabilistic-possibilistic optimization framework forflood management in a hybrid uncertain environment, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE),23(4), 897-908 (2015). (SCI IF =8.746)
(466)X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang*, J. L. Liu, Z. Li, and S. Zhao, Ensembleprojections of regional climatic changes over Ontario, Canada, Journal of Climate (American MeteorologicalSociety), 28(18), 7327-7346(2015). (SCI IF = 4.435)
(467)G. H. Huang, X. S. Qin, L. He,H. Zhang, Y. P. Li, Z. Li, Nonstationary desertification dynamics ofdesert oasis under climate change and human interference, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres(American Geophysical Union), 120(23).
(468)C. B. Wu, G. H. Huang*, W. Li, Y. L. Xie, and Y. Xu, Multistage stochasticinexact chance-constraint programming for an integrated biomass-municipal solidwaste power supply management under uncertainty, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), 41, 1244-1254 (2015). (SCI IF = 5.510)
(469)L. Jin, G. H. Huang, Y. R. Fan,L. Wang, and T. Wu, A pseudo-optimal inexact stochastic interval T2 fuzzy setsapproach for energy and environmental systems planning under uncertainty: Acase study for Xiamen City of China, AppliedEnergy (Elsevier), 138, 71-90(2015). (SCI IF = 5.261)
(470)X. Zhou, G. H. Huang*, H. Zhu, J. P. Chen, and J. L. Xu,Chance-constrained two-stage fractional optimization for planning regionalenergy systems in British Columbia, Canada, AppliedEnergy (Elsevier), 154, 663-677(2015). (SCI IF = 5.261)
(471)Y. Zhou, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, Planning sustainable electric-power system with carbon emissionabatement through CDM under uncertainty, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 140,350-364 (2015). (SCI IF = 5.261)
(472)X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang*, Q. G. Lin, X. H. Nie, and J. L. Liu,High-resolution temperature and precipitation projections over Ontario, Canada:A coupled dynamical-statistical approach, QuarterlyJournal of the Royal Meteorological Society (Royal Meteorological Society),141(689), 1137-1146 (2015). (SCI IF= 3.252)
(473)J. C. Han, G. H. Huang*, Y. Huang, H. Zhang, Z. Li and Q. Chen,Chance-constrained overland flow modeling for improving conceptual distributedhydrologic simulations based on scaling representation of sub-daily rainfallvariability, Science of the TotalEnvironment (Elsevier), 524-525,8-22 (2015). (SCI IF = 3.163)
(474)Y. M. Zhang, G. H. Huang, H. W.Lu, and L. He, Planning of water resources management and pollution control forHeshui River watershed, China: A full credibility-constrained programmingapproach, Science of the Total Environment(Elsevier), 524-525, 280-289(2015). (SCI IF = 3.163)
(475)F. Chen, G. H. Huang*, and Y. R. Fan, A linearization andparameterization approach to tri-objective linear programming problems forpower generation expansion planning, Energy(Elsevier), 87, 240-250 (2015).(SCI IF = 4.159)
(476)C. X. Wang, Y. P. Li, J. L.Zhang, and G. H. Huang, Development of an inexact-variance hydrologicalmodeling system for analyzing interactive effects of multiple uncertainparameters, Journal of Hydrology(Elsevier), 528, 94-107 (2015).(SCI IF = 3.053)
(477)K. Zhang, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, L. You, and S. W. Jin, Modeling for regional ecosystem sustainabledevelopment under uncertainty: A case study of Dongying, China, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier),533, 462-475 (2015). (SCI IF =4.099)
(478)Y. Zhu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,Y. R. Fan, and S. L. Nie, A dynamic model to optimizemunicipal electric power systems by considering carbon emission trading underuncertainty, Energy (Elsevier), 88, 636-649(2015). (SCI IF= 4.844)
(479)S. Wang, G. H. Huang*, W. Huang, Y. R. Fan, and Z. Li, A fractionalfactorial probabilistic collocation method for uncertainty propagation ofhydrologic model parameters in a reduced dimensional space, Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier), 529(3), 1129-1146. (SCI IF = 3.053)
(480)G. H. Cheng, G. H. Huang*, and C. Dong, Synchronic intervalGaussian mixed-integer programming for air quality management, Science of The Total Environment (Elsevier),538, 986-996 (2015). (SCI IF= 4.099)
(481)S. Wang, G. H. Huang*, B. W. Baetz, and W. Huang, A polynomial chaosensemble hydrologic prediction system for efficient parameter inference androbust uncertainty assessment, Journalof Hydrology (Elsevier), 530,716-733 (2015). (SCI IF = 3.053)
(482)Z. Li, G. H. Huang*, J. C. Han, Y. R. Fan, X. Q. Wang, G. H. Cheng,H. Zhang, and W. Huang, Development of a stepwise-clustered hydrologicalinference model, Journal of HydrologicEngineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), 20(10), 04015008 (2015). (SCI IF = 1.624)
(483)X. Zhou, G. H. Huang*, H. Zhu, and B. Yan, Two-stage chance-constrained fractionalprogramming for sustainable water quality management under uncertainty, Journal of Water Resources Planning andManagement (American Society of Civil Engineers), 141(5), 04014074 (2015). (SCI IF = 1.709)
(484)Z. Li, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Cai, and Y. P. Li, Inexact optimizationmodel for supporting waste-load allocation in the Xiangxi River Basin of theThree Gorges Reservoir Region, China, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers),29(6), 04014093 (2015). (SCI IF =1.385)
(485)W. Liu, X. D. Li, Z. Chen, G.M. Zeng, T. León, J. Liang, G. H. Huang, Z. H. Gao, S. Jiao, X. X. He, and M.Y. Lai, Land use regression models coupling with meteorology to model spatialand temporal variability of NO2 and PM10 in Changsha,China, Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier),116, 272-280 (2015). (SCI IF =3.281)
(486)Y. Zhou, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, A robust possibilistic mixed-integer programming method forplanning municipal electric power systems, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier), 73, 757-772 (2015). (SCI IF = 3.432)
(487)S. Zhao, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, J. Wei, and Y. Yao, Enhancement ofsoil retention for phenanthrene in binary cationic gemini and nonionicsurfactant mixtures: Characterizing two-step adsorption and partition processesthrough experimental and modeling approaches, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier), 286, 144-151 (2015). (SCI IF = 4.331)
(488)Y. Zhu, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, An optimization decision support approach for risk analysis of carbonemission trading in electric power systems, EnvironmentalModelling & Software (Elsevier), 67,43-56 (2015). (SCI IF = 4.538)
(489)Y. R. Fan, W. Huang, G. H.Huang*, K. Huang, and X. Zhou, APCM-based stochastic hydrological model for uncertainty quantification inwatershed systems, StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 29(3), 915-927 (2015). (SCI IF = 2.673)
(490)X. M. Kong, G. H. Huang*, Y. R. Fan, and Y. P. Li, Maximumentropy-gumbel-hougaard copula method for simulation of monthly streamflow inXiangxi River, China, StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 29(3), 833-846 (2015). (SCI IF = 2.673)
(491)L. Ji, D. X. Niu, G. H. Huang,W. Li, and Z. P. Liu, Environmental and economic optimization modelfor electric system planning in Ningxia, China - An inexact stochasticrisk-aversion programming approach, Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi), 2015, Article ID 236958 (2015). (SCI IF= 1.082)
(492)J. L. Zhang, Y. P. Li, C. X.Wang, and G. H. Huang, An inexact simulation-based stochasticoptimization method for identifying effluent trading strategies of agriculturalnonpoint sources, AgriculturalWater Management (Elsevier), 152,72-90 (2015). (SCI IF = 2.333)
(493)L. Ji, D. X. Niu, G. H. Huang,and M. Xu, An optimization model for regional micro-grid system managementbased on hybrid inexact stochastic-fuzzy chance-constrained programming, International Journal of Electrical Powerand Energy Systems (Elsevier), 64,1025-1039 (2015). (SCI IF = 3.432)
(494)X. D. Li, W, Liu, Z. Chen, G.M. Zeng, C. M. Hu, T. León, J. Liang, G. H. Huang, Z. H. Gao, Z. Z. Li, W. F.Yan, X. X. He, M. Y. Lai, and Y. B. He, The application of semicircular-buffer-basedland use regression models incorporating wind direction in predicting quarterlyNO2 and PM10 concentrations, Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier), 103, 18-24 (2015). (SCI IF = 3.062)
(495)J. Liu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,and S. Nie, Development of a fuzzy-boundary interval programming method forwater quality management under uncertainty, WaterResources Management (Springer), 29(4),1169-1191 (2015). (SCI IF = 2.463)
(496)W. Li, B. Wang, Y. L. Xie, G.H. Huang, and L. Liu, An inexact mixed risk-aversion two-stage stochasticprogramming model for water resources management under uncertainty, Environmental Science and Pollution Research(Springer), 22(4), 2264-2275(2015). (SCI IF = 2.757)
(497)P. Li, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,and J. L. Zhang, Modeling for waste management associated withenvironmental-impact abatement under uncertainty, Environmental Science and Pollution Research(Springer), 22(7), 5003-5019(2015). (SCI IF = 2.757)
(498)Z. Li, G. H. Huang*, H. Yu, Y. Zhou, and W. Huang, Critical factorsand their effects on product maturity in food waste composting, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment(Springer), 187, 217 (2015).(SCI IF = 1.679)
(499)L. Ji, X. P. Zhang, G. H.Huang, and J. G. Yin, Development of an inexact risk-aversion optimizationmodel for regional carbon constrained electricity system planning underuncertainty, Energy Conversion andManagement (Elsevier), 94,353-364 (2015). (SCI IF = 3.590)
(500)L. You, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, A relative interval-regret analysis method for regional ecosystemplanning - A case study of Dongying, China, EcologicalEngineering (Elsevier), 81,488-503 (2015). (SCI IF = 3.041)
(501)H. Y. Fu, G. H. Huang, M. Z.Zhang, P. F. Gao, and T. Chai, Interactions of factors for effluent quality inmembrane bioreactor, Journal of Environmental Informatics(International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 25(1),14-22 (2015). (SCI IF = 2.792)
(502)Z. H. Bao, G. H. Huang, J. L.Liu, and H. C. Ye, The variability of arctic sea iceextent (SIE) from spring to summer and its linkage to the decline of SIE inSeptember, Advances in Meteorology(Hindawi), 2015, Article ID352380 (2015). (SCI IF = 1.348)
(503)X. W. Zhuang, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, and X. T. Zeng, An inexact joint-probabilistic programming method forrisk assessment in water resources allocation, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 29(5), 1287-1301 (2015). (SCI IF = 2.673)
(504)Q. Tan, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Cai, A fuzzy evacuation managementmodel oriented toward the mitigation of emissions, Journal of EnvironmentalInformatics (International Society of EnvironmentalInformation Sciences), 25(2), 117-125 (2015). (SCI IF = 2.792)
(505)Y. R. Fan, W. Huang, G. H.Huang*, Z. Li, Y. P. Li, X. Q. Wang,G. H. Cheng, and L. Jin, A stepwise-cluster forecasting approach for monthlystreamflows based on climate teleconnections, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 29(6), 1557-1569 (2015). (SCI IF =2.086)
(506)H. Y. Fu, T. Chai, G. H. Huang,P. F. Gao, and Z. F. Liu, Effects of rhamnolipid on the adsorption of Pb2+onto compost humic acid, Desalination andWater Treatment (Taylor & Francis), 54(11), 3177-3183 (2015). (SCI IF =1.173)
(507)X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang*, S. Zhao, and J. H. Guo, An open-source softwarepackage for multivariate modeling and clustering: Applications to air qualitymanagement, Environmental Science andPollution Research (Springer), 22(18),14220-14233 (2015).(SCI IF = 2.757)
(508)S. W. Jin, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, Q. Hao, and S. Nie, Development of an integrated optimizationmethod for analyzing effect of energy conversion efficiency under uncertainty: A casestudy of Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, China, Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier),106, 687-702 (2015). (SCI IF =4.380)
(509)Z. P. Liu, G. H. Huang*, and W. Li, An inexactstochastic-fuzzy jointed chance-constrained programming for regional energysystem management under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis), 47(6),788-804 (2015). (SCI IF = 1.076)
(510)C. Dong, G. H. Huang*, and Q. Tan*, A robust optimization modelling approach formanaging water and farmland use between anthropogenic modification andecosystems protection under uncertainties, Ecological Engineering (Elsevier), 76, 95-109 (2015). (SCI IF = 2.580)
(511)W. X. Zhang, G. H. Huang, andJ. Wei, Study on solubilization capability of various Gemini micelles inmicellar-enhanced ultrafiltration of phenol-contaminated waters, Desalination and Water Treatment (Taylor& Francis), 54(3), 672-682(2015). (SCI IF = 0.852)
(512)X. Q. Wang and G. H. Huang*, Impacts assessment of air emissions from pointsources in Saskatchewan, Canada: A spatial analysis approach, Environmental Progress & SustainableEnergy (Wiley), 34(1), 304-313 (2015). (SCI IF = 1.403)
(513)Y. Xu and G. H. Huang, Development of an improved fuzzy robust chance-constrainedprogramming model for air quality management, Environmental Modeling & Assessment (Springer), 20(5), 535-548 (2015). (SCI IF = 1.074)
(514)C. J. An and G. H. Huang*,Environmental concern on biochar: Capture, then what?, Environmental Earth Sciences (Springer), 74(12), 7861-7863 (2015). (SCI IF = 1.765)
(515)C. X. Wang, Y. P. Li, J. L.Zhang, and G.H. Huang, Assessing parameter uncertainty insemi-distributed hydrological model based on type-2 fuzzy analysis: A casestudy of Kaidu River Basin, Hydrology Research (IWA),46(6), 969-983 (2015). (SCI IF= 1.555)
(516)F. Chen, G. H. Huang*, and Y. R. Fan, Inexact multistage fuzzy-stochasticprogramming model for water resources management, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (American Society ofCivil Engineers), 141(11),04015027 (2015). (SCI IF = 1.709)
(517)Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang, K.Huang, and B. Baetz, Planning water resources allocation under multipleuncertainties through a generalized fuzzy two-stage stochastic programmingmethod, IEEE Transactions on FuzzySystems (IEEE), 23(5), 1488-1504(2015). (SCI IF = 8.746)
(518)Z. Li, G. H. Huang*, Y. R. Fan, and J. L. Xu, Hydrologic Riskanalysis for nonstationary streamflow records under uncertainty, Journal of EnvironmentalInformatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 26(1),41-51 (2015). (SCI IF = 2.792)
(519)X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang*, and J. L. Liu, Projected increases innear-surface air temperature over Ontario, Canada: A regional climate modelingapproach, Climate Dynamics (Springer),45(5-6), 1381-1393 (2015). (SCI IF =4.619)
(520)L. Cui, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, Planning an agricultural water resources management system: Atwo-stage stochastic fractional programming model, Sustainability (MDPI), 7(8), 9846-9863 (2015). (SCI IF =0.942)
(521)S. Wang, G. H. Huang*, and Y. Zhou, Inexact probabilisticoptimization model and its application to flood diversion planning in a dynamicand uncertain environment, Journal ofWater Resources Planning and Management (American Society of Civil Engineers),141(8), 04014093 (2015). (SCI IF =1.709)
(522)Y. Ji, G. H. Huang*, and W. Sun, Riskassessment of hydropower stations through an integrated fuzzy entropy-weightmultiple criteria decision making method: A case study of the Xiangxi River,Expert Systems with Applications(Elsevier), 42(12), 5380-5389(2015). (SCI IF = 1.965)
(523)M. J. Piao, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, and S. L. Nie, Risk analysis for Shanghai's electric power system undermultiple uncertainties, Energy (Elsevier),87, 104-119 (2015). (SCI IF = 4.159)
(524)S. Wang and G. H. Huang*, A multi-level Taguchi-factorial two-stagestochastic programming approach for characterization of parameter uncertaintiesand their interactions: An application to water resources management, European Journal of Operational Research(Elsevier), 240(2), 572-581 (2015). (SCIIF = 1.843)
(525)X. T. Zeng, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, and J. F. Liu, A two-stage interval-stochastic water trading model forallocating water resources of Kaidu-kongque River in northwestern China, Journal ofHydroinformatics (IWA Publishing),17(4), 551-569 (2015). (SCI IF =1.336)
(526)Y. R. Fan, W. W. Huang, Y. P.Li, G. H. Huang*, and K. Huang, Acoupled ensemble filtering and probabilistic collocation approach foruncertainty quantification of hydrological models, Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier), 530, 255-272 (2015). (SCI IF = 3.053)
(527)S. Q. Yang, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, H. Q. Li, and Y. R. Shi, Adsorptionbehaviours of sulfonated humic acid at fly ash-water interface: Investigationof equilibrium and kinetic characteristics, CanadianJournal of Chemical Engineering (Wiley InterScience), 93(11), 2043-2050 (2015). (SCI IF = 1.313)
(528)B. Wang, W. Li, G. H. Huang, L.Liu, L. Ji, and Y. Li, Urban water resources allocation under theuncertainties of water supply and demand: A case study of Urumqi, China,Environmental Earth Sciences (Springer),74(4), 3543-3557 (2015). (SCI IF =1.572)
(529)N. N. Han, G. H. Huang*, C. J.An, S. Zhao, Y. Yao, H. Y. Fu, and W. Li, Removal of sulfonated humic acidthrough a hybrid electrocoagulation-ultrafiltration process, Industrial & Engineering ChemistryResearch (ACS), 54(21),5793-5801 (2015). (SCI IF = 2.235)
(530)Y. Ji, G. H. Huang*, and W. Sun, Nonpoint-source water qualitymanagement under uncertainty through an inexact double-sided chance-constrainedmodel, Water Resources Management(Springer), 29(9), 3079-3094(2015). (SCI IF = 2.437)
(531)S. X. Liu, W. Li, Y. L. Xie, B.Wang, and G. H. Huang, A coupled model for water resources allocation regardingwater quality control, Journal of WaterSupply Research and Technology-Aqua (IWA Publishing), 64(8), 870-882 (2015). (SCI IF = 0.824)
(532)X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang*, Q. G. Lin, and J. L. Liu,High-resolution probabilistic projections of temperature changes over Ontario,Canada, Journal of Climate (AmericanMeteorological Society), 27(14),5259-5284 (2014). (SCI IF = 4.362)
(533)X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang*, and J. L. Liu, Projectedincreases in intensity and frequency of rainfall extremes through a regionalclimate modeling approach, Journal ofGeophysical Research-Atmospheres (American Geophysical Union), 119(23), 13271-13286 (2014). (SCI IF =3.440)
(534)S. Wang and G. H. Huang*, An integrated approach forwater resources decision making under interactive and compound uncertainties, Omega (Elsevier), 44, 32-40 (2014). (SCI IF = 3.024)
(535)J. C. Han, G. H. Huang*, H. Zhang, Z. Li, and Y. P.Li, Heterogeneous precipitation and streamflow trends in the XiangxiRiver Watershed, 1961-2010, Journalof Hydrologic Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), 19(6), 1247-1258 (2014). (SCI IF = 1.379)
(536)D. Y. Miao, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, Z. F. Yang, and C. H. Li, Optimization model for planning regional waterresource systems under uncertainty, Journalof Water Resources Planning and Management (American Society of CivilEngineers), 140(2), 238-249(2014). (SCI IF = 1.710)
(537)X. Q. Wang and G. H. Huang*, Violation analysis on two-step method forinterval linear programming, InformationSciences (Elsevier), 281, 85-96(2014). (SCI IF = 3.643)
(538)L. You, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and J. L. Zhang,Modeling regional ecosystem development under uncertainty - A case study forNew Binhai District of Tianjin, EcologicalModelling (Elsevier), 288,127-142 (2014). (SCI IF = 2.069)
(539)S. Zhao, G. H. Huang*, H. Y. Fu, and Y. F. Wang,Enhanced coagulation/flocculation by combining diatomite with syntheticpolymers for oily wastewater treatment, SeparationScience and Technology (Taylor & Francis), 49(7), 999-1007 (2014). (SCI IF = 1.164)
(540)C. Xu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Y.Zhou, Development of a fuzzy-queue-based stochastic quadratic program for waterresources planning, StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 28(6), 1613-1627 (2014). (SCI IF = 1.961)
(541)Z. L. Zhang, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Aninventory-theory-based interval stochastic programming method and itsapplication to Beijing’s electric-power system planning, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier),62, 429-440 (2014). (SCI IF = 3.432)
(542)J. Liu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,and X. T. Zeng, A dual-interval fixed-mix stochasticprogramming method for water resources management under uncertainty,Resources, Conservation & Recycling(Elsevier), 88, 50-66 (2014).(SCI IF = 2.319)
(543)M. J. Piao, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang,Development of a stochastic simulation-optimization model for planning electricpower systems - A case study of Shanghai, China, Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier), 86, 111-124 (2014). (SCI IF = 2.775)
(544)Y. Zhou, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, Integrated modeling approach for sustainable municipal energy systemplanning and management - A case study of Shenzhen, China, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 75, 143-156 (2014). (SCI IF = 3.398)
(545)S. Zhao, G. H. Huang*, G. H. Cheng, Y. F. Wang, andH. Y. Fu, Hardness, COD and turbidity removals from produced water byelectrocoagulation pretreatment prior to reverse osmosis membranes, Desalination (Elsevier), 344, 454-462 (2014). (SCI IF = 3.041)
(546)J. L. Zhen, W. Li, G. H. Huang*, Z. H. Fu, and L. Ji, An airquality management model based on an interval dual stochastic-mixed integerprogramming, Water, Air, & SoilPollution (Springer), 225(6),1986 (2014). (SCI IF = 1.748)
(547)Y. Zhu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,and C. Chen, Electric power systems planning in association with air pollutioncontrol and uncertainty analysis, InternationalJournal of Electrical Power and EnergySystems (Elsevier), 61, 563-575(2014). (SCI IF = 3.432)
(548)D. Z. Fu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Y. Zhu, Development of a fuzzy-markov-based intervalstochastic dynamic programming model for reservoir operation management, EnvironmentalEngineering and Management Journal, 13(3),517-530 (2014). (SCI IF = 1.435)
(549)L. Jin and G. H. Huang*, A robust inexact type-2 fuzzysets linear optimization programming for irrigation water system managementunder uncertainty, EnvironmentalEngineering and Management Journal, 13(3),699-712 (2014). (SCI IF = 1.117)
(550)Y. Liu, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Cai, and C. Dong, An inexact dynamic optimizationmodel for CO2 emission reduction in Subei Region, Northeast China, International Journal of Green Energy(Taylor & Francis), 11(10),1013-1052 (2014). (SCI IF = 2.069)
(551)J. C. Han, G. H. Huang*, H. Zhang, Z. Li, and Y. P.Li., Bayesian uncertainty analysis in hydrological modeling associated withwatershed subdivision level: A case study of SLURP model applied to the XiangxiRiver Watershed, China, StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 28(4), 973-989 (2014).(SCI IF = 1.961)
(552)J. L. Zhang, Y. P. Li, and G.H. Huang, A robust simulation-optimization modeling system for effluent trading- A case study of nonpoint source pollution control, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer), 21(7), 5036-5053 (2014). (SCI IF =2.618)
(553)L. Ji, D. X. Niu, and G. H.Huang, An inexact two-stage stochastic robust programming for residentialmicro-grid management-based on random demand, Energy (Elsevier), 67,186-199 (2014). (SCI IF = 3.651)
(554)J. C. Han, G. H. Huang, H.Zhang, Z. Li, and Y. P. Li. Effects of watershed subdivision level onsemi-distributed hydrological simulations: Case study of the SLURP modelapplied to the Xiangxi River watershed, China, Hydrological Sciences Journal (Taylor & Francis), 59(1), 108-125 (2014). (SCI IF= 1.114)
(555)Y. L. Xie and G. H. Huang*, An optimization model for water resourcesallocation risk analysis under uncertainty, Journal of Hydroinformatics (IWA Publishing),16(1), 144-164. (SCI IF = 1.153)
(556)X. Q. Wang and G. H. Huang*, A greenhouse gas baselineemission level reporting system, InternationalJournal of Performability Engineering (RAMS), 10(2), 230-234 (2014).
(557)X. D. Zhang and G. H. Huang, Municipalsolid waste management planning considering greenhouse gas emission tradingunder fuzzy environment, Journalof Environmental Management (Elsevier), 135, 11-18 (2014). (SCI IF = 3.057)
(558)C. J. Dong, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, Superiority-inferiority modeling coupled minimax-regret analysisfor energy management systems, AppliedMathematical Modelling (Elsevier), 38(4), 1271-1287 (2014). (SCI IF = 1.706)
(559)Y. M. Zhang, G. H. Huang, andL. He, A multi-echelon supply chain model for municipal solid waste managementsystem, Waste Management (Elsevier), 34(2), 553-561 (2014). (SCI IF = 2.485)
(560)Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, and L. G. Shao, Agriculturalfarming planning and water resources management under fuzzy uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor &Francis), 46(2), 270-288 (2014).(SCI IF = 0.962)
(561)X. T. Zeng, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, Y. Zhou, and L. Y. Yu, Inexact mathematical modeling for theidentification of water trading policy under uncertainty, Water (MDPI), 6(2), 229-252(2014). (SCI IF = 0.973)
(562)C. Dai, X. H. Cai, Y. P. Cai,Q. Huo, Y. Lv, and G. H. Huang, An interval-parameter mean-CVaR two-stagestochastic programming approach for waste management under uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research and RiskAssessment (Springer), 28(2),167-187 (2014). (SCI IF = 1.961)
(563)Z. Wang, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Cai, C. Dong, and H. G. Sun, Theidentification of optimal CO2 emissions-trading strategies based onan inexact two-stage chance-constrained programming approach, International Journal of Green Energy (Taylor& Francis), 11(3), 302-319(2014). (SCI IF = 1.188)
(564)Y. P. Li, J. Liu, and G. H.Huang, A hybrid fuzzy-stochastic programming method for water tradingwithin an agricultural system, AgriculturalSystems (Elsevier), 123, 71-83(2014). (SCI IF = 2.504)
(565)G. C. Li, G. H. Huang*, W. Sun, and X. W. Ding, An inexact optimizationmodel for energy-environment systems management in the mixed fuzzy,dual-interval and stochastic environment, RenewableEnergy (Elsevier), 64, 153-163(2014). (SCI IF = 2.989)
(566)S. L. Nie, H. Ji, Y. Q. Huang,Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, A hybrid interval-parameter fuzzy robust programmingmethod and its application to filter management strategy in fluid powersystems, Engineering Optimization (Taylor& Francis), 46(1),15-38. (SCI IF = 0.936)
(567)L, Jin, G. H. Huang*, C. Dong, and Y. R. Fan, A robustinexact joint-optimal α cut interval Type-2 fuzzy boundary linear programming(RIJ-IT2FBLP) for energy systems planning under uncertainty, International Journal of Electrical Powerand Energy Systems(Elsevier), 56, 19-32 (2014).(SCI IF = 3.432)
(568)X. D. Zhang, I. J. Duncan, G.H. Huang, and G. C. Li, Identification of management strategies for CO2capture and sequestration under uncertainty through inexact modeling, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 113, 310-317 (2014). (SCI IF = 4.781)
(569)X. H. Nie, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, and L. Liu, Interval fuzzy robustdynamic programming for nonrenewable energy resources management with chanceconstraints, Energy Sources, Part B:Economics, Planning and Policy (Taylor & Francis), 9(4), 425-441 (2014). (SCI IF = 0.788)
(570)Q. G. Lin, Q. Wu, G. H. Huang, and M.Y.Zhai, An interval parameter optimization model for sustainable powersystems planning under uncertainty, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier),54, 631-641(2014). (SCI IF = 3.432)
(571)H. Zhu, W. W. Huang, and G. H.Huang*, Planning of regional energysystems: An inexact mixed-integer fractional programming model, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 113, 500-514 (2014). (SCI IF = 4.781)
(572)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and M.W. Li, An integrated optimization modeling approach for planning emission tradingand clean-energy development under uncertainty, Renewable Energy (Elsevier), 62,31-46 (2014). (SCI IF = 2.989)
(573)Y. L. Xie and G. H. Huang*, Development of an inexact two-stage stochasticmodel with downside risk control for water quality management and decisionanalysis under uncertainty, StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 28(6), 1555-1575 (2014). (SCI IF = 1.961)
(574)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Y. F.Huang, and X. S. Qin, Modeling of water quality, quantity, and sustainability, Journal of Applied Mathematics (Hindawi),Article ID 135905 (2014). (SCI IF = 0.720)
(575)H. Yu, G. H. Huang*, L. Wang, H. N. Xiao, and W. Chen, Combined effects of DOM and biosurfactant enhancedbiodegradation of polycylic armotic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil-water systems, Environmental Science and Pollution Research(Springer), 21(17), 10536-10549.(SCI IF = 2.757)
(576)X. T. Zeng, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, X. Chen, and A. M. Bao, Two-stage credibility-constrained programmingwith Hurwicz criterion (TCP-CH) for planning water resources management, Engineering Applications of ArtificialIntelligence (Elsevier), 35,164-175 (2014). (SCI IF = 1.625)
(577)Y. P. Li, N. Zhang, G. H.Huang, and J. Liu, Coupling fuzzy-chance constrained program with minimaxregret analysis for water quality management, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 28(7), 1769-1784 (2014). (SCI IF =2.673)
(578)G. C. Li, G. H. Huang*, and Z. F. Liu, DMSP-IEES: A stochasticprogramming model based on dual-interval and multi-stage scenarios modelingapproaches for energy systems management and GHG emissions control, Environmental Modeling & Assessment(Springer), 19(5), 373-387 (2014).(SCI IF = 1.074)
(579)W. Li, X. Y. Liu, G. Z. Sun, L.Ji, and G. H. Huang, An inexact two-stage dynamic stochastic model for regionalelectricity and heat supply management with pollutants mitigation control, Environmental Systems Research (Springer),3, 18 (2014).
(580)M. Hu, G. H. Huang*, W. Sun, Y. P. Li, X. W. Ding, C. J. An, X. F.Zhang, and T. Li, Multi-objective ecological reservoir operation based on waterquality response models and improved genetic algorithm: A case study in ThreeGorges Reservoir, China, EngineeringApplications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier), 36, 332-346 (2014). (SCI IF = 1.625)
(581)Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang*, K. Huang, L. Jin, and M. Q. Suo, Ageneralized fuzzy integer programming approach for environmental managementunder uncertainty, MathematicalProblems in Engineering (Hindawi), 2014,Article ID 486576 (2014). (SCI IF = 1.383)
(582)Y. L. Xie, G. H. Huang*, W. Li, and L. Ji, Carbon and air pollutantsconstrained energy planning for clean power generation with a robustoptimization model - A case study of Jining City, China, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 136,150-167 (2014). (SCI IF = 5.261)
(583)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, H. Z.Li, and J. Liu, A recourse-based interval fuzzy programming model forpoint-nonpoint source effluent trading under uncertainty, Journal of the American Water Resources Association (American WaterResources Association), 50(5), 1191-1207(2014). (SCI IF = 2.074)
(584)L. G. Shao, Y. Xu, and G. H.Huang, An inexact double-sided chance-constrained model for air qualitymanagement in Nanshan District, Shengzhen, China, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis), 46(12), 1694-1708 (2014). (SCI IF =1.230)
(585)X. J. Chen, G. H. Huang*, M. Q. Suo, H. Zhu, and C. Dong, An inexactinventory-theory-based chance-constrained programming model for solid wastemanagement, Stochastic EnvironmentalResearch and Risk Assessment (Springer), 28(8), 1939-1955 (2014). (SCI IF = 2.673)
(586)C. J. An, Y. R. Shi, Y. L. He,G. H. Huang*, J. D.Liang, and Z. K. Liu, Effect of different carbon substrates on the removal ofhexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) andoctahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) by anaerobic mesophilicgranular sludge, Water, Air, & SoilPollution (Springer), 225(11),2174 (2014). (SCI IF = 1.685)
(587)C. Dong, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Cai, W. Li, and G. H. Cheng, Fuzzyinterval programming for energy and environmental systems management underconstraint-violation and energy-substitution effects: A case study for the Cityof Beijing, Energy Economics (Elsevier),46, 375-394 (2014). (SCI IF = 2.580)
(588)L. Cui, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Effects ofdigital elevation model resolution on topography-based runoff simulation underuncertainty, Journal of Hydroinformatics(IWA Publishing), 16(6),1343-1358 (2014). (SCI IF = 1.336)
(589)Q. Hu, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Cai, and W. Sun, Planning of electric power generationsystems under multiple uncertainties and constraint-violation levels, Journal of Environmental Informatics(International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 23(1), 55-64 (2014). (SCI IF = 3.773)
(590)Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, and L. G. Shao, A solidwaste management model with fuzzy random parameters, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Taylor & Francis),31(1), 64-78 (2014). (SCI IF =0.725)
(591)Y. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, L. Tang, Y. P. Li, Z. M.Chen, and G. H. Huang, Quantitative detection of trace mercury in environmentalmedia using a three-dimensional electrochemical sensor with an anionicintercalator, RSC Advances (Royal Societyof Chemistry), 4, 18485-18492(2014). (SCI IF = 3.708)
(592)Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, G. H. Cheng, Y. Liu and Y.F. Li, A two-stage fuzzy chance-constrained model for solid waste allocationplanning, Journal of EnvironmentalInformatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 24(2), 101-110 (2014). (SCI IF = 3.773)
(593)X. W. Ding, W. Wei, G. H. Huang, Q. W. Chen, andG. L. Wei, A two-step water-management approach for nuclear power plants ininland China, Journal of Risk Analysisand Crisis Response (Atlantis Press), 4(4),184-202 (2014).
(594)Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang*, L. Jin, and M. Q. Suo, Solid waste managementunder uncertainty: A generalized fuzzy linear programming approach, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems(Taylor & Francis), 31(4),331-346 (2014). (SCI IF = 0.477)
(595)S. Wang, G. H. Huang*, Q. G. Lin, Z. Li, H. Zhang, and Y. R. Fan,Comparison of interpolation methods for estimating spatial distribution ofprecipitation in Ontario, Canada, InternationalJournal of Climatology (Wiley), 34(14),3745-3751 (2014). (SCI IF = 2.886)
(596)C. Dong, G. H. Huang, Q. Tan,and Y. P. Cai, Coupled planning of water resources and agricultural land-usebased on an inexact-stochastic programming model, Frontiers of Earth Science (Springer), 8, 70-80 (2014). (SCI IF = 0.081)
(597)Y. Zhou and G. H. Huang*, Water resources management undermulti-parameter interactions: A factorial multi-stage stochastic programmingapproach, Omega, The InternationalJournal of Management Science (Elsevier), 41(3), 559-573 (2013). (SCI IF = 3.338)
(598)H. Zhang and G. H. Huang*, Development of climate change projections for small watershedsusing multi-model ensemble simulation and stochastic weather generation, Climate Dynamics (Springer), 40(3-4), 805-821 (2013). (SCI IF =4.602)
(599)P. Du, Y. P. Li,and G. H.Huang,Inexact chance-constrainedwaste-load allocation model for water quality management of Xiangxihe River, Journal of EnvironmentalEngineering (American Society of CivilEngineers),139(9), 1178-1197 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.399)
(600)Y. Zhu, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, Modeling for planning municipal electric power systems associated withair pollution control - A case study of Beijing, Energy (Elsevier), 60, 168-186(2013). (SCI IF = 3.651)
(601)Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang*, and A. L. Yang, Generalized fuzzy linearprogramming for decision making under uncertainty: Feasibility of fuzzysolutions and solving approach, InformationSciences (Elsevier), 241, 12-27(2013). (SCI IF = 2.833)
(602)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, S. L.Nie, B. Chen, and X. S. Qin, Mathematical modeling for resources andenvironmental systems, MathematicalProblems in Engineering (Hindawi), 113,Article ID 674316 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.383)
(603)J. Liu, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, Mathematical modeling for water quality management under interval andfuzzy uncertainties, Journal of AppliedMathematics (Hindawi), Volume 2013, Article ID 731568 (2013). (SCI IF =0.834)
(604)Y. Xu, L. G. Shao, and G. H.Huang, An inexact fuzzy-random-chance-constrained air quality management model,Stochastic Environmental Research andRisk Assessment (Springer), 27(8),1929-1946 (2013). (SCI IF= 1.961)
(605)H. Q. Li, G. H. Huang*, C. J.An, J. T. Hu, and S. Q. Yang, Removal of tannin fromaqueous solution by adsorption onto treated coal fly ash: Kinetic, equilibriumand thermodynamic studies, Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research (American Chemical Society), 52(45), 15923-15931 (2013). (SCI IF = 2.206)
(606)X. D. Zhang and G. H. Huang, Optimizationof environmental management strategies through a dynamic stochasticpossibilistic multiobjective program, Journal of HazardousMaterials (Elsevier), 246-247, 257-266 (2013). (SCI IF = 3.925)
(607)J. C. Han, G. H. Huang*, H. Zhang, and Z. Li, Optimal land usemanagement for soil erosion control by using an interval-parameter fuzzytwo-stage stochastic programming approach, EnvironmentalManagement (Springer), 52(3),621-638 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.647)
(608)M. Q. Suo, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, D. L. Deng, and Y. F. Li, Electric power system planning underuncertainty using inexact inventory nonlinear programming method, Journal of EnvironmentalInformatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 22(1),49-67 (2013). (SCI IF = 3.619)
(609)X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang*, Q. G. Lin, X. H. Nie, G. H. Cheng, Y. R. Fan,Z. Li, Y. Yao, and M. Q. Suo, A stepwise cluster analysis approach fordownscaled climate projection - A Canadian case study, Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier), 49, 141-161 (2013). (SCI IF = 3.476)
(610)D. Z. Fu, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, A factorial-based dynamic analysis method for reservoir operation underfuzzy-stochastic uncertainties, WaterResources Management (Springer), 27(13),4591-4610 (2013). (SCI IF = 2.259)
(611)C. Chen, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, An inexact robust optimizationmethod for supporting carbon dioxide emissions management in regionalelectric-power systems, Energy Economics(Elsevier), 40, 441-456 (2013).(SCI IF = 2.538)
(612)L. Jin, G. H. Huang*, L. Wang, and X. Q. Wang, Robust fully fuzzyprogramming with fuzzy set ranking method for environmental systems planningunder uncertainty, EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Inc.), 30(6), 280-293 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.154)
(613)Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, A stochastic-fuzzy programming model with softenconstraints for electricity generation planning with greenhouse-gas abatement, InternationalJournal of Energy Research (Wiley Online Library), 37(8), 843-856 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.987)
(614)L. He, G. H. Huang, H. W. Lu,and J. Shen, Degradation kinetics of dense nonaqueous phaseliquids in the environment under impacts of mixed white and colored noises,Stochastic Environmental Research andRisk Assessment (Springer), 27(8),1947-1955 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.961)
(615)M. Hu, G. H. Huang*, W. Sun, and Y. P. Li, Inexactquadratic joint-probabilistic programming for water quality management underuncertainty in the Xiangxi River, China, StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 27(5), 1115-1132 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.961)
(616)J. J. Gu, P. Guo, and G. H. Huang, Inexact stochastic dynamicprogramming method and application to water resources management in ShandongChina under uncertainty, StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 27(5), 1207-1219 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.961)
(617)S. Wang, G. H. Huang*, J. Wei, and L. He, Simulation-based variancecomponents analysis for characterization of interaction effects of randomfactors on trichloroethylene vapor transport in unsaturated porous media, Industrial & Engineering ChemistryResearch (American Chemical Society), 52(25),8602-8611 (2013). (SCI IF = 2.206)
(618)W. Li, G. H. Huang, C. Dong, and Y. Liu, Aninexact fuzzy programming approach for power coal blending, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of EnvironmentalInformation Sciences), 21(2),112-118 (2013). (SCI IF = 3.619)
(619)S. Wang and G. H. Huang*, An interval-parameter two-stage stochasticfuzzy program with type-2 membership functions: An application to waterresources management, StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 27(6), 1493-1506 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.961)
(620)J. J. Gu, G. H. Huang*, P. Guo, N. Shen, Interval multistagejoint-probabilistic integer programming approach for water resources allocationand management, Journalof Environmental Management (Elsevier),128, 615-624 (2013). (SCI IF =3.057)
(621)H. Zhu and G. H. Huang*, Dynamic stochastic fractional programming forsustainable management of electric power systems, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier),53, 553-563 (2013). (SCI IF = 2.247)
(622)Y. L. Xie, G. H. Huang*, W. Li, J. B. Li, and Y. F. Li, An inexacttwo-stage stochastic programming model for water resources management inNansihu Lake Basin, China, Journal ofEnvironmental Management (Elsevier), 127,188-205 (2013). (SCI IF = 3.245)
(623)J. Liu, Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang,Q. Wu, and H. P. Li, Energy systems planning andGHG-emission control under uncertainty in the province of Liaoning, China: Adynamic inexact energy systems optimization model, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier),53, 142-158 (2013). (SCI IF = 2.247)
(624)Y. Zhou, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,and Y. Huang, Development of optimal water-resources management strategies forKaidu-kongque watershed under multiple uncertainties, Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi Publishing), 2013 Article ID 892321 (2013). (SCI IF= 0.777)
(625)J. Y. Xu, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, A hybrid interval-robust optimization model forwater quality management, EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Inc.), 30(5), 248-263 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.154)
(626)M. Q. Suo, Y. P. Li, G. H.Huang, Y. R. Fan, and Z. Li, An inventory-theory-based inexact multistagestochastic programming model for water resources management, Mathematical Problems in Engineering(Hindawi Publishing), 2013Article ID 482095 (2013). (SCI IF = 0.777)
(627)S. Wang and G. H. Huang*, Interactive fuzzy boundary interval programmingfor air quality management under uncertainty, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution (Springer), 224(5), 1574 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.625)
(628)A. L. Yang, G. H. Huang*, X. S. Qin, L. Li, and W. Li, Seeking optimalgroundwater pumping strategies at Pinggu District in Beijing, China, Journal of Hydroinformatics (IWA Publishing), 15(2), 607-619 (2013). (SCI IF =1.048)
(629)Y. Zhu, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, Planning carbon emission trading for Beijing's electric power systemsunder dual uncertainties, Renewable andSustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), 23,113-128 (2013). (SCI IF = 6.018)
(630)S. Li, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, and H. Yu,Effect of different buffer agents on in-vessel composting of food waste:Performance analysis and comparative study, Journalof Environmental Science and Health, Part A (Taylor & Francis), 48, 772-780 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.190)
(631)W. Sun, G. H. Huang*, Y. Lv, and G. C. Li, Inexactjoint-probabilistic chance-constrained programming with left-hand-siderandomness: An application to solid waste management, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier), 228(1), 217-225 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.815)
(632)Z. Li, G. H. Huang*, Y. M. Zhang, and Y. P. Li, Inexacttwo-stage stochastic credibility constrained programming for water qualitymanagement, Resources, Conservation& Recycling (Elsevier), 73,122-132 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.759)
(633)J. Wei, G. H. Huang*, S. Wang, S. Zhao, and Y. Yao, Improvedsolubilities of PAHs by multi-component Gemini surfactant systems withdifferent spacer lengths, Colloids andSurfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Elsevier), 423, 50-57 (2013). (SCI IF = 2.236)
(634)C. Chen, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, and Y. Zhou, A robust riskanalysis method for water resources allocation under uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer), 27(3),713-723 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.523)
(635)J. J. Gu, P. Guo, G. H. Huang, and N. Shen, Optimization of the industrialstructure facing sustainable development in resource-based city subjected towater resources under uncertainty, StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 27(3), 659-673 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.523)
(636)Y. Zhu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and L. Guo, Risk assessment of agriculturalirrigation water under interval functions,Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer), 27(3),693-704 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.523)
(637)Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang*, Risk analysis and management for water resources systems, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer), 27(3),593-597 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.523)
(638)I. Maqsood and G. H. Huang, A dual two-stagestochastic model for flood management with inexact-integer analysis undermultiple uncertainties, StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 27(3), 643-657 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.523)
(639)D. Y. Miao, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Z. F. Yang, Development of an optimization modelfor water resources systems planning, EngineeringApplications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier), 26(3), 1061-1071 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.665)
(640)M. Liu, G. H. Huang*, R. F. Liao, Y. P. Li, and Y. L. Xie, Fuzzy two-stage non-point source pollution managementmodel for agricultural systems - A case study for theLake Tai Basin, China, Agricultural WaterManagement (Elsevier),121, 27-41(2013). (SCI IF = 1.998)
(641)S. Wang and G. H. Huang*, A coupled factorial-analysis-based interval programming approachand its application to air quality management, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Taylor &Francis), 63(2), 179-189 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.517)
(642)Y. Lv, G. H. Huang*, L. Guo, Y. P. Li, C. Dai, X. W. Wang, and W. Sun, A scenario-based modeling approach foremergency evacuation management and risk analysis under multiple uncertainties,Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier),246-247, 234-244 (2013). (SCI IF = 4.173)
(643)S. Wang and G. H. Huang*, A two-stage mixed-integer fuzzy programmingwith interval-valued membership functions approach for flood-diversion planning,Journal of Environmental Management(Elsevier), 117, 208-218 (2013). (SCI IF = 3.245)
(644)Q. Tan, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Cai, Multi-sourcemulti-sector sustainable water supply under multiple uncertainties: An inexactfuzzy-stochastic quadratic programming approach, Water Resources Management (Springer), 27(2), 451-473 (2013). (SCI IF = 2.054)
(645)W. X. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, J. Wei, and D. Yan,Gemini micellar enhanced ultrafiltration (GMEUF) process for the treatment ofphenol wastewater, Desalination(Elsevier), 311, 31-36 (2013). (SCI IF = 2.590)
(646)F. Zhao,Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, A queue-based interval-fuzzy programming approachfor electric-power systems planning, International Journal of Electrical Power andEnergy Systems (Elsevier), 47, 337-350 (2013). (SCI IF = 2.247)
(647)S. Wang, G. H. Huang*, and A. Veawab, Asequential factorial analysis approach to characterize the effects ofuncertainties for supporting air quality management, Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier), 67, 304-312 (2013). (SCI IF = 3.465)
(648)Y. Lv, G. H. Huang*, and W. Sun, A solution tothe water resources crisis in wetlands: Development of a scenario-basedmodeling approach with uncertain features, Scienceof The Total Environment (Elsevier), 442(1),515-526 (2013). (SCI IF = 3.286)
(649)H. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, and D. L. Wang,Establishment of channel networks in a digital elevation model of the prairieregion through hydrological correction and geomorphological assessment, Canadian Water Resources Journal (Taylor& Francis), 38(1), 12-23 (2013). (SCI IF = 0.744)
(650)C. Dong, G.H. Huang*, Y.P. Cai, and Y. Liu, Robust planning of energy managementsystems with environmental and constraint-conservative considerations undermultiple uncertainties, Energy Conversionand Management (Elsevier), 65,471-486 (2013). (SCI IF = 2.216)
(651)Y. Zhou, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, A robust approach for planningelectric power systems associated with environmental policy analysis, Electric Power Systems Research (Elsevier),95, 99-111 (2013). (SCI IF = 1.396)
(652)L. Z. Zhang, L. He, G. H. Huang, and Y. Zhu,Integrated regional renewable and nonrenewable energy policies identifiedthrough interval stochastic semi-infinite programming, Journal of Energy Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), 139(2),80-90 (2013). (SCI IF = 0.543)
(653)C. J. An and G. H. Huang*, Stepwise adsorption ofphenanthrene at the fly ash-water interface as affected by solution chemistry:Experimental and modeling studies, EnvironmentalScience & Technology (American Chemical Society), 46(22), 12742-12750 (2012). (SCI IF = 5.228)
(654)H. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, D. L. Wang, X. D.Zhang, G. C. Li, C. J. An, Z. Cui, R. F. Liao, and X. H. Nie, An integratedmulti-level watershed-reservoir modeling system for examining hydrological andbiogeochemical processes in small prairie watersheds, Water Research (Elsevier), 46(4),1207-1224 (2012). (SCI IF = 4.546)
(655)P. Du, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Agriculturalwater management under uncertainty using minimaxrelative-regret analysis method, Journal of Irrigation and DrainageEngineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), 138(12), 1033-1045 (2012). (SCI IF = 0.941)
(656)Q. Tan, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Cai, Robust planning of environmentalmanagement systems with adjustable conservativeness under compound uncertainty,Journalof Environmental Engineering (AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers), 138(2), 208-222(2012). (SCI IF = 1.174)
(657)W. X. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, J. Wei, H. Q. Li, R. B. Zheng, and Y. Zhou, Removal of phenol from syntheticwaste water using Gemini Micellar-Enhanced ultrafiltration (GMEUF), Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier),235-236, 128-137 (2012). (SCI IF = 4.173)
(658)S. Wang, G. H. Huang*, and L. He, Development of a clusterwise-linear-regression-basedforecasting system for characterizing DNAPL dissolution behaviors in porousmedia, Science of the TotalEnvironment (Elsevier), 433,141-150 (2012). (SCI IF = 3.286)
(659)A. L. Yang, G. H. Huang*, X. S. Qin, and Y. R. Fan, Evaluation ofremedial options for abenzene-contaminatedsite through a simulation-based fuzzy-MCDA approach, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier), 213-214, 412-423 (2012). (SCIIF = 4.173)
(660)Y. M. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, Q. G. Lin, and H. W. Lu, Integer fuzzycredibility constrained programming for power system management, Energy (Elsevier), 38(1), 398-405. (SCI IF = 3. 653)
(661)C. J. An, G. H. Huang*, Y. Yao, W. Sun, and K.An, Performance of in-vessel composting of food waste in the presence of coalash and uric acid, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier), 203-204, 38-45 (2012). (SCI IF = 4.173)
(662)C. Dong, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Cai, and Y. Liu, An inexact optimization modeling approachfor supporting energy systems planning and air pollution mitigation in BeijingCity, Energy (Elsevier), 37(1), 673-688 (2012). (SCI IF = 3.565)
(663)H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, and L. He, Simulation-basedinexact rough-interval programming for agricultural irrigation management: Acase study in the Yongxin County, China, Water Resources Management (Springer), 26(14), 4163-4182 (2012). (SCI IF = 2.054)
(664)Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Li, Robust interval linear programming forenvironmental decision making under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis), 44(11), 1321-1336 (2012). (SCI IF = 0.936)
(665)H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, Y. Xu, and L. He, Inexact two-phasefuzzy programming and its application to municipal solid waste management,Engineering Applications of ArtificialIntelligence (Elsevier), 25(8),1529-1536 (2012). (SCI IF = 1.665)
(666)C. J. An, G. H. Huang*, S. Li, H. Yu, W. Sun,and K. Peng, Influence of uric acid amendment on the in-vessel process ofcomposting composite food waste, Journalof Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (Wiley InterScience), 87(11), 1558-1566 (2012). (SCI IF = 2.168)
(667)G. C. Li, G. H. Huang*, Q. G. Lin, Y. P. Cai, Y. M. Chen, and X. D.Zhang, Development of an interval multi-stage stochastic programming model forregional energy systems planning and GHG emission control under uncertainty, International Journal ofEnergy Research (John Wiley & Sons), 36(12), 1161-1174(2012). (SCI IF = 2.122)
(668)H. K. Zang, Y. Xu, W. Li, G. H. Huang, and D.Liu, An uncertain energy planning model under carbon taxes, Frontiers of Environmental Science &Engineering (Springer), 6(4),549-558 (2012). (SCI IF = 0.754)
(669)J. Wei, G. H. Huang*, L. Zhu, S. Zhao, C. J.An, and Y. R. Fan, Enhancedaqueous solubility of naphthalene and pyrene by binary and ternary Geminicationic and conventional nonionic surfactants, Chemosphere (Elsevier), 89(11),1347-1353 (2012). (SCI IF = 3.155)
(670)Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Robust intervalquadratic programming and its application to waste management underuncertainty, Environmental SystemsResearch (Springer), 1, 7(2012).
(671)Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang*, S. C. Yeh, L. Liu, and G. C. Li,A modeling approach for investigating climatechange impacts on renewable energy utilization, International Journal ofEnergy Research (John Wiley & Sons), 36(6), 764-777(2012). (SCI IF = 2.122)
(672)Y. Gunalay, J. S. Yeomans, and G. H. Huang, Modellingto generate alternative policies in highly uncertain environments: Anapplication to municipal solid waste management planning, Journal of EnvironmentalInformatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 19(2), 58-69(2012). (SCI IF = 2.533)
(673)Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, L. G. Shao, and C. Chen, Efficient management of air qualityconsidering fuzzy confidences with varied reliabilities, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis), 44(8), 947-964(2012). (SCI IF = 0.936)
(674)Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang*, and A. Veawab, A generalized fuzzylinear programming approach for environmental management problem underuncertainty, Journal of the Air &Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association), 62(1), 72-86 (2012). (SCI IF= 1.517)
(675)L. Guo, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, X.W. Wang, and C. Dai,Development of an interval-based evacuation management model in response tonuclear-power plant accident, Journal ofEnvironmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental InformationSciences), 20(2), 58-66 (2012). (SCI IF = 2.533)
(676)X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang*, and Q. G. Lin, Aninterval mixed-integer non-linear programming model to support regionalelectric power systems planning with CO2 capture and storage underuncertainty, EnvironmentalSystems Research (SpringerOpen), 1(1),1 (2012).
(677)Y. Yao, G. H. Huang*,and Q. G. Lin, Climate change impacts onOntario wind power resource, EnvironmentalSystems Research (SpringerOpen), 1(1),2 (2012).
(678)R. B. Zheng, G. H. Huang*, Y. M. Zhang, and H. Zhang, Inexact de novoprogramming for agricultural irrigation system planning, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary AnnLiebert, Inc. Publisher), 29(7),700-712 (2012). (SCI IF = 0.877)
(679)Y. P. Li, W. Li, and G. H. Huang, Two-stage inexact-probabilistic programming modelfor water quality management, EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher), 29(7), 713-725 (2012). (SCI IF = 0.877)
(680)H. Y. Fu, P. C. Xu, G. H. Huang, T. Chai, M. Hou, and P. F. Gao, Effects of aeration parameterson effluent quality and membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactorusing Box-Behnken response surface methodology, Desalination (Elsevier), 302,33-42 (2012). (SCI IF = 2.590)
(681)H. Q. Li, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, and W. X.Zhang, Kinetic and equilibrium studies on the adsorption of calciumlignosulfonate from aqueous solution by coal fly ash, Chemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier), 200-202, 275-282(2012). (SCI IF =3.461)
(682)Y. Zhu, G. H. Huang*, L. He, and L. Z. Zhang, An intervalfull-infinite programming approach for energy systems planning under multipleuncertainties, InternationalJournal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Elsevier), 43(1), 375-383 (2012). (SCI IF =2.247)
(683)X. W. Wang, G. H. Huang*, Z. F. Liu, and C. Dai, Hybrid inexactoptimization approach with data envelopment analysis for environment managementand planning in the city of Beijing, EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publisher), 29(5), 313-327 (2012). (SCI IF = 1.111)
(684)Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, M. F. Cao, C. Dong, and Y. F. Li, A hybrid waste-flow allocation modelconsidering multiple stage and interval-fuzzy chance constraints, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems(Taylor & Francis), 29(1),59-78 (2012). (SCI IF = 0.595)
(685)Y. Huang, G. H. Huang, and Q. Hu, A fuzzy-parameterised stochasticmodelling system for predicting multiphase subsurface transport under dualuncertainties, Civil Engineering andEnvironmental Systems (Taylor & Francis), 29(2), 91-105(2012). (SCI IF = 0.595)
(686)G. M. Zeng, Y. Zhang, L. Tang, L. J. Chen, Y.Pang, C. L. Feng, G. H. Huang, and C. G. Niu, Sensitive and renewable picloramimmunosensor based on paramagnetic immobilisation, International Journal ofEnvironmental Analytical Chemistry (Taylor & Francis), 92(6), 729-741(2012). (SCI IF = 1.169)
(687)H. Zhu, G. H. Huang*, and P. Guo, SIFNP: Simulation-based interval-fuzzy nonlinearprogramming for seasonal planning of stream water quality management, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Springer), 223(5), 2051-2072 (2012). (SCI IF = 1.765)
(688)Y. L. Huang, G. H. Huang*, D. F. Liu, H. Zhu, and W. Sun, Simulation-based inexact chance-constrained nonlinearprogramming for eutrophication management in the Xiangxi Bay of Three GorgesReservoir, Journal of EnvironmentalManagement (Elsevier), 108,54-65 (2012). (SCI IF = 2.596)
(689)Y. Sun, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, A queuing-theory-basedinterval-fuzzy robust two-stage programming model for environmental managementunder uncertainty, EngineeringOptimization (Taylor & Francis), 44(2),707-724 (2012). (SCI IF = 0.902)
(690)Y. Lv, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, and W. Sun, Managing water resourcessystem in a mixed inexact environment using superiority and inferioritymeasures, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer), 26(5),681-693 (2012). (SCI IF= 1.777)
(691)S. L. Nie, J. D. Wen, Y. P. Li,X. H. Tang, and G. H. Huang, Filter allocation and replacement strategiesin fluid power system under uncertainty: a fuzzy robust nonlinear programmingapproach, Optimization andEngineering (Springer), 13(2),319-347 (2012). (SCI IF = 0.852)
(692)C. Chen, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, An inexact robust nonlinear optimizationmethod for energy systems planning under uncertainty, Renewable Energy (Elsevier), 47, 55-66 (2012). (SCI IF = 2.554)
(693)C. Chen, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Arobust optimization method for planning regional-scale electric power systemsand managing carbon dioxide, InternationalJournal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier), 40(1), 70-84 (2012). (SCI IF = 2.073)
(694)S. Wang and G. H. Huang*, Identifying optimal water resources allocationstrategies through an interactive multi-stage stochastic fuzzy programmingapproach, Water Resources Management(Springer), 26(7), 2015-2038(2012). (SCI IF = 2.201)
(695)W. Sun, G. H. Huang*, Y. Lv, and G. C. Li, Wastemanagement under multiple complexities: Inexact piecewise-linearization-basedfuzzy flexible programming, WasteManagement (Elsevier), 32(6), 1244-1257(2012). (SCI IF = 2.358)
(696)Y. R. Fan and G. H. Huang*, A robust two-step method for solving interval linear programmingproblems within an environmental management context, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society ofEnvironmental Information Sciences), 19(1),1-9(2012). (SCI IF = 1.145)
(697)H. Z. Li, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Y. L.Xie, A simulation-basedoptimization approach for water quality management of Xiangxihe River underuncertainty, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher), 29(4), 270-283 (2012). (SCI IF = 1.111)
(698)C. Dai, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Aninterval-parameter chance-constrained dynamic programming approach for capacityplanning under uncertainty, Resources,Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier), 62,37-50 (2012). (SCI IF = 1.969)
(699)L. Jin, G. H. Huang*, Y. R. Fan, X. H. Nie, and G. H. Cheng, A hybrid dynamic dualinterval programming for irrigation water allocation under uncertainty, Water Resources Management (Springer), 26(5), 1183-1200 (2012). (SCI IF = 2.201)
(700)C. J. An, G. H. Huang*, H. Yu, and J. Wei, Influence of short-chain aliphatic acids onthe phenanthrene desorption and mobilization from contaminated soil, Soil and Sediment Contamination: AnInternational Journal (Taylor & Francis), 21(2), 192-206 (2012). (SCI IF = 0.808)
(701)Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang*, P. Guo, and A. L. Yang, Inexact two-stagestochastic partial programming: application to water resources management underuncertainty, StochasticEnvironmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer), 26(2), 281-293 (2012). (SCI IF = 1.777)
(702)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and S. L.Nie, A mathematical model for identifying an optimal waste management policyunder uncertainty, Applied MathematicalModelling (Elsevier), 36(6),2658-2673(2012).(SCI IF = 1.371)
(703)H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, Y. M. Zhang, and L. He,Strategic agricultural land-use planning in response to water-suppliervariation in a China’s rural region, AgriculturalSystems (Elsevier), 108, 19-28(2012). (SCI IF = 2.907)
(704)Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Electric-power systemsplanning and greenhouse-gas emission management under uncertainty, Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier),57, 173-182 (2012). (SCI IF = 2.054)
(705)D. Z. Fu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Afuzzy-markov-chain-based analysis method for reservoir operation, Stochastic Environmental Research & RiskAssessment (Springer), 26(3),375-391 (2012). (SCI IF = 1.419)
(706)Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, A recourse-basednonlinear programming model for stream water quality management, Stochastic Environmental Research & RiskAssessment (Springer), 26(2),207-223 (2012). (SCIIF = 1.777)
(707)Y. Zhu, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, Planning municipal-scale energy systems under functional intervaluncertainties, RenewableEnergy (Elsevier), 39(1), 74-81(2012). (SCI IF= 2.554)
(708)M. Q. Suo, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, Multicriteria decision making under uncertainty: An advanced orderedweighted averaging operator for planning electric power systems, EngineeringApplications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier), 25(1), 72-81(2012). (SCI IF = 1.344)
(709)Q. Hu, G. H. Huang*, Z. F. Liu, Y. R. Fan, and W. Li, Inexact fuzzy two-stageprogramming for water resources management in an environment of fuzziness andrandomness, Stochastic EnvironmentalResearch & Risk Assessment (Springer), 26(2), 261-280 (2012). (SCI IF = 1.777)
(710)S. Wang, G.H. Huang*, and B. T. Yang, An interval-valuedfuzzy-stochastic programming approach and its application to municipal solidwaste management, Environmental Modelling& Software (Elsevier), 29(1),24-36 (2012). (SCI IF = 2.871)
(711)Y. Lv, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, Z. F. Yang, and W. Sun, Developmentof a sequential decision-making model for controlling multiple air pollutantsunder stochastic uncertainty, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Springer), 223(1),443-465 (2012). (SCIIF = 1.765)
(712)A. L. Yang, G. H. Huang*, Y. R. Fan, and X. D. Zhang, A fuzzy simulation-basedoptimization approach for groundwater remediation design at contaminatedaquifers,Mathematical Problems inEngineering (Hindawi Publishing),2012, Article ID 986867 (2012). (SCI IF= 0.777)
(713)J. C. Han, G. H. Huang*, H. Zhang, Y. S. Zhuge, and L. He, Fuzzyconstrained optimization of eco-friendly reservoir operation usingself-adaptive genetic algorithm: A case study of a cascade reservoir system inthe Yalong River, China, Ecohydrology (Wiley), 5(6), 768-778 (2012).(SCI IF = 1.835)
(714)L. He, G. H. Huang, H. W. Lu, S. Wang, and Y.Xu, Quasi-Monte Carlo based global uncertainty and sensitivity analysis inmodeling free product migration and recovery from petroleum-contaminatedaquifers, Journal of Hazardous Materials(Elsevier), 219-220, 133-140 (2012). (SCI IF = 4.144)
(715)Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, and T. Y. Xu, Inexactmanagement modeling for urban water supply systems, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society ofEnvironmental Information Sciences), 20(1),34-43 (2012). (SCI IF = 1.145)
(716)X. D. Zhang and G. H.Huang, Assessment of BTEX-induced health risk under multiple uncertainties at apetroleum-contaminated site: An integrated fuzzy stochastic approach,Water Resources Research(American Geophysical Union), 47, Art. NO. W12533 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.737)
(717)Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang*, Q. Tan, and Z. F. Yang, An integrated approachfor climate-change impact analysis and adaptation planning under multi-leveluncertainties - Part I: Methodology, Renewableand Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), 15(6), 2779-2790 (2011). (SCI IF = 4.842)
(718)Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang*, Q. Tan, and L. Liu, An integrated approach forclimate-change impact analysis and adaptation planning under multi-leveluncertainties - Part II: Case study, Renewableand Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), 15(7), 3051-3073 (2011). (SCI IF = 4.842)
(719)H. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, D. L. Wang, and X. D. Zhang, Uncertaintyassessment of climate change impacts on the hydrology of small prairiewetlands, Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier),396(1-2),94-103 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.433)
(720)X. D. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, and X. H. Nie, Possibilistic stochastic watermanagement model for agricultural nonpoint source pollution, Journal of Water Resources Planning andManagement (American Society of CivilEngineers), 137(1),101-112 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.275)
(721)H. Yu, G. H. Huang*, J. Wei, and C. J. An,Solubilization of mixed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons through a rhamnolipidbiosurfactant, Journal of EnvironmentalQuality (CSSA), 40(2), 477-483(2011). (SCI IF = 2.291)
(722)L. He, G.H. Huang, and H.W. Lu, Bivariate interval semi-infinite programmingwith anapplication toenvironmental decision-making analysis, EuropeanJournal of OperationalResearch(Elsevier), 211(3),452-465 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.093)
(723)Q. G. Lin and G. H. Huang*, Interval-fuzzy stochastic optimization for regional energy systemsplanning and greenhouse-gas emission management under uncertainty:A case study for theProvince of Ontario, Canada, ClimaticChange (Springer), 104(2),353-378 (2011). (SCI IF = 3.635)
(724)J. Wei, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, and H. Yu, Investigationon the solubilization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the presence ofsingle and mixed gemini surfactants, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier), 190(1-3), 840-847 (2011). (SCI IF = 4.144)
(725)H. Yu, G. H. Huang*, C. J. An, and J. Wei, Combined effects of DOMextracted from site soil/compost and biosurfactant on the sorption anddesorption of PAHs in a soil-water system, Journalof Hazardous Materials (Elsevier), 190(1-3),883-890 (2011).(SCI IF = 4.144)
(726)X. D. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, X. H. Nie, and Q. G. Lin, Model-based decisionsupport system for water quality management under hybrid uncertainty, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier),38(3), 2809-2816 (2011). (SCI IF =2.908)
(727)M. F. Cao, G. H. Huang*, and L. He, An approach to interval programmingproblems with left-hand-side stochastic coefficients: An application toenvironmental decisions analysis, ExpertSystems with Applications (Elsevier), 38(9),11538-11546 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.908)
(728)G. C. Li, G. H. Huang*, Q. G. Lin, X. D. Zhang, Q. Tan, and Y. M.Chen, Development of a GHG-mitigation oriented inexact dynamic model forregional energy system management, Energy(Elsevier), 36(5), 3388-3398(2011). (SCI IF = 2.952)
(729)W. Sun, G. H. Huang*, G. M. Zeng, X. S. Qin, and H. Yu, Quantitativeeffects of composting state variables on C/N ratio through GA-aidedmultivariate analysis, Science of The Total Environment (Elsevier), 409(7),1243-1254 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.905)
(730)Y. L. Xie, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Li, andL. R. Chen, An inexact chance-constrained programming model for water qualitymanagement in Binhai New Area of Tianjin, China, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 409(10), 1757-1773 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.905)
(731)J. Wei, G. H. Huang*, H. Yu, and C. J. An, Efficiencyof single and mixed gemini/conventional micelles on solubilization ofphenanthrene, ChemicalEngineering Journal (Elsevier), 168(1),201-207 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.816)
(732)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and X.Chen, An interval-valued minimax-regret analysis approach for theidentification of optimal greenhouse-gas abatement strategies underuncertainty, Energy Policy (Elsevier),39(7), 4313-4324 (2011). (SCI IF =2.436)
(733)Y.P.Cai, G.H.Huang*, Q.Tan, and B.Chen, Identification ofoptimal strategies for improving eco-resilienceto floods in ecologicallyvulnerable regions of awetland, Ecological Modelling(Elsevier),222(2), 360-369 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.176)
(734)Y.P. Li, G.H. Huang, N. Zhang, and S. L. Nie, Aninexact-stochastic with recourse model for developing regionaleconomic-ecological sustainability under uncertainty, Ecological Modelling(Elsevier),222(2), 370-379 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.176)
(735)Y. Lv, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, Z. F. Yang, and W. Sun, A two-stageinexact joint-probabilistic programming method for air quality management underuncertainty, Journal of EnvironmentalManagement (Elsevier), 92(3),813-826 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(736)Y. M. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, and L. He, An inexact reverse logistics modelfor municipal solid waste management systems, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 92(3), 522-530 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(737)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and X. Chen, Planningregional energy system in association with greenhouse gas mitigation underuncertainty, Applied Energy (Elsevier),88(3), 599-611 (2011). (SCI IF =2.209)
(738)C. Dong, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Cai, and Y. Xu, An interval-parameterminimax regret programming approach for power management systems planning underuncertainty, Applied Energy (Elsevier),88(8), 2835-2845 (2011). (SCI IF =2.209)
(739)Y. Zhu, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, L. He, and X. X.Zhang, An interval full-infinite mixed-integer programming method for planningmunicipal energy systems - A case study of Beijing, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 88(8),2846-2862 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.209)
(740)L. Cui, L. R. Chen, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, W.Li, and Y. L. Xie, An interval-based regret-analysismethod for identifying long-term municipal solid waste management policy underuncertainty, Journal of EnvironmentalManagement (Elsevier), 92(6),1484-1494 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(741)Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Optimization of regionaleconomic and environmental systems under fuzzy and random uncertainties, Journal of Environmental Management(Elsevier),92(8), 2010-2020 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(742)S. Wang and G. H. Huang*, Interactive two-stage stochastic fuzzy programmingfor water resources management, Journalof Environmental Management (Elsevier), 92(8), 1986-1995 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(743)H. Zhang and G.H. Huang*, Assessment of non-point source pollution using a spatialmulticriteria analysis approach, EcologicalModelling(Elsevier),222(2), 313-321 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.176)
(744)Y. M. Zhang and G. H. Huang*, Inexact credibility constrained programming for environmentalsystem management, Resources,Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier Science), 55(4), 441-447 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.987)
(745)S. Wang, G. H. Huang*, H. W. Lu, and Y. P. Li, Aninterval-valued fuzzy linear programming with infinite α -cuts method forenvironmental management under uncertainty, StochasticEnvironmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer), 25(2), 211-222 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.419)
(746)Y. Zhou and G. H. Huang, Factorial two-stagestochastic programming for water resources management, Stochastic Environmental Research & RiskAssessment (Springer), 25(1),67-78 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.419)
(747)Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang*, X. Wang, G. C. Li, and Q. Tan, An inexact programming approachfor supporting ecologically sustainable water supply with the consideration ofuncertain water demand by ecosystems, StochasticEnvironmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer), 25(5), 721-735 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.419)
(748)G. H. Huang and M. F. Cao, Analysis of solutionmethods for interval linear programming, Journalof Environmental Informatics (International Society of EnvironmentalInformation Sciences), 17(2),54-64 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.145)
(749)H. G. Sun, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and M. Q. Suo,An inexact fuzzy-queue programming model for environmental systems planning, Engineering Applications of ArtificialIntelligence (Elsevier), 24(5),840-849 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.444)
(750)Z. F. Yang, S. S. Li, Y. Zhang, and G. H. Huang,Emergy synthesis for three main industries in Wuyishan City, China, Journal of Environmental Informatics(International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 17(1), 25-35 (2011).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(751)S.L.Nie, B. Hu, Z.Hu, Y.P.Li, and G.H.Huang, Identification offilter management strategy in fluid power systems under uncertainty: aninterval-fuzzy parameter integer nonlinear programming method, International Journal of Systems Science (Taylor & Francis), 42(3),429-448 (2011). (SCI IF = 0.918)
(752)M. F. Cao and G. H. Huang*, Scenario-based methods for interval linear programming problems,Journal of Environmental Informatics(International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 17(2), 65-74 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.145)
(753)S. L. Nie, Y. L. Zheng, Y. P. Li, S. Peng, andG. H. Huang, IFCIP: An integrated optimization method for planning filters influid power systems under uncertainty, EngineeringOptimization (Taylor & Francis), 43(3),329-348 (2011). (SCI IF = 0.966)
(754)Z.F. Yang, C. H. Li, G. H. Huang, Q. Tan, and Y. P. Cai, Analysis of net waterloss in the main reach of the yellow river, InternationalJournal of Environment andPollution(IndersciencePublishers),45(1-3), 249-267 (2011). (SCI IF = 0.626)
(755)Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang*, and B. Bass, Impacts from climate change and adaptationresponses on energy economy and greenhouse gas emissions in the Toronto-NiagaraRegion, Canada, Energy Sources, Part A:Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (Taylor & Francis), 33(17), 1581-1597 (2011). (SCI IF =0.843)
(756)G. H. Huang, Y. T. Niu, Q. G. Lin, X. X. Zhang,and Y. P. Yang, An interval-parameter chance-constraint mixed-integerprogramming for energy systems planning under uncertainty, Energy Sources, Part B (Taylor & Francis), 6(2), 192-205 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.395)
(757)H. Yu and G. H. Huang*, Isolation and characterization ofbiosurfactant-and bioemulsifier-producing bacteria from petroleum contaminatedsites in Western Canada, Soil andSediment Contamination (Taylor& Francis), 20(3), 274-288 (2011).(SCI IF = 0.808)
(758)P. Guo and G. H. Huang*, Inexact fuzzy-stochastic quadratic programming approach forwaste management under multiple uncertainties, EngineeringOptimization (Taylor& Francis), 43(5), 525-539(2011). (SCI IF = 0.902)
(759)W. Zhang, J. B. Li, G. H. Huang, W. K. Song, andY. F. Huang, An experimental studyon the bio-surfactant-assisted remediation of crude oil and salt contaminatedsoils, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A (Taylor & Francis), 46(3), 306-313 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.107)
(760)H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, and L. He, An inexactrough-interval fuzzy linear programming method for generating conjunctivewater-allocation strategies to agricultural irrigation systems, AppliedMathematical Modelling (Elsevier), 35(9),4330-4340 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.375)
(761)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, S. L.Nie, and X. Chen, A robust modeling approach for regional watermanagement under multiple uncertainties, Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier), 98(10), 1577-1588 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.782)
(762)Q. Tan, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Cai, Radial interval chance-constrained programmingfor agricultural non-point source water pollution control under uncertainty, Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier),98(10),1595-1606 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.782)
(763)Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Planning agriculturalwater resources system associated with fuzzy and random features, Journal of the American Water ResourcesAssociation (Blackwell Publishing), 47(4), 841-860 (2011).(SCI IF = 1.373)
(764)M. W. Li, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, An interval-fuzzy two-stage stochastic programming model for planningcarbon dioxide trading under uncertainty, Energy(Elsevier), 36(9),5677-5689 (2011). (SCI IF= 3.565)
(765)Q. Hu, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Cai, and Y. Huang, Feasibility-basedinexact fuzzy programming for electric power generation systems planning underdual uncertainties, Applied Energy(Elsevier), 88(12),4642-4654 (2011). (SCI IF= 3.888)
(766)Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang*, B. Bass, Y. F. Huang, and X. D. Zhang,DESPU: Dynamic optimization for energy systems planning under uncertainty, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planningand Policy (Taylor & Francis), 6(4),321-338 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.038)
(767)M. Q. Suo, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Aninventory-theory-based interval-parameter two-stage stochastic programmingmodel for water resources management, EngineeringOptimization (Taylor & Francis), 43(9), 999-1018 (2011). (SCI IF = 0.902)
(768)Y. M. Zhang and G. H. Huang*, Optimal water resource planning under fixed budget byinterval-parameter credibility constrained programming, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis), 43(8), 879-889 (2011). (SCI IF = 0.902)
(769)H. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, D. L. Wang, and X. D. Zhang, Multi-periodcalibration of a semi-distributed hydrological model based on hydroclimaticclustering, Advances in WaterResources (Springer), 34(10),1292-1303 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.470)
(770)C. Dai, Y. P. Li, and G. H.Huang, A two-stage support-vector-regression optimization model formunicipal solid waste management - A case study of Beijing, China, Journal of Environmental Management(Elsevier), 92(12),3023-3037 (2011). (SCI IF= 2.596)
(771)Y.P. Li and G.H. Huang, Integratedmodeling for optimal municipal solid waste management strategies underuncertainty, Journal of EnvironmentalEngineering (American Society of CivilEngineers), 137(9), 842-853 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.174)
(772)C. J. An, G. H. Huang*, J. Wei, and H. Yu, Effect of short-chainorganic acids on the enhanced desorption of phenanthrene by rhamnolipidbiosurfactant in soil-water environment, Water Research (Elsevier), 45(17),5501-5510 (2011). (SCI IF = 4.546)
(773)L. He, G. H. Huang, and H. W. Lu, Greenhouse gas emissions control inintegrated municipal solid waste management through mixed integer bileveldecision-making, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier), 193(1), 112-119 (2011). (SCI IF = 3.723)
(774)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang and W. Sun, Management ofuncertain information for environmental systems using a multistagefuzzy-stochastic programming model with soft constraints,Journal of EnvironmentalInformatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 18(1), 28-37 (2011).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(775)Y. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, L. Tang, Y. P. Li, L. J.Chen, Y. Pang, Z. Li, C. L. Feng, and G. H. Huang, An electrochemicalDNA sensor based on a layers-film construction modified electrode, Analyst (RSC Publishing), 136(20), 4204-4210 (2011). (SCI IF =3.913)
(776)H. Zhu and G. H. Huang*, SLFP: A stochastic linear fractionalprogramming approach for sustainable waste management, Waste Management (Elsevier), 31(12),2612-2619 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.358)
(777)Y. Liu, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Cai, and C. Dong, An inexact mix-integertwo-stage linear programming model for supporting the management of alow-carbon energy system in China, Energies(MDPI Publisher), 4(10),1657-1685 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.130)
(778)L. He, G. H. Huang, and H. W.Lu, Characterization of petroleum-hydrocarbon fate and transport inhomogeneous and heterogeneous aquifers using a generalized uncertaintyestimation method, Journal of Environmental Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), 137(1), 1-8 (2011). (SCI IF = 1.117)
(779)Y. Li, B. S. Su, J. L. Liu, X. Y. Du, and G. H. Huang, Nitrogen conservation in simulated food waste aerobic compostingprocess with different Mg and P salt mixtures, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association(Air & Waste Management Association), 61(7), 771-777 (2011). (SCI IF = 2.020)
(780)Q. Tan, G.H.Huang*, C. Z. Wu, and Y.P.Cai, IF-EM: Aninterval-parameter fuzzy linear programming model for environment-orientedevacuation planning under uncertainty, Journalof Advanced Transportation (JohnWiley& Sons),45(4), 286-303 (2011). (SCIIF = 0.650)
(781)Y. Zeng,Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, and J. Dai, A review on optimization modeling of energysystems planning and GHG emission mitigation under uncertainty, Energies(MDPI Publisher), 4(10), 1624-1656 (2011).(SCI IF= 1.130)
(782)J. Su, B. D. Xi, B. Yao, G. H. Huang, H. W. Lu, L. He, and D. F. Jin, Inexact fuzzy full-infinite mixed-integerprogramming method for an integrated air and waste management system, Journal of Urban Planning and Development (American Society of Civil Engineers), 137(4), 370-380 (2011).
(783)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,P. Guo, Z. F. Yang, and S. L. Nie, A dual-interval vertex analysis method andits application to environmental decision making under uncertainty, European Journal ofOperational Research (Elsevier),200(2), 536-550 (2010).(SCI IF = 2.093)
(784)C. J. An,Y. L. He, G. H. Huang*, and Y.H. Liu, Performance of mesophilic anaerobic granules for removal ofoctahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) from aqueous solution, Journal of HazardousMaterials (Elsevier), 179(1-3), 526-532 (2010). (SCI IF = 4.144)
(785)Y.M. Zhang and G.H. Huang*, Fuzzy robust credibility-constrained programming forenvironmental management and planning, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association(Air & Waste Management Association), 60(6), 711-721 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.020)
(786)X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, and L. Liu, Agenetic-algorithm-aided stochastic optimization model for regional air qualitymanagement under uncertainty, Journal ofthe Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste ManagementAssociation), 60(1), 63-71(2010). (SCI IF = 2.020)
(787)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and S. L. Nie, Planningwater resources management systems using a fuzzy-boundary interval-stochasticprogramming method, Advancesin Water Resources (Elsevier), 33(9),1105-1117 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.354)
(788)Q. Tan, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Cai, Radial-interval linear programming forenvironmental management under varied protection levels, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & WasteManagement Association), 60(9),1078-1093 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.020)
(789)Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, An interval-basedpossibilistic programming method for waste management with cost minimizationand environmental-impact abatement under uncertainty, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 408(20), 4296-4308 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.905)
(790)Y. Xu, G. H. Huang*, and X. S. Qin, An inexactfuzzy-chance-constrained air quality management model, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & WasteManagement Association), 60(7),805-819 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.020)
(791)R. H. Lu, G. H. Huang, H. Y. Zhang,and S. H. Guo, Treatment of drilling wastewater by combinedcoagulation-ultraviolet/fenton-pressurized biological processes, Journal of EnvironmentalEngineering (American Society of CivilEngineers), 136(3), 281-287(2010). (SCI IF = 1.174)
(792)Y.P. Li and G.H. Huang, Dual-interval fuzzy stochastic programming methodfor the long-term planning of municipal solid waste management, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers),24(2), 188-202 (2010). (SCI IF = 1.114)
(793)Y. M. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, and L. He, Integrated fuzzy ranking analysis forassessing the quality of composting products, Journal of Environmental Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), 136(5),508-519 (2010). (SCI IF = 1.174)
(794)H. N. B. Cheung, G. H. Huang*,and H. Yu, Microbial-growth inhibition during composting of food waste: Effectsof organic acids, Bioresource Technology(Elsevier), 101(15), 5925-5934(2010). (SCI IF = 4.453)
(795)Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Modeling municipalsolid waste management system under uncertainty, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & WasteManagement Association), 60(4),439-453 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.020)
(796)L. He, G. H. Huang, and H. W. Lu, A stochasticoptimization model under modeling uncertainty and parameter certainty forgroundwater remediation design - part I. model development, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier),176(1-3), 521-526 (2010). (SCI IF = 4.144)
(797)L. He, G. H. Huang, and H. W. Lu, Astochastic optimization model under modeling uncertainty and parametercertainty for groundwater remediation design - part II. modelapplication, Journal of HazardousMaterials (Elsevier), 176(1-3), 527-534 (2010). (SCI IF = 4.144)
(798)P. Guo, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Li, An inexactfuzzy-chance-constrained two-stage mixed-integer linear programming approachfor flood diversion planning under multiple uncertainties, Advances in Water Resources (Elsevier), 33(1), 81-91 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.354)
(799)X. Y. Du, J. L. Liu, G. H. Huang, and Y. Li, Formation of struvite crystals in asimulated food waste aerobic composting process, Chemical Research in Chinese Universities (Higher Education Press),26(2), 210-216 (2010). (SCI IF =0.556)
(800)Y. Huang, X. Chen, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and T.Liu, A fuzzy-based simulation method for modelling hydrologicalprocesses under uncertainty, Hydrological Processes (Wiley InterScience), 24(25), 3718-3732 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.002)
(801)W. Sun and G. H. Huang*, Inexact piecewise quadratic programming for waste flowallocation under uncertainty and nonlinearity, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society ofEnvironmental Information Sciences), 16(2),80-93 (2010).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(802)Y. Lv, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, Z. F. Yang, Y. Liu, and G. H. Cheng, Planning regionalwater resources system using an interval fuzzy bi-level programming method, Journal of Environmental Informatics(International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 16(2), 43-56 (2010).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(803)Q. G. Lin and G. H. Huang*, An inexact two-stage stochastic energy systems planning modelfor managing greenhouse gas emission at a municipal level, Energy (Elsevier), 35(5),2270-2280 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.952)
(804)S.L.Nie, Z.Hu, Y.P.Li, and G.H.Huang, Improved interval-fuzzyquadratic programming for management of filters in a fluid power system underuncertainty, Proceedings of theInstitution of Mechanical Engineers. Part E: Journal of Process MechanicalEngineering (Professional Engineering Publishing), 224(2), 103-118 (2010). (SCI IF=0.432)
(805)S.L.Nie, Z.B.Xiong, Y.P.Li, G.H.Huang, and Z.Hu, An improved fuzzy programming model with an L-R fuzzy numberfor filter management strategies in fluid power systems under uncertainty, Proceedingsof the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C, Journal of MechanicalEngineering Science (Professional Engineering Publishing), 224(9), 2011-2026 (2010). (SCIIF=0.416)
(806)Y. L. Xie, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Y. F. Li,An interval fixed-mix stochastic programming method for greenhouse gasmitigation in energy systems under uncertainty, Energy (Elsevier), 35(12),4627-4644 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.952)
(807)C. J. An, G. H. Huang*, H. Yu, J. Wei, W.Chen, and G. C. Li, Effect of short-chain organic acids and ph on the behaviorsof pyrene in soil-water system, Chemosphere(Elsevier), 81(11), 1423-1429(2010). (SCI IF = 3.253)
(808)M. F. Cao, G. H. Huang*, Y. Sun, Y. Xu, and Y. Yao, Dual inexact fuzzychance-constrained programming for planning waste management systems,Stochastic Environmental Research &Risk Assessment (Springer), 24(8),1163-1174 (2010). (SCI IF = 1.419)
(809)Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Inexactjoint-probabilistic stochastic programming for water resources management underuncertainty, Engineering Optimization(Taylor & Francis), 42(11),1023-1037 (2010). (SCI IF = 0.966)
(810)H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang*, and I. Maqsood, Development of an inexact fuzzy flexibleprogramming approach for environmental pollution control, Engineering Optimization (Taylor and Francis), 42(12), 1163-1176 (2010). (SCI IF = 0.966)
(811)Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang*, B. Bass, Y. F. Huang, and L. Liu, The optimization of energysystems under changing policies of greenhouse-gas emission control - A studyfor the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada, EnergySources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (Taylor &Francis), 32(17), 1587-1602(2010). (SCI IF = 1.094)
(812)H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang*, and L. He, A two-phase optimization model based on inexact airdispersion simulation for regional air quality control, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Springer), 211(1-4), 121-134 (2010). (SCI IF = 1.676)
(813)Q. Tan, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Cai, Asuperiority-inferiority-based inexact fuzzy-stochastic programming approach forsolid waste management under uncertainty, EnvironmentalModeling & Assessment (Springer), 15(5),381-396 (2010). (SCI IF = 1.279)
(814)A. L. Yang, G. H. Huang*, and X. S. Qin, Anintegrated simulation-assessment approach for evaluating health risks of groundwatercontamination under multiple uncertainties,Water Resources Management (Springer), 24(13),3349-3369 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.013)
(815)P. Guo, G. H. Huang*, H. Zhu, and X. L. Wang, A two-stage programming approach forwater resources management under randomness and fuzziness, Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier), 25(12), 1573-1581 (2010). (SCI IF =3.085)
(816)S. Gao, B. Chen, Z. F. Yang, and G. H. Huang,Network environ analysis of spatial arrangement for reserves in Wuyishan NatureReserve, China, Journal of EnvironmentalInformatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 15(2), 74-86 (2010).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(817)X. P. Yan, X. F. Ma, G. H. Huang*, and C. Z. Wu, An inexact transportation planning model forsupporting vehicle emissions management, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society ofEnvironmental Information Sciences), 15(2),87-98 (2010).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(818)N. N. Wu, X. P. Yan, G. H. Huang, C. Z. Wu, andJ. Gong, Urban environment-oriented traffic zoning based on spatial clusteranalysis, Journal of EnvironmentalInformatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 15(2), 111-119 (2010).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(819)W. Li, Y. P. Li, C. H. Li, and G. H. Huang, Aninexact two-stage water management model for planning agricultural irrigationunder uncertainty, Agricultural WaterManagement (Elsevier), 97(11), 1905-1914 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.016)
(820)S. Q. Weng, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Li, An integrated scenario-based multi-criteriadecision support system for water resources management and planning - A casestudy in the Haihe River Basin, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier),37(12), 8242-8254 (2010). (SCI IF =2.908)
(821)X. D. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, X. H. Nie, Y. M. Chen, and Q. G. Lin, Planningof municipal solid waste management under dual uncertainties, Waste Management and Research (AcademicPress), 28(8), 673-684 (2010). (SCI IF = 1.308)
(822)Y. F. Li, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and X. Chen,Energy and environmental systems planning under uncertainty - An inexactfuzzy-stochastic programming approach, AppliedEnergy (Elsevier), 87(10),3189-3211 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.209)
(823)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, P. Guo, and S. L. Nie,Interval-fuzzy possibilistic mixed integerlinear programming for environmental management under uncertainty, InternationalJournal of Environment andPollution(IndersciencePublishers),42(1), 107-124 (2010). (SCI IF = 0.624)
(824)C. J. An,Y. L. He, G. H. Huang*, and S.C. Yang, Degradation ofhexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) by anaerobic mesophilic granularsludge from UASB Reactor, Journal of ChemicalTechnology and Biotechnology (Wiley InterScience), 85(6), 831-838 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.045)
(825)Y. Sun, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Developmentof a fuzzy-queue-based interval linear programming model for municipal solidwaste management, EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann LiebertPublisher), 27(6), 451-468 (2010). (SCI IF = 1.111)
(826)H. Yu, G. H. Huang*, B. Y. Zhang, X. D. Zhang, and Y. P. Cai, Modelingbiosurfactant-enhanced bioremediation processes for petroleum-contaminatedsites, Petroleum Science and Technology(Taylor & Francis),28(12), 1211-1221 (2010). (SCI IF = 0.280)
(827)Z. F. Yang, C. H. Li, G.H. Huang, and Y. P. Cai, Analysisof relationships between NDVI and climatic/hydrological parameters in theYellow River Basin, International Journalof Environment andPollution(IndersciencePublishers),42(1), 166-183 (2010). (SCI IF = 0.624)
(828)Q. Tan, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Cai, Waste management with recourse: An inexactdynamic programming model containing fuzzy boundary intervals in objectives andconstraints, Journal of EnvironmentalManagement (Elsevier), 91(9),1898-1913 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(829)Y. Sun, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Li, ICQSWM: An inexact chance-constrained quadraticsolid waste management model, Resources,Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier), 54(10),641-657 (2010). (SCI IF = 1.987)
(830)H. Yu, G. H. Huang*, X. D. Zhang, and Y. Li, Inhibitoryeffects of organic acids on bacteria growth during food waste composting, Compost Science & Utilization (JG. PressInc.), 18(1), 55-63 (2010). (SCIIF = 0.712)
(831)M. F. Cao, G. H. Huang*, and Q. G. Lin, Integerprogramming with random-boundary intervals for planning municipal powersystems, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 87(8), 2506-2516 (2010). (SCI IF =2.209)
(832)X. D. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, C. W. Chan, Z. F. Liu, and Q. G. Lin, A fuzzy-robust stochastic multiobjective programming approachfor petroleum waste management planning, AppliedMathematical Modelling (Elsevier), 34(10),2778-2788 (2010). (SCI IF = 1.375)
(833)C. Z. Wu, G. H. Huang*, X. P. Yan, Y. P. Cai, and Y. P. Li, An interval-parameter mixedinteger multi-objective programming for environment-oriented evacuationmanagement, International Journal ofSystems Science (Taylor & Francis), 41(5), 547-560 (2010). (SCI IF = 0.918)
(834)S. L. Nie, Z. Hu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang,Non-linear programming for filter management in a fluid power system withuncertainty, Proceedings of theInstitution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy(Professional Engineering Publishing), 224(2),185-201 (2010). (SCI IF = 0.655)
(835)B. D. Xi, J. Su, G. H. Huang, X. S. Qin, Y. HJiang, S. L. Huo, D. F. Ji, and B. Yao, An integrated optimization approach andmulti-criteria decision analysis for supporting the waste-management system ofthe City of Beijing, China, EngineeringApplications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier), 23(4), 620-631 (2010). (SCI IF = 1.444)
(836)Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang*, B. Bass, X. H. Nie, X. D. Zhang, and X. S. Qin, EMDSS: Anoptimization-based decision support system for energy systems management underchanging climate conditions - An application to the Toronto-Niagara Region,Canada, Expert Systems with Applications(Elsevier), 37(7), 5040-5051(2010). (SCI IF = 2.908)
(837)S. L. Nie, Y. P.Li, Z. B.Xiong, G. H.Huang, and B.Hu, IFQP: A hybrid optimization method forfilter management in fluid power systems under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor &Francis),42(1), 45-68 (2010). (SCI IF = 0.966)
(838)P. Guo and G. H. Huang*, Inexact fuzzy-stochastic programming for waterresources management under multiple uncertainties, Environmental Modeling and Assessment(Springer), 15(2), 111-124(2010). (SCI IF = 1.279)
(839)J. Su, G. H. Huang*, B. D. Xi, X. S. Qin, S. L. Huo, Y. H. Jiang, and X. R. Chen, Long-termpanning of waste diversion under interval and probabilistic uncertainties,Resources, Conservation and Recycling(Elsevier), 54(7), 449-461 (2010). (SCI IF = 1.987)
(840)Y.P. Li, G.H.Huang, N.Zhang, D.W.Mo, and S. L. Nie, ISIP: Capacity planning for flood managementsystems under uncertainty, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Taylor & Francis),27(1), 33-52(2010). (SCI IF = 0.500)
(841)Q. Tan, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Cai, Identification ofoptimal plans for municipal solid waste management in an environment offuzziness and two-layer randomness, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 24(1), 147-161 (2010). (SCI IF = 1.419)
(842)P. Guo and G. H. Huang*, Interval-parameter semi-infinitefuzzy-stochastic mixed-integer programming approach for environmentalmanagement under multiple uncertainties, WasteManagement(Elsevier),30(3), 521-531 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.433)
(843)Y. Xu, G. H. Huang*, X. S. Qin, M. F. Cao, and Y. Sun, An interval-parameter stochastic robust optimization modelfor supporting municipal solid waste management under uncertainty, Waste Management (Elsevier), 30(2), 316-327 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.433)
(844)H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang*, and L. He, Development of an interval-valued fuzzylinear-programming method based on infinite α-cuts for water resourcesmanagement, Environmental Modelling andSoftware (Elsevier), 25(3),354-361 (2010). (SCI IF = 3.085)
(845)Y. F.Li, G. H.Huang*, Y. P. Li, Y.Xu, and W. T. Chen,Regional-scale electric power system planning under uncertainty-Amultistage interval-stochastic integer linear programming approach, EnergyPolicy (Elsevier), 38(1),475-490 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.436)
(846)W. T.Chen, Y. P.Li, G. H. Huang, X. Chen and Y. F. Li, A two-stage inexact-stochasticprogramming model for planning carbon dioxide emission trading underuncertainty, AppliedEnergy(Elsevier), 87(3),1033-1047 (2010). (SCI IF = 2.209)
(847)Y. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, L. Tang, C. G. Niu, Y.Pang, L. J. Chen, C. L. Feng, and G. H. Huang, Highly sensitive fluorescencequantification of picloram using immunorecognition liposome, Talanta (Elsevier), 83(1), 210-215 (2010). (SCI IF = 3.290)
(848)G. H. Huang, W. Sun, X.H. Nie, X. S. Qin, and X. D. Zhang, Development of adecision-support system for rural eco-environmental management in YongxinCounty, Jiangxi Province, China, EnvironmentalModelling & Software (Elsevier), 25(1),24-42 (2010). (SCI IF = 3.085)
(849)Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang*, Y. F. Huang, and X. D. Zhang, Inexactcommunity-scale energy systems planning model, Journal of Urban Planning and Development (American Society of CivilEngineers), 136(3), 195-207(2010). (SCI IF = 0.571)
(850)Q. G. Lin and G. H. Huang*, A dynamic inexact energy systems planningmodel for supporting greenhouse-gas emission management and sustainablerenewable energy development under uncertainty-A case study for the City ofWaterloo, Canada, Renewableand Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), 13(8), 1836-1853 (2009). (SCI IF =4.842)
(851)Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang*, Z. F. Yang, Q. G. Lin, and Q. Tan, Community-scale renewableenergy systems planning under uncertainty - An interval chance-constrained programmingapproach, Renewable and SustainableEnergy Reviews (Elsevier), 13(4), 721-735 (2009). (SCI IF = 4.842)
(852)Y. P. Li and G. H.Huang, Fuzzy-stochastic-based violation analysis method for planning waterresources management systems with uncertain information, Information Sciences (Elsevier), 179(24), 4261-4279 (2009). (SCI IF = 3.291)
(853)X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang,and H. Yu, Enhancing remediation of LNAPL recoverythrough a response-surface-based optimization approach, Journal of Environmental Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), 135(10), 999-1008 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.174)
(854)H. Yu and G. H. Huang*, Effects of sodium acetate as a pHcontrol amendment on the composting of food waste, Bioresource Technology (Elsevier), 100(6), 2005-2011 (2009).(SCI IF = 4.453)
(855)X. H. Nie,G. H. Huang*, and Y.P. Li, Capacity planning for waste management systems: An interval fuzzy robustdynamic programming approach, Journal ofthe Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste ManagementAssociation), 59(11), 1317-1330(2009). (SCI IF = 2.020)
(856)X. D. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, and X. H. Nie, Robust stochastic fuzzy possibilistic programming forenvironmental decision making under uncertainty, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 408(2), 192-201 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.905)
(857)Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Dynamic analysis forsolid waste management systems: An inexact multistage integer programmingapproach, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & WasteManagement Association, A&WMA), 59(3),279-292 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.020)
(858)H. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, and G. M. Zeng, Health risks fromarsenic-contaminated soil in Flin Flon-Creighton, Canada: Integratinggeostatistical simulation and dose-response model, Environmental Pollution (Elsevier), 157(8-9),2413-2420 (2009). (SCI IF = 3.426)
(859)L. He, G. H. Huang*, and H. W. Lu, A coupled simulation-optimization approach forgroundwater remediation design under uncertainty: An application to apetroleum-contaminated site, EnvironmentalPollution (Elsevier), 157(8-9), 2485-2492 (2009). (SCI IF = 3.426)
(860)L. He, G. H. Huang*, G. M. Zeng, and H. W. Lu, An interval mixed-integersemi-infinite programming method for municipal solid waste management, Journal of the Air & Waste ManagementAssociation (Air & Waste Management Association, A&WMA), 59(2), 236-246 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.020)
(861)F. Zhou, G. H. Huang, G. X. Chen, and H. C. Guo, Enhanced-interval linearprogramming, European Journal ofOperational Research (Elsevier), 199(2),323-333 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.093)
(862)Y. M. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, and X.D. Zhang, Inexact denovo programming for water resources systems planning, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier), 199(2), 531-541 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.093)
(863)Y.P.Li, G.H.Huang, Y.F.Huang, and H.D.Zhou, A multistage fuzzy-stochastic programming model forsupporting sustainable water-resources allocation and management, EnvironmentalModelling & Software (Elsevier), 24(7), 786-797(2009). (SCI IF = 3.085)
(864)Y.P.Cai, G.H.Huang*, and Q.Tan, An inexactoptimizationmodel for regionalenergy systems planning in the mixed stochastic and fuzzyenvironment, InternationalJournal of Energy Research (John Wiley & Sons),33(5): 443-468 (2009).(SCI IF = 1.928)
(865)Y. R.Fan, G. H.Huang*, Y. P.Li, M. F. Cao, and G. H.Cheng, A fuzzy linear programming approach formunicipal solid-waste management under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis), 41(12),1081-1101 (2009). (SCI IF = 0.966)
(866)Y. Xu, G. H. Huang*, X. S. Qin, and Y. Huang, SRFILP: A stochasticrobust fuzzy interval linear programming model for municipal solid wastemanagement under uncertainty, Journalof Environmental Informatics (International Society of EnvironmentalInformation Sciences), 14(2),74-82 (2009).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(867)Y. Xu, G. H. Huang*, and X. S. Qin, Inexacttwo-stage stochastic robust optimization model for water resources managementunder uncertainty, EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann LiebertPublisher), 26(12), 1765-1776 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.111)
(868)J. Su, G. H. Huang*, B. D. Xi, Y. P. Li, X. S. Qin, S. L. Huo, and Y. H. Jiang, AHybrid inexact optimization approach for solid waste management in the City ofFoshan, China, Journal of EnvironmentalManagement (Elsevier), 91(2),389-402 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(869)P. Guo and G. H. Huang*, Inexact fuzzy-stochastic mixed-integer programming approach forlong-term planning of waste management - Part A: Methodology, Journal of Environmental Management(Elsevier), 91(2), 461-470(2009). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(870)P. Guo and G. H. Huang*, Inexact fuzzy-stochastic mixed integer programming approach forlong-term planning of waste management - Part B: Case study, Journal of Environmental Management(Elsevier), 91(2), 441-460(2009). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(871)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and S. L. Nie, A robustinterval-based minimax-regret analysis approach for the identification ofoptimal water-resources-allocation strategies under uncertainty, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier),54(2), 86-96 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.987)
(872)Y. Lv, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, Z. F. Yang, and C. H. Li,Interval-based air quality index optimization model for regionalenvironmental management under uncertainty, EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher), 26(11), 1585-1597, (2009). (SCIIF = 1.111)
(873)Y.P. Li, G. H. Huang, and S. L. Nie, Water resources management and planningunder uncertainty: An inexact multistage joint-probabilistic programmingmethod, Water Resources Management (Springer-Verlag), 23(12), 2515-2538 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.013)
(874)W. Sun, G. H. Huang*, G. M. Zeng, X. S. Qin, and X. L. Sun, A stepwise-cluster microbial biomassinference model in food waste composting, WasteManagement (Elsevier), 29(12),2956-2968, (2009). (SCI IF = 2.433)
(875)Y.Sun, G.H.Huang*, Y.P.Li, Y.Xu, and M.F.Cao, An interval fuzzy robust nonlinear programfor the planning of municipal solid waste management systems under uncertainty, EngineeringOptimization (Taylor & Francis), 41(11),989-1016 (2009). (SCI IF = 0.966)
(876)Z. F. Liu, G. H. Huang*, R. F. Liao, and L. He, DIPIP: Dual intervalprobabilistic integer programming for solid waste management, Journal of Environmental Informatics(International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 14(1), 66-73 (2009).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(877)X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang,B. Chen, and B. Y. Zhang, An interval-parameter waste-load-allocation model forriver water quality management under uncertainty, Environmental Management (Springer), 43(6), 999-1012 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.408)
(878)X. D. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, and X. H. Nie, Optimaldecision schemes for agricultural water quality management planning withimprecise objective, Agricultural WaterManagement (Elsevier), 96(12), 1723-1731 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.016)
(879)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,G. Q. Wang, and Y. F. Huang, FSWM: A hybrid fuzzy-stochastic water-managementmodel for agricultural sustainability under uncertainty, Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier),96(12), 1807-1818 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.016)
(880)Y. Liu, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Cai, G. H.Cheng, Y. T. Niu, and K. An, Development of an inexact optimization model forcoupled coal and power management in North China, Energy Policy (Elsevier), 37(11),4345-4363 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.436)
(881)Q. G. Lin and G. H.Huang*, Planning of energysystem management and GHG-emission control in the Municipality of Beijing-Aninexact-dynamic stochastic programming model, Energy Policy (Elsevier), 37(11),4463-4473 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.436)
(882)H. Zhu, G. H. Huang*, P. Guo, and X. S. Qin,A fuzzy robust nonlinear programming model for stream water quality management,Water Resources Management (Springer),23(14), 2913-2940 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.013)
(883)H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang*, and L. He,Inexact rough-interval two-stage stochastic programming for conjunctive waterallocation problems, Journalof Environmental Management (Elsevier), 91(1), 261-269 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(884)Z. F. Liu and G. H.Huang*, Dual-intervaltwo-stage optimization for flood management and risk analyses, Water ResourcesManagement (Springer), 23(11), 2141-2162 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.013)
(885)X.Y. Ma, G.M. Zeng, C. Zhang, Z.S. Wang, J. Yu,J.B. Li, G.H. Huang, and H.L. Liu, Characteristics of BPA removal fromwater by PACl-Al13 in coagulation process, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Elsevier), 337(2), 408-413 (2009). (SCI IF = 3.019)
(886)H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Lin, and L. He, A two-step infiniteα-cuts fuzzy linear programming method in determination of optimal allocationstrategies in agricultural irrigation systems, Water Resources Management (Springer), 23(11), 2249-2269 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.013)
(887)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Yang, and S. L.Nie, A constraint-softened interval-fuzzy linear programming approach for environmentalmanagement under uncertainty, EnvironmentalEngineering Science(Mary Ann LiebertPublisher), 26(8), 1335-1348(2009). (SCIIF = 1.111)
(888)P. Guo, G. H. Huang*, L. He, and H. L. Li, Interval-parameterfuzzy-stochastic semi-infinite mixed-integer linear programming for wastemanagement under uncertainty, EnvironmentalModeling & Assessment (Springer), 14(4),521-537 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.279)
(889)Y. Zou, G. H. Huang, L. He, and H. L. Li,Multi-stage optimal design for groundwater remediation: A hybrid bi-levelprogramming approach, Journal ofContaminant Hydrology (Elsevier), 108(1-2),64-76 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.106)
(890)Y. Zou, G. H. Huang, and I. Maqsood,Time-varying optimal design for groundwater bioremediation: The pilot-scalestudy of a western Canadian site, EcologicalEngineering (Elsevier), 35(8),1138-1151 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.745)
(891)C. Z. Wu, G. H. Huang, X. P. Yan, Y. P. Cai, Y.P. Li, and N. C. Lv, An inexact optimization model for evacuation planning, Kybernetes (Emerald), 38(10), 1676-1683 (2009). (SCI IF = 0.308)
(892)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Yang, and S. L.Nie, 0-1 Piecewise linearization approach for interval-parameter nonlinearprogramming: application to environmental management under uncertainty, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering(National Research Council of Canada), 36(6),1071-1084 (2009). (SCI IF = 0.402)
(893)H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang*,and L. He, An inexact programming method for agriculturalirrigation systems under parameter uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research and RiskAssessment (Springer), 23(6), 759-768 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.419)
(894)Y.P. Li, G.H.Huang, and X. Chen, Multistage scenario-based interval-stochasticprogramming for planning water resources allocation,StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 23(6), 781-792 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.419)
(895)G. H. Cheng, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li,M. F. Cao and Y. R. Fan, Planning of municipal solid waste managementsystems under dual uncertainties: A hybrid interval stochastic programmingapproach, Stochastic EnvironmentalResearch and Risk Assessment (Springer), 23(6), 707-720 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.419)
(896)A. L. Wei, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, J. Liang,and X. D. Li, Modeling of a permeate flux of cross-flow membrane filtration ofcolloidal suspensions: A wavelet network approach, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (IRSENPublication),6(3), 395-406 (2009).
(897)Y. Zou, G. H. Huang, and X. H.Nie, Filtered stepwiseclustering method for predicting fate of contaminants in groundwaterremediation systems: A case study in Western Canada, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Springer), 199(1-4), 389-405(2009). (SCI IF = 1.676)
(898)Y.P. Li and G.H.Huang, Two-stage planning for sustainable waterquality management under uncertainty, Journalof Environmental Management (Elsevier), 90(8), 2402-2413 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(899)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, Z. F. Yang, and S. L. Nie, IFTCIP: Anintegrated optimization model for environmental management under uncertainty,Environmental Modeling & Assessment(Springer), 14(3), 315-332(2009). (SCI IF = 1.279)
(900)Y.P.Li and G.H.Huang, Interval-parameter robust optimization forenvironmental management under uncertainty, CanadianJournal of Civil Engineering (NRC Research Press), 36(4), 592-606(2009). (SCI IF = 0.402)
(901)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Yang, and X. Chen, Inexact fuzzy-stochasticconstraint-softened programming - A case study for waste management, Waste Management (Elsevier), 29(7), 2165-2177 (2009). (SCI IF =2.433)
(902)Q. G. Lin,G. H. Huang*, B. Bass,and X. S. Qin, IFTEM: An interval-fuzzy two-stage stochasticoptimization model for regional energy systems planning under uncertainty,Energy Policy (Elsevier),37(3), 868-878 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.436)
(903)L. He, G.H. Huang*, G. M.Zeng, and H. W. Lu, Identifying optimal regional solid wastemanagement strategies through an inexact integer programming model containinginfinite objectives and constraints, Waste Management(Elsevier), 29(1), 21-31 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.433)
(904)Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang*, H. W. Lu, Z. F. Yang, and Q. Tan, I-VFRP: An interval-valued fuzzy robustprogramming approach for municipal waste-management planning under uncertainty,Engineering Optimization (Taylor &Francis), 41(5), 399-418 (2009). (SCI IF =0.966)
(905)Y. Xu, G. H. Huang*, X. S. Qin, and M. F. Cao, SRCCP: A stochastic robustchance-constrained programming model for municipal solid waste management underuncertainty, Resources, Conservation andRecycling (Elsevier),53(6), 352-363 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.987)
(906)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, X. Chen, and S. Y. Cheng,Interval-parameter robust minimax-regret programming and its application toenergy and environmental systems planning, EnergySources, Part B (Taylor and Francis), 4(3),278-294 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.395)
(907)S. L. Nie, Y. P. Li, X. Y. Shi, G. H. Huang, and B. Hu, An IPINP model for the assessment offilter allocation and replacement strategies in a hydraulic contaminationcontrol system under uncertainty, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Part C (Institution ofMechanical Engineers, Professional EngineeringPublishing, UK), 223(4), 999-1015 (2009).(SCIIF=0.416)
(908)Z. F. Liu, G. H. Huang*, X. H. Nie, and L. He, Dual-interval linearprogramming model and its application to solid waste management planning,Environmental Engineering Science(Mary Ann LiebertPublisher), 26(6), 1033-1045 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.111)
(909)C. Chen, Y. Xu, J. C. Shang, and G. H. Huang, Alternativesof strategic environmental assessment for road traffic developmentplanning-Case of Changchun City, China, ChineseGeographical Science (Springer-Verlag),19(1), 25-36 (2009). (SCI IF = 0.662)
(910)Q. Tan, G. H. Huang*, C. Z. Wu, Y. P. Cai, and X. P. Yan, Development of an inexact fuzzyrobust programming model for integrated evacuation management underuncertainty, Journal of Urban Planningand Development (American Society ofCivil Engineers), 135(1),39-49 (2009). (SCI IF = 0.571)
(911)X. H. Xia, G. C. Li, Z. F. Yang, Y. M. Chen, and G. H. Huang, Effects of fulvicacid concentration and origin on photodegradation of polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons in aqueous solution: Importance of active oxygen, Environmental Pollution (Elsevier),157(4),1352-1359 (2009). (SCI IF = 3.426)
(912)L. He, G. H. Huang*, and H.W. Lu, Flexible intervalmixed-integer bi-infinite programming for environmental systems managementunder uncertainty, Journal ofEnvironmental Management (Elsevier), 90(5),1802-1813 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(913)Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang*, Z.F. Yang, W. Sun, and B. Chen, Investigation ofpublic's perception towards rural sustainable development based on a two-levelexpert system, Expert Systemswith Applications (Elsevier), 36(5), 8910-8924 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.908)
(914)Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang*, Q. Tan, and Z. F. Yang, Planning of community-scalerenewable energy management systems in a mixed stochastic and fuzzyenvironment, Renewable Energy (Elsevier),34(7), 1833-1847 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.226)
(915)P. Guo, G. H. Huang*, L. He,and H. Zhu, Interval-parameter two-stage stochastic semi-infinite programming:Application to water resources management under uncertainty,Water Resources Management (Springer-Verlag), 23(5), 1001-1023 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.013)
(916)H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang*, and L. He, A semi-infinite analysis-based inexacttwo-stage stochastic fuzzy linear programming approach for water resourcesmanagement, Engineering Optimization(Taylor & Francis), 41(1),73-85 (2009). (SCI IF = 0.966)
(917)X. S. Qin and G. H. Huang*, An inexact chance-constrained quadraticprogramming model for stream water quality management, Water Resources Management (Springer-Verlag), 23(4), 661-695 (2009). (SCI IF =2.013)
(918)F. Nasiri, A. Manuilova, and G. H. Huang, Environmental policy analysisin freight transportation planning: An optimality assessment approach, International Journal of SustainableTransportation (Taylor & Francis), 3(2),88-109 (2009).
(919)G. H. Huang, X. S. Qin, W. Sun, X.H. Nie, and Y. P. Li, An optimisation-basedenvironmental decision support system for sustainable development in a ruralarea in China, Civil Engineering andEnvironmental Systems (Taylor & Francis), 26(1), 65-83 (2009). (SCI IF= 0.500)
(920)X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang*, and L. He, Simulation and optimization technologiesfor petroleum waste management and remediation process control, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 90(1), 54-76 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(921)H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang*, L. He, and G. M. Zeng, An inexact dynamic optimizationmodel for municipal solid waste management in association with greenhouse gasemission control, Journal of EnvironmentalManagement (Elsevier), 90(1), 396-409 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(922)P. Guo and G. H. Huang*, Two-stage fuzzy chance-constrained programming- Application to water resources management under dual uncertainties, Stochastic Environmental Research and RiskAssessment (Springer-Verlag), 23(3),349-359 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.419)
(923)X.S. Qin and G. H. Huang*, Characterizing uncertainties associated withcontaminant transport modeling through a coupled fuzzy-stochastic approach, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Springer),197(1), 331-348 (2009).(SCI IF = 1.676)
(924)X. D. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, Q. G. Lin, and H. Yu, Petroleum-contaminatedgroundwater remediation systems design: A data envelopment analysis based approach, ExpertSystems with Applications (Elsevier), 36(3), 5666-5672 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.908)
(925)Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Inexact minimax regret Integer programming forlong-term planning of municipal solid waste management -- Part A: Methodology development, EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher), 26(1), 209-218 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.111)
(926)Y.P. Li and G. H. Huang*, Inexact minimax regret integer programming forlong-term planning of municipal solid waste management -- Part B: Application, EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher), 26(1), 219-234 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.111)
(927)Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang*, Z. F. Yang, and Q. Tan, Identification of optimal strategies forenergy management systems planning under multiple uncertainties, Applied Energy (Elsevier), 86(4), 480-495 (2009). (SCI IF =2.209)
(928)Y.P. Cai, G. H. Huang*, Q. G. Lin, X. H.Nie, and Q. Tan, Anoptimization-model-based interactive decision support system for regionalenergy management systems planning under uncertainty, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier),36(2), 3470-3482 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.908)
(929)C. H. Li, Z. F. Yang,G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li,Identification of relationship between sunspots and natural runoff in theYellow River based on discrete wavelet analysis, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), 36(2),3309-3318 (2009). (SCI IF = 2.908)
(930)X. Wang, Z. F. Yang, G. H. Huang, and B. Chen, A high-order compact differencescheme for 2D laplace and poisson equations in non-uniform grid systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science andNumerical Simulation (Elsevier), 14(2),379-398 (2009).
(931)Q. G. Lin,G. H. Huang*, B. Bass,B. Chen, B. Y. Zhang, and X. D. Zhang, CCEM: A city-cluster energy systemsplanning model, Energy Sources, Part A(Taylor & Francis), 31(4),273-286 (2009). (SCI IF = 1.094)
(932)Y. Li, X. L. Wang, G. H. Huang*, B. Y. Zhang, and S. H. Guo, Adsorption of Cuand Zn onto Mn/Fe oxides and organic materials in the extractable fractions ofriver surficial sediments, Soil &Sediment Contamination (Taylor& Francis), 18(1), 87-101 (2009).(SCI IF = 0.881)
(933)X. S. Qin, B. Chen, G.H. Huang, and B. Y. Zhang, A relation-analysis-based approach forassessing risks of petroleum-contaminated sites in Western Canada, Advances in Sustainable PetroleumEngineering Science (Nova Science Publishers), 1(2), 183-200 (2009).
(934)Y. Li, J. L. Liu, G. H. Huang, H. Yu, K. An, andB. Y. Zhang, Application of a maturity-accelerating reagent (MAR) to foodwastes composting processes, Chemical andBiochemical Engineering Quarterly (Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers),23(3), 359-365 (2009). (SCI IF=0.387)
(935)H. Zhang and G. H. Huang*, Building channel networks for flat regions indigital elevation models, HydrologicalProcesses (Wiley InterScience Publisher), 23(20), 2879-2887(2009). (SCI IF = 2.002)
(936)X. S. Qin,G. H. Huang*, H. Zhang, and A. Chakma, An integrated decision support systemfor management of CO2 geologic storage in the Weyburn Field, PetroleumScience and Technology (Taylor & Francis), 26(7-8), 813-843 (2008).(SCI IF = 0.280)
(937)L. He, G. H. Huang*, and H. W. Lu, Health-risk-based groundwater remediation systemoptimization through clusterwise linear regression, Environmental Science & Technology (AmericanChemical Society),42(24), 9237-9243 (2008).(SCI IF = 4.630)
(938)X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, and A. Chakma,Simulation-based optimization of dual-phase vacuum extraction to removenonaqueous phase liquids in subsurface, WaterResources Research (American Geophysical Union), 44(4), Art. NO. W04422 (2008). (SCI IF = 2.447)
(939)L. He, G. H. Huang*, H. W. Lu, and G. M.Zeng, Optimization of surfactant-enhanced aquifer remediation for alaboratory BTEX system under parameter uncertainty, Environmental Science & Technology(American Chemical Society),42(6), 2009-2014 (2008). (SCI IF =4.630)
(940)L. He, G.H. Huang*, G.M. Zeng, and H.W. Lu, An integratedsimulation, inference, and optimization method for identifying groundwaterremediation strategies at petroleum-contaminated aquifers in western Canada, Water Research (Elsevier), 42(10-11), 2629-2639 (2008). (SCI IF =4.355)
(941)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Z.F. Yang, and S. L. Nie, An integratedtwo-stage optimization model for the development of long-term waste-management strategies, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier),392(2-3), 175-186 (2008). (SCI IF = 2.905)
(942)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, X. H. Nie, and S. L. Nie, A two-stagefuzzy robust integer programming approach for capacity planning of environmental management systems, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier), 189(2), 399-420 (2008). (SCIIF = 2.093)
(943)Y. F. Huang, G. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang, H. N.Xiao, and A. Chakma, IPCS: anintegrated process control system for enhanced in-situ bioremediation, Environmental Pollution (Elsevier),151(3),460-469 (2008). (SCI IF =3.426)
(944)H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang*, Z. F. Liu, and L. He, Greenhouse gas mitigation-inducedrough-interval programming for municipal solid waste management, Journal of the Air &Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association, A&WMA), 58(12), 1546-1559 (2008). (SCI IF = 2.020)
(945)G. Q. Wang, X. D. Fu, Y. F. Huang, and G. H. Huang, Analysis ofsuspended sediment transport in open-channel flows: Kinetic-model-basedsimulation, Journal of HydraulicEngineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), 134(3), 328-339 (2008). (SCI IF = 1.478)
(946)L. He, G. H. Huang*, and H. W. Lu, Asimulation-based fuzzy chance-constrained programming model for optimalgroundwater remediation under uncertainty, Advancesin Water Resources (Elsevier), 31(12),1622-1635 (2008). (SCI IF = 2.354)
(947)L. He, G. H. Huang*, G. M. Zeng, and H. W. Lu, Fuzzy inexactmixed-integer semiinfinite programming for municipal solid waste managementplanning, Journal of EnvironmentalEngineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), 134(7), 572-581 (2008). (SCI IF = 1.174)
(948)Y. P. Lin, G. H. Huang*, H. W. Lu, and L. He, Asimulation-aided factorial analysis approach for characterizing interactiveeffects of system factors on composting processes, Science of The Total Environment (Elsevier), 402(2-3), 268-277(2008). (SCI IF = 2.905)
(949)X.S. Qin, G. H. Huang*,and Y.P. Li, Riskmanagement of BTEX contamination in groundwater- Anintegrated fuzzy approach, Ground Water(Blackwell Publishing), 46(5),755-767 (2008). (SCI IF = 1.831)
(950)P. Guo, G. H. Huang*, and L. He, ISMISIP: An inexact stochastic mixed integerlinear semi-infinite programming approach for solid waste management andplanning under uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research & RiskAssessment (Springer), 22(6), 759-775(2008). (SCI IF = 1.419)
(951)L. He, G. H. Huang*, Q. Tan, and Z. F. Liu, An interval full-infinite programmingmethod to supporting environmental decision-making, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis), 40(8), 709-728 (2008). (SCI IF =0.966)
(952)S. Wu, J. Li, and G. H. Huang, Characterization and evaluation ofelevation data uncertainty in water resources modeling with GIS, Water Resources Management (Springer-Verlag), 22(8), 959-972 (2008). (SCI IF =2.013)
(953)F. Nasiri and G. H. Huang, Integrated capacity planning forelectricity generation: A fuzzy environmental policy analysis approach, Energy Sources, Part B (Taylor &Francis), 3(3), 259-279 (2008).(SCI IF = 1.395)
(954)Z. Y. Wang, G.Q. Wang, and G.H. Huang, Modeling ofstate of vegetation and soil erosion over large areas, International Journalof Sediment Research (Elsevier), 23(3), 181-196 (2008). (SCIIF = 0.908)
(955)H. L. Li, G. H. Huang*, and Y. Zou, An integrated fuzzy-stochastic modeling approach forassessing health-impact risk from air pollution, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer), 22(6), 789-803 (2008). (SCI IF = 1.419)
(956)X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang*, and A. Chakma, Modeling groundwater contamination under uncertainty: Afactorial-design-based stochastic approach, Journalof Environmental Informatics (International Society of EnvironmentalInformation Sciences), 11(1), 11-20 (2008).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(957)Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang*, Z. F. Yang, Q. G. Lin, B.Bass, and Q. Tan, Development of an optimization model for energysystems planning in the Region of Waterloo, InternationalJournal of Energy Research (Wiley InterScience), 32(11), 988-1005(2008). (SCI IF = 1.928)
(958)G. C. Li, G. H. Huang*, C. Z. Wu, Y. P. Li, Y. M. Chen, and Q. Tan, TISEM: A two-stage interval-stochasticevacuation management model, Journal ofEnvironmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental InformationSciences), 12(1), 64-74(2008).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(959)F. Zhou, H. C. Guo, G. X. Chen, and G. H. Huang, The interval linear programming: Arevisit, Journal ofEnvironmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental InformationSciences), 11(1), 1-10(2008).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(960)H.W. Lu*, G. H. Huang*, L. Liu, and L. He, An interval-parameterfuzzy-stochastic programming approach for air quality management underuncertainty,EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher), 25(6), 895-910 (2008). (SCI IF =1.111)
(961)Y. M. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, L. He, and Y. P. Li, Quality evaluation for composting products through fuzzylatent component analysis, Resources,Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier), 52(10),1132-1140 (2008). (SCI IF = 1.987)
(962)Z. Y. Hu, C. W. Chan, and G. H. Huang, Knowledge-based reasoning enhanced control system forin-situ bioremediation processes, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(World Scientific), 18(4), 443-459 (2008).(SCI IF = 0.447)
(963)S. Wu, J.Li, and G. H. Huang, A study on DEM-derivedprimary topographic attributes for hydrologic applications: Sensitivity toelevation data resolution, AppliedGeography (Elsevier), 28(3),210-223 (2008). (SCI IF = 2.324)
(964)L. He and G. H. Huang*, Optimization ofregional waste management systems based on inexact semi-infiniteprogramming, Canadian Journal of CivilEngineering (Canadian Society of Civil Engineering), 35(9), 987-998 (2008). (SCI IF = 0.402)
(965)G. Q. Chen, G.M. Zeng, L. Tang, C.Y. Du, X.Y. Jiang, G.H. Huang, H.L. Liu, and G. L. Shen, Cadmium removal fromsimulated wastewater to biomass byproduct of Lentinus edodes, Bioresource Technology (Elsevier), 99(15), 7034-7040 (2008). (SCI IF =4.453)
(966)X. Z. Yuan, J. Liu, G.M. Zeng, J.G. Shi, J.Y. Tong, and G.H. Huang, Optimizationof conversion of waste rapeseed oil with high FFA to biodiesel using responsesurface methodology, Renewable Energy(Elsevier), 33(7), 1678-1684(2008). (SCI IF = 2.226)
(967)H.L. Huang, G.M. Zeng, L. Tang, H.Y. Yu, X.M. Xi, Z.M. Chen, and G.H. Huang, Effect of biodelignification of rice straw on humification and humus qualitybyPhanerochaete chrysosporium and Streptomyces badius, International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation (Elsevier), 61(4), 331-336 (2008). (SCI IF = 2.252)
(968)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, S. L. Nie, and L. Liu, Inexact multistagestochastic integer programming method for water resources management underuncertainty,Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 88(1), 93-107 (2008). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(969)C. Z. Wu, X. P. Yan, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Li, An intelligentagent mobile emissions model for urban environmental management, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(World Scientific), 18(4), 485-502 (2008).(SCI IF = 0.447)
(970)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, Y. Y. Liu, Y. M.Zhang, and S. L. Nie, An inexact stochastic quadratic programming method formunicipal solid waste management, CivilEngineering and Environmental Systems (Taylor & Francis), 25(2), 139-155 (2008). (SCI IF = 0.500)
(971)R. F. Liao, C. W. Chan, J. Hromek, G. H. Huang, and L. He, Fuzzylogic control for a petroleum separation process, Engineering Applications of ArtificialIntelligence (Elsevier), 21(6), 835-845 (2008). (SCI IF = 1.444)
(972)H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang*, G. M. Zeng, I. Maqsood, and L. He, An inexacttwo-stage fuzzy-stochastic programming model for water resources management, Water Resources Management (Springer-Verlag),22(8), 991-1016 (2008). (SCI IF =2.013)
(973)P. Guo, G. H. Huang*, L. He, and B. W. Sun, ITSSIP: Interval-parametertwo-stage stochastic semi-infinite programming for environmental managementunder uncertainty, EnvironmentalModelling & Software (Elsevier), 23(12),1422-1437 (2008). (SCI IF = 3.085)
(974)H. Zhong, G. M. Zeng, J. X. Liu, X. M. Xu, X. Z. Yuan, H. Y.Fu, G.H. Huang, Z. F. Liu, and Y. Ding, Adsorption ofmonorhamnolipid and dirhamnolipid on two Pseudomonas aeruginosastrains and the effect on cell surface hydrophobicity, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Springer-Verlag), 79(4), 671-677 (2008). (SCIIF=2.896)
(975)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, S. L. Nie, and D. W. Mo,Interval-parameter robust quadratic programming for water quality managementunder uncertainty, EngineeringOptimization (Taylor & Francis), 40(7),613-635 (2008). (SCI IF = 0.966)
(976)L. He, G. H. Huang*, G. M. Zeng, and H. W. Lu, Wavelet-basedmultiresolution analysis for data cleaning and its application to water qualitymanagement systems, ExpertSystems with Applications (Elsevier), 35(3),1301-1310 (2008). (SCI IF = 2.908)
(977)G. H. Huang, L. He, G. M. Zeng, and H. W. Lu,Identification of optimal urban solid waste flow schemes under impacts ofenergy prices, Environmental EngineeringScience (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher), 25(5),685-695 (2008). (SCI IF =1.111)
(978)Z. F. Liu, G. H. Huang*, and N. Li, A dynamicoptimization approach for power generation planning under uncertainty, Energy Sources, Part A (Taylor &Francis), 30(14-15), 1413-1431 (2008).(SCI IF = 1.094)
(979)Q. G. Lin and G. H. Huang*, IPEM: aninterval-parameter energy systems planning model, Energy Sources, Part A (Taylor & Francis), 30(14-15), 1382-1399 (2008).(SCI IF = 1.094)
(980)P. Guo, G. H. Huang, L. He, and Y. P. Cai, ICCSIP: Aninexact chance-constrained semi-infinite programming approach for energysystems planning under uncertainty, EnergySources, Part A (Taylor & Francis), 30(14-15), 1345-1366 (2008).(SCI IF = 1.094)
(981)G. H. Huang and X. S. Qin, Climate change andsustainable energy development, EnergySources, Part A (Taylor & Francis), 30(14-15), 1281-1285 (2008).(SCI IF = 1.094)
(982)X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, W. Sun, and A. Chakma, Optimizationof remediation operations at petroleum-contaminated sites through asimulation-based stochastic-MCDA approach, EnergySources, Part A (Taylor & Francis), 30(14-15), 1300-1326 (2008).(SCI IF = 1.094)
(983)G. H. Huang, C. W. Chan, and X. Zhang, Applicationsof artificial intelligence to energy and environmental system underuncertainty, InternationalJournal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (World Scientific), 18(4), 439-441 (2008).(SCI IF = 0.447)
(984)Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang*, Interval-parametertwo-stage stochastic nonlinear programming for water resources management underuncertainty, Water ResourcesManagement (Springer-Verlag), 22(6), 681-698 (2008). (SCI IF =2.013)
(985)Y. P. Lin, G. H. Huang*, H. W. Lu, and L. He, Modeling of substrate degradation and oxygen consumption in waste composting processes, Waste Management (Elsevier), 28(8),1375-1385 (2008). (SCI IF = 2.433)
(986)Z. F. Yang, X. H. Xia, G. H. Huang, J. S. Zhou,and X. Rong, Effect of sediment on the biodegradation of petroleum contaminantsin natural water, Petroleum Science andTechnology (Taylor & Francis), 26(7-8),868-886 (2008). (SCI IF = 0.280)
(987)G. H. Huang and Y. P. Li, Emerging technologiesfor petroleum waste management, PetroleumScience and Technology (Taylor & Francis), 26(7-8), 759-763 (2008). (SCIIF = 0.280)
(988)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, X. S. Qin, and S. L.Nie, IFTCP: An integrated method for petroleum waste management underuncertainty, Petroleum Science and Technology(Taylor & Francis), 26(7-8), 912-936 (2008). (SCIIF = 0.280)
(989)G. H. Huangand X. S. Qin,Environmental systems analysis under uncertainty, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Gordon and Breach SciencePublishers), 25(2), 77-80(2008). (SCI IF = 0.500)
(990)X. H. Nie, G. H. Huang*, D. Wang, and H. L. Li,Robust optimisation for inexact water quality management under uncertainty, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems(Gordon and Breach Science Publishers), 25(2), 167-184 (2008). (SCI IF = 0.500)
(991)B. Chen, H. C. Guo, G. H. Huang, Y. Y. Yin, and B. Y. Zhang, IFMEP: Aninterval fuzzy multiobjective environmental planning model for urban systems, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems(Gordon and Breach Science Publishers), 25(2), 99-125 (2008). (SCI IF = 0.500)
(992)B. Y. Zhang, G. H. Huang*, and B. Chen, Enhancedbioremediation of petroleum contaminated soils through cold-adapted bacteria, Petroleum Science and Technology (Taylor& Francis), 26(7-8), 955-971(2008). (SCI IF = 0.280)
(993)F. Nasiriand G. H. Huang, A fuzzydecision aid model for environmental performance assessment in waste recycling,Environmental Modelling and Software(Elsevier), 23(6), 677-689(2008). (SCI IF = 3.085)
(994)Y. P. Liand G. H. Huang*, IFMP: Interval-fuzzymultistage programming for water resources management under uncertainty, Resources, Conservation and Recycling(Elsevier), 52(5), 800-812 (2008). (SCI IF = 1.987)
(995)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, X. H. Nie, and S. L.Nie, An inexact fuzzy-robust two-stage programming model for managingsulfur dioxide abatement under uncertainty, Environmental Modeling and Assessment (Springer), 13(1), 77-91 (2008). (SCI IF = 1.279)
(996)Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, and H. N. Xiao, Municipal solid waste management underuncertainty: An interval-fuzzy two-stage stochastic programming approach, Journalof Environmental Informatics (International Society of EnvironmentalInformation Sciences), 12(2), 96-104 (2008).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(997)X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang*, A. Chakma, X. H. Nie, and Q. G. Lin, A MCDM-based expert system forclimate-change impact assessment and adaptation planning -- A case study forthe Georgia Basin, Canada, Expert Systemswith Applications (Elsevier), 34(3), 2164-2179 (2008). (SCI IF = 2.908)
(998)P. Guo, G. H. Huang*, and Y. P. Li, Interval stochastic quadratic programmingapproach for municipal solid waste management, Journalof Environmental Engineering and Science (National Rresearch Council of Canada),7(6), 569-579 (2008). (SCI IF = 0.941)
(999)Y.P. Li, G. H. Huang*, S. L. Nie, and L. Liu,Inexact multistage stochastic integer programming for water resourcesmanagement under uncertainty, Journal ofEnvironmental Management (Elsevier), 88(1), 93-107 (2008). (SCI IF= 2.367)
(1000) X. S.Qin, G. H. Huang*, G. M. Zeng, A. Chakma, and B.D. Xi, A fuzzy composting process model, Journalof the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste ManagementAssociation, A&WMA), 57(5),535-550 (2007). (SCI IF = 2.020)
(1001) F. Zhou, G. H. Huang, H. C. Guo, W. Zhang, and Z. J. Hao, Spatio-temporal patterns and sourceapportionment of coastal water pollution in eastern Hong Kong, Water Research (Elsevier), 41(15),3429-3439 (2007). (SCI IF = 4.355)
(1002) X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang*, A. Chakma, B. Chen, and G.M. Zeng, Simulation-basedprocess optimization for surfactant-enhanced aquifer remediation atheterogeneous DNAPL-contaminated sites, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier),381(1-3), 17-37 (2007).(SCI IF = 2.905)
(1003) X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang*, G. M. Zeng, A. Chakma, and Y. F. Huang, An interval-parameter fuzzy nonlinear optimizationmodel for stream water quality management under uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier), 180(3), 1331-1357 (2007). (SCI IF =2.093)
(1004) F. Nasiri, I. Maqsood,G. H. Huang, and N. Fuller, Water quality index: A fuzzy river-pollution decision support expertsystem, Journal of Water ResourcesPlanning & Management (AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers), 133(2),95-105 (2007). (SCI IF = 1.275)
(1005) G. M. Zeng, D. L. Huang,G. H. Huang, T. J. Hu, X. Y. Jiang, C. L. Feng, Y. N. Chen, L. Tang, and H. L.Liu, Composting of lead-contaminated solid waste with inocula of white-rotfungus, Bioresource Technology (Elsevier),98(2), 320-326 (2007). (SCI IF = 4.453)
(1006) Y. J. Sha, X. H. Xia, Z.F. Yang, and G. H. Huang,Distribution of PAEs in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River,China, Environmental Monitoring andAssessment (Springer), 124(1-3),277-287(2007). (SCI IF = 1.356)
(1007) Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang,and S. L. Nie, IFTSQP: An inexact optimizationmodel for water resources management under uncertainty, Water International (InternationalWater Resources Association), 32(3), 439-456 (2007). (SCI IF = 0.483)
(1008) Y. S. Yang, S. L. Nie,Y. Q. Zhu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Reaction thrust of submerged water jets, Journalof Power and Energy (Professional Engineering Publishing), 221(4), 565-574 (2007). (SCI IF=0.655)
(1009) Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang*, X. H. Nie, Y. P. Li, and Q. Tan,Municipal solid waste management under uncertainty:A mixed interval parameter fuzzy-stochastic robust programming approach, EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher), 24(3), 338-352(2007). (SCI IF= 1.111)
(1010) Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, S. L.Nie, and X. S. Qin, ITCLP: An inexact two-stage chance-constrainedprogram for planning waste management systems, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier), 49(3),284-307 (2007). (SCI IF = 1.987)
(1011) G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li,H. N. Xiao, and X. S. Qin, An inexact two-stage quadratic program for water resourcesplanning, Journal of Environmental Informatics(International Society of EnvironmentalInformation Sciences), 10(2), 99-105 (2007).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(1012) H. Y. Yu, G. M. Zeng, H.L. Huang, X. M. Xi, R. Y. Wang, D. L. Huang, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li, Microbial community succession andlignocellulose degradation during agricultural waste composting, Biodegradation (Springer-Verlag), 18(6), 793-802 (2007). (SCI IF = 2.055)
(1013) H. Zhong, G. M. Zeng, X.Z. Yuan, H. Y. Fu, G. H. Huang, and F. Y. Ren, Adsorption ofdirhamnolipid on four microorganisms and the effect on cell surfacehydrophobicity, AppliedMicrobiology and Biotechnology (Springer-Verlag),77(2), 447-455 (2007). (SCI IF=2.896)
(1014) Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang*, Inexact multistage stochastic quadraticprogramming method for planning water resources systems under uncertainty, EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher), 24(10), 1361-1377 (2007). (SCI IF =1.111)
(1015) X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang*, and A. Chakma, A stepwise-inference-basedoptimization system for supporting remediation of petroleum-contaminated sites,Water Air and Soil Pollution (KluwerAcademic), 185(1-4), 349-368(2007). (SCI IF = 1.676)
(1016) F. Nasiri and G. H.Huang, Ecological viability assessment: A fuzzy multiple-attribute analysiswith respect to three classes of ordering techniques, Ecological Informatics (Elsevier), 2(2), 128-137 (2007). (SCI IF = 1.299)
(1017) B. Luo, I. Maqsood, and G.H. Huang, Planning water resources systems withinterval stochastic dynamic programming, WaterResources Management (Springer-Verlag),21(6), 997-1014 (2007). (SCI IF=2.013)
(1018) S. Wu and G.H. Huang, An interval-parameter fuzzy approachfor multiobjective linear programming under uncertainty, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms (Springer), 6(2), 195-212 (2007).
(1019) L. L. Wang, G.M. Zeng, Z.W. Li, X.K. Su, J.B. Li, and G.H. Huang, Three-Gorge Dam influences wetland macrophytes in middle and lowerreaches of Yangtze, Progress in NaturalScience,17(9), 1035-1041 (2007).(SCIIF = 0.704)
(1020) S. Wu, J. Li, and G.H. Huang, Modeling the effects of elevation dataresolution on the performance of topography-based watershed runoff simulation, Environmental Modelling & Software(Elsevier), 22(9), 1250-1260(2007). (SCI IF = 3.085)
(1021) B. D. Xi, G. H. Huang,G. J. Zhang, Z. M. Wei, X. S. Qin, and H. L. Liu, A temperature-guidedthree-stage inoculation method for municipal solid wastes composting,Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher), 24(6), 745-754 (2007). (SCI IF =1.111)
(1022) H. Y. Fu, G. M. Zeng, H.Zhong, X. Z. Yuan, W. Wang, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li. Effects of rhamnolipidon degradation of granular organic substrate from kitchen waste by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces(Elsevier),58(2), 91-97 (2007). (SCI IF = 2.600)
(1023) G. M. Zeng, H. Y. Fu, H.Zhong, X. Z. Yuan, M. X. Fu, W. Wang, and G. H. Huang, Co-degradation withglucose of four surfactants, CTAB, Triton X-100, SDS and Rhamnolipid, in liquidculture media and compost matrix, Biodegradation(Springer), 18(3), 303-310 (2007). (SCI IF = 2.055)
(1024) C. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, Y. Li,J. Yu, J. B. Li, G. H. Huang, B. D. Xi, and H. L. Liu, Aerobic degradation of bisphenol A by Achromobacter xylosoxidans strain B-16 isolated from compost leachate of municipalsolid waste, Chemosphere (Elsevier), 68(1), 181-190 (2007). (SCI IF = 3.253)
(1025) X. H .Nie, G. H. Huang*, Y. P. Li, and L. Liu, IFRP: A hybrid interval-parameter fuzzy robustprogramming approach for waste management planning under uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 84(1), 1-11 (2007). (SCI IF =2.367)
(1026) Y. F.Huang, G. H. Huang, A.Chakma, I. Maqsood, B. Chen, J. B. Li, and Y. P. Yang, Remediation of petroleum-contaminated sites throughsimulation of a DPVE-aided cleanup process: Part 1. Model development, Energy Sources, Part A (Taylor& Francis), 29(4), 347-365 (2007). (SCI IF = 1.094)
(1027) Y. F. Huang, G. H. Huang*, H. N. Xiao, A.Chakma, Q.G. Lin, and H. Xu, Remediation of petroleum-contaminated sites through simulation ofa DPVE-aided cleanup process: Part 2. Remediation design,Energy Sources, Part A (Taylor & Francis), 29(4), 367-387 (2007). (SCI IF = 1.094)
(1028) Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, and S. L. Nie, Mixed interval-fuzzy two-stage integer programming and its application toflood-diversion planning, EngineeringOptimization (Taylor & Francis), 39(2), 163-183 (2007). (SCI IF = 0.966)
(1029) Y. P. Liand G. H. Huang*, Fuzzy two-stage quadratic programming forplanning solid waste management under uncertainty, International Journal of Systems Science (Taylor & Francis), 38(3), 219-233 (2007). (SCI IF = 0.918)
(1030) B. Luo, G. H. Huang*,Y. Zou, and Y. Y. Yin, Toward quantifying the effectiveness of water trading under uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 83(2), 181-190 (2007). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(1031) F. Nasiri, G. H. Huang,and N. Fuller, Prioritizing groundwater remediation policies: A fuzzy compatibility analysis decision aid, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 82(1), 13-23 (2007). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(1032) J. B. Li, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, I. Maqsood, and Y. F. Huang, Anintegrated fuzzy-stochastic modeling approach for risk assessment ofgroundwater contamination, Journal ofEnvironmental Management (Elsevier), 82(2), 173-188(2007). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(1033) Z. Y. Hu, C. W. Chan,and G. H. Huang, Multi-objective optimization for process control of thein-situ bioremediation system under uncertainty, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier), 20(2), 225-237 (2007). (SCI IF = 1.444)
(1034) G. M. Zeng, R. Jiang, G.H. Huang, M. Xu, and J. B. Li, Optimization of wastewater treatment alternativeselection by hierarchy grey relational analysis, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 82(2), 250-259 (2007). (SCIIF = 2.367)
(1035) K. Xu, G. M. Zeng, J. H.Huang, J. Y. Wu, Y. Y. Fang, G. H. Huang, J. B. Li, B. D. Xi, and H. L. Liu, Removal of Cd2+ fromsynthetic wastewater using micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration with hollow fibermembrane, Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Elsevier), 294(1-3),140-146 (2007). (SCI IF = 1.988)
(1036) T. J. Hu, G. M. Zeng, D.L. Huang, H. Y. Yu, X. Y. Jiang, F. Dai, and G. H. Huang, Use of potassium dihydrogenphosphate and sawdust as adsorbents of ammoniacal nitrogen in aerobiccomposting process, Journal of HazardousMaterials (Elsevier), 141(3), 736-744 (2007). (SCI IF = 4.144)
(1037) X. K. Su, G. M. Zeng, G.H. Huang, J. B. Li, J. Liang, L. L. Wang, and C. Y. Du, Modeling research onthe sorption kinetics of pentachlorophenol (PCP) to sediments based on neuralnetworks and neuro-fuzzy systems, EngineeringApplications of ArtificialIntelligence (Elsevier), 20(2), 239-247 (2007). (SCI IF = 1.444)
(1038) G. H. Huang, Y. F.Huang, G. Q. Wang, and H. N. Xiao, Development of a forecasting system for supporting remediation design and process control based onNAPL-biodegradation simulation and stepwise-cluster analysis, Water Resources Research (American Geophysical Union), 42(6), Art. NO. W06413 (2006). (SCI IF= 2.447)
(1039) Y. F. Huang, G. H. Huang*, G. Q. Wang, Q. G. Lin, and A. Chakma, An integrated numerical andphysical modeling system for an enhanced in situ bioremediation process, Environmental Pollution (Elsevier), 144(3),872-885 (2006). (SCI IF = 3.426)
(1040) Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, A. Veawab, X. H. Nie,and L. Liu, Two-stage fuzzy-stochastic robustprogramming: A hybrid model forregional air quality management, Journal of the Air & Waste ManagementAssociation (Air & WasteManagement Association, A&WMA), 56(8), 1070-1082 (2006). (SCI IF = 2.020)
(1041) Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang*, Minimaxregret analysis for municipal solid waste management: An interval-stochasticprogramming approach, Journal of the Air &Waste Management Association (Air & WasteManagement Association, A&WMA), 56(7), 931-944 (2006). (SCI IF = 2.020)
(1042) S. L. Nie, G. H. Huang,Y. P. Li, Y. S. Yang, and Y. Q. Zhu, Research on low cavitation in waterhydraulic two-stage throttle poppet valve, Journalof Process Mechanical Engineering, Part E (Professional Engineering Publishing,UK), 220(3),167-179 (2006).(SCIIF=0.463)
(1043) B. Luo, J. B. Li, G. H.Huang, and H. L. Li, A simulation-based interval two-stage stochastic model for agricultural nonpointsource pollution controlthrough land retirement, Science of theTotal Environment(Elsevier), 361(1-3), 38-56 (2006). (SCI IF = 2.905)
(1044) Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, and S. L. Nie, An interval-parametermulti-stage stochastic programming model for water resources management underuncertainty, Advances in Water Resources(Elsevier), 29(5), 776-789(2006). (SCI IF = 2.354)
(1045) X. Y. Wu, G. H. Huang*, L. Liu, and J. B. Li, Aninterval nonlinear program for the planning ofwaste management systemswith economies-of-scale effects -- A case study for the region of Hamilton,Ontario, Canada, European Journal ofOperational Research (Elsevier), 171(2),349-372 (2006). (SCI IF = 2.093)
(1046) G. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, Y. M. Jiang, J. M. Yao, G. H. Huang, X. Y.Jiang, W. Tan, X. L. Zhang, and M. Zeng, Effects of weak acids on canopyleaching and uptake processes in a coniferous-deciduous mixed evergreen forestin central-south China, Water Air and SoilPollution (Kluwer Academic),172(1-4), 39-55 (2006). (SCI IF = 1.676)
(1047) G. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, Y. M. Jiang, J. M. Yao, C. Y.Du, R. Jiang, and C. Zhang, Deposition pattern of precipitation and throughfallin a subtropical evergreen forest in south-central China, Journal of Forest Research (Springer), 11(6), 389-396 (2006). (SCI IF = 0.780)
(1048) X. Y. Jiang, G. M. Zeng, D. L. Huang, Y. Chen, F. Liu, G. H.Huang, J. B. Li, B. D. Xi, and H. L. Liu, Remediation ofpentachlorophenol-contaminated soil by composting with immobilized Phanerochaete chrysosporium, World Journal of Microbiology andBiotechnology (Springer), 22(9), 909-913 (2006). (SCI IF = 1.082)
(1049) G. M. Zeng, J. G. Shi, X. Z. Yuan, J. Liu, Z. B. Zhang, G. H.Huang, J. B. Li, B. D. Xi, and H. L. Liu, Effects of Tween 80 and rhamnolipidon the extracellular enzymes of Penicilliumsimplicissimum isolated from compost, Enzymeand Microbial Technology (Elsevier),39(7), 1451-1456 (2006). (SCI IF = 2.638)
(1050) Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang*, An inexact two-stage mixed integer linearprogramming method for solid waste management in the City of Regina, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 81(3), 188-209 (2006). (SCI IF =2.367)
(1051) G. M. Zeng,C. Zhang, G.H. Huang, J. Yu, Q. Wang, J.B. Li, B.D. Xi, and H.L. Liu, Adsorption behavior of bisphenol A onsediments in Xiangjiang River, Central-south China, Chemosphere (Elsevier), 65(9), 1490-1499 (2006). (SCI IF =3.253)
(1052) D. L. Huang, G. M. Zeng,X. Y. Jiang, C. L. Feng, H. Y. Yu, G. H. Huang, and H. L. Liu, Bioremediation of Pb-contaminatedsoil by incubating with Phanerochaetechrysosporium and straw, Journal ofHazardous Materials (Elsevier), 134(1-3), 268-276 (2006). (SCI IF = 4.144)
(1053) Y. Li, L. Liu, G. H.Huang, and L. Zhu, Ammonia removal in the catalytic wet air oxygen process oflandfill leachates with Co/Bi catalyst, Water Science and Technology (InternationalAssociation of Water Quality), 54(8),147-154 (2006). (SCI IF = 1.240)
(1054) L. Tang, G. M. Zeng, G.L. Shen, Y. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li, Simultaneous amperometricdetermination of lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase activities incompost bioremediation using artificial neural networks, Analytica Chimica Acta (Elsevier), 579(1),109-116 (2006). (SCI IF = 3.757)
(1055) G. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, Y.M. Jiang, C. Y. Du, G. H. Huang, M. Zeng, X. K. Su, and R. J. Xiang, Exchange of proton and majorelements in two-layer canopies under acid rain in a subtropical evergreenforest in central-south China, Journalof Integrative Plant Biology (Blackwell Sciences), 48(10), 1154-1162 (2006). (SCI IF = 1.395)
(1056) G. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, Y. M. Jiang, G. H. Huang, J. M. Yao, R. J.Xiang, and X. L. Zhang, Seasonal ionic exchange in two-layer canopies and totaldeposition in a subtropical evergreen mixed forest in central-south China, Annals of Forest Science (EDP Sciences),63(8), 887-896 (2006).(SCI IF = 1.591)
(1057) Y. Li, G. H. Huang, B.Y. Zhang, and S. H. Guo, Scavenging ofCd through Fe/Mn oxides within natural surface coatings, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier), 18(6),1199-1203 (2006). (SCI IF = 1.412)
(1058) G. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, Y.M. Jiang, C. Y. Du, G. H. Huang, J. M. Yao, M. Zeng, X. L. Zhang, and W. Tan, Seasonal dry deposition and canopyleaching of base cations in a subtropical evergreen mixed forest, China, Silva Fennica (Finnish Society of ForestScience),40(3), 417-428 (2006). (SCI IF = 1.190)
(1059) G. M. Zeng, X. D. Li, R.Jiang, J. B. Li, and G. H. Huang, Fault diagnosis of WWTP based on improvedsupport vector machine, EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher), 23(6), 1044-1054 (2006). (SCI IF = 1.111)
(1060) X. H. Xia, H. Yu, Z. F. Yang, and G. H. Huang, Biodegradation ofpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the natural waters of the Yellow River:Effects of high sediment content on biodegradation, Chemosphere (Elsevier),65(3), 457-466 (2006). (SCI IF = 3.253)
(1061) S. L. Nie, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, Tribologicalstudy on hydrostatic slipperbearing with annular orifice damper for water hydraulic axial piston motor, Tribology International (Elsevier), 39(11), 1342-1354 (2006). (SCI IF = 1.690)
(1062) Z. Z.Li, C. G. Niu, G. M. Zeng, Y.G. Liu, P. F. Gao, G. H. Huang, and Y. A. Mao, Anovel fluorescence ratiometric pH sensor based on covalently immobilizedpiperazinyl-1,8-napthalimide and benzothioxanthene, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (Elsevier), 114(1), 308-315 (2006).(SCI IF = 3.122)
(1063) Z. Y. Hu, C. W. Chan, and G. H. Huang, Model predictivecontrol for in situ bioremediation system, Advances inEngineering Software (Elsevier), 37(8), 514-521 (2006). (SCI IF = 1.188)
(1064) G. M. Zeng, H. Y. Yu, H.L. Huang, D. L. Huang, Y. N. Chen, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li, Laccase activities of a soil fungus Penicillium simplicissimum inrelation to lignin degradation, WorldJournal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (Springer Science), 22(4), 317-324 (2006). (SCI IF = 1.082)
(1065) Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, S. L. Nie, X. H. Nie, and I. Maqsood, Aninterval-parameter two-stage stochastic integer programming model forenvironmental systems planning under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Gordonand Breach Science Publishers), 38(4), 461-483 (2006). (SCI IF = 0.966)
(1066) Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, S. L. Nie, and Y. F.Huang, IFTSIP: Interval fuzzy two-stage stochastic mixed-integer linear programming:A case study forenvironmental management and planning, CivilEngineering and Environmental Systems(Gordonand Breach Science Publishers), 23(2), 73-99 (2006).(SCI IF = 0.500)
(1067) Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang*, and B. W. Baetz, Environmental management under uncertainty -An internal-parameter two-stage chance-constrained mixed integer linearprogramming method, EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann LiebertPublisher), 23(5), 761-779 (2006). (SCI IF =1.111)
(1068) M. Xu, G. M. Zeng, X. Y.Xu, G. H. Huang, R. Jiang, and W. Sun, Application of Bayesian regularized BPneural network model for trend analysis, acidity and chemical composition ofprecipitation in North Carolina, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Kluwer Academic), 172(1-4), 167-184 (2006).(SCI IF = 1.676)
(1069) G. Q. Chen, G. M. Zeng,X. Tu, C. G. Niu, G. H. Huang, and W. Jiang, Applicationof a by-product of Lentinus edodes to the bioremediation of chromate contaminated water, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier), 135(1-3), 249-255 (2006). (SCI IF = 4.144)
(1070) H. C. Guo, B. Chen, X. L. Yu, G. H. Huang, L. Liu, and X. H. Nie,Assessment of cleaner production options for alcohol industry of China: A studyin the Shouguang Alcohol Factory, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 14(1), 94-103 (2006). (SCI IF = 1.867)
(1071) S. Wu, J. Li, and G. H. Huang, Deriving vegetation structurein ecological applications from LiDAR imagery, Journal of EnvironmentalInformatics (International Society ofEnvironmental Information Sciences),8(2), 111-114.(SCI IF = 1.145)
(1072) J. B. Li, L. Liu, G. H. Huang, and G. M. Zeng, A fuzzy-setapproach for addressing uncertainties in risk assessment ofhydrocarbon-contaminated site, Water Air and SoilPollution (KluwerAcademic), 171(1-4), 5-18(2006). (SCI IF = 1.676)
(1073) L. He, C. W. Chan, G. H.Huang, and G. M. Zeng, A probabilistic reasoning-based decision support systemfor selection of remediation technologies for petroleum-contaminated sites, Expert Systems with Applications(Elsevier),30(4), 783-795 (2006).(SCI IF = 2.908)
(1074) G. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, Y. M. Jiang, G. H. Huang, J. B. Li, J. M.Yao, W. Tan, R. Xiang, and X. L. Zhang, Modelling and measurement oftwo-layer-canopy interception losses in a subtropical evergreen forest ofcentral-south China, Hydrology and EarthSystem Sciences (Elsevier), 10(1),65-77 (2006). (SCI IF = 2.462)
(1075) X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang*, Y. F. Huang, G. M. Zeng, A. Chakma, and J. B. Li, NRSRM: adecision support system and visualization software for the management ofpetroleum-contaminated sites, Energy Sources, Part A (Taylor& Francis), 28(3), 199-220 (2006). (SCI IF = 1.094)
(1076) I. Maqsood, G. H. Huang*, and J. S. Yeomans, An interval-parameterfuzzy two-stage stochastic program for water resourcesmanagement under uncertainty, European Journal ofOperational Research (Elsevier), 167(1), 208-225 (2005). (SCI IF = 2.093)
(1077) B. Luo, I. Maqsood, G. H. Huang*, Y. Y. Yin, and D. J. Han, An inexact fuzzy two-stage stochasticmodel for quantifying the efficiency of nonpoint source effluent trading underuncertainty, Science of the TotalEnvironment (Elsevier), 347(1-3),21-34 (2005). (SCI IF = 2.905)
(1078) X. Wang, Z. F. Yang, andG. H. Huang*, High-order compactdifference scheme for convection-diffusion problems on nonuniform grids, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (American Society of Civil Engineers), 131(12), 1221-1228 (2005). (SCI IF = 0.980)
(1079) Z. Y. Hu, C. W. Chan, and G. H. Huang,Simulation of the fate of contaminant in groundwater under uncertainty usingoptimized linear interpolation, Journal of EnvironmentalInformatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences),6(2), 93-102 (2005).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(1080) G. H. Huang, G. F. Chi,and Y. P. Li, Long-term planning of an integrated solid waste management systemunder uncertainty -- I. model development, EnvironmentalEngineering Science (Mary Ann LiebertPublisher), 22(6),823-834 (2005). (SCI IF = 1.111)
(1081) G. H. Huang, G. F. Chi,and Y. P. Li, Long-term planning of an integrated solidwaste management system under uncertainty -- II. A North American case study,Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher), 22(6), 835-853 (2005). (SCI IF = 1.111)
(1082) S. Wu, J. Li, and G. H. Huang, An evaluation of grid sizeuncertainty in empirical soil loss modeling with digital elevation models, Environmental Modeling and Assessment (KluwerAcademic Publishers), 10(1),33-42 (2005). (SCI IF = 1.279)
(1083) S. L. Nie, G. H. Huang, Y. Q. Zhu, Z. Y. Li, and Y. P. Li,SEWHAPM: Development of a water hydraulic axial piston motor for underwatertool systems, Journal of MechanicalEngineering Science, Part C (Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK),219(7),639-656 (2005). (SCI IF=0.416)
(1084) M. Xu, G. M. Zeng, X. Y.Xu, G. H. Huang, W. Sun, and X. Y. Jiang, Application of Bayesian regularizedBP neural network model for analysis of aquatic ecological data -- A case study ofchlorophyll-a prediction in theNanzui water area of Dongting Lake, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier), 17(6), 946-952 (2005). (SCI IF = 1.412)
(1085) Y. F. Huang, G. H. Huang*, Z. Y. Hu, I. Maqsood,and A. Chakma, Development of an expert system for tackling the public’s perception toclimate-change impacts on petroleum industry, Expert Systems withApplications (Elsevier),29(4), 817-829 (2005). (SCI IF = 2.908)
(1086) G. Q. Chen, G. M. Zeng,X. Tu, G. H. Huang, and Y. N. Chen, A novel biosorbent: characterization of thespent mushroom compost and its application for removal of heavy metals, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier),17(5), 756-760 (2005). (SCI IF = 1.412)
(1087) C. G. Niu, A. L. Guan,G. M. Zeng, Y. G. Liu, G. H. Huang, P. F. Gao, and X. Q. Gui, A ratiometricfluorescence halide sensor based on covalently immobilization of quinine andbenzothioxanthene, Analytica Chimica Acta(Elsevier), 547(2), 221-228(2005). (SCI IF = 3.757)
(1088) G. H. Huang, J. D. Linton, J. S. Yeomans, and R. Yoogalingam,Policy planning under uncertainty: efficient starting populations forsimulation-optimization methods applied to municipal solid waste management, Journal of Environmental Management(Elsevier), 77(1), 22-34 (2005).(SCI IF = 2.367)
(1089) Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang*, and B. Bass, An energy systems modelling approach for theplanning of power generation: A North American case study, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology(International Network of Centres for Computer Applications),22(2-3), 151-159 (2005).
(1090) J. Xia, G. S. Wang, G. Tan, A. Z. Ye, and G. H. Huang, Developmentof distributed time-variant gain model for nonlinear hydrological systems, Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences(Elsevier), 48(6),713-723(2005). (SCI IF = 0.935)
(1091) J. L. Zhu, G. M. Zeng,X. Zhao, G. H. Huang, and Y. M. Jiang, Self-organized critical behavior of aciddeposition, Water Air and Soil Pollution(Springer), 162(1-4), 295-313 (2005). (SCI IF= 1.676)
(1092) B. D. Xi, H. L. Liu, G.H. Huang, B. Y. Zhang, and X. S. Qin, Effect of bio-surfactant on municipalsolid waste composting process, Journalof Environmental Sciences (Elsevier), 17(3),409-413 (2005). (SCI IF = 1.412)
(1093) I. Maqsood, J. B. Li, G. H. Huang*, and Y. F. Huang,Simulation-based risk assessment of contaminatedsites under remediation scenarios, planning periods, and land-use patterns -- A Canadian case study, Stochastic Environmental Research and RiskAssessment (Springer-Verlag), 19(2),146-157 (2005). (SCI IF = 1.419)
(1094) I. Maqsood, G. H. Huang*, Y. F. Huang, and B.Chen, ITOM: An interval-parametertwo-stage optimization model for stochastic planning of water resourcessystems, Stochastic EnvironmentalResearch and Risk Assessment (Springer-Verlag), 19(2), 125-133 (2005). (SCI IF = 1.419)
(1095) B. Chen, H. C. Guo, G. H. Huang*, I. Maqsood, and N. Zhang, ASRWM: An arid/semiarid region watermanagement model, EngineeringOptimization (Gordon and BreachScience Publishers), 37(6), 609-631(2005). (SCI IF = 0.966)
(1096) J. Li, L. T. Xiao, G. M.Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu, Immunosensor for rapid detectionof gibberellin acid in the rice grain, Journalof Agricultural and Food Chemistry (American Chemical Society), 53(5), 1348-1353 (2005). (SCIIF = 2.562)
(1097) L. Tang, G. M. Zeng, Y.H. Yang, G. L. Shen, G. H. Huang, C. G. Niu, W. Sun, and J. B. Li, Detection of phenylhydrazine based on lectin-glycoenzymemultilayer-film modified biosensor, International Journal of Environmental & Analytical Chemistry(Taylor & Francis), 85(2),111-125 (2005). (SCI IF = 1.703)
(1098) B. Chen, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Li, B. Y. Zhang, and Y. F. Huang,Pesticide-loss simulation and health-risk assessment during flood season inwatershed systems, Water International (International Water Resources Association),30(1), 88-98 (2005). (SCIIF = 0.483)
(1099) I. Maqsood, M. R. Khan, G. H. Huang*, and R. Abdalla, Application of soft computing models to hourlyweather analysis in southern Saskatchewan, Canada, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier), 18(1), 115-125 (2005). (SCI IF = 1.444)
(1100) Y. F. Huang, Y. Zou, G. H. Huang, I. Maqsood, and A. Chakma, Floodvulnerability to climate change through hydrological modeling: A case study ofthe Swift Current Creek watershed in Western Canada, Water International (International Water Resources Association),30(1), 31-39 (2005). (SCIIF = 0.483)
(1101) Y. W. Wu, G. H. Huang*, A. Chakma, and G. M.Zeng, Separation of petroleum hydrocarbons from soil and groundwater throughenhanced bioremediation, Energy Sources (Taylor & Francis), 27(1-2), 221-232 (2005). (SCIIF = 0.543)
(1102) Z. Chen, L. Liu, G. H.Huang*, Y. F. Huang, and I.Maqsood, Modeling for the separation of light nonaqueous phase liquids fromcontaminated subsurface through vacuum-enhanced oil recovery, Energy Sources(Taylor& Francis), 27(1-2), 123-138 (2005). (SCIIF = 0.543)
(1103) X. Rong, D. T. Waite, and G. H.Huang*, An adsorption-separationprocess for collecting and analyzing atmospheric mercury deposits - Development of a Chelex 100resin column system, Energy Sources (Taylor & Francis), 27(1-2), 139-149 (2005). (SCI IF =0.543)
(1104) G. H. Huang, Living with flood: A sustainable approach forprevention, adaptation and control, Water International (International Water Resources Association),30(1), 2-4 (2005). (SCI IF= 0.483)
(1105) G. M. Zeng, G. Zhang, G. H. Huang, Y. M. Jiang, and H. L. Liu,Exchange of Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ and uptake of H+,NH4+ for subtropical forest canopies influenced by acidrain in Shaoshan forest located in Central South China, Plant Science (Elsevier), 168(1),259-266 (2005). (SCI IF = 2.050)
(1106) G. M. Zeng, H. Zhong, G.H. Huang, H. Y. Fu, Physicochemical and microbiological effects ofbiosurfactant on the remediation of HOC-contaminated soil, Progress in Natural Science, 15(7),577-585 (2005). (SCI IF = 0.704)
(1107) Z. F. Yang, L. L. Liu,Z. Y. Shen, and G. H. Huang, A macro-scale semi-distributed hydrological modeland application to the Datong River Valley, Journalof Hydrodynamics (Elsevier),17(6),667-676 (2005). (SCI IF = 1.174)
(1108) Z. Y. Wang, G. H. Huang,G. Q. Wang, and J. Gao, Modeling of vegetation-erosion dynamics in watershedsystems, Journal of Environmental Engineering (American Society of CivilEngineers), 130(7),792-800 (2004). (SCI IF =1.174)
(1109) B. Chen, Y. F. Li, G. H. Huang,Y. F. Huang, and Y. R. Li, PeLM: modelingof pesticide-losses through runoff and sediment transport, Journal of Environmental Science andHealth, Part B (Taylor & Francis), 39(4), 613-626 (2004). (SCI IF =1.097)
(1110) B. Luo, Y. Y. Yin, G. H. Huang, and Y. F. Huang, Uncertaintyanalysis for distribution of greenhouse gases concentration in atmosphere, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Societyof Environmental Information Sciences), 3(2), 89-94 (2004). (SCI IF = 1.145)
(1111) X. H. Xia, Z. F. Yang, G. H. Huang, and I. Maqsood, Integrated evaluation of water quality and quantity of theYellow River, Water International (Routledge), 29(4), 423-431(2004). (SCI IF = 0.483)
(1112) L. Liu, G. H. Huang, R.X. Hao, and S. Y. Cheng, An integrated subsurface modeling and risk assessmentapproach for managing the petroleum-contaminated sites, Journal ofEnvironmental Science and Health, Part A (Taylor & Francis), 39(11-12), 3083-3113 (2004). (SCI IF =1.363)
(1113) S. Wu, J. Li, G. H.Huang, and G. M. Zeng, Effect of digital elevation model resolution onempirical estimation of soil loss and sediment transport with GIS, InternationalJournal of Sediment Research (International Research and TrainingCentre on Erosion and Sedimentation / the World Association for Sedimentationand Erosion Research), 19(1), 28-36 (2004). (SCI IF= 0.908)
(1114) R. H. Warren, J. A.Johnson, and G. H. Huang,Application of rough sets to environmental engineering models, Transactions on Rough Sets (Springer Berlin / Heidelberg), 3100, 356-374 (2004).
(1115) I. Maqsood, G. H. Huang*, and G. M. Zeng, An inexact two-stage mixed integer linearprogramming model for waste management under uncertainty, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems(Taylor & Francis), 21(3), 187-206 (2004). (SCI IF = 0.500)
(1116) L. He, G. M. Zeng, G. H.Huang, and H. W. Lu, Interval finite volume method for uncertainty simulation of two-dimensional river water quality, Journal of Hydrodynamics (Elsevier),16(4), 455-463 (2004). (SCI IF = 1.174)
(1117) X. H. Xia, Z. F. Yang, G. H. Huang, X. Q. Zhang, H. Yu, and X.Rong, Nitrification in naturalwaters with high suspended-solid content -- A study for the Yellow River, Chemosphere (Elsevier),57(8), 1017-1029 (2004). (SCI IF = 3.253)
(1118) X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang,X. Y. Jiang, B. D. Xi, Z. W. Liang, and H. L. Liu, Fuzzy approach for dynamicsimulation of composting process under uncertainty, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (Elsevier), 14(1), 18-24 (2004). (SCI IF = 0.445)
(1119) G. M. Zeng, L. Tang, G.L. Shen, G. H. Huang, and C. G. Niu, Determination of trace chromium(VI)by an inhibition-based enzyme biosensor incorporating anelectropolymerized aniline membrane and ferrocene as electron transfer mediator, InternationalJournal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (Taylor & Francis), 84(10), 761-774 (2004). (SCI IF =1.703)
(1120) S. Y. Huan, C. X. Jiao,Q. Shen, J. H. Jiang, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu,Determination of heavy metal ions in mixed solution by imprinted SAMs, Electrochimica Acta(Elsevier), 49(25), 4273-4280 (2004). (SCIIF = 3.325)
(1121) X. Y. Hu, G. M. Zeng, G.X. Xie, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li, Law of boundary shear in open rectangularchannels with uniform roughness, Journalof Hydrodynamics (Elsevier), 16(3), 295-300 (2004). (SCI IF= 1.174)
(1122) B. D. Xi, G. H. Huang,X. S. Qin, and H. L. Liu, Two stageskinetics of municipal solid waste inoculation composting processes, Journalof Environmental Sciences (Elsevier),16(3), 520-524 (2004). (SCI IF = 1.412)
(1123) B.Chen,G. H. Huang, Y.F. Li, and Z.W. Li, Distributed nonpoint source simulation model - Case study for theThames River Basin of Canada, Transactionof Nonferrous Metal Society of China (Allerton Press), 14(S1), 25-30(2004). (SCI IF = 0.445)
(1124) L. He, G. H. Huang, Q.Li, R. F. Liao, J. H. Huang, and P. T. Paitoon, Stochastic optimizationprogramming for multi-reach river system using GA combined with stochasticsimulation, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China(Allerton Press), 14(S1), 31-36 (2004). (SCI IF = 0.445)
(1125) W. Sun, G. M. Zeng, W.Z. Wei, G. H. Huang, L. Tang, and J. B. Li, Conceptiondevelopment and relevant relationship establishment of the F/M ratio inactivated sludge wastewater treatment technology, Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae (China Science Publishing Group Co., Ltd.), 24(1),38-44 (2004).
(1126) Z. Y. Hu, B. Bass, C. W.Chan, and G. H. Huang, An innovative approach for visualization of subsurfacesoil properties, Canadian Journal of SoilScience (Canadian Society of Soil Science), 84(1), 63-70 (2004). (SCI IF = 1.023)
(1127) S. Y. Huan, H. Chu, C. X. Jiao, G. M.Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu,Selective electrochemical molecular recognition of benzenediol isomers usingmolecularly imprinted TiO2 film electrodes, Analytica Chimica Acta (Elsevier),506(1), 31-39 (2004). (SCI IF= 3.757)
(1128) I. Maqsood, G. H. Huang*, and Y. F. Huang, A groundwater monitoringdesign through site characterization, numerical simulation and statisticalanalysis - A North American casestudy, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society for Environmental Information Sciences),3(1), 1-23 (2004).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(1129) G. M. Zeng, Y. P. Lin,X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, J. B. Li, and R. Jiang, Optimum municipal wastewatertreatment plant design with consideration of uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier), 16(1), 126-131 (2004). (SCI IF = 1.412)
(1130) Q. Zhou, G. H. Huang,and C. W. Chan, Development of an intelligent decision support system for airpollution control at coal-fired power plants, Expert Systems withApplications (Elsevier), 26(3), 335-356 (2004). (SCI IF = 2.908)
(1131) W. H. Wang, Y. Sheng,and G. H. Huang, Land allocation based on integrated GIS-optimization modelingat a watershed level, Landscape and Urban Planning (Elsevier), 66(2), 61-74 (2004). (SCI IF = 2.170)
(1132) I.Maqsood and G. H. Huang*, A two-stageinterval-stochastic programming model for waste management under uncertainty, Journalof the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association), 53(5), 540-552 (2003). (SCIIF = 2.020)
(1133) Z. Chen and G. H. Huang,Integrated subsurface modeling and risk assessment of petroleum-contaminatedsites in western Canada, Journal of Environmental Engineering (AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers),129(9), 858-872 (2003). (SCI IF = 1.174)
(1134) H. C. Guo, L. Liu and G.H. Huang*, A stochastic waterquality forecasting system for the Yiluo River, Journal of EnvironmentalInformatics (International Society ofEnvironmental Information Sciences),1(2), 18-32 (2003). (SCI IF = 1.145)
(1135) J. S.Yeomans, G. H. Huang, and R. Yoogalingam, Combiningsimulation with evolutionary algorithms for optimal planning under uncertainty:an application to municipal solid waste management planning in the ReginonalMunicipality of Hamilton-Wentworth, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences),2(1), 11-30 (2003).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(1136) B. Luo, I. Maqsood, Y.Y. Yin, G. H. Huang*, and S. J. Cohen,Adaption to climate change through water trading under uncertainty - An inexacttwo-stage nonlinear programming approach, Journal of EnvironmentalInformatics (International Society ofEnvironmental Information Sciences), 2(2), 58-68 (2003).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(1137) Z. Chen, G. H. Huang, C.W. Chan, L. Q. Geng, and J. Xia, Development of an expert system for theremediation of petroleum-contaminated sites, EnvironmentalModeling and Assessment (SpringerNetherlands),8(4), 323-334 (2003).(SCI IF = 1.279)
(1138) B. Chen, Y. F. Li, G. H.Huang, J. Struger, B. Y. Zhang, and S. M. Wu, Modelling of atrazine loss insurface runoff from agricultural watershed, WaterQuality Research Journal of Canada (Canadian Association of Water Quality),38(4), 585-606 (2003). (SCI IF = 0.708)
(1139) G. M. Zeng, X. S. Qin,W. Wang, G. H. Huang, J. B. Li, and B. Statzner, Water environmental planning considering the influence of non-linear characteristics, Journal of EnvironmentalSciences (Elsevier), 15(6), 800-807 (2003). (SCI IF = 1.412)
(1140) J. Li, L. T. Xiao, G. M.Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu, A renewable amperometricimmunosensor for phytohormone β-indole acetic acid assay, Analytica Chimica Acta (Elsevier), 494(1-2), 177-185 (2003). (SCI IF = 3.757)
(1141) S. Cheng, C. W. Chan,and G. H. Huang, An integrated multi-criteria decision analysis and inexactmixed integer linear programming approach for solid wastemanagement, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier), 16(5-6), 543-554 (2003). (SCI IF = 1.444)
(1142) G. M. Zeng, X. K. Su, G.H. Huang, and G. X. Xie, A newmodel for the grid size optimization of the finite elementmethod - based onits application to the water quality modeling ofthe topographicallycomplicated rivers, Progress in NaturalScience (National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academyof Sciences), 13(12), 920-926(2003). (SCI IF = 0.704)
(1143) J. Li, L. T. Xiao, G. M.Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu, Amperometric immunosensor based onpolypyrrole / poly(m-pheylenediamine ) multilayer on glassy carbon electrodefor cytokinin N6-(D2-isopentenyl) adenosineassay, Analytical Biochemistry (Elsevier), 321(1), 89-95 (2003). (SCI IF = 3.287)
(1144) G. M. Zeng, X. S. Qin,L. He, G. H. Huang, H. L. Liu, and Y. P. Lin, A neural network predictivecontrol system for paper mill wastewater treatment,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier), 16(2),121-129 (2003). (SCI IF = 1.444)
(1145) Y. F.Huang, X. Chen, G. H. Huang*, B. Chen, G. M. Zeng,J. B. Li, and J. Xia, GIS-based distributed model for simulating runoff andsediment load in the Malian River Basin, Hydrobiologia(Springer Netherlands), 494(1-3),127-134 (2003). (SCI IF = 1.754)
(1146) J. Li, L. T. Xiao, X. M.Liu, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu, Amperometric biosensorwith HRP immobilized on a sandwiched nano-Au / polymerized m-phenylenediaminefilm and ferrocene mediator, Analyticaland Bioanalytical Chemistry (Springer Berlin / Heidelberg), 376(6), 902-907(2003). (SCI IF = 3.480)
(1147) Y. F. Li, Y. R. Li, G.H. Huang*, J. Struger, J. D.Fischer, X. Z. Wang, B. Chen, J. B. Li,and X. H. Nie, Development of a decision support system for managing pesticidelosses in agricultural watersheds, International Journal of SedimentResearch (International Research andTraining Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation / the World Association forSedimentation and Erosion Research),18(1), 60-73 (2003). (SCI IF =0.908)
(1148) G. H. Huang and N. B. Chang,The perspectives of environmental informatics and systems analysis, Journalof Environmental Informatics(International Society of EnvironmentalInformation Sciences),1(1), 1-7 (2003).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(1149) Z. Y. Hu, G. H. Huang,and C. W. Chan, A fuzzy process controller for in-situ groundwaterbioremediation, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier), 16(2), 131-147 (2003). (SCI IF = 1.444)
(1150) G.M. Zeng, S. F. Zhang, X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li,Application of numerical simulation on optimum design of two-dimensionalsedimentation tanks in wastewater treatment plant, Journal of EnvironmentalSciences (Elsevier),15(3),346-350 (2003). (SCI IF = 1.412)
(1151) Y. F. Huang, G. H. Huang*, M. Z. Dong, and G. M.Zeng, Development of an artificial neural network model for predicting minimummiscibility pressure in CO2 flooding, Journal of PetroleumScience and Engineering (Elsevier), 37(1-2), 83-95 (2003). (SCI IF =1.065)
(1152) L. Liu, G. H. Huang*, Y. Liu, G. A. Fuller,and G. M. Zeng, A fuzzy-stochasticrobust programming model for regional air quality management under uncertainty,Engineering Optimization (Taylor& Francis), 35(2), 177-199 (2003). (SCI IF = 0.966)
(1153) G. H. Huang,Environmental management for sustainable energy development, Energy Sources (Taylor & Francis), 25(6), 489-490(2003). (SCI IF = 0.543)
(1154) J. S.Yeomans and G. H. Huang,An evolutionary grey, hop, skip, and jump approach: generating alternativepolicies for the expansion of waste management, Journal of EnvironmentalInformatics (International Society ofEnvironmental Information Sciences), 1(1), 37-51 (2003).(SCI IF = 1.145)
(1155) Y. R. Li, Y. F. Li, J.Struger, B. Chen, and G. H. Huang, Pesticide runoff model (PERM): A case study for the Kintore Creek Watershed, Ontario, Canada, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B (Taylor &Francis.), 38(3),257-273 (2003). (SCI IF =1.097)
(1156) G. M. Zeng, X. Z. Yuan, C. T. Li, G. H. Huang, J. B. Li, Q. Shang, and Y. N. Chen, Research on municipal solid wastecomposting with coal ash, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (Elsevier), 13(2), 457-461(2003). (SCI IF = 0.445)
(1157) J. B. Li, G. H. Huang,A. Chakma, and G. M. Zeng, Numerical simulation of dual phase vacuum extractionto remove nonaqueous phase liquids in subsurface, Practice Periodical ofHazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management (American Society of CivilEngineers), 7(2),106-113 (2003).
(1158) J. B. Li, G. H. Huang*, A. Chakma, G. M. Zeng, and L. Liu, Integrated fuzzy-stochastic modeling ofpetroleum contamination in subsurface, Energy Sources (Taylor& Francis), 25(6), 547-564 (2003). (SCI IF = 0.543)
(1159) C. W. Chan and G. H.Huang, Artificial intelligence for the management and control of pollution minimization and mitigation processes, Engineering Applications of ArtificialIntelligence (Elsevier), 16(2), 75-90 (2003). (SCI IF =1.444)
(1160) I. Maqsood, J. B. Li andG. H. Huang*, Inexact multiphasemodeling system for the management of subsurface contamination underuncertainty, Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive WasteManagement (American Society of Civil Engineers), 7(2), 86-94 (2003).
(1161) Y. Li, B. Y. Zhang, G.H. Huang, D. Dong, and X. Hua, Relationship between Pb/Cd adsorption andmetal oxides on surface coatings at different depths in Lake Jingyuetan, Hydrobiologia-- The International Journal on Limnology and Marine Sciences (Springer Netherlands), 494(1-3), 31-35 (2003). (SCI IF = 1.754)
(1162) G. M. Zeng, Y. M. Jiang, X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li, Numerical modeling method on the movement of water flow andsuspended solids in two-dimensional sedimentation tanks in the wastewatertreatment plant, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier), 15(1), 31-37 (2003). (SCI IF = 1.412)
(1163) L. X. Chen, C. G. Niu,G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu, Carbazole as fluorescencecarrier for preparation of doxycycline sensor, Analytical Sciences: TheInternational Journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry(The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry), 19(2), 295-298 (2003). (SCI IF = 1.735)
(1164) Z. Y. Hu, C. W. Chan,and G. H. Huang, A fuzzy expert system for site characterization, ExpertSystems with Applications (Elsevier), 24(1), 123-131 (2003). (SCI IF = 2.908)
(1165) T. J. Hu, G. M. Zeng, G.H. Huang, X. Z. Yuan, and J. B. Li, Increasing silver leaching rate from leach-resistant zinc residues by thiourea leaching method withpressurized preoxidation process, Transactions of Nonferrous MetalsSociety of China (Elsevier), 13(1), 231-236 (2003). (SCI IF = 0.445)
(1166) Y. F. Huang, J. B. Li, G.H. Huang*, A. Chakma, and X. S.Qin, Integratedsimulation-optimization approach for real-time dynamic modeling and processcontrol of surfactant-enhanced remediation at petroleum-contaminated sites, PracticePeriodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management (AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers), 7(2), 95-105 (2003).
(1167) J. R. Ni, H. L Wei, andG. H. Huang, Environmental consequences of the Sanmenxia Hydropower Stationoperation in the lower Yellow River, China, Energy Sources (Taylor & Francis),25(6), 519-546 (2003). (SCI IF=0.543)
(1168) Y. R. Li, G. H. Huang,Y. F. Li, J. Struger, and J. D. Fischer, A pesticide runoff model forsimulating runoff losses of pesticides from agricultural lands, WaterScience and Technology (IWAPublishing), 47(1),33-40 (2003). (SCI IF = 1.240)
(1169) Z. Chen, G. H. Huang,and J. B. Li, A GIS-based modeling system for petroleum waste management, WaterScience and Technology (IWAPublishing), 47(1),309-317 (2003). (SCI IF = 1.240)
(1170) Z. Chen, G. H. Huang*, and A. Chakma, Hybridfuzzy-stochastic modeling approach for assessing environmental risks atcontaminated groundwater systems, Journalof Environmental Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), 129(1), 79-88 (2003). (SCI IF=1.174)
(1171) D. T. Waite, A. D.Snihura, Y. Liu, and G. H. Huang, Uptake of atmospheric mercury by deionizedwater and aqueous solutions of inorganic salts at acidic, neutral and alkalinepH, Chemosphere (Elsevier Science), 49(3), 341-351 (2002).(SCI IF = 3.253)
(1172) Y. F. Huang, B. W.Baetz, G. H. Huang*, and L. Liu, Violation analysis for solid wastemanagement systems: an interval fuzzy programming approach, Journal ofEnvironmental Management (Elsevier), 65(4), 431-446 (2002). (SCI IF = 2.367)
(1173) Z. Chen, G. H. Huang, A.Chakman, and J. Li, Application of a GIS-based modeling system for effectivemanagement of petroleum-contaminated sites, Environmental EngineeringScience (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher), 19(5), 291-304 (2002).(SCI IF = 1.111)
(1174) Y. Yin, Y. F. Huang, andG. H. Huang, An integrated approach for evaluating adaptation options to reduceclimate change vulnerability in coastal region of the Georgia Basin, GeographicInformation Science, 8(2), 86-96 (2002).
(1175) J. Li, Z. Y. Wu, L. T.Xiao, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu, A novel piezoelectricbiosensor for the detection of phytohormone beta-indole acetic acid, AnalyticalSciences: The International Journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry,18(4), 403-408 (2002). (SCI IF = 1.735)
(1176) S. Cheng, C. W. Chan,and G. H. Huang*, Using multiple criteria decision analysis forsupporting decisions of solid waste management, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A -Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering (Marcel Dekker,Inc.), 37(6),975-990 (2002). (SCI IF = 1.363)
(1177) B. D. Xi, H. L. Liu, G.M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, and Q. Z. Bai, Composting MSW and sewage sludge witheffective complex microorganisms, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier), 14(2), 264-268(2002). (SCI IF = 1.412)
(1178) S. Y. Cheng, Y. Q. Jin,L. Liu, G. H. Huang, R. X. Hao, and C. R. E. Jansson, Estimation of atmosphericmixing heights over large areas using data from airport meteorologicalstations, Journal of EnvironmentalScience and Health, Part A - Toxic/Hazardous Substances & EnvironmentalEngineering (Marcel Dekker, Inc.), 37(6), 991-1002(2002). (SCI IF = 1.363)
(1179) H.C.Guo, L. Liu, G. H. Huang*, R. Zou, and Y.Y. Yin, A system dynamics approach for regionalenvironmental planning and management: A study for the Lake Erhai Basin, Journalof Environmental Management (Elsevier),61(1), 93-111 (2001). (SCI IF=2.367)
(1180) X.Rong, D. Waite, G. H. Huang*, L.G. Tong, and B. Kybett,Materials selection for a dry atmospheric mercury deposits sampler, Chemosphere(Elsevier Science), 45(6-7), 1045-1051 (2001).(SCI IF = 3.253)
(1181) M.J.Chen and G. H. Huang*, A derivative algorithmfor inexact quadratic program -- application to environmental decision-makingunder uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier Science), 128(3), 570-586(2001). (SCI IF=2.093)
(1182) G. H. Huang and J. Xia,Barriers to sustainable water quality management, Journal of EnvironmentalManagement (Elsevier), 61(1),1-23 (2001). (SCI IF=2.367)
(1183) L.Liu, G. H. Huang, and G. A. Fuller, AGIS-supported remote sensing technology for petroleum exploration andexploitation, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology (Canadian Petroleum Society), 40(11), 9-12 (2001). (SCI IF =0.302)
(1184) G. H. Huang, N. Sae-Lim,L. Liu, and Z. Chen, An interval-parameter fuzzy-stochastic programmingapproach for municipal solid waste management and planning, EnvironmentalModeling and Assessment (Kluwer Academic Publishers),6(4), 271-283 (2001). (SCI IF=1.279)
(1185) G. H. Huang, N. Sae-Lim,Z. Chen, and L. Liu, Long-term planning of waste management system in the Cityof Regina -- an integrated inexact optimization approach, EnvironmentalModeling and Assessment (Kluwer Academic Publishers), 6(4), 285-296 (2001). (SCIIF=1.279)
(1186) S. Y.Cheng, G. H. Huang, A. Chakma, R. X. Hao, and L.Liu, Estimation of atmospheric mixing heights using data from airportmeteorological stations, Journal of EnvironmentalScience and Health, Part A - Toxic/Hazardous Substances & EnvironmentalEngineering (Marcel Dekker, Inc.), 36(4), 521-532 (2001). (SCI IF = 1.363)
(1187) Z. Chen, G. H. Huang,and A. Chakma, Simulation and assessment of subsurface contamination caused byspill and leakage of petroleum products - a multiphase multicomponent modelingapproach, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology (Canadian Petroleum Society), 40(9), 43-49 (2001). (SCI IF =0.302)
(1188) J. B. Li, G. H. Huang*, and G.M. Zeng, An integrateddecision support system for the management of petroleum-contaminated sites, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A- Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering (Marcel Dekker,Inc.), 36(7),1163-1186 (2001). (SCI IF = 1.363)
(1189) J. Xia, G. H. Huang, Z.Chen, and X. Rong, An integrated planning framework for managingflood-endangered regions in the Yangtze River Basin, Water International (International Water Resources Association), 26(2), 153-161 (2001). (SCI IF=0.483)
(1190) J. Xia, and G. H. Huang,Flood prevention and watershed management - an overview, Water International(International Water ResourcesAssociation), 26(2),151-152 (2001). (SCI IF=0.483)
(1191) L.Q.Geng, Z. Chen, C. W. Chan, and G. H. Huang, An intelligent decisionsupport system for management of petroleum-contaminated sites, ExpertSystems with Applications (ElsevierScience), 20(3), 251-260 (2001). (SCIIF=2.908)
(1192) J. Xia, Z. Chen, and G.H. Huang, An integrated hydro-ecological modeling approach applied to the LakeBositeng Basin in China, Water International (International Water Resources Association), 26(1), 105-118 (2001). (SCIIF=0.483)
(1193) R.Zou, W.S. Lung, H.C. Guo, and G. H. Huang,An independent variable controlled grey fuzzy linear programming approach forwaste plow allocation planning, Engineering Optimization (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers), 33(1), 87-111(2000). (SCI IF=0.966)
(1194) L. Liu, G. H. Huang*, G.A. Fuller, A. Chakma, andH. C. Guo,A dynamic optimization approach for nonrenewable energy resourcesmanagement under uncertainty, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (Elsevier Science), 26(1), 301-309 (2000). (SCI IF = 1.065)
(1195) G. M. Zeng, X.Z. Yuan, P.Y. Zhang, H.C. Guo, G. H. Huang, and L. Hemelaar,Environmental input-output model and its analysis with a focus on the solidwaste management sectors, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier), 12(2), 178-183(2000). (SCI IF = 1.412)
(1196) G. H. Huang, and D.P.Loucks, An inexact two-stage stochastic programming model for water resourcesmanagement under uncertainty, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers),17(2), 95-118 (2000). (SCI IF=0.500)
(1197) Y.Yin, S.J. Cohen, and G. H. Huang, Global climate change and regionalsustainable development: the case of Mackenzie Basin in Canada, IntegratedAssessment (Baltzer Science Publishers), 1(1), 21-36 (2000).
(1198) G. M. Zeng, Y.M. Jiang, H.C. Guo, and G. H. Huang, Two-dimensionalnumerical algorithm for water quality modeling in river systems withcomplicated topography, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier), 12(4), 469-473(2000). (SCI IF = 1.412)
(1199) Z. Chen, G. H. Huang*, and A. Chakma, Risk assessment of a petroleum-contaminated sitethrough a multi-phase and multi-component modeling approach, Journal ofPetroleum Science and Engineering (Elsevier Science),26(1), 273-282 (2000). (SCI IF = 1.065)
(1200) G. H. Huang, L. Liu, A.Chakma, S.M. Wu, X. H. Wang, and Y.Y. Yin, A hybrid GIS-supported watershedmodelling system: application to the Lake Erhai basin, China,HydrologicalSciences Journal (International Association ofHydrological Science), 44(4),597-610 (1999). (SCI IF = 1.418)
(1201) L.G.Tong and G. H. Huang*, Discussion of“Multiobjective zone TP reduction analyses for an off-stream reservoir” byJehng-Jung Kao and Cheng-Hsien Tsai, Journal of Water Resources Planning andManagement (American Society of Civil Engineers), 125(1), 67-69 (1999). (SCIIF=1.275)
(1202) G. H. Huang, Z. Chen, P.Tontiwachwuthikul, and A. Chakma, Environmental risk assessment for undergroundstorage tanks through an interval parameter fuzzy relation analysis approach, EnergySources (Taylor & Francis),21(1), 75-96 (1999). (SCI IF=0.543)
(1203) Y.Y.Yin, G. H. Huang, and K.W. Hipel, Fuzzy relation analysis for multicriteria waterresources management, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management(American Society of Civil Engineers), 125(1), 41-47 (1999). (SCIIF=1.275)
(1204) G. H. Huang, B.W. Baetz, and G.G. Patry, Trash flow allocation: planning underuncertainty, Interfaces: The International Journal of the American Institute for Operations Research and theManagement Sciences, 28(6), 36-55 (1998). (SCI IF =0.838)
(1205) Z. Chen, G. H. Huang,and A. Chakma, Integrated environmental risk assessment forpetroleum-contaminated sites - A North American case study, Water Scienceand Technology (International Association ofWater Quality), 38(4-5), 131-138 (1998). (SCI IF = 1.240)
(1206) G. H. Huang, S. J.Cohen, Y.Y. Yin, and B. Bass,Land resources adaptation planning under changing climate - a study for theMackenzie Basin, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier Science), 24(2), 95-119 (1998). (SCIIF=1.987)
(1207) G. H. Huang, A hybridinexact-stochastic water management model, European Journal of OperationalResearch (Elsevier Science), 107(1), 137-158 (1998). (SCIIF=2.093)
(1208) S.M.Wu, G. H. Huang, and H.C. Guo, An interactive inexact-fuzzy approach for multiobjectiveplanning of water resource systems, Water Science and Technology (International Association of Water Quality),36(5), 235-242 (1997). (SCI IF = 1.240)
(1209) G. H. Huang, B.W. Baetz, G.G. Patry, and V. Turluk, Capacity planning foran integrated waste management system under uncertainty: A North American casestudy, Waste Management and Research (Academic Press),15(5), 523-546 (1997). (SCI IF=1.308)
(1210) G. H. Huang, B.W. Baetz, and G.G. Patry, A response to “A comment on ’greyinteger programming: an application to waste management planning underuncertainty”’ by Larry Jenkins, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier Science), 100(3), 638-642(1997). (SCI IF=2.093)
(1211) G. H. Huang, H.C. Guo, and G. M. Zeng, A mixed integerlinear programming approach for municipal solid waste management, Journalof Environmental Sciences(Elsevier), 9(4), 431-445 (1997). (SCI IF =1.412)
(1212) G. H. Huang, B. W.Baetz, and G. G. Patry, Development of a grey critical path method forconstruction planning, Engineering Optimization (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers), 28(3), 157-174 (1997). (SCI IF=0.966)
(1213) B.Bass, G. H. Huang, and J. Russo, Incorporatingclimate change into risk assessment using grey mathematical programming, Journalof Environmental Management (Elsevier),49(1), 107-124 (1997). (SCI IF=2.367)
(1214) G.F.Chi, and G. H. Huang, Discussion: optimal regional scheduling ofsolid waste systems. I: model development, Journal of EnvironmentalEngineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), 123(11),1168-1170 (1997). (SCI IF=1.174)
(1215) J. Xia, G. H.Huang, and B. Bass, Combination ofdifferentiated prediction approach and interval analysis for the prediction ofweather variables under uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier),49(1),95-106 (1997). (SCI IF=2.367)
(1216) G. H. Huang, IPWM: aninterval parameter water quality management model, Engineering Optimization (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers),26(2), 79-103 (1996). (SCI IF=0.966)
(1217) G. H. Huang, S. Cohen,Y.Y. Yin, and B. Bass,Incorporation of inexact dynamic optimization with fuzzy relation analysis forintegrated climate change impact study, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier),48(1), 45-68 (1996). (SCIIF=2.367)
(1218) G. H. Huang, B.W. Baetz, and G.G. Patry, A grey hop, skip, and jump approach:Generating alternatives for expansion planning of waste management facilities, CanadianJournal of Civil Engineering (NationalResearch Council of Canada),23(6), 1207-1219 (1996). (SCI IF=0.402)
(1219) G. H. Huang, B. W.Baetz, and G.G. Patry, Greyquadratic-programming and its application to municipal solid-waste managementplanning under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers), 23(3), 201-223 (1995). (SCI IF=0.966)
(1220) G. H. Huang, B. W.Baetz, and G.G. Patry, Grey fuzzyinteger programming: an application to regional waste management planning underuncertainty, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (Pergamon Press; SSCI), 29(1), 17-38 (1995).
(1221) G. H. Huang, B.W. Baetz, and G.G. Patry, Grey integer programming: Anapplication to waste management planning under uncertainty, European Journalof Operational Research (Elsevier Science),83(3), 594-620 (1995). (SCI IF=2.093)
(1222) G. H. Huang, W.P. Anderson, and B. W. Baetz, Environmental input-outputanalysis and its application to regional waste management planning, Journalof Environmental Management (Elsevier),42(1), 63-79 (1994). (SCIIF=2.367)
(1223) G. H. Huang, B.W. Baetz, and G.G. Patry, Grey dynamic-programming forwaste-management planning under uncertainty, Journal of Urban Planning andDevelopment (American Society of Civil Engineers), 120(3), 132-156(1994). (SCI IF=0.571)
(1224) G. H. Huang, B.W. Baetz, and G.G. Patry, Gray fuzzy dynamic-programming -Application to municipal solid-waste management planning problems, CivilEngineering and Environmental Systems (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers),11(1), 43-73 (1994). (SCI IF = 0.500)
(1225) G. H. Huang, B. W.Baetz, and G. G. Patry, Waste flow allocation planning through a grey fuzzyquadratic programming approach, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems(Gordon and Breach Science Publishers),11(3), 209-243 (1994). (SCI IF = 0.500)
(1226) G. H. Huang, B. W.Baetz, and G. G. Patry, A gray fuzzy linear-programming approach for municipalsolid-waste management planning under uncertainty, Civil Engineering andEnvironmental Systems(Gordon and Breach SciencePublishers), 10(2), 123-146 (1993). (SCI IF =0.500)
(1227) G. H. Huang and R.D. Moore,Grey linear programming, its solving approach, and its application, InternationalJournal of Systems Sciences (Taylor& Francis), 24(1), 159-172(1993). (SCI IF=0.918)
(1228) G. H. Huang, A stepwisecluster analysis method for predicting air quality in an urban environment, AtmosphericEnvironment, Part B (Pergamon Press), 26(3),349-357 (1992). (SCI IF = 3.139)
(1229) G. H. Huang, B. W.Baetz, and G. G. Patry, A grey linear programming approach for municipal solidwaste management planning under uncertainty, Civil Engineering andEnvironmental Systems(Gordon and Breach SciencePublishers), 9(4), 319-335 (1992). (SCI IF =0.500)
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