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HAO Xiao di,CHEN Qiao,LI Ji,et al.Status and Trend of MBR Process Application in the World[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(20):7-12.
- Title:
- Status and Trend of MBR Process Application in the World
- 文章編號:
- 1000-4602(2018)20-0007-06
- 關鍵詞:
- 膜生物反應器(MBR); 傳統(tǒng)活性污泥工藝(CAS); 膜污染; 地下式MBR
- Keywords:
- membrane bioreactors (MBR); conventional activated sludge (CAS); membrane fouling; underground MBR
- 分類號:
- TU992.3
- 文獻標志碼:
- B
- 摘要:
- 膜生物反應器(MBR)曾被認為是一項成熟并代表未來的污水處理技術,在21世紀初的十年中獲得空前應用,并一度有取代傳統(tǒng)活性污泥工藝(CAS)之趨勢。然而,MBR工程應用數(shù)量近年在全球市場驟降,與其在中國市場不斷升溫的“熱像”形成鮮明對比。究其原因,高能耗和膜污染等詬病使其在技術、經(jīng)濟與管理等方面綜合比較遠不如CAS,有?沙掷m(xù)發(fā)展的全球理念;贛BR發(fā)展歷程,分析衰落原因,展望未來應用。MBR工程應用在全球范圍內已理性回歸,對過熱的中國市場應是一種啟示,特別是對中國目前興起的地下式MBR。
- Abstract:
- Membrane bioreactors (MBR) were once recognized a mature and future wastewater treatment technology, which were extensively applied in the first decade of the century, and had a tendency to replace the conventional activated sludge process (CAS). However, MBR did not become the hot favorite technology as expected ten years ago; their engineering applications were in sharp contrast to the rising “overheated” phenomena in China. The reason for the decline is attributed to the drawbacks on energy consumption and membrane fouling, which makes MBR inferior to CAS in sustainability evaluated comprehensively by technology, economy and management. Based on the developed process of MBR, the reason of the decline is analyzed, and the further application of MBR is prospected. The rational return of MBR applications should be an inspiration to the MBR market in China, especially to underground MBR that are emerging at present in China.
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作者簡介:郝曉地(1960-),男,山西柳林人,教授,從事市政與環(huán)境工程專業(yè)教學與科研工作,主要研究方向為污水生物脫氮除磷技術、污水處理數(shù)學模擬技術、可持續(xù)環(huán)境生物技術,現(xiàn)為國際水協(xié)期刊《Water Research》區(qū)域主編(Editor)。
E-mail:haoxiaodi@bucea.edu.cn 收稿日期:2018-05-08