1962年8月出生于四川成都。1985年、1987年和1990年在清華大學分別獲得環(huán)境工程學士、碩士和博士學位。主要從事大氣污染與控制研究;應邀在丹麥技術(shù)大學(1993)、美國哈佛大學 (1996/1997/2001)和英國利茲大學(1998)等做高級訪問學者和訪問教授。近5年來主持和承擔國家攻關(guān)、自然科學基金、科技部專項及北京市政府專項等課題9項,發(fā)表的學術(shù)論文有近50篇被SCI收錄。1996年入選教育部“跨世紀優(yōu)秀人才培養(yǎng)計劃”,1998年入選人事部“百千萬人才工程”、獲“霍英東優(yōu)秀青年教師基金”,2006年獲“國家杰出青年科學基金”。獲得省部級科技獎勵5項。863計劃重大項目“重點城市群大氣復合污染綜合防治技術(shù)與集成示范”專家組副組長、國家自然科學基金委員會評審專家組成員、中國能源研究會理事、中國可持續(xù)發(fā)展研究會理事、中國環(huán)境科學學會高級會員、美國空氣與廢物管理學會(AWMA)會員以及美國汽車工程學會(SAE)會員等。- 詞條標簽:
姓 名: 賀克斌
職 稱: 雙聘教授
辦公電話: (86)10-62781889
電子郵件: hekb@tsinghua.edu.cn
1996.7至今 清華大學環(huán)境工程系 教授
1992.12- 1996.7 清華大學環(huán)境工程系 副教授
1990.8- 1992.11 清華大學環(huán)境工程系 講師
1. 國際清潔交通技術(shù)委員會(ICCT)委員
2. 美國空氣與廢物管理學會(AWMA)和美國汽車工程學會(SAE)會員
3. 城市環(huán)境與城市生態(tài)編委
4. 中國能源研究會理事
5. 中國可持續(xù)發(fā)展研究會理事
6. 國家863重大項目“重點城市群大氣復合污染綜合防治技術(shù)與集成示范”總體專家組副組長
7. 國家自然科學基金委化學部學科評審組成員
1. 國家“973”計劃項目二級課題(2005CB422201):我國酸沉降相關(guān)物質(zhì)的排放特征及強度研究,2005.11-2010.11
2. 國家“863”計劃課題(2006AA06A305):區(qū)域大氣污染源識別與動態(tài)源清單技術(shù)及應用,2006.11-2010.12
3. 國家“863”計劃課題(2006AA06A309)區(qū)域路網(wǎng)交通排放的診斷調(diào)控及大氣復合污染前體物源排.2006.12-2010.12
4. 國家杰出青年科學基金項目(20625722):大氣顆粒物碳質(zhì)組分與復合污染形成機制, 2007.1-2010.12
5. 國家自然科學基金重大國際合作項目(20921140409):能源-排放-環(huán)境復雜系統(tǒng)模擬與控制機制研究,2010.1-2012.12
6. 長江學者與創(chuàng)新團隊發(fā)展計劃:區(qū)域復合大氣污染與控制,2009.1-2011.12
7. 環(huán)保公益性行業(yè)科研專項:基于環(huán)境影響的中國NOx排放總量控制研究,2009.9-2012.9
1. 國家“八五”攻關(guān)子專題(85-912-03-01-03):致酸物質(zhì)適用控制技術(shù)的分析、篩選與評價,1991年1月至1995年12月。
2. 國家“八五”攻關(guān)子專題(85-912-03-02-06):柳州地區(qū)酸沉降管理系統(tǒng)研究,1991年1月至1995年12月。
3. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(59208074):干法脫硫工藝對燃煤飛灰電除塵特性影響的機理研究,1992年1月至1994年12月。
4. 教育部跨世紀優(yōu)秀人才培養(yǎng)計劃:酸沉降臨界負荷與控制區(qū)劃研究,1996年1月至1998年12月。
5. 國家“九五”攻關(guān)專題(96-910-03-03):典型城市汽車污染綜合控制示范研究,1996年1月至1999年12月。
6. 美國通用汽車公司資助項目:北京大氣PM2.5研究,1998年1月至2004年12月。
7. 國家環(huán)?偩峙c美國環(huán)保署合作計劃項目:局地大氣污染物和GHG減排的共同效益,2000年12月至2004年12月。
8. 國家“863”計劃課題(2001AA640105):大氣細粒子連續(xù)監(jiān)測技術(shù)與設(shè)備,2001年12月至2002年12月。
9. 國家“863”計劃課題(2003AA641030):大氣細粒子采樣技術(shù)與設(shè)備,2003年5月至2005年5月。
10. 國家自然科學基金項目(20322203):城市大氣PM2.5水溶性有機物分析方法及污染特征研究,2004年1月至2004年12月。
11. 國家自然科學基金項目(20477020):典型城市霧過程對大氣顆粒物物理化學特征的影響,2005年1月至2007年12月。
12. 國家自然科學基金項目(40675079):北京含碳細顆粒物來源的穩(wěn)定碳同位素識別, 2007.1-2009.12
1993 國家教委科技進步二等獎
1999 國家環(huán)?偩挚萍歼M步二等獎
2000 北京市科技進步二等獎
2001 教育部科技進步二等獎
2009國家自然科學獎二等獎 (第一完成人)
1. 《大氣污染控制工程實驗》(高等教育出版社,1991,參加編寫)
2. 《環(huán)境與貿(mào)易》(清華大學出版社,1998,第二譯者)
3. 《城市機動車排放污染控制》(中國環(huán)境科學出版社,2001,第三作者)
4. 《大氣污染控制工程》(高等教育出版社,2002,參加編寫)
1. He, K., Y. Lei, X. Pan, Y. Zhang, Q. Zhang, and D. Chen (2010), Co-benefits from energy policies in China, Energy, in press
2. Wang, L.T., C. Jang, Y. Zhang, K. Wang, Q. Zhang, D. Streets, J. Fu, Y. Lei, J. Schreifels, K. He, J. Hao, Y.-F. Lam, J. Lin, N. Meskhidze, S. Voorhees, D. Evarts, and S. Phillips (2010), Assessment of air quality benefits from national air pollution control policies in China. Part I: Background, emission scenarios and evaluation of meteorological predictions, Atmos. Environ., in press.
3. Wang, L.T., C. Jang, Y. Zhang, K. Wang, Q. Zhang, D. Streets, J. Fu, Y. Lei, J. Schreifels, K. He, J. Hao, Y.-F. Lam, J. Lin, N. Meskhidze, S. Voorhees, D. Evarts, and S. Phillips (2010), Assessment of air quality benefits from national air pollution control policies in China. Part II: Evaluation of air quality predictions and air quality benefits assessment, Atmos. Environ., in press.
4. Huo, H., Q. Zhang, M. Q. Wang, K. He, and D. G. Streets (2010), Environmental implication of electric vehicles in China, Envrion. Sci. Technol., 44, 4856–4861
5. Li, C., Q. Zhang, N. A. Krotkov, D. G. Streets, K. He, S.-C. Tsay, and J. F. Gleason (2010), Recent large reduction in sulfur dioxide emissions from Chinese power plants observed by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L08807, doi:10.1029/2010GL042594.
6. Shi, X., K. He, J. Zhang, Y. Ma, Y. Ge, and J. Tan (2010). A comparative study of particle size distribution from two oxygenated fuels and diesel fuel, Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China, 4, 30-34.
7. Yang, F., J. Brook, K. He, F. Duan, and Y. Ma (2010), Temporal variability in fine carbonaceous aerosol over two years in two megacities: Beijing and Toronto, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 27, 705-714.
8. Wang, S., M. Zhao, J. Xing, Y. Wu, Y. Zhou, Y. Lei, K. He, L. Fu, and J. Hao (2010), Quantifying the Air Pollutants Emission Reduction during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, Environ. Sci. Technol., 44, 2490-2496.
9. Zhao, Q., K. He, K. A. Rahn, Y. Ma, Y. Jia, F. Yang, F. Duan, Y. Lei, G. Chen, Y. Cheng, H. Liu, and S. Wang (2010), Dust storms come to Central and Southwestern China too: implications from a major dust event in Chongqing. Atmos. Chem. Phys, 10, 2615-2630.
10. Zhao, Q. K. He, K. A. Rahn, Y. Ma, F. Yang, and F. Duan (2010), Using Si depletion in aerosol to identify the sources of crustal dust in two Chinese megacities. Atmos. Environ., 44, 2615-2624.
11. Zhou, Y., Y. Wu, L. Yang, L. Fu, K. He, S. Wang, J. Hao, J. Chen, and C. Li (2010), The impact of transportation control measures on emission reductions during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, Atmos. Environ., 44, 285-293
12. Chen, D., Y. Wang, M. B. McElroy, K. He, R. M. Yantosca, and P. Le Sager (2009), Regional CO pollution and export in China simulated by the high-resolution nested-grid GEOS-Chem model, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 3825-3839.
13. Cheng, Y., K. He, F. Duan, M. Zheng, Y. Ma, and J. Tan (2009), Measurement of semivolatile carbonaceous aerosols and its implications: A review, Environ. Int., 35, 674-681.
14. Cheng, Y., K. He, F. Duan, M. Zheng, Y. Ma, and J. Tan (2009), Positive sampling artifact of carbonaceous aerosols and its influence on the thermal-optical split of OC/EC, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 7243-7256.
15. Duan, F., X. Liu, K. He, and S. Dong (2009), Measurements and characteristics of nitrogen-containing compounds in atmospheric particulate matter in Beijing, China, B. Environ. Contam. Tox., 82, 332-337.
16. Fu, J., D. G. Streets, C. Jang, J. Hao, K. He, L. Wang, and Q. Zhang (2009), Modeling regional/urban ozone and particulate matter in Beijing, China, J. Air. Waste. Manage., 59, 37-44.
17. Huo, H., Q. Zhang, K. He, Q. Wang, Z. Yao, and D. G. Streets (2009), High-resolution vehicular emission inventory using a link-based method: a case study of light-duty vehicles in Beijing, Environ. Sci. Technol., 43, 2394-2399.
18. Liu H, K He, J M Lents, Q Wang, and S Tolvett (2009).Characteristics of diesel truck emission in china based on portable emissions measurement systems, Environ Sci Technol, 43 (24): 9507-9511
19. Liu, Y., D. Chen, R. A. Kahn, and K. He (2009), Review of the applications of Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer to air quality research, Sci. China. Ser. D., 52, 132-144.
20. Okuda, T., T. Kuroda, T. Nara, K. Okamoto, Y. Okabayashi, D. Naoi, S. Tanaka, K. He, Y. Ma, Y. Jia, and Q. Zhao (2009), Development of automated column chromatography system and its application to the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in suspended particulate matter, Bunseki. Kagaku., 58, 287-292.
21. Shi, Z., K. He, Z. Xue, F. Yang, Y. Chen, Y. Ma, and J. Luo (2009), Properties of individual aerosol particles and their relation to air mass origins in a south China coastal city, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D09212, doi:10.1029/2008JD011221.
22. Tan, J., J. Duan, D. Chen, X. Wang, S. Guo, X. Bi, G. Sheng, K. He, and J. Fu (2009), Chemical characteristics of haze during summer and winter in Guangzhou, Atmos. Res., 94, 238-245.
23. Tan, J., J. Duan, K. He, Y. Ma, F. Duan, Y. Chen, and J. Fu (2009), Chemical characteristics of PM2.5 during a typical haze episode in Guangzhou, J. Environ. Sci-China, 21, 774-781.
24. Zhang, J., K. He, Y. Ge, and X. Shi (2009), Influence of fuel sulfur on the characterization of PM10 from a diesel engine, Fuel, 88, 504-510.
25. Zhang, J., K. He, X. Shi, and Y. Zhao (2009), Effect of SME biodiesel blends on PM2.5 emission from a heavy-duty engine, Atmos. Environ., 43, 2442-2448.
26. Zhang, Q., D. G. Streets, G. R. Carmichael, K. He, H. Huo, A. Kannari, Z. Klimont, I. Park, S. Reddy, J. S. Fu, D. Chen, L. Duan, Y. Lei, L. Wang, and Z. Yao (2009), Asian emissions in 2006 for the NASA INTEX-B mission. Atmos. Chem. Phys, 9, 5131-5153.
27. Zhang, Q., D. G. Streets, and K. He (2009), Satellite observations of recent power plant construction in Inner Mongolia, China, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L15809, doi:10.1029/2009GL038984.
28. Jia, Y., K. A. Rahn, K. He, T. Wen, and Y. Wang (2008), A novel technique for quantifying the regional component of urban aerosol solely from its sawtooth cycles, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D21309, doi:10.1029/2008JD010389.
29. Liu, H., K. He, D. He, L. Fu, Y. Zhou, M. P. Walsh, and K. O. Blumberg (2008), Analysis of the impacts of fuel sulfur on vehicle emissions in China, Fuel, 87, 3147-3154.
30. Okuda, T., M. Katsuno, D. Naoi, S. Nakao, S. Tanaka, K. He, Y. Ma, Y. Lei, and Y. Jia (2008), Trends in hazardous trace metal concentrations in aerosols collected in Beijing China from 2001 to 2006, Chemosphere, 72, 917-924.
31. Wang, L., J. Hao, K. He, S. Wang, J. Li, Q. Zhang, D. G. Streets, J. S. Fu, C. J. Jang, H. Takekawa and S. Chatani (2008), A modeling study of coarse particulate matter pollution in Beijing: Regional source contributions and control implications for the 2008 summer Olympics, J. Air. Waste. Manage., 58, 1057-1069.
32. Wang, Q., H. Huo, K. He, Z. Yao, and Q. Zhang (2008), Characterization of vehicle driving patterns and development of driving cycles in Chinese cities, Transport. Res. D, 13, 289-297.
33. Duan, F., X. Liu, K. He, Y. Li, and S. Dong (2007), Characteristics and source identification of particulate matter in wintertime in Beijing, Water Air Soil Poll., 180, 171-183.
34. Liu, H., K. He, Q. Wang, H. Huo, J. Lents, N. Davis, N. Nikkila, C. Chen, M. Osses, and C. He (2007), Comparison of vehicle activity between Beijing and Shanghai, J. Air Waste Manag.e, 57, 1172-1177.
35. Pan, X., W. Yue, K. He, and S. Tong (2007), Health benefit evaluation of the energy use scenarios in Beijing, China, Sci. Total Environ., 374, 242-251.
36. Shi, Z., K. He, X. Yu, Z. Yao, F. Yang, Y. Ma, R. Ma, Y. Jia, and J. Zhang (2007), Diurnal variation of number concentration and size distribution of ultrafine particles in the urban atmosphere of Beijing in winter, J. Environ. Sci-China, 19, 933-938.
37. Streets, D. G., J. S. Fu, C. J. Jang, J. Hao, K. He, X. Tang, Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, Z. Li, Q. Zhang, L. Wang, B. Wang, and C. Yu (2007), Air quality during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Atmos. Environ., 41, 480-492.
38. Yao, Z., Q. Wang, K. He, H. Huo, Y. Ma, and Q. Zhang (2007), Characteristics of real-world vehicular emissions in Chinese cities, J. Air Waste Manage., 57, 1379-1386.
39. Zhang, Q., D. G. Streets, K. He, and Z. Klimont (2007), Major components of China's anthropogenic primary particulate emissions, Environ. Res. Lett., 2, 045027.
40. Zhang, Q., D. G. Streets, K. He, Y. Wang, Richter, Andreas, J. P. Burrows, I. Uno, C. J. Jang, D. Chen, Z. Yao, and Y. Lei (2007), NOx emission trends for China 1995-2004: The view from the ground and the view from space, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D22306, doi: 10.1029/2007JD008684
41. Duan, F., K. He, Y. Ma, F. Yang, X. Yu, S. H. Cadle, T. Chan, and P. A. Mulawa (2006), Concentration and chemical characteristics of PM2.5 in Beijing China: 2001-2002, Sci. Total Environ., 355, 264-275.
42. Okuda, T., D. Naoi, M. Tenmoku, S. Tanaka, K. He, Y. Ma, F. Yang, Y. Lei, Y. Tao, and D. Zhang (2006), Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the aerosol in Beijing China measured by aminopropylsilane chemically-bonded stationary-phase column chromatography and HPLC/fluorescence detection, Chemosphere, 65, 427-435.
43. Streets, D. G., Q. Zhang, L. Wang, K. He, J. Hao, Y. Wu, Y. Wang, and G. R. Carmichael (2006), Revisiting China's CO emissions after the Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (TRACE-P) mission: Synthesis of inventories atmospheric modeling and observations, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D14306, doi:10.1029/2006JD007118.
44. Duan, F., K. He, Y. Ma, Y. Jia, F. Yang, Y. Lei, S. Tanaka, and T. Okuta (2005), Characteristics of carbonaceous aerosols in Beijing China, Chemosphere, 60, 355-364.
45. He, K., H. Huo, Q. Zhang, D. He, F. An, M. Wang, and M. P. Walsh (2005), Oil consumption and CO2 emissions in China's road transport: current status future trends and policy implications, Energy Policy, 33, 1499-1507.
46. Wang, Q., K. He, H. Huo, and J. Lents (2005), Real-world vehicle emission factors in Chinese metropolis city – Beijing, J Environ Sci-China, 17, 319-326.
47. Yang, F., B. Ye, K. He, Y. Ma, S. H. Cadle, T. Chan, and P. A. Mulawa (2005), Characterization of atmospheric mineral components of PM2.5 in Beijing and Shanghai China, Sci. Total Environ., 343, 221-230.
48. Yang, F., K. He, Y. Ma, Q. Zhang, S. H. Cadle, T. Chan, and P. A. Mulawa (2005), Characterization of carbonaceous species of ambient PM2.5 in Beijing China, J. Air Waste Manage., 55, 984-992.
49. Yang, F., K. He, B. Ye, X. Chen, L. Cha, S. H. Cadle, T. Chan, and P. A. Mulawa (2005), One-year record of organic and elemental carbon in fine particles in downtown Beijing and Shanghai, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5, 1449-1457.
50. He, K., F. Duan, Y. Ma, F. Yang, Q. Zhang, X. Yu, S. Cadle, and T. Chan (2004), Concentration level of fine airborne lead in Beijing, People's Republic of China, B. Environ. Contam. Tox., 72, 233-239.
51. Okuda, T., J. Kato, J. Mori, M. Tenmoku, Y. Suda, S. Tanaka, K. He, Y. Ma, F. Yang, X. Yu, F. Duan, and Y. Lei (2004), Daily concentrations of trace metals in aerosols in Beijing China determined by using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry equipped with laser ablation analysis and source identification of aerosols, Sci. Total Environ., 330, 145-158.
52. Yu, X., K. He, Y. Ma, F. Yang, F. Duan, A. Zheng, and C. Zhao (2004), Application of ion chromatography to the determination of water-soluble inorganic and organic ions in atmospheric aerosols, J. Environ. Sci-China, 16, 813-815.
53. Duan, F., X. Liu, K. He, Y. Yu, and L. Wang (2003), Atmospheric aerosol concentration level and chemical characteristics of water-soluble ionic species in wintertime in Beijing, China, J. Environ. Monitor., 5, 569-573.
54. He, K., H. Huo, and Q. Zhang (2002), Urban air pollution in China: Current status, characteristics, and progress, Annu. Rev. Energy Env., 27, 397-431.
55. Yao, X., C. Chan, M. Fang, S. Cadle, T. Chan, P. Mulawa, K. He, and B. Ye (2002), The water-soluble ionic composition of PM2.5 in Shanghai and Beijing, China, Atmos. Environ., 36, 4223-4234.
56. Fu, L. J. Hao, D. He, K. He, and P. Li (2001), Assessment of vehicular pollution in China, J. Air Waste Manage., 51, 658-668.
57. Hao, J., S. Wang, B. Liu, and K. He (2001), Plotting of acid rain and sulfur dioxide pollution control zones and integrated control planning in China, Water Air Soil Poll., 130, 259-264.
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60. He, K., F. Yang, Y. Ma, Q. Zhang, X. Yao, C. Chan, S. Cadle, T. Chan, and P. Mulawa (2001), The characteristics of PM2.5 in Beijing, China, Atmos. Environ., 35, 4959-4970.
61. Chen, A., J. Hao, Z. Zhou, and K. He (2000), Particulate concentration measured from scattered light fluctuations, Opt. Lett., 25, 689-691, doi:10.1364/OL.25.00689.
62. Hao, J., D. He, Y. Wu, L. Fu, and K. He (2000), A study of the emission and concentration distribution of vehicular pollutants in the urban area of Beijing, Atmos. Environ., 34, 453-465.
63. Hao, J., K. He, and H. Chao (1990), Calculation of electric-field strength distributions for new electrostatic precipitator discharge electrode designs, J. Air Waste Manage., 40, 1510-1513.
64. Hao, J., S. Wang, B. Liu, and K. He (2000), Designation of acid rain and SO2 control zones and control policies in China, J. Environ. Sci. Heal. A, 35, 1901-1914.
2013年07月22日 來源:貴陽新聞網(wǎng)