姓名 | 劉會娟 |
所在單位 | 水質與水生態(tài)研究中心 |
職稱 | 教授 |
郵寄地址 | 清華大學偉清樓403,100084 |
辦公地址 | 清華大學偉清樓403 |
辦公電話 | 010-62849128 |
電子郵箱 | hjliu@tsinghua.edu.cn |
2000/03-2003/03 中國科學院研究生院 環(huán)境工程 博士
1995/09-1998/07 大連理工大學 環(huán)境科學 碩士
1991/09-1995/07 河北工業(yè)大學 化學工程 學士
2017/07-至今 清華大學環(huán)境學院 教授
1998/07-至今 中國科學院生態(tài)環(huán)境研究中心 研實員/助研/副研/研究員
2003/07-2003/09 日本崎玉工業(yè)大學 訪問學者
2006/06-2006/08 美國天普大學 高級訪問學者
2007/09 新加坡國立大學 高級訪問學者
2009/10-2009/11 瑞士聯邦水質科學技術研究所 高級訪問學者
2010/03-2011/02 美國懷俄明大學 高級訪問學者
1、 國家自然科學基金重點項目“廢水中重金屬及其有機絡合物的電轉化-電遷移協同調控原理”,2015-2019,主持
2、 國家杰出青年科學基金項目“環(huán)境工程”,2013-2016,主持
3、 國家自然科學基金面上項目“顆粒物表面鐵鋁共水解調控Al13生成與作用的機理”,2012-2015,主持
4、 國家科技部863計劃課題“飲用水中PPCPs類物質去除技術” ,2012-2014,主持
5、 國家自然科學基金面上項目“基于特征官能團修飾的硅氣凝膠吸附劑制備及凈水機制”,2010-2012,主持
6、 環(huán)保部公益性行業(yè)專項“黃姜皂素行業(yè)污染防治技術評估及最佳工藝確定研究”,2009-2012,主持
7、 中-瑞國際合作項目“兩類不同環(huán)境條件的河流水質及污染動力學”,2009-2012,主持
8、 國家自然科學基金面上項目“凝聚去除消毒副產物前質的形態(tài)匹配機制”,2008-2010,主持
9、 國家科技部863計劃課題“基于催化電化學還原的生物膜自養(yǎng)反硝化除硝酸鹽技術”,2006-2009,主持
10、 國家自然科學基金面上項目“類脂復合吸附劑及去除水中低劑量持久性有機物研究”,2006-2008,主持
11、 國家科技部863計劃前沿探索滾動課題“生物轉化-吸附去除有毒難降解廢氣的集成技術研究”,2005-2006,主持
12、 國家自然科學基金青年基金“A113的電化學形成機制與絮凝特性”,2002-2004,主持
13、 863計劃探索性課題“生物類脂-醋酸纖維素復合吸附劑制備及去除低濃度POPs的高效技術”,2002-2004,主持
1. 2016年 光華工程科技獎青年獎(個人)
2. 2016年 環(huán)境保護科學技術一等獎(排名第10)
3. 2012年 國家技術發(fā)明二等獎(排名第2)
4. 2006年 國家科技進步二等獎獎(排名第6)
5. 2004年 國家科技進步二等獎(排名第9)
1. Chang Yangyang, Bai Yaohui, Ji Qinghua, Huo Yang, Liu Huijuan, John C.Crittenden*, Qu Jiuhui*. Combined genotoxicity of chlorinated products from tyrosine and benzophenone-4. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 322: 387-393
2. Qi Zenglu, Tista Prasai Joshi, Liu Ruiping*, Liu Huijuan, Qu Jiuhui. Synthesis of Ce(III)-doped Fe3O4 magnetic particles for efficient removal of antimony from aqueous solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 329: 193-204
3. Hu Chengzhi, Sun Jingqiu, Wang Shuqing, Liu Ruiping*, Liu Huijuan, Qu Jiuhui. Enhanced efficiency in HA removal by electrocoagulation through optimizing flocs properties: Role of current density and pH. Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 175: 248-254
4. Tista Prasai Joshi, Zhang Gong, William A. Jefferson, Aleksandr V. Perfilev, Liu Ruiping*, Liu Huijuan, Qu Jiuhui. Adsorption of aromatic organoarsenic compounds by ferric and manganese binary oxide and description of the associated mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 309: 577-587
5. Chang Yangyang, Bai Yaohui, Ji Qinghua, Huo Yang, Liu Huijuan, John C. Crittenden*, Qu Jiuhui*. Combined genotoxicity of chlorinated products from tyrosine and benzophenone-4. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 322: 387-393
6. Tista Prasai Joshi, Zhang Gong, William A. Jefferson, Aleksandr V. Perfilev, Liu Ruiping*, Liu Huijuan, Qu Jiuhui. Adsorption of aromatic organoarsenic compounds by ferric and manganese binary oxide and description of the associated mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journa, 2017, 309: 577-587
7. Hu Chengzhi, Sun Jingqiu, Wang Shuqing, Liu Ruiping*, Liu Huijuan, Qu Jiuhui. Enhanced efficiency in HA removal by electrocoagulation through optimizing flocs properties: Role of current density and pH. Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 175: 248-254
8. Lan Huachun, Li Lili, An Xiaoqiang*, Liu Fei, Chen Cuibai, Liu Huijuan, Qu Jiuhui. Microstructure of carbon nitride affecting synergetic photocatalytic activity: Hydrogen bonds vs. structural defects. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 204: 49–57
9. Zhang Gong,Liu Huijuan*,Qu Jiuhui,Li Jinghong*. Two-dimensional layered MoS2: rational design, properties and electrochemical applications. Energy & Environmental Science, 2016, 9(4): 1190-1209
10. Hu Chengzhi, Wang Shuqing, Sun Jingqiu, Liu Huijuan*, Qu Jiuhui. An effective method for improving electrocoagulation process: optimization of Al13 polymer formation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects. 2016: 489234-240
11. Wang Sida,Lan Huachun,Liu Huijuan*, Qu Jiuhui. Fabrication of FeOOH hollow microboxes for purification of heavy metal-contaminated water. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18(14): 9437-9445
12. An Xiaoqiang, Li Tong, Wen Bo, Tang Junwang, Hu Ziyu, Liu Li-Min*, Qu Jiuhui, Huang C. P.,Liu Huijuan*. New Insights into Defect-Mediated Heterostructures for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting. Advanced Energy Materials, 2016, 6(8) (DOI:10.1002/aenm.201502268)
13. Ju Jiawei, Liu Ruiping*, He Zan, Liu Huijuan, Zhang Xiwang, Qu Jiuhui. Utilization of aluminum hydroxide waste generated in fluoride adsorption and coagulation processes for adsorptive removal of cadmium ion. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2016, 10(3): 467-476
14. He Zan,Lan Huachun*, Gong Wenxin, Liu Ruiping, Gao Yuping, Liu Huijuan, Qu Jiuhui. Coagulation behaviors of aluminum salts towards fluoride: Significance of aluminum speciation and transformation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 165: 137-144
15. Sun Meng,Liu Huijuan, Qu Jiuhui*, Li Jinghong* . Earth-Rich Transition Metal Phosphide for Energy Conversion and Storage. Advanced Energy Materials, 2016, 6(13) ( DOI:10.1002/aenm.201600087)
16. Xie Yiruiwen, Ma Baiwen, Zhang Xuehong*, Liu Huijuan, Qu Jiuhui. Modification of ultrafiltration membrane with iron/aluminum mixed hydrolyzed precipitate layer for humic acid fouling reduction. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2016, 57(54): 26022-26030
17. Lan Huachun, Mao Ran, Tong Yating, Liu Yanzhen, Liu Huijuan, An Xiaoqiang, Liu Ruiping*. Enhanced Electroreductive Removal of Bromate by a Supported Pd?In Bimetallic Catalyst: Kinetics and Mechanism Investigation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50(21): 11872-11878
18. Zhang Gong, Zhang Le, Liu Yang, Liu Limin, Huang Chin-Pao, Liu Huijuan*, Li Jinghong*. Substitution Boosts Charge Separation for High Solar-Driven Photocatalytic Performance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(40): 26783-26793
19. Yu Li, Liu Huijuan*, Liu Chunlei, Lan Huachun, Qu Jiuhui. Magnetically-Confined Fe-Mn Bimetallic Oxide Encapsulation as an Ef? cient and Recoverable Adsorbent for Arsenic(III) Removal. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2016, 33(6): 323-331
20. Hu Chengzhi, Wang Shuqing, Sun Jingqiu, Liu Huijuan*, Qu Jiuhui. An effective method for improving electrocoagulation process: Optimization of Al13 polymer formation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2016: 489234-240
21. Qi Zenglu, Lan Huachun,Tista Prasai Joshi, Liu Ruiping* , Liu Huijuan, Qu Jiuhui. Enhanced oxidative and adsorptive capability towards antimony by copper-doping into magnetite magnetic particles. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(71): 66990-67001
22. Lan Huachun, Liu Xiaobin, Liu Huijuan, Liu Ruiping, Hu Chengzhi*, Qu Jiuhui. Efficient Nitrate Reduction in a Fluidized Electrochemical Reactor Promoted by Pd–Sn/AC Particles.Catalysis Letters, 2016, 146(1): 91-99.
23. Zhang Gong, Wang Guichang, Liu Yang, Liu Huijuan*, Qu Jiuhui, Li Jinghong*. Highly Active and Stable Catalysts of Phytic Acid-Derivative Transition Metal Phosphides for Full Water Splitting. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 14686-14693
24. Mao Ran, Li Ning, Lan Huachun, Zhao Xu, Liu Huijuan, Qu Jiuhui*, Sun Meng. Dechlorination of Trichloroacetic Acid using a Noble Metal-Free Graphene–Cu Foam Electrode via Direct Cathodic Reduction and Atomic H. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50(7): 3829-3837
25. Liu Ruiping, Ju Jiawei,He Ziliang, Hu Chengzhi*, Liu Huijuan , Qu Jiuhui. Utilization of annealed aluminum hydroxide waste with incorporated fluoride for adsorptive removal of heavy metals. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2016, 504: 95-104
26. Qiao Meng,Qi Weixiao*, Liu Huijuan ,Bai Yaohui ,Qu Jiuhui. Formation of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during aerobic activated sludge treatment and their removal process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 302: 50-57
27. Qi Jing, Lan Huachun, Liu Ruiping, Miao Shiyu, Liu Huijuan*, Qu Jiuhui. Prechlorination of algae-laden water: The effects of transportation time on cell integrity, algal organic matter release, and chlorinated disinfection byproduct formation. Water Research, 2016, 102: 221-228
28. Li Tong, Jiang Yan, An Xiaoqiang, Liu Huijuan, Hu Chun, Qu Jiuhui*. Transformation of humic acid and halogenated byproduct formation in UV-chlorine processes. Water Research, 2016, 102: 421-427
29. Qi Jing,Lan Huachun, Miao Shiyu, Xu Qiang, Liu Ruiping,Liu Huijuan*,Qu Jiuhui KMnO4–Fe(II) pretreatment to enhance Microcystis aeruginosa removal by aluminum coagulation: Does it work after long distance transportation? Water Research, 2016, 88: 127-134
30. Lan Huachun, Li Jianfei, Sun Meng, An Xiaoqiang, Hu Chengzhi, Liu Ruiping, Liu Huijuan, Qu Jiuhui*. Efficient conversion of dimethylarsinate into arsenic and its simultaneous adsorption removal over FeCx/N-doped carbon fiber composite in an electro-Fenton process. Water Research, 2016, 100: 57-64
31. Lan Huachun, He Wenjing, Wang Aimin, Liu Ruiping*, Liu Huijuan,Qu Jiuhui, Huang C.P.*. An activated carbon fiber cathode for the degradation of glyphosate in aqueous solutions by the Electro-Fenton mode: Optimal operational conditions and the deposition of iron on cathode on electrode reusability. Water Research, 2016, 105: 575-582
32. Qi Jing, Lan Huachun*, Liu Huijuan, Liu Ruiping, Miao Shiyu, Qu Jiuhui. Simultaneous surface-adsorbed organic matter desorption and cell integrity maintenance by moderate prechlorination to enhance Microcystis aeruginosa removal in KMnO4-Fe(II) process. Water Research, 2016, 105: 551-558
33. Liu Huijuan*,Wang Dongsheng,Yuan Baoling. Sustainable water environment and water use: A perspective on water resource utilization. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2016, 50: 1-2
34. Hanyang Cheng, Dean Song, Yangyang Chang, Huijuan Liu* and Jiuhui Qu. Chlorination of tramadol: Reaction kinetics, mechanism and genotoxicity evaluation. Chemosphere, 2015, 141: 282-289
35. Hanyang Cheng, Dean Song, Huijuan Liu* and Jiuhui Qu. Permanganate oxidation of diclofenac: The pH-dependent reaction kinetics and a ring-opening mechanism. Chemosphere, 2015, 136: 297-304
36. Zan He, Ruiping Liu*, Huijuan Liu and Jiuhui Qu. Adsorption of Sb(III) and Sb(V) on Freshly Prepared Ferric Hydroxide (FeOxHy). Environmental Engineering Science, 2015, 32(2): 95-102
37. Zan He, Ruiping Liu, Jin Xu, Huijuan Liu and Jiuhui Qu. Defluoridation by Al-based coagulation and adsorption: Species transformation of aluminum and fluoride. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 148: 68-75
38. Chengzhi Hu, Qingxin Chen, Guixia Chen, Huijuan Liu* and Jiuhui Qu. Removal of Se(IV) and Se(VI) from drinking water by coagulation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 142: 65-70
39. Chengzhi Hu, Liyan You, Huijuan Liu* and Jiuhui Qu. Effective treatment of cadmium-cyanide complex by a reagent with combined function of oxidation and coagulation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 262: 96-100
40. William A. Jefferson, Chengzhi Hu, Huijuan Liu and Jiuhui Qu*. Reaction of aqueous Cu-Citrate with MnO2 birnessite: Characterization of Mn dissolution, oxidation products and surface interactions. Chemosphere, 2015, 119: 1-7
41. Qinghua Ji, Xiaoqiang An, Huijuan Liu*, Lin Guo and Jiuhui Qu. Electric Double-Layer Effects Induce Separation of Aqueous Metal Ions. ACS Nano, 2015, 9(11): 10922-10930
42. Qinghua Ji, Dawei Yu, Gong Zhang, Huachun Lan, Huijuan Liu* and Jiuhui Qu. Microfluidic Flow through Polyaniline Supported by Lamellar-Structured Graphene for Mass-Transfer-Enhanced Electrocatalytic Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium. Environmental Science & Technology. 2015, 49(22): 13534-13541
43. Jiawei Ju, Zan He, Ruiping Liu*, Huijuan Liu, Xiwang Zhang and Jiuhui Qu. Reusability of Al-F Hydroxide Precipitates Generated in Adsorption and Coagulation Treatment of Fluoride for Adsorptive Removal of Arsenic. Environmental Engineering Science, 2015, 32(7): 613-621
44. Ruiping Liu, Bao Liu, Lijun Zhu, Zan He, Jiawei Ju, Huachun Lan* and Huijuan Liu. Effects of fluoride on the removal of cadmium and phosphate by aluminum coagulation. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2015, 32: 118-125
45. Ruiping Liu, Feng Liu, Chengzhi Hu*, Zan He, Huijuan Liu and Jiuhui Qu. Simultaneous removal of Cd(II) and Sb(V) by Fe-Mn binary oxide: Positive effects of Cd(II) on Sb(V) adsorption. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 300: 847-854
46. Ruiping Liu, Wei Xu, Zan He, Huachun Lan*, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu and Tista Prasai. Adsorption of antimony(V) onto Mn(II)-enriched surfaces of manganese-oxide and Fe-Mn binary oxide. Chemosphere, 2015, 138: 616-624
47. Ruiping Liu, Lijun Zhu, Zan He, Huachun Lan*, Huijuan Liu and Jiuhui Qu. Simultaneous removal of arsenic and fluoride by freshly-prepared aluminum hydroxide. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 466: 147-153
48. Baiwen Ma, Chengzhi Hu*, Xiao Wang, Yiruiwen Xie, William A. Jefferson, Huijuan Liu Jiuhui Qu. Effect of aluminum speciation on ultrafiltration membrane fouling by low dose aluminum coagulation with bovine serum albumin (BSA). Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 492: 88-94
49. Baiwen Ma, Wenzheng Yu, William A. Jefferson, Huijuan Liu and Jiuhui Qu*. Modification of ultrafiltration membrane with nanoscale zerovalent iron layers for humic acid fouling reduction. Water Research, 2015, 71: 140-149
50. Ran Mao, Xu Zhao, Huachun Lan, Huijuan Liu and Jiuhui Qu. Graphene-modified Pd/C cathode and Pd/GAC particles for enhanced electrocatalytic removal of bromate in a continuous three-dimensional electrochemical reactor. Water Research, 2015, 77: 1-12
51. Weixiao Qi, Heinz Singer, Michael Berg*, Beat Mueller, Benoit Pernet-Coudrier, Huijuan Liu* and Jiuhui Qu. Elimination of polar micropollutants and anthropogenic markers by wastewater treatment in Beijing, China. Chemosphere, 2015, 119: 1054-1061
52. Meng Sun, Huijuan Liu, Yang Liu, Jiuhui Qu* and Jinghong Li*. Graphene-based transition metal oxide nanocomposites for the oxygen reduction reaction. Nanoscale, 2015, 7(4): 1250-1269
53. Meng Sun, Gong Zhang, Huijuan Liu, Yang Liu and Jinghong Li*. alpha- and gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticle/nitrogen doped carbon nanotube catalysts for high-performance oxygen reduction reaction. Science China. Materials, 2015, 58(9): 683-692
54. Meng Sun, Gong Zhang, Yang Liu, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu* and Jinghong Li*. Highly Efficient AuPd/Carbon Nanotube Nanocatalysts for the Electro-Fenton Process. Chemistry-a European Journal, 2015, 21(20): 7611-7620
55. Meng Sun, Gong Zhang, Yinghua Qin, Meijuan Cao, Yang Liu, Jinghong Li, Jiuhui Qu and Huijuan Liu. Redox Conversion of Chromium(VI) and Arsenic(III) with the Intermediates of Chromium(V) and Arsenic(IV) via AuPd/CNTs Electrocatalysis in Acid Aqueous Solution. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(15): 9289-9297
56. Gong Zhang, Ziyu Hu, Meng Sun, Yang Liu, Limin Liu, Huijuan Liu*, Chin-Pao Huang, Jiuhui Qu and Jinghong Li*. Formation of Bi2WO6 Bipyramids with Vacancy Pairs for Enhanced Solar-Driven Photoactivity. Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25(24): 3726-3734
57. Gong Zhang, Meng Sun, Yang Liu, Xiufeng Lang, Limin Liu, Huijuan Liu*, Jiuhui Qu and Jinghong Li*. Visible-Light Induced Photocatalytic Activity of Electrospun-TiO2 in Arsenic(III) Oxidation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(1): 511-518
58. Gong Zhang, Meng Sun, Yang Liu, Huijuan Liu*, Jiuhui Qu and Jinghong Li*. Ionic Liquid Assisted Electrospun Cellulose Acetate Fibers for Aqueous Removal of Triclosan. Langmuir, 2015, 31(5): 1820-1827
59. Lili Zhang, Chao Zhang, Chengzhi Hu*, Huijuan Liu, Yaohui Bai and Jiuhui Qu. Sulfur-based mixotrophic denitrification corresponding to different electron donors and microbial profiling in anoxic fluidized-bed membrane bioreactors. Water Research, 2015, 85: 422-431
60. Lili Zhang, Chao Zhang, Chengzhi Hu*, Huijuan Liu and Jiuhui Qu. Denitrification of groundwater using a sulfur-oxidizing autotrophic denitrifying anaerobic fluidized-bed MBR: performance and bacterial community structure. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2015, 99(6): 2815-2827
61. Ziyang Zhang, Huachun Lan, Huijuan Liu*, Haiyan Li and Jiuhui Qu. Iron-incorporated mesoporous silica for enhanced adsorption of tetracycline in aqueous solution. RSC Advances, 2015, 5(53): 42407-42413
62. Ziyang Zhang, Huachun Lan, Huijuan Liu* and Jiuhui Qu. Removal of tetracycline antibiotics from aqueous solution by amino-Fe (III) functionalized SBA15. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 471: 133-138
63. Ziyang Zhang, Huijuan Liu*, Liyuan Wu, Huachun Lan and Jiuhui Qu. Preparation of amino-Fe(III) functionalized mesoporous silica for synergistic adsorption of tetracycline and copper. Chemosphere, 2015, 138: 625-632